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The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more. Now with Bootstrap 4 support.

Bootstrap-select requires jQuery v1.9.1+, Bootstrap’s dropdown.js component, and Bootstrap's CSS. If you're not already using Bootstrap in your project, a precompiled version of the Bootstrap v3.4.1 minimum requirements can be downloaded here. If using bootstrap-select with Bootstrap v4+, you'll also need Popper.js. For all of Bootstrap v4's requirements, see Getting started. A precompiled version of the requirements will be made available in an upcoming release of bootstrap-select.


Via selectpicker class

Add the selectpicker class to your select elements to auto-initialize bootstrap-select.

<select class="selectpicker">


Via JavaScript

// To style only selects with the my-select class


// To style all selects

If calling bootstrap-select via JavaScript, you will need to wrap your code in a .ready() block or place it at the bottom of the page (after the last instance of bootstrap-select).

$(function () {

Check out the documentation for further information.




posted @ 2019-11-24 21:04  lightsong  阅读(606)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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