
1. tar -xvzf something.tar.gz [-C /topath]

2. tar -xvjf something.tar.bz2 [-C /topath]

3. tar -cvzf obj.tar.gz directory/source

4. find . -name "*.*" -exec grep -Hn "something" {} \;

5. swith to character interface: Ctrl+Alt+F1 (Tested OK)

6. system configuration: setup

7. ctrl + l = clear (Tested OK)

8. ctrl + z = bg, put process to background

9. fg, put process back to front

10. ps -ax, list all the processes (Tested OK)

11. alt + number, switch tab (Tested OK)

12. Ctrl + Alt + Backspace, restart X

13. ldd, list the dynamic link library

14. ldconfig, sync up(/etc/

15. vimdiff file1 file2

16. pkill processname

17. rpm -ivh package, rpm -e --nodeps package, rpm -qa | grep something

18. pgrep processname, find out the pid of processname

19. CLTR+ALT+F1 and CLTR+ALT+F7, switch between text mode and graphic mode.

20. /etc/profile, System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup (Tested OK)

21. mount -o loop sourcepath/example.iso destination/path, how to mount an iso image

22. /etc/fstab, filesystem mount table

23. ntsysv, choose services that would be automatically started

24. unzip, unzip zip file

25. /etc/inittab, system run level setup  (Tested OK)

26. netstat -anp, find out system port map  (Tested OK)

27. yum search/provides xmms, yum install xmms, search xmms related packages and then install xmms and related packages.

28. scp root@ ., use scp to copy /tmp/write_outfile.txt on to current directory.  (Tested OK)

29. scp ./write_outfile.txt root@, use scp to copy ./write_outfile.txt to /tmp on  (Tested OK)

30. export http_proxy=, setup http proxy for system  (Tested OK)

31. tail -f example.log, to see the log file synchronized

32. find . -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \; 批量删除CVS目录

33. ln -s from to, 建立符号链接  (Tested OK)

34. command 2> errors, 标准错误重定向至errors文件

35. lsof -i :PORT, 查看端口是哪个程序打开的

36. chkconfig firewall off, 永久关闭防火墙  (Tested OK)

37. init 6, reboot, 重启机器

38. init 0, shutdown -h now, poweroff, 关闭机器  (Tested OK)

39. uname -a, 查看kernel信息

40. whereis perl, 查看perl所在位置  (Tested OK)

41. ifconfig eth0 netmask up, 配置eth0的IP地址同时激活该设备  (Tested OK)

42. ifconfig eth0 up, 激活设备eth0  (Tested OK)

43. ifconfig eth0 down, 禁用设备eth0  (Tested OK)

44. /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables stop, 临时禁用防火墙  (Tested OK)

54. df -h; fdisk -l; 查看磁盘使用情况  (Tested OK)

55. ls -lh; 查看文件大小  (Tested OK)

56. du -sh file/directory; 查看某目录或指定文件大小  (Tested OK)

57. dd if=./VMware-VMvisor-big-3.5.0-65301.i386.dd of=/dev/sdb (conv=notrunc, esxcfg-dumppart -d to deactivate the active dump partition if read-only file system error occurs in EESX environment)  (Tested OK)

58. mount -t nfs -o tcp hostname.domainname:/folder /path/foldername, mount nfs volumes  (Tested OK)
posted @ 2008-07-30 12:55  Jonson Li  阅读(358)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报