

autoexp.em              Automatically expands C statements like if, for, while, switch, etc..  
/*   A U T O   E X P A N D   */
    Automatically expands C statements like if, for, while, switch, etc..

    To use this macro, 
        1. Add this file to your project or your Base project.
        2. Run the Options->Key Assignments command and assign a 
        convenient keystroke to the "AutoExpand" command.
        3. After typing a keyword, press the AutoExpand keystroke to have the
        statement expanded.  The expanded statement will contain a ### string
        which represents a field where you are supposed to type more.
        The ### string is also loaded in to the search pattern so you can 
        use "Search Forward" to select the next ### field.

    For example:
        1. you type "for" + AutoExpand key
        2. this is inserted:
            for (###; ###; ###)
        3. and the first ### field is selected.
macro AutoExpand()
    // get window, sel, and buffer handles
    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
    if (hwnd == 0)
    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)
    if (sel.ichFirst == 0)
    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)
    // get line the selection (insertion point) is on
    szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst);
    // parse word just to the left of the insertion point
    wordinfo = GetWordLeftOfIch(sel.ichFirst, szLine)
    ln = sel.lnFirst;
    chTab = CharFromAscii(9)
    // prepare a new indented blank line to be inserted.
    // keep white space on left and add a tab to indent.
    // this preserves the indentation level.
    ich = 0
    while (szLine[ich] == ' ' || szLine[ich] == chTab)
        ich = ich + 1
    szLine = strmid(szLine, 0, ich) # chTab
    sel.lnFirst = sel.lnLast
    sel.ichFirst = wordinfo.ich
    sel.ichLim = wordinfo.ich
    // expand szWord keyword...

    if (wordinfo.szWord == "if" || 
        wordinfo.szWord == "while" ||
        wordinfo.szWord == "elseif")
        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###)")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{");
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "###");
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "}");
    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "for")
        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###; ###; ###)")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{");
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "###");
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "}");
    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "switch")
        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###)")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "case ###:")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # chTab # "###")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine@" # chTab # "break;")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine@" # "}")
    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "do")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "###");
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "} while (###);")
    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "case")
        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ###:")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "###")
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "break;")

    SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)
    LoadSearchPattern("###", true, false, false);

/*   G E T   W O R D   L E F T   O F   I C H   */
    Given an index to a character (ich) and a string (sz),
    return a "wordinfo" record variable that describes the 
    text word just to the left of the ich.

        wordinfo.szWord = the word string
        wordinfo.ich = the first ich of the word
        wordinfo.ichLim = the limit ich of the word
macro GetWordLeftOfIch(ich, sz)
    wordinfo = "" // create a "wordinfo" structure
    chTab = CharFromAscii(9)
    // scan backwords over white space, if any
    ich = ich - 1;
    if (ich >= 0)
        while (sz[ich] == " " || sz[ich] == chTab)
            ich = ich - 1;
            if (ich < 0)
    // scan backwords to start of word    
    ichLim = ich + 1;
    asciiA = AsciiFromChar("A")
    asciiZ = AsciiFromChar("Z")
    while (ich >= 0)
        ch = toupper(sz[ich])
        asciiCh = AsciiFromChar(ch)
        if ((asciiCh < asciiA || asciiCh > asciiZ) && !IsNumber(ch))
            break // stop at first non-identifier character
        ich = ich - 1;
    ich = ich + 1
    wordinfo.szWord = strmid(sz, ich, ichLim)
    wordinfo.ich = ich
    wordinfo.ichLim = ichLim;
    return wordinfo




posted on 2017-04-24 17:24  陌鉎こ城sHi  阅读(492)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报