Ubuntu 下编译 VLC-Win32




以下所有内容来自于VLC wiki中的Win32Compile文档

Building Methods


Cross-compile with Mingw on Linux

This page

Preferred method (uses cross compilation). On Windows, you should do it in a virtual machine.



Obtaining the toolchain

Each build method requires its own toolchain:

  • Debian/Ubuntu users can apt-get install gcc-mingw32 mingw32-binutils



  • lua5.1
  • all autotools: libtool, automake, autoconf, gnu make, gettext
  • pkg-config
  • git
  • svn, cmake, cvs if you want to rebuild contribs
  • zip, 7zip, nsis.



Get the source code

$ git clone git://git.videolan.org/vlc.git



Prepare 3rd party libraries

$ cd vlc
 $ mkdir -p contrib/win32
 $ cd contrib/win32
 $ ../bootstrap --host=i586-mingw32msvc
 $ make prebuilt


 $ cd -




 $ ./bootstrap



Create a subfolder:

 $ mkdir win32 && cd win32

Use the standard configuration:

$ ../extras/package/win32/configure.sh --host=i586-mingw32msvc

Building VLC

Once configured, to build VLC, just run:

 $ make

Packaging VLC

Once the compilation is done, you can build self-contained VLC packages with the following make rules:


make package-win-common Creates a subdirectory named vlc-x.x.x with all the binaries. You can run VLC directly from this directory.
make package-win-strip (might be package-win32-strip) Same as above but will create 'stripped' binaries (that is, smallest size, unusable with a debugger).
make package-win32-7zip Same as above but will package the directory in a 7z file.
make package-win32-zip Same as above but will package the directory in a zip file.
make package-win32 Same as above but will also create an auto-installer package. You must have NSIS installed in its default location for this to work.


Well done—you're ready to use VLC!



1 @DLOPEN_LDFLAGS@:No such file or directory

  go to win32/modules/access

  vim Makefile


2 if run "make package-win32" , 7z not found

   sudo apt-get install unrar p7zip-full cabextract

3 vlc-2.0.0 problem: bootstrap must be run in a subdirectory

  cp win32/src/src/*.* win32/src/

posted @ 2015-08-17 15:15  苍月代表我  阅读(373)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报