Openstack deployment
Openstack deployment
- 部署工具
- RDO:REDHAT出品,支持Redhat、CentOS等系统。RDO基于puppet部署各个组件,支持单节点或多节点部署,在Redhat系操作系统上使用非常方便。
- devstack:这个应该是最老的Fuel简介了,可以用来快速部署一个Openstack测试环境,基于git最新代码部署服务,并将所有服务都起在screen中,不适合生产环境直接使用
- Fuel:Mirantis出品,支持在Ubuntu和CentOS上通过web界面配置并部署Openstack,应该是目前最为直观的Fuel简介。支持自动发现部署节点,并部署OpenstackHA,对于Openstack作健康检测等。
Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes (MOSK) combines the power of Mirantis Container Cloud for delivering and managing Kubernetes clusters, with the industry standard OpenStack APIs, enabling you to build your own cloud infrastructure.
The advantages of running all of the OpenStack components as a Kubernetes application are multi-fold and include the following:
Zero downtime, non-disruptive updates
Fully automated Day-2 operations
Full-stack management from bare metal through the operating system and all the necessary components
A Community for Using OpenStack with Red Hat: RDO
The easiest way for enterprises and other organizations to think about OpenStack is that it lets them build an internal cloud provider offering Infrastructure-as-a-Service resources (compute, storage, etc.) to their own employees while maintaining control. This type of infrastructure is typically going to be best suited for “cloud-style” workloads—which is to say workloads whose instances tend to be stateless, relatively short-lived, loosely coupled with other instances, and horizontally scaled. These workloads will generally coexist with more traditional enterprise workloads such as those that run on Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization or even physical servers.
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