
问题:在vin7电脑启动vagrant up 提示powershell版本过低。

在vin7电脑启动vagrant up 提示powershell版本过低:
The version of powershell currently installed on this host is less than
the required minimum version. Please upgrade the installed version of
powershell to the minimum required version and run the command again.

Installed version: 2

Minimum required version: 3


  • 官网下载安装新版本powershell,下载地址:https://www.pstips.net/powershell-introduction-and-install.html

  • 安装成功,重启后即可使用:WIN+R,输入powershell,比cmd好用一些。

  • 对比下powershell,gitbash,linux的bash,为什么Windows的反斜杠如此与众不同,是因为W的第一划是\ 吗?

posted @ 2019-07-04 18:30  Lianstyle  阅读(1723)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报