dead reckoning variation


A target is a structure of information that describes the state, and change of state, of an object that exists in a remote person's instance of a game.

When you fire your laser, you send a packet of data to the server saying that

  1. You shot the laser,
  2. It was shot at some position in space (ox,oy) and
  3. that it's moving straight up.


for each frame {

  target.x_velocity = target.x_velocity + target.x_acceleration;

  target.y_velocity = target.y_velocity + target.y_acceleration;

  target.z_velocity = target.z_velocity + target.z_acceleration;


  target.x_position = target.x_position + target.x_velocity;

  target.y_position = target.y_position + target.y_velocity;

  target.z_position = target.z_position + target.z_velocity;





  laser.x = (laser.x + target.x_position) / 2;

  laser.y = (laser.y + target.y_position) / 2;

  laser.z = (laser.z + target.z_position) / 2;




  laser.x = (laser.x * 99 + target.x_position) / 100;

  laser.y = (laser.y * 99 + target.y_position) / 100;

  laser.z = (laser.z * 99 + target.z_position) / 100;


posted @ 2015-01-05 16:11  summernight  阅读(145)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报