Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish!

FastAPI CRUD Router

FastAPI CRUD Router


对于简单的业务来说,对于表仅仅需要 CRUD 接口,不需要其他额外的数据逻辑,

对于这种情况,我们希望能够快速提供对指定表格的 CRUD 能力。





Tired of rewriting generic CRUD routes? Need to rapidly prototype a feature for a presentation or a hackathon? Thankfully, fastapi-crudrouter has your back. As an extension to the APIRouter included with FastAPI, the FastAPI CRUDRouter will automatically generate and document your CRUD routes for you, all you have to do is pass your model and maybe your database connection.

FastAPI-CRUDRouter is lighting fast, well tested, and production ready.


Basic Code


只需要提供Pydantic schema生成一个CRUD router即可。


Below is a simple example of what the CRUDRouter can do. In just ten lines of code, you can generate all the crud routes you need for any model. A full list of the routes generated can be found here.

from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_crudrouter import MemoryCRUDRouter as CRUDRouter

class Potato(BaseModel):
    id: int
    color: str
    mass: float

app = FastAPI()




Default Routes

By default, the CRUDRouter will generate the six routes below for you.

/ GET Get all the resources
/ POST Create a new resource
/ DELETE Delete all the resources
/{item_id} GET Get an existing resource matching the given item_id
/{item_id} PUT Update an existing resource matching the given item_id
/{item_id} DELETE Delete an existing resource matching the given item_id




Disabling Routes

Routes can be disabled from generating with a key word argument (kwarg) when creating your CRUDRouter. The valid kwargs are shown below.

get_all_route True Setting this to false will prevent the get all route from generating
get_one_route True Setting this to false will prevent the get one route from generating
delete_all_route True Setting this to false will prevent the delete all route from generating
delete_one_route True Setting this to false will prevent the delete one route from generating
create_route True Setting this to false will prevent the create route from generating
update_route True Setting this to false will prevent the update route from generating


router = MemoryCRUDRouter(schema=MyModel, delete_all_route=False)



如果有的接口不满足要求,例如需要在创建条目后, 触发后台业务,



Below is an example where we are overriding the routes /potato/{item_id} and /potato while using the MemoryCRUDRouter.


from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_crudrouter import MemoryCRUDRouter as CRUDRouter

class Potato(BaseModel):
    id: int
    color: str
    mass: float

app = FastAPI()
router = CRUDRouter(schema=Potato)

def overloaded_get_all():
    return 'My overloaded route that returns all the items'

def overloaded_get_one():
    return 'My overloaded route that returns one item'






All the CRUDRouters included with fastapi_crudrouter support FastAPI dependency injection.


from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, HTTPException
from import OAuth2PasswordBearer
from fastapi_crudrouter import MemoryCRUDRouter

app = FastAPI()
oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="auth/token")

def token_auth(token: str=Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    if not token:
        raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token")

router = MemoryCRUDRouter(schema=MySchema, dependencies=[Depends(token_auth)])


Custom Dependencies Per Route


    # ...
    get_all_route=[Depends(get_all_route_dep), ...],
    get_one_route=[Depends(get_one_route_dep), ...],
    create_route=[Depends(create_route_dep), ...],
    update_route=[Depends(update_route_dep), ...],
    delete_one_route=[Depends(user), ...],
    delete_all_route=[Depends(user), ...],


posted @ 2022-11-02 22:28  lightsong  阅读(306)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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