跨过边界的孩童( A Child Breaking Boundary)

Written on 7/5/2011 9:10 AM

   Dingdang( my son's nickname) was so easy to catch a cold recently. The day before yesterday he caught a bad cold again, my wife and me took him to see a doctor. It's crowded in hospital normally, so we brought a clothes prop ( if he needs injection, we can stay outside for fresh air).


  Dingdang likes playing the clothes prop. On the way home, we were walking on the sidewalk which was paved by bricks, the bikeway paved by pitch has a clear boundary with the sidewalk. Suddenly. Dingdang found a maple leaf on the bikeway and he squated to use the clothes prop to fetch it.

  It's strange that even he has stayed beyond the boundary for long but still failed to fetch it, I can feel no willing to move forward. Later, after one minute, he moved one step towards the bikeway, then still using his clothes prop to reach the leaf. But the leaf is still not moving to him. I was right beside him, and worried a lot about his progress. He tried several times again to get the leaf but still failed...


  Finally, he stood-up, threw away the clothes prop! Then walked towards the leaf directly and picked it up.  Yeah! I saw a sweet smile on his face ! :)


  Many times we limit our thinking within a boundary unconsciously, then we can't find a good solution for the problem; Many times we hold existing tools at hand while never think about whether the tools are still useful, even worse, our goals may gone wild after no progress for a long time! We are not lacking of knowledge but short of knowing how to break the thinking boundaries.



posted on 2012-03-28 22:46  Lifen, Song  阅读(253)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
