Programmer's Jokes

1.   一天, 下着小雨, 和同事们一起去上班,一位同事差点滑倒,另一位同事笑话说:如果人走路用爬的就不会摔倒了!   遂反问他:能用两行代码搞定的事情为什么要用4行呢? 


2.  有趣的公式( From here )

Software Produced = Number of Workers x Hours Worked.

Cost of Software = Number of Workers x Hours Worked x Hourly Cost Per Worker.


3. Dialog between me and a project manager last month

Me:  Why do you ask R&D to build a KPI tool to check our progress? 

Project manager:  If I do not act this way, I doubt your team will not work hard! 


4. Dialog with one project manager

Me: Why shall we duplicate the use case diagram and use case text description?

Project manager:  Otherwise there will be much less content in the Requirement Specification, and my manager will think that I'm not doing my work well...


5. Funny words:

"Low level design document is not required before development,  because we think that outsourcing vendor's developers aren't competent to write it and will delay our project! "


posted on 2014-11-13 00:23  Lifen, Song  阅读(222)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
