



SQL> show parameter undo;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- -----------------------------
undo_management                      string      AUTO
undo_retention                       integer     900
undo_tablespace                      string      UNDOTBS1
可以通过使用ALTER SYSTEM命令改变各个参数的数值例如:
SQL> alter system set undo_retention = 1200;

SQL> show parameter undo;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- -----------------------------
undo_management                      string      AUTO
undo_retention                       integer     1200
undo_tablespace                      string      UNDOTBS1

1.基于as of timestamp的闪回查询及恢复操作示例。

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';


SQL> set time on;
14:23:12 SQL> select empno,sal from scott.emp where empno = 7844;

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
      7844       1500

14:25:24 SQL> update scott.emp set sal = 2000 where empno = 7844;

已更新 1 行。

14:26:04 SQL> commit;


14:26:38 SQL> update scott.emp set sal = 2500 where empno = 7844;

已更新 1 行。

14:26:56 SQL> update scott.emp set sal = 3000 where empno = 7844;

已更新 1 行。

14:27:41 SQL> commit;


14:27:45 SQL> update scott.emp set sal = 3500 where empno = 7844;

已更新 1 行。

14:28:16 SQL> commit;


14:28:20 SQL> select empno, sal from scott.emp where empno = 7844;

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
      7844       3500
14:29:07 SQL> select empno, sal from scott.emp as of timestamp sysdate-1/24 wh
e empno = 7844;

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
      7844       1500
14:30:48 SQL> select empno, sal from scott.emp as of timestamp to_timestamp ('
13-5-15 14:27:41','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') where empno = 7844;

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
      7844       2000
14:34:29 SQL> select empno, sal from scott.emp as of timestamp to_timestamp ('
13-5-15 14:28:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') where empno = 7844;

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
      7844       3000

(5)如果需要还可以将数据恢复到过去的某个时刻,下面是恢复到2013-05-15 14:28:16时刻的状态
14:39:14 SQL> update scott.emp set sal = ( select sal from scott.emp as of tim
tamp to_timestamp('2013-05-15 14:28:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') where empno =
7844) where empno = 7844;

已更新 1 行。

14:40:16 SQL> commit;


14:40:25 SQL> select empno, sal from scott.emp where empno = 7844;

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
      7844       3000




2.基于as of scn 的闪回查询
14:40:57 SQL> select current_scn from V$database;


14:44:11 SQL> select empno, sal from scott.emp where empno = 7844;

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
      7844       3000

15:00:07 SQL> update scott.emp set sal = 5000 where empno = 7844;

已更新 1 行。

15:00:40 SQL> commit;


15:00:48 SQL> update scott.emp set sal = 5500 where empno = 7844;

已更新 1 行。

15:01:18 SQL> commit;


15:01:22 SQL> select current_scn from V$database;


//查询scn = 649161时的7844号员工工资 
15:02:24 SQL> select empno, sal from scott.emp as of scn 649161 where empno

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
      7844       3000


posted on 2013-05-15 15:08  Stephen Li  阅读(464)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报