
  1. 《Variational Inference》:知道observation x, 求hidden variable z的posterior distribution p(z | x, \alpha). Main idea是用一个 q(z_{1:m} | v) 来近似这个posterior distribution, 可以用来预测未来的x, 也可以用来求hidden variable的posterior distribution.

  2. 《Through human-inspired control schemes》: the communication and collaboration between autonomy and human drivers. analyzing how drivers perform cooperative maneuvers (e.g. lane changing), key cues were identified for conveying intent through nonverbal communication. Human observers can predict lane changes with over two seconds in prior to the lane departure, without use of a turning signal. An autonomous control scheme is proposed that aims to capture these subtle motions before executing a lane change.

posted @ 2019-01-14 09:39  林小奚  阅读(135)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报