lightdb for postgresql数据类型详解与jdbc、java、c、libpq类型对应


PostgreSQL Data Type SQL/JDBC Data Type Java Type
bool BIT boolean
bit BIT boolean
int8 BIGINT long
bigserial BIGINT long
oid BIGINT long
bytea/blob BINARY byte[]
char CHAR String
bpchar CHAR String
number/numeric NUMERIC java.math.BigDecimal
int4 INTEGER int
serial INTEGER int
int2 SMALLINT short
smallserial SMALLINT short
float4 REAL float
float8 DOUBLE double
money DOUBLE double
name VARCHAR String
text/clob VARCHAR String
varchar/varchar2 VARCHAR String
date DATE java.sql.Date
time TIME java.sql.Time
timetz TIME java.sql.Time
timestamp/datetime TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp
timestamptz TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp
cardinal_number DISTINCT Mapping of underlying type
character_data DISTINCT Mapping of underlying type
sql_identifier DISTINCT Mapping of underlying type
time_stamp DISTINCT Mapping of underlying type
yes_or_no DISTINCT Mapping of underlying type
xml SQLXML java.sql.SQLXML
refcursor REF_CURSOR Undefined
_abc ARRAY java.sql.array

1 REF_CURSOR doesn’t appear in the jdbc appendices, but is mentioned in section “ REF Cursor Support” of the specification, and may map to Types.REF_CURSOR. 

2 _abc stands for one of many ARRAY data types available in PostgreSQL (_record to _yes_or_no).

try {
 String[] usa = {"New York", "Chicago", "San Francisco"};
 String[] canada = {"Montreal", "Toronto", "Vancouver"};
 String[] uk = {"London", "Birmingham", "Oxford"};

 Convert String[] to java.sql.Array using JDBC API
 Array arrayUSA = conn.createArrayOf("text", usa);
 Array arrayCanada = conn.createArrayOf("text", canada);
 Array arrayUK = conn.createArrayOf("text", uk);
 String sql = "INSERT INTO city_example VALUES (?, ?)";
 PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
 pstmt.setString(1, "USA");
 pstmt.setArray(2, arrayUSA);
 pstmt.setString(1, "Canada");
 pstmt.setArray(2, arrayCanada);
 pstmt.setString(1, "UK");
 pstmt.setArray(2, arrayUK);
} catch (Exception e) {


Table 37.2. Equivalent C Types for Built-in SQL Types

SQL TypeC TypeDefined In
boolean bool postgres.h (maybe compiler built-in)
box BOX* utils/geo_decls.h
bytea bytea* postgres.h
"char" char (compiler built-in)
character BpChar* postgres.h
cid CommandId postgres.h
date DateADT utils/date.h
float4 (real) float4 postgres.h
float8 (double precision) float8 postgres.h
int2 (smallint) int16 postgres.h
int4 (integer) int32 postgres.h
int8 (bigint) int64 postgres.h
interval Interval* datatype/timestamp.h
lseg LSEG* utils/geo_decls.h
name Name postgres.h
numeric Numeric utils/numeric.h
oid Oid postgres.h
oidvector oidvector* postgres.h
path PATH* utils/geo_decls.h
point POINT* utils/geo_decls.h
regproc RegProcedure postgres.h
text text* postgres.h
tid ItemPointer storage/itemptr.h
time TimeADT utils/date.h
time with time zone TimeTzADT utils/date.h
timestamp Timestamp datatype/timestamp.h
timestamp with time zone TimestampTz datatype/timestamp.h
varchar VarChar* postgres.h
xid TransactionId postgres.h



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