
qq: 517712484 wx: ldbgliet

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yum install openssl-devel.x86_64没有成功,提示如下错误:


Error: libselinux conflicts with systemd-208-11.el7.x86_64
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
** Found 7 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:
cryptsetup-libs-2.0.3-6.el7.x86_64 is a duplicate with cryptsetup-libs-1.6.3-2.el7.x86_64
7:device-mapper-event-1.02.164-7.el7_8.2.x86_64 has installed conflicts lvm2-libs < ('7', '2.02.111', None): 7:lvm2-libs-2.02.105-14.el7.x86_64
dracut-033-568.el7.x86_64 is a duplicate with dracut-033-161.el7.x86_64
systemd-219-73.el7_8.8.x86_64 has installed conflicts dracut < ('0', '033', '243'): dracut-033-161.el7.x86_64
systemd-219-73.el7_8.8.x86_64 has installed conflicts initscripts < ('0', '9.49.28', '1'): initscripts-9.49.17-1.el7.x86_64
systemd-219-73.el7_8.8.x86_64 is a duplicate with systemd-208-11.el7.x86_64
systemd-libs-219-73.el7_8.8.x86_64 is a duplicate with systemd-libs-208-11.el7.x86_64



[root@localhost Common]# yum list installed | grep systemd
systemd.x86_64                         208-11.el7                      @anaconda
systemd.x86_64                         219-73.el7_8.8                  installed
systemd-devel.x86_64                   219-73.el7_8.8                  @updates 
systemd-libs.x86_64                    208-11.el7                      @anaconda
systemd-libs.x86_64                    219-73.el7_8.8                  installed
systemd-python.x86_64                  208-11.el7                      @anaconda
systemd-sysv.x86_64                    208-11.el7                      @anaconda


[root@localhost Common]# rpm -e --nodeps systemd.x86_64
error: "systemd.x86_64" specifies multiple packages:

[root@localhost Common]# rpm -e --nodeps systemd-208-11.el7.x86_64


[root@localhost Common]# rpm -e systemd-sysv.x86_64
[root@localhost Common]# rpm -e systemd-python.x86_64
error: Failed dependencies:
        systemd-python is needed by (installed) abrt-addon-python-2.1.11-12.el7.centos.x86_64
        systemd-python >= 206-1 is needed by (installed) setroubleshoot-server-3.2.17-2.el7.x86_64

[root@localhost Common]# rpm -e  --nodeps systemd-python.x86_64

posted on 2020-09-24 09:37  DoubleLi  阅读(1581)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报