在pg 12中,对promote进行了进一步的增强,。
promote_trigger_file文件控制hot standby是否停止恢复,进入promote。
/* File path names (all relative to $PGDATA) */ #define RECOVERY_SIGNAL_FILE "recovery.signal" #define STANDBY_SIGNAL_FILE "standby.signal" #define BACKUP_LABEL_FILE "backup_label" #define BACKUP_LABEL_OLD "backup_label.old" #define TABLESPACE_MAP "tablespace_map" #define TABLESPACE_MAP_OLD "tablespace_map.old" /* files to signal promotion to primary */ #define PROMOTE_SIGNAL_FILE "promote" #define FALLBACK_PROMOTE_SIGNAL_FILE "fallback_promote"
通过查询select now(),pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp();可以知道实际的同步时延。
笔者环境使用lightdb for pg版本时,ltbench可以非常稳定的跑到70000 tps,响应时间在1.5毫秒,采用PMEM存储,在迈络思roce下,local、remote_apply、on相差在10%以内,主节点cpu利用率在80%左右。
而为了实现自动故障转移,一般会选择采用repmgr(当然也有Patroni+etcd(用python写的)和pg_auto_failover),对于非k8s环境,我们推荐repmgr做failover管理,keepalived VIP作为客户端透明故障转移。lightdb for pg使用类似机制,但做了脑裂稳定性和可靠性加强、以及non-block standby failure,以及对外部SLB支持(不管是哪种高可用方案,底层都是基于流复制,这才是核心,上面只是尽可能自动化,异常时兜底能力仍然是最重要的,无之一)。
repmgr primary register — initialise a repmgr installation and register the primary node
repmgr primary unregister — unregister an inactive primary node
repmgr standby clone — clone a PostgreSQL standby node from another PostgreSQL node
repmgr standby register — add a standby's information to the repmgr metadata
repmgr standby unregister — remove a standby's information from the repmgr metadata
repmgr standby promote — promote a standby to a primary
repmgr standby follow — attach a running standby to a new upstream node
repmgr standby switchover — promote a standby to primary and demote the existing primary to a standby
repmgr witness register — add a witness node's information to the repmgr metadata
repmgr witness unregister — remove a witness node's information to the repmgr metadata
repmgr node status — show overview of a node's basic information and replication status
repmgr node check — performs some health checks on a node from a replication perspective
repmgr node rejoin — rejoin a dormant (stopped) node to the replication cluster
repmgr node service — show or execute the system service command to stop/start/restart/reload/promote a node
repmgr cluster show — display information about each registered node in the replication cluster
repmgr cluster matrix — runs repmgr cluster show on each node and summarizes output
repmgr cluster crosscheck — cross-checks connections between each combination of nodes
repmgr cluster event — output a formatted list of cluster events
repmgr cluster cleanup — purge monitoring history
repmgr service status — display information about the status of repmgrd on each node in the cluster
repmgr service pause — Instruct all repmgrd instances in the replication cluster to pause failover operations
repmgr service unpause — Instruct all repmgrd instances in the replication cluster to resume failover operations
repmgr daemon start — Start the repmgrd daemon on the local node
repmgr daemon stop — Stop the repmgrd daemon on the local node
- 查看集群节点角色和状态。(任意节点执行,包含所有节点的信息)
repmgr cluster show -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf ID | Name | Role | Status | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string ----+----------------------------+---------+-----------+---------------------------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | | standby | running | | default | 100 | 5 | host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2 2 | | primary | * running | | default | 100 | 5 | host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
- 查看repmgrd守护进程状态。(任意节点执行,包含所有节点的信息)
[lightdb@localhost ~]$ repmgr service status -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf ID | Name | Role | Status | Upstream | repmgrd | PID | Paused? | Upstream last seen ----+----------------------------+---------+-----------+---------------------------+---------+---------+---------+-------------------- 1 | | standby | running | | running | 3324044 | no | 0 second(s) ago 2 | | primary | * running | | running | 4170296 | no | n/a
- ? running:能ping通所在服务器,但是libpq连接不通;
- ? unreachable:ping不通所在服务器。
- 带感叹号前缀,比如! running as primary:表示节点在ltcluster元数据库中的状态和当前实际状态不符合。比如没有通过ltcluster而是其他方式执行了switchover/failover。
upstream列如果前面有?,含义类似,代表name到upstraem状态不正常,如? node1,表示无法连通。如果有另外一个节点! running as primary,则表示集群拓扑变了(要看下repmgrd执行的failover是否会导致其有!,也就是元数据库是否同时变更,理论上应该是),其timelineid通常是当前最大。
/* * Generate formatted node status output for display by "cluster show" and * "service status". */ bool format_node_status(t_node_info *node_info, PQExpBufferData *node_status, PQExpBufferData *upstream, ItemList *warnings) { bool error_found = false; t_node_info remote_node_rec = T_NODE_INFO_INITIALIZER; RecordStatus remote_node_rec_found = RECORD_NOT_FOUND; if (PQstatus(node_info->conn) == CONNECTION_OK) { node_info->node_status = NODE_STATUS_UP; node_info->recovery_type = get_recovery_type(node_info->conn); /* get node's copy of its record so we can see what it thinks its status is */ remote_node_rec_found = get_node_record_with_upstream(node_info->conn, node_info->node_id, &remote_node_rec); } else { /* check if node is reachable, but just not letting us in */ if (is_server_available_quiet(node_info->conninfo)) node_info->node_status = NODE_STATUS_REJECTED; else node_info->node_status = NODE_STATUS_DOWN; node_info->recovery_type = RECTYPE_UNKNOWN; } /* format node status info */ switch (node_info->type) { case PRIMARY: { /* node is reachable */ if (node_info->node_status == NODE_STATUS_UP) { if (node_info->active == true) { switch (node_info->recovery_type) { case RECTYPE_PRIMARY: appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "* running"); break; case RECTYPE_STANDBY: appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running as standby"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is registered as primary but running as standby", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); break; case RECTYPE_UNKNOWN: appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! unknown"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) has unknown replication status", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); break; } } else { if (node_info->recovery_type == RECTYPE_PRIMARY) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is running but the ltcluster node record is inactive", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); } else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running as standby"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is registered as an inactive primary but running as standby", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); } } } /* node is up but cannot connect */ else if (node_info->node_status == NODE_STATUS_REJECTED) { if (node_info->active == true) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "? running"); } else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running"); error_found = true; } } /* node is unreachable */ else { /* node is unreachable but marked active */ if (node_info->active == true) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "? unreachable"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is registered as an active primary but is unreachable", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); } /* node is unreachable and marked as inactive */ else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "- failed"); error_found = true; } } } break; case STANDBY: { /* node is reachable */ if (node_info->node_status == NODE_STATUS_UP) { if (node_info->active == true) { switch (node_info->recovery_type) { case RECTYPE_STANDBY: appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, " running"); break; case RECTYPE_PRIMARY: appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running as primary"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is registered as standby but running as primary", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); break; case RECTYPE_UNKNOWN: appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! unknown"); item_list_append_format( warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) has unknown replication status", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); break; } } else { if (node_info->recovery_type == RECTYPE_STANDBY) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is running but the ltcluster node record is inactive", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); } else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running as primary"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is running as primary but the ltcluster node record is inactive", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); } } /* warn about issue with paused WAL replay */ if (is_wal_replay_paused(node_info->conn, true)) { item_list_append_format(warnings, _("WAL replay is paused on node \"%s\" (ID: %i) with WAL replay pending; this node cannot be manually promoted until WAL replay is resumed"), node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); } } /* node is up but cannot connect */ else if (node_info->node_status == NODE_STATUS_REJECTED) { if (node_info->active == true) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "? running"); } else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running"); error_found = true; } } /* node is unreachable */ else { /* node is unreachable but marked active */ if (node_info->active == true) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "? unreachable"); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is registered as an active standby but is unreachable", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); } else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "- failed"); error_found = true; } } } break; case WITNESS: { /* node is reachable */ if (node_info->node_status == NODE_STATUS_UP) { if (node_info->active == true) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "* running"); } else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! running"); error_found = true; } } /* node is up but cannot connect */ else if (node_info->node_status == NODE_STATUS_REJECTED) { if (node_info->active == true) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "? rejected"); } else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "! failed"); error_found = true; } } /* node is unreachable */ else { if (node_info->active == true) { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "? unreachable"); } else { appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "- failed"); error_found = true; } } } break; case UNKNOWN: { /* this should never happen */ appendPQExpBufferStr(node_status, "? unknown node type"); error_found = true; } break; } /* format node upstream info */ if (remote_node_rec_found == RECORD_NOT_FOUND) { /* * Unable to retrieve the node's copy of its own record - copy the * name from our own copy of the record */ appendPQExpBuffer(upstream, "? %s", node_info->upstream_node_name); } else if (remote_node_rec.type == WITNESS) { /* no upstream - unlikely to happen */ if (remote_node_rec.upstream_node_id == NO_UPSTREAM_NODE) { appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, "! "); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is a witness but reports it has no upstream node", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id); } /* mismatch between reported upstream and upstream in local node's metadata */ else if (node_info->upstream_node_id != remote_node_rec.upstream_node_id) { appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, "! "); if (node_info->upstream_node_id != remote_node_rec.upstream_node_id) { item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) reports a different upstream (reported: \"%s\", expected \"%s\")", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id, remote_node_rec.upstream_node_name, node_info->upstream_node_name); } } else { t_node_info upstream_node_rec = T_NODE_INFO_INITIALIZER; RecordStatus upstream_node_rec_found = get_node_record(node_info->conn, node_info->upstream_node_id, &upstream_node_rec); if (upstream_node_rec_found != RECORD_FOUND) { appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, "? "); item_list_append_format(warnings, "unable to find record for upstream node ID %i", node_info->upstream_node_id); } else { PGconn *upstream_conn = establish_db_connection_quiet(upstream_node_rec.conninfo); if (PQstatus(upstream_conn) != CONNECTION_OK) { appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, "? "); item_list_append_format(warnings, "unable to connect to node \"%s\" (ID: %i)'s upstream node \"%s\" (ID: %i)", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id, upstream_node_rec.node_name, upstream_node_rec.node_id); } PQfinish(upstream_conn); } } appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, remote_node_rec.upstream_node_name); } else if (remote_node_rec.type == STANDBY) { if (node_info->upstream_node_id != NO_UPSTREAM_NODE && node_info->upstream_node_id == remote_node_rec.upstream_node_id) { /* * expected and reported upstreams match - check if node is actually * connected to the upstream */ NodeAttached attached_to_upstream = NODE_ATTACHED_UNKNOWN; char *replication_state = NULL; t_node_info upstream_node_rec = T_NODE_INFO_INITIALIZER; RecordStatus upstream_node_rec_found = get_node_record(node_info->conn, node_info->upstream_node_id, &upstream_node_rec); if (upstream_node_rec_found != RECORD_FOUND) { item_list_append_format(warnings, "unable to find record for upstream node ID %i", node_info->upstream_node_id); } else { PGconn *upstream_conn = establish_db_connection_quiet(upstream_node_rec.conninfo); if (PQstatus(upstream_conn) != CONNECTION_OK) { item_list_append_format(warnings, "unable to connect to node \"%s\" (ID: %i)'s upstream node \"%s\" (ID: %i)", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id, upstream_node_rec.node_name, upstream_node_rec.node_id); } else { attached_to_upstream = is_downstream_node_attached(upstream_conn, node_info->node_name, &replication_state); } PQfinish(upstream_conn); } if (attached_to_upstream == NODE_ATTACHED_UNKNOWN) { appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, "? "); item_list_append_format(warnings, "unable to determine if node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is attached to its upstream node \"%s\" (ID: %i)", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id, upstream_node_rec.node_name, upstream_node_rec.node_id); } if (attached_to_upstream == NODE_NOT_ATTACHED) { appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, "? "); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) attached to its upstream node \"%s\" (ID: %i) in state \"%s\"", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id, upstream_node_rec.node_name, upstream_node_rec.node_id, replication_state); } else if (attached_to_upstream == NODE_DETACHED) { appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, "! "); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) is not attached to its upstream node \"%s\" (ID: %i)", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id, upstream_node_rec.node_name, upstream_node_rec.node_id); } appendPQExpBufferStr(upstream, node_info->upstream_node_name); } else { if (node_info->upstream_node_id != NO_UPSTREAM_NODE && remote_node_rec.upstream_node_id == NO_UPSTREAM_NODE) { appendPQExpBufferChar(upstream, '!'); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) reports it has no upstream (expected: \"%s\")", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id, node_info->upstream_node_name); } else if (node_info->upstream_node_id != NO_UPSTREAM_NODE && remote_node_rec.upstream_node_id != NO_UPSTREAM_NODE) { appendPQExpBuffer(upstream, "! %s", remote_node_rec.upstream_node_name); item_list_append_format(warnings, "node \"%s\" (ID: %i) reports a different upstream (reported: \"%s\", expected \"%s\")", node_info->node_name, node_info->node_id, remote_node_rec.upstream_node_name, node_info->upstream_node_name); } } } return error_found; }
- -- csv可以生成csv格式,便于自动化分析,如下:
[lightdb@localhost ~]$ repmgr service status -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf --csv 1,,standby,1,1,3324044,0,100,1,default 2,,primary,1,1,4170296,0,100,-1,default
- 查看本节点角色以及状态、复制延时(基本上status就足够)(仅包含本节点的信息)
[lightdb@localhost ~]$ repmgr node status -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf Node "": LightDB version: 13.3 Total data size: 9086 MB Conninfo: host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2 Role: standby WAL archiving: disabled (on standbys "archive_mode" must be set to "always" to be effective) # 除非设置为always,否则在WAL replay时总是仅用。 Archive command: test ! -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/archive/%f && cp %p /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/archive/%f && find /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/archive -type f -mmin +10080 | xargs -i rm {} WALs pending archiving: 2 pending files Replication connections: 0 (of maximal 10) Replication slots: 0 physical (of maximal 10; 0 missing) Upstream node: (ID: 2) Replication lag: 55 seconds # 第一次不太准,可能会比较高 Last received LSN: 6/F641CCE8 Last replayed LSN: 6/F64159D0
[lightdb@localhost ~]$ repmgr node check -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf Node "": Server role: OK (node is standby) Replication lag: OK (0 seconds) WAL archiving: OK (2 pending archive ready files) Upstream connection: OK (node "" (ID: 1) is attached to expected upstream node "" (ID: 2)) Downstream servers: OK (this node has no downstream nodes) Replication slots: OK (node has no physical replication slots) Missing physical replication slots: OK (node has no missing physical replication slots) Configured data directory: OK (configured "data_directory" is "/home/lightdb/data/defaultCluster")
[lightdb@localhost ~]$ repmgr cluster crosscheck -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf INFO: connecting to database Name | ID | 1 | 2 ----------------------------+----+---+--- | 1 | * | * | 2 | * | *
- 监控从节点异常(除非主节点选择的同步模式是local,如果为on、remote_apply或remote_write,就必须监控从节点,以避免从节点发生异常时,主节点停止工作,从而影响生产)。
- 节点维护重启。
[lightdb@lightdb1 ~]$ repmgr service pause -f /mnt/pmem1/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf NOTICE: node 1 ( paused NOTICE: node 2 ( paused [lightdb@lightdb1 ~]$ repmgr service status -f /mnt/pmem1/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf ID | Name | Role | Status | Upstream | repmgrd | PID | Paused? | Upstream last seen ----+-----------------------------+---------+-----------+-----------------------------+---------+--------+---------+-------------------- 1 | | primary | * running | | running | 38834 | yes | n/a 2 | | standby | running | | running | 185064 | yes | 1 second(s) ago 。。。。修改参数,重启实例。。。。
[2021-10-30 18:22:14] [INFO] node "" (ID: 2) monitoring upstream node "" (ID: 1) in normal state [2021-10-30 18:22:14] [DETAIL] last monitoring statistics update was 2 seconds ago [2021-10-30 18:23:12] [WARNING] unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" [2021-10-30 18:23:12] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" [2021-10-30 18:23:12] [WARNING] unable to connect to upstream node "" (ID: 1) [2021-10-30 18:23:12] [INFO] checking state of node "" (ID: 1), 1 of 3 attempts [2021-10-30 18:23:12] [WARNING] unable to ping "user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr" [2021-10-30 18:23:12] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" [2021-10-30 18:23:12] [INFO] sleeping up to 5 seconds until next reconnection attempt [2021-10-30 18:23:17] [INFO] checking state of node "" (ID: 1), 2 of 3 attempts [2021-10-30 18:23:17] [WARNING] unable to ping "user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr" [2021-10-30 18:23:17] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" [2021-10-30 18:23:17] [INFO] sleeping up to 5 seconds until next reconnection attempt [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [INFO] checking state of node "" (ID: 1), 3 of 3 attempts [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [WARNING] unable to ping "user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr" [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [WARNING] unable to reconnect to node "" (ID: 1) after 3 attempts [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [NOTICE] repmgrd on this node is paused [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [DETAIL] no failover will be carried out [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [HINT] execute "repmgr service unpause" to resume normal failover mode [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [WARNING] unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [ERROR] unable to execute get_primary_current_lsn() [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [DETAIL] FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. [2021-10-30 18:23:22] [WARNING] unable to retrieve primary's current LSN [2021-10-30 18:23:24] [WARNING] unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" [2021-10-30 18:23:24] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" [2021-10-30 18:23:24] [WARNING] unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" [2021-10-30 18:23:24] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" [2021-10-30 18:23:26] [WARNING] unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" [2021-10-30 18:23:26] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE" [2021-10-30 18:23:26] [WARNING] unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" [2021-10-30 18:23:26] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE" [2021-10-30 18:23:28] [NOTICE] upstream is available but upstream connection has gone away, resetting [2021-10-30 18:23:28] [NOTICE] reconnected to upstream node "" (ID: 1) after 6 seconds, resuming monitoring [2021-10-30 18:27:16] [INFO] node "" (ID: 2) monitoring upstream node "" (ID: 1) in normal state [2021-10-30 18:27:16] [DETAIL] last monitoring statistics update was 2 seconds ago
2021-10-30 18:12:30.114559T @ checkpointer 00000[2021-10-29 20:45:28 CST] 0 [115395] DETAIL: Last completed transaction was at log time 2021-10-30 18:12:30.084333+08. 2021-10-30 18:14:41.898079T @ walreceiver 00000[2021-10-30 17:58:15 CST] 0 [144662] LOG: replication terminated by primary server 2021-10-30 18:14:41.898079T @ walreceiver 00000[2021-10-30 17:58:15 CST] 0 [144662] DETAIL: End of WAL reached on timeline 3 at 10/800000A0. 2021-10-30 18:14:41.898109T @ walreceiver XX000[2021-10-30 17:58:15 CST] 0 [144662] FATAL: could not send end-of-streaming message to primary: no COPY in progress 2021-10-30 18:14:41.898250T @ startup 00000[2021-10-29 20:45:28 CST] 0 [115394] LOG: invalid record length at 10/800000A0: wanted 24, got 0 2021-10-30 18:14:41.909281T @ walreceiver XX000[2021-10-30 18:14:41 CST] 0 [158899] FATAL: could not connect to the primary server: server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. 2021-10-30 18:14:46.909030T @ walreceiver 00000[2021-10-30 18:14:46 CST] 0 [158962] LOG: started streaming WAL from primary at 10/80000000 on timeline 3 2021-10-30 18:15:30.175149T @ checkpointer 00000[2021-10-29 20:45:28 CST] 0 [115395] LOG: restartpoint starting: time
- repmgrd守护进程启动与停止。
- 主备切换。本质上是从节点promote的过程。只不过这个过程是去正常停止主节点。同样timineline会发生增加。如下:
- 故障恢复。主节点修复后,如果能够正常rejoin回来固然好,更多的时候是rejoin失败(这通常发生在failover后,从promote为新主,然后不停地写写写,之后老主rejoin(立刻rejoin几乎都没有问题))。如下:
[lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 log]$ repmgr node rejoin -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' ERROR: this node cannot attach to rejoin target node 1 DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 6 forked off current database system timeline 5 before current recovery point 8/C00000A0 HINT: use --force-rewind to execute lt_rewind [lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 log]$ repmgr node rejoin -f /home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' --force-rewind NOTICE: lt_rewind execution required for this node to attach to rejoin target node 1 DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 6 forked off current database system timeline 5 before current recovery point 8/C00000A0 NOTICE: executing lt_rewind DETAIL: lt_rewind command is "/home/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/bin/lt_rewind -D '/home/lightdb/data/defaultCluster' --source-server='host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'" ERROR: lt_rewind execution failed DETAIL: lt_rewind: servers diverged at WAL location 8/A0000000 on timeline 5 lt_rewind: error: could not open file "/home/lightdb/data/defaultCluster/pg_wal/000000050000000800000004": 没有那个文件或目录 lt_rewind: fatal: could not find previous WAL record at 8/8DF84C18
[lightdb@lightdb1 data]$ repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' -f /mnt/pmem1/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf --force-rewind NOTICE: lt_rewind execution required for this node to attach to rejoin target node 2 DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 6 forked off current database system timeline 5 before current recovery point 23/C0000028
### 正确的废话解释是:a standby server was promoted before it could catch up with the primary, and now the primary cannot take the role of a standby server 提了个bug,但是似乎没有给出充分答案
NOTICE: executing lt_rewind DETAIL: lt_rewind command is "/mnt/pmem1/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/bin/lt_rewind -D '/mnt/pmem1/lightdb/data' --source-server='host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'" NOTICE: 0 files copied to /mnt/pmem1/lightdb/data NOTICE: setting node 1's upstream to node 2 WARNING: unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE" NOTICE: starting server using "/mnt/pmem1/lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/bin/lt_ctl -w -D '/mnt/pmem1/lightdb/data' start" WARNING: unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE" WARNING: unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE"
INFO: waiting for node "" (ID: 1) to respond to pings; 56 of max 60 attempts (parameter "node_rejoin_timeout")
WARNING: unable to ping "host= port=5433 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2"
DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT"
WARNING: unable to ping "host= port=5433 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2"
DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT"
WARNING: unable to ping "host= port=5433 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2"
DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT"
WARNING: unable to ping "host= port=5433 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2"
DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT"
DETAIL: local node "" did not become available start after 60 seconds
HINT: check the LightDB log on the local node
2021-10-30 23:46:06.436515T @ startup 00000[2021-10-30 23:46:06 CST] 0 [139358] LOG: database system was interrupted while in recovery at log time 2021-10-30 23:10:42 CST 2021-10-30 23:46:06.436515T @ startup 00000[2021-10-30 23:46:06 CST] 0 [139358] HINT: If this has occurred more than once some data might be corrupted and you might need to choose an earlier recovery target. 2021-10-30 23:46:06.459085T @ startup 00000[2021-10-30 23:46:06 CST] 0 [139358] LOG: entering standby mode 2021-10-30 23:46:06.459218T @ startup XX000[2021-10-30 23:46:06 CST] 0 [139358] FATAL: requested timeline 6 does not contain minimum recovery point 2A/687352C8 on timeline 4 2021-10-30 23:46:06.460032T @ postmaster 00000[2021-10-30 23:46:05 CST] 0 [139356] LOG: startup process (PID 139358) exited with exit code 1 2021-10-30 23:46:06.460061T @ postmaster 00000[2021-10-30 23:46:05 CST] 0 [139356] LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure 2021-10-30 23:46:06.461174T @ postmaster 00000[2021-10-30 23:46:05 CST] 0 [139356] LOG: database system is shut down
确定的是:新主的timeline id是5,为什么最小恢复点需要4呢?因为pg_rewind是从失败节点的wal文件中去找新主timeline fork off之前的那个full checkpoint,然后根据全量检查点之后的WAL找到新主之后修改过的block,这样就可以做增量恢复了。
2021-11-04 22:40:44.695099T @ walreceiver 00000[2021-11-04 22:40:44 CST] 0 [5559] LOG: started streaming WAL from primary at 3/60000000 on timeline 2 2021-11-04 22:40:44.695197T @ walreceiver XX000[2021-11-04 22:40:44 CST] 0 [5559] FATAL: could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR: requested WAL segment 000000020000000300000003 has already been removed 2021-11-04 22:40:45.249731T host_10_19_69_193 repmgr@repmgr client backend 57P03[2021-11-04 22:40:45 CST] 0 [5560] FATAL: the database system is starting up 2021-11-04 22:40:45.250723T host_10_19_69_193 repmgr@repmgr client backend 57P03[2021-11-04 22:40:45 CST] 0 [5561] FATAL: the database system is starting up 2021-11-04 22:40:47.258559T host_10_19_69_193 repmgr@repmgr client backend 57P03[2021-11-04 22:40:47 CST] 0 [5564] FATAL: the database system is starting up 2021-11-04 22:40:47.259607T host_10_19_69_193 repmgr@repmgr client backend 57P03[2021-11-04 22:40:47 CST] 0 [5565] FATAL: the database system is starting up 2021-11-04 22:40:49.267843T host_10_19_69_193 repmgr@repmgr client backend 57P03[2021-11-04 22:40:49 CST] 0 [5567] FATAL: the database system is starting up 2021-11-04 22:40:49.268930T host_10_19_69_193 repmgr@repmgr client backend 57P03[2021-11-04 22:40:49 CST] 0 [5568] FATAL: the database system is starting up 2021-11-04 22:40:49.700288T @ walreceiver 00000[2021-11-04 22:40:49 CST] 0 [5570] LOG: started streaming WAL from primary at 3/60000000 on timeline 2 2021-11-04 22:40:49.700369T @ walreceiver XX000[2021-11-04 22:40:49 CST] 0 [5570] FATAL: could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR: requested WAL segment 000000020000000300000003 has already been removed
repmgr -h -U repmgr -d repmgr -f lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf standby clone --dry-run
repmgr -h -U repmgr -d repmgr -f lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf standby clone -F
repmgr -f lightdb/lightdb-x/13.3-21.2/etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf standby register -F
lt_ctl start
注:补充一下,Pg的timeline,准确的说和oracle的resetlogs是一样的。相当于重新初始化的实例。wal文件的前8位就是timeline id。每次发生基于时间点的恢复或pg_rewind、promote,即进入ArchiveRecovery模式(只要出现recovery.signal或standby.signal都会设置改参数),timeline id都会加1,并且会生成一个NewTimelineID.history文件。所以第一个history文件是00000002.history。在时间点恢复(参数recovery_target_timeline和recovery_target_lsn控制)的情况下,hisotry文件会记录设置的恢复点和实际的恢复点。如下:
cat 00000002.history 1 0/70000D8 after LSN 0/7000060 含义如下: 1<parentTLI> 0/70000D8 <switchpoint> after LSN 0/7000060<reason> parentTLI: ID of the parent timeline switchpoint: XLogRecPtr of the WAL location where the switch happened reason : human-readable explanation of why the timeline was changed
[lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 defaultCluster]$ cd /home/lightdb/data/defaultCluster/pg_wal [lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 pg_wal]$ ll 总用量 13107224 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 333 10月 29 11:19 000000010000000000000002.00000028.backup -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 42 10月 29 12:13 00000002.history -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 85 10月 29 14:02 00000003.history -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 128 10月 29 15:49 00000004.history -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 23:12 000000050000000800000005 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 23:12 000000050000000800000006 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:39 000000050000000800000007 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:42 000000050000000900000000 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:44 000000050000000900000001 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:46 000000050000000900000002 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:47 000000050000000900000003 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:54 000000050000000900000004 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:49 000000050000000900000005 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:52 000000050000000900000006 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 23:03 000000050000000900000007 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:39 000000050000000A00000000 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:39 000000050000000A00000001 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:40 000000050000000A00000002 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:41 000000050000000A00000003 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:43 000000050000000A00000004 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:46 000000050000000A00000005 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:48 000000050000000A00000006 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:51 000000050000000A00000007 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:40 000000050000000B00000000 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:41 000000050000000B00000001 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:43 000000050000000B00000002 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:45 000000050000000B00000003 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:50 000000050000000B00000004 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 536870912 10月 29 22:53 000000050000000B00000005 -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 171 10月 29 16:04 00000005.history -rw------- 1 lightdb lightdb 214 10月 29 23:12 00000006.history drwx------ 2 lightdb lightdb 242 10月 29 23:12 archive_status
PS:wal文件的命名格式是:3部分8位16进制,从00000001 00000000 00000001开始,如:00000001(timelineid) 0000000C(logNo, lsn/(0x100000000/wal_segsz_bytes)) 000000CE(segNo, lsn % (0x100000000/wal_segsz_bytes))。所以wal文件名的生成是有体系的,根据wal大小不同,第三部分可能不同,并非简单的x/yyZZZZZZ中的yy。
0x100000000=4 294,967,296,无论wal_segsz_bytes多大,logNo每4GB加1,segNo数量不确定。
[lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 pg_wal]$ tail -fn 100 00000005.history 1 0/800000A0 no recovery target specified # 表示没有声明任何recovery_target相关参数,在xlog.c的7611行else逻辑中。 2 0/A00000A0 no recovery target specified 3 4/C00000A0 no recovery target specified 4 4/E00000A0 no recovery target specified ^C [lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 pg_wal]$ cat 00000005.history 1 0/800000A0 no recovery target specified 2 0/A00000A0 no recovery target specified 3 4/C00000A0 no recovery target specified 4 4/E00000A0 no recovery target specified [lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 pg_wal]$ cat 00000004.history 1 0/800000A0 no recovery target specified 2 0/A00000A0 no recovery target specified 3 4/C00000A0 no recovery target specified [lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 pg_wal]$ cat 00000003.history 1 0/800000A0 no recovery target specified 2 0/A00000A0 no recovery target specified [lightdb@hs-10-19-36-9 pg_wal]$ cat 00000006.history 1 0/800000A0 no recovery target specified 2 0/A00000A0 no recovery target specified 3 4/C00000A0 no recovery target specified 4 4/E00000A0 no recovery target specified 5 8/A0000000 no recovery target specified
[2021-10-30 23:02:01] [WARNING] unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE" [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [WARNING] connection to node "" (ID: 2) lost [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [DETAIL] connection pointer is NULL [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [INFO] attempting to reconnect to node "" (ID: 2) [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [ERROR] connection to database failed [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [DETAIL] could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [DETAIL] attempted to connect using: user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr options=-csearch_path= [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [WARNING] reconnection to node "" (ID: 2) failed [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [WARNING] unable to ping "host= port=5432 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE" [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [ERROR] unable to determine if server is in recovery [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [DETAIL] query text is: SELECT pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() [2021-10-30 23:02:01] [WARNING] unable to determine node recovery status
每个standby上的repmgrd除了监控自己外,还监控primary,以便primary异常后进行failover,如果有多个standby,会进行协商,依据为LSN , Priority, Node_ID。系统会先选举一个LSN比较大者作为候选备节点;如LSN一样,会根据Priority优先级(等于0代表不参与选主)进行比较,该优先级是在配置文件中进行参数配置;如优先级也一样,会比较节点的Node ID,小者会优先选举。如果存在2个standby的情况,需要确定VIP如何漂移到正确的standby节点,因为选主是repmgrd控制,所以它也需要控制VIP的漂移,技术上是没问题的,lightdb也是如此实现VIP抢占的,在check_lightdb.sh中判断。但是witness不需要运行repmgrd。