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jQuery two way bindings(双向数据绑定插件)

jQuery two way bindings

这是一个简单的jQuery双向绑定库。 此插件将HTML元素和模型连接起来。 对web开发是一个小型的威力巨大的加农炮。

Simple jQuery two way bindings. This plugin joins HTML elements with a model and in reverse. This plugin is a little big cannon for the web development.

jQuery two way bindings






在常规控件 INPUTS 类 SELECTS类 和 Textareas 控件使用双向绑定生效; 这些控件值被修改, 则模型(js对象的值被更新)。

How does it works?

  • plugin connects a JavaScript object with HTML elements according to data-model attribute
  • data-model must contain object property name
  • in INPUTS, SELECTS and TEXTAREAS plugin uses two way bindings
  • model is updated when is changed value in a INPUT/SELECT/TEXTAREA or manually



HTML attributes:

<div id="container" data-name="my-model-1">
	<div><input type="text" data-model="property" /></div>
	<div data-model="property"></div>
	<div data-model=""></div>
	<div data-model="created" data-format="your-custom-format"></div>
	<div data-model="tags" data-custom="your-custom-identificator"></div>
	<div data-model="html" data-encode="false"></div>
  • data-name="{String}" is a container name
  • data-encode="{Boolean}" enable HTML encoding/decoding string (default: true)
  • data-format="{String}" calls $.bindings.format() delegate
  • data-custom="{String}" calls $.bindings.custom() delegate

$.bindings('create')(model, [template]);

Create bindings.

$('#form').bindings('create')({ firstname: 'Peter', lastname: 'Širka' });

// or (XHR)

$('#form').bindings('create')({ firstname: 'Peter', lastname: 'Širka' }, '/my-form.html');

// or (HTML)

$('#form').bindings('create')({ firstname: 'Peter', lastname: 'Širka' }, '<input type="text" data-model="firstname" /><span>your firstname: <b data-model="first-name"></b></span>');

// or (SELECTOR)

$('#form').bindings('create')({ firstname: 'Peter', lastname: 'Širka' }, '#template-selector');


posted @ 2017-09-27 23:24  lightsong  阅读(1370)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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