#if UNITY_EDITOR namespace Fury.Editor { using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEditor; public class MissingReferenceFinder : EditorWindow { private Vector2 scrollPos = Vector2.zero; GUIStyle headStyle = new GUIStyle(); private int selectedButtonIndex = -1; private Color selectedColor = Color.white; public List<Result> results = new List<Result>(); [MenuItem("工具箱/一键移除丢失脚本")] public static void ShowWindow() { MissingReferenceFinder window = GetWindow<MissingReferenceFinder>(); window.titleContent = new GUIContent("MissingReferenceFinder"); window.Show(); } private void OnEnable() { headStyle.fontSize = 15; headStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; headStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; headStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; } public void OnGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(position.width), GUILayout.Height(position.height)); { GUILayout.Space(10); // Add gap before the heading DrawLabel("一键移除丢失脚本", headStyle); GUILayout.Space(10); // Add gap after the heading EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { if (GUILayout.Button("搜索资源文件夹", GetButtonStyle(0))) { selectedButtonIndex = 0; SearchAssetFolder(); } if (GUILayout.Button("搜索当前场景", GetButtonStyle(1))) { selectedButtonIndex = 1; SearchCurrentScene(); } if (GUILayout.Button("搜索选中的物体", GetButtonStyle(2))) { selectedButtonIndex = 2; SerachSelectedAsset(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox, GUILayout.Width(position.width - 5), GUILayout.Height(position.height - 105)); { scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos); // Adding scroll view for the Components List { foreach (var item in results) { EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(item.Obj, typeof(GameObject), true); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(position.width / 2 - 60, position.height - 35, 120, 30), "一键清除空引用")) { ClearNowNullCommponents(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } private void ClearNowNullCommponents() { Debug.Log("当前拥有空脚本引用的物体个数:" + results.Count); for (int x = 0; x < results.Count; x++) { GameObjectUtility.RemoveMonoBehavioursWithMissingScript(results[x].Obj); } Debug.Log("移除成功"); } private GUIStyle GetButtonStyle(int buttonIndex) { if (buttonIndex == selectedButtonIndex) { // Create a GUIStyle for the selected button appearance GUIStyle selectedButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton); // Adjust the visual properties to make the border more visible selectedButtonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; // Change the text color selectedButtonStyle.normal.background = MakeTexture(2, 2, new Color(0.49f, 0.25f, 0.03f, 1f)); // Add a background color return selectedButtonStyle; } else { // Return the default button style return EditorStyles.miniButton; } } private Texture2D MakeTexture(int width, int height, Color color) { Color[] pixels = new Color[width * height]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++) { pixels[i] = color; } Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(width, height); texture.SetPixels(pixels); texture.Apply(); return texture; } private void DrawLabel(string text, GUIStyle style) { Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, style); Color32 color = new Color32(125, 64, 8, 225); EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, color); GUI.Label(rect, text, style); } private void SerachSelectedAsset() { results.Clear(); if (Selection.activeGameObject) Traverse(Selection.activeGameObject.transform); Debug.Log("> Total Results: " + results.Count); } public void SearchCurrentScene() { results.Clear(); GameObject[] gos = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects(); foreach (GameObject go in gos) Traverse(go.transform); Debug.Log("> Total Results: " + results.Count); } public void SearchAssetFolder() { results.Clear(); var allPrefabs = GetAllPrefabAddress(); int count = 0; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Processing...", "Begin Job", 0); foreach (string prefab in allPrefabs) { UnityEngine.Object o = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(prefab); if (o == null) { Debug.Log("prefab " + prefab + " null?"); continue; } GameObject go; go = o as GameObject; if (go != null) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Processing...", go.name, ++count / (float)allPrefabs.Length); Traverse(go.transform); } } Debug.Log("> Total Results: " + results.Count); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } public string[] GetAllPrefabAddress() { string[] temp = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths(); List<string> result = new List<string>(); foreach (string s in temp) { if (s.Contains(".prefab")) result.Add(s); } return result.ToArray(); } private void AppendComponentResult(string childPath, int index, GameObject obj) { results.Add(new Result() { address = "Missing Component " + index + " of " + childPath, Obj = obj, }); } private void AppendTransformResult(string childPath, string name, GameObject obj) { results.Add(new Result() { address = "Missing Prefab for \"" + name + "\" of " + childPath, Obj = obj, }); } private void Traverse(Transform transform, string path = "") { string thisPath = path + "/" + transform.name; Component[] components = transform.GetComponents<Component>(); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { if (components[i] == null) { AppendComponentResult(thisPath, i, transform.gameObject); } } for (int c = 0; c < transform.childCount; c++) { Transform t = transform.GetChild(c); PrefabAssetType pt = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabAssetType(t.gameObject); if (pt == PrefabAssetType.MissingAsset) { AppendTransformResult(path + "/" + transform.name, t.name, transform.gameObject); } else { Traverse(t, thisPath); } } } } [System.Serializable] public class Result { public string address; public GameObject Obj; } } #endif