Fabric-ca client端初始化过程源码分析



// fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-client/main.go

package main

import (

// The fabric-ca client main
func main() {
	if err := command.RunMain(os.Args); err != nil {

main()函数只是调用了package command中的RunMain()函数,所以接下来我们以RunMain()函数为起点来简析client端的启动过程,其中包括client端的初始化以及跟server端的初次交互:

// fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-client/command/root.go  

package command

import "os"

// RunMain is the fabric-ca client main
func RunMain(args []string) error {
	// Save the os.Args
	saveOsArgs := os.Args
	os.Args = args

	// Execute the command
	cmdName := ""
	if len(args) > 1 {
		cmdName = args[1]
	ccmd := NewCommand(cmdName)
	err := ccmd.Execute()

	// Restore original os.Args
	os.Args = saveOsArgs

	return err


// fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-client/command/clientcmd.go

// ClientCmd encapsulates cobra command that provides command line interface
// for the Fabric CA client and the configuration used by the Fabric CA client
type ClientCmd struct {
	// name of the sub command
	name string
	// rootCmd is the base command for the Hyerledger Fabric CA client
	rootCmd *cobra.Command
	// My viper instance
	myViper *viper.Viper
	// cfgFileName is the name of the configuration file
	cfgFileName string
	// homeDirectory is the location of the client's home directory
	homeDirectory string
	// clientCfg is the client's configuration
	clientCfg *lib.ClientConfig
	// cfgAttrs are the attributes specified via flags or env variables
	// and translated to Attributes field in registration
	cfgAttrs []string
	// cfgAttrReqs are the attribute requests specified via flags or env variables
	// and translated to the AttrReqs field in enrollment
	cfgAttrReqs []string
	// cfgCsrNames are the certificate signing request names specified via flags
	// or env variables
	cfgCsrNames []string
	// csrCommonName is the certificate signing request common name specified via the flag
	csrCommonName string
	// gencrl command argument values
	crlParams crlArgs
	// revoke command argument values
	revokeParams revokeArgs
	// profileMode is the profiling mode, cpu or mem or empty
	profileMode string
	// profileInst is the profiling instance object
	profileInst interface {
	// Dynamically configuring identities
	dynamicIdentity identityArgs
	// Dynamically configuring affiliations
	dynamicAffiliation affiliationArgs
	// Set to log level
	logLevel string

// NewCommand returns new ClientCmd ready for running
func NewCommand(name string) *ClientCmd {
	c := &ClientCmd{
		myViper: viper.New(),
	c.name = strings.ToLower(name)
	return c


// init initializes the ClientCmd instance
// It intializes the cobra root and sub commands and
// registers command flgs with viper
func (c *ClientCmd) init() {

		Use:   "version",
		Short: "Prints Fabric CA Client version",
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {


// checkAndEnableProfiling checks for the FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_PROFILE_MODE
// env variable, if it is set to "cpu", cpu profiling is enbled;
// if it is set to "heap", heap profiling is enabled
func (c *ClientCmd) checkAndEnableProfiling() error {

// registerFlags registers command flags with viper
func (c *ClientCmd) registerFlags() {



// fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-client/command/register.go

func (c *ClientCmd) newRegisterCommand() *cobra.Command {

// The client register main logic
func (c *ClientCmd) runRegister() error {


// fabric-ca/lib/client.go

// Client is the fabric-ca client object
type Client struct {
	// The client's home directory
	HomeDir string `json:"homeDir,omitempty"`
	// The client's configuration
	Config *ClientConfig
	// Denotes if the client object is already initialized
	initialized bool
	// File and directory paths
	keyFile, certFile, idemixCredFile, idemixCredsDir, ipkFile, caCertsDir string
	// The crypto service provider (BCCSP)
	csp bccsp.BCCSP
	// HTTP client associated with this Fabric CA client
	httpClient *http.Client
	// Public key of Idemix issuer
	issuerPublicKey *idemix.IssuerPublicKey

// LoadMyIdentity loads the client's identity from disk
func (c *Client) LoadMyIdentity() (*Identity, error) {
	return c.LoadIdentity(c.keyFile, c.certFile, c.idemixCredFile)

// LoadIdentity loads an identity from disk
func (c *Client) LoadIdentity(keyFile, certFile, idemixCredFile string) (*Identity, error) {
	return c.NewIdentity(creds)

// NewIdentity creates a new identity
func (c *Client) NewIdentity(creds []credential.Credential) (*Identity, error) {
	return NewIdentity(c, name, creds), nil



// Register registers a new identity
// @param req The registration request
func (i *Identity) Register(req *api.RegistrationRequest) (rr *api.RegistrationResponse, err error) {


// Post sends arbitrary request body (reqBody) to an endpoint.
// This adds an authorization header which contains the signature
// of this identity over the body and non-signature part of the authorization header.
// The return value is the body of the response.
func (i *Identity) Post(endpoint string, reqBody []byte, result interface{}, queryParam map[string]string) error {


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