

kubelet监控集群节点的 CPU、内存、磁盘空间和文件系统的inode 等资源,根据kubelet启动参数中的驱逐策略配置,当这些资源中的一个或者多个达到特定的消耗水平,kubelet 可以主动地驱逐节点上一个或者多个pod,以回收资源,降低节点资源压力。












基于kubernets v1.17.4


调用链:kubelet.Run() --> kubelet.updateRuntimeUp() --> kubelet.initializeRuntimeDependentModules() --> kubelet.evictionManager.Start()

// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
func (kl *Kubelet) Run(updates <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate) {
    go wait.Until(kl.updateRuntimeUp, 5*time.Second, wait.NeverStop)   
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
func (kl *Kubelet) updateRuntimeUp() {


// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
const (
    evictionMonitoringPeriod = time.Second * 10

func (kl *Kubelet) initializeRuntimeDependentModules() {
    kl.evictionManager.Start(kl.StatsProvider, kl.GetActivePods, kl.podResourcesAreReclaimed, evictionMonitoringPeriod) 


managerImpl struct

分析evictionManager.Start方法前,先来分析下eviction_manager的结构体managerImpl struct,看其有哪些比较重要的属性:

// pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go
type managerImpl struct {
    config Config
    thresholdsMet []evictionapi.Threshold
    thresholdsFirstObservedAt thresholdsObservedAt
    lastObservations signalObservations
    signalToRankFunc map[evictionapi.Signal]rankFunc
    killPodFunc KillPodFunc

1.1 Config struct



// pkg/kubelet/eviction/types.go
type Config struct {
	Thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold
	MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds int64
	PressureTransitionPeriod time.Duration

1.2 evictionapi.Threshold


// pkg/kubelet/eviction/api/types.go
type Threshold struct {
	// Signal defines the entity that was measured.
	Signal Signal
	// Operator represents a relationship of a signal to a value.
	Operator ThresholdOperator
	// Value is the threshold the resource is evaluated against.
	Value ThresholdValue
	// GracePeriod represents the amount of time that a threshold must be met before eviction is triggered.
	GracePeriod time.Duration
	// MinReclaim represents the minimum amount of resource to reclaim if the threshold is met.
	MinReclaim *ThresholdValue

1.3 thresholdsObservedAt


type thresholdsObservedAt map[evictionapi.Threshold]time.Time

1.4 signalObservations


type signalObservations map[evictionapi.Signal]signalObservation

type signalObservation struct {
	// The resource capacity
	capacity *resource.Quantity
	// The available resource
	available *resource.Quantity
	// Time at which the observation was taken
	time metav1.Time

1.5 rankFunc


// pkg/kubelet/eviction/types.go
type statsFunc func(pod *v1.Pod) (statsapi.PodStats, bool)

type rankFunc func(pods []*v1.Pod, stats statsFunc)
// pkg/kubelet/apis/stats/v1alpha1/types.go
type PodStats struct {
	// Reference to the measured Pod.
	PodRef PodReference `json:"podRef"`
	// The time at which data collection for the pod-scoped (e.g. network) stats was (re)started.
	StartTime metav1.Time `json:"startTime"`
	// Stats of containers in the measured pod.
	Containers []ContainerStats `json:"containers" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"name"`
	// Stats pertaining to CPU resources consumed by pod cgroup (which includes all containers' resource usage and pod overhead).
	CPU *CPUStats `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
	// Stats pertaining to memory (RAM) resources consumed by pod cgroup (which includes all containers' resource usage and pod overhead).
	Memory *MemoryStats `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	// Stats pertaining to network resources.
	Network *NetworkStats `json:"network,omitempty"`
	// Stats pertaining to volume usage of filesystem resources.
	// VolumeStats.UsedBytes is the number of bytes used by the Volume
	VolumeStats []VolumeStats `json:"volume,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"name"`
	// EphemeralStorage reports the total filesystem usage for the containers and emptyDir-backed volumes in the measured Pod.
	EphemeralStorage *FsStats `json:"ephemeral-storage,omitempty"`



(1)实时驱逐:如果配置了KernelMemcgNotification(即kubelet启动参数--experimental-kernel-memcg-notification配置为true,默认为false),则会针对memory内存资源,利用kernel memcg notification,根据内核实时通知,调用m.synchronize方法执行驱逐逻辑(暂不展开分析);
(2)轮询驱逐:拉起一个goroutine,循环调用m.synchronize方法执行驱逐逻辑,如果被驱逐的pod不为空,则调用m.waitForPodsCleanup方法等待被驱逐的pod删除成功,如果没有pod被驱逐,则sleep 10秒后再循环;

// pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) Start(diskInfoProvider DiskInfoProvider, podFunc ActivePodsFunc, podCleanedUpFunc PodCleanedUpFunc, monitoringInterval time.Duration) {
	thresholdHandler := func(message string) {
		m.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, podFunc)
	// 启动实时驱逐
	if m.config.KernelMemcgNotification {
		for _, threshold := range m.config.Thresholds {
			if threshold.Signal == evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable || threshold.Signal == evictionapi.SignalAllocatableMemoryAvailable {
				notifier, err := NewMemoryThresholdNotifier(threshold, m.config.PodCgroupRoot, &CgroupNotifierFactory{}, thresholdHandler)
				if err != nil {
					klog.Warningf("eviction manager: failed to create memory threshold notifier: %v", err)
				} else {
					go notifier.Start()
					m.thresholdNotifiers = append(m.thresholdNotifiers, notifier)
	// 启动轮询驱逐
	// start the eviction manager monitoring
	go func() {
		for {
			if evictedPods := m.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, podFunc); evictedPods != nil {
				klog.Infof("eviction manager: pods %s evicted, waiting for pod to be cleaned up", format.Pods(evictedPods))
				m.waitForPodsCleanup(podCleanedUpFunc, evictedPods)
			} else {

2.1 m.synchronize


且这里说的驱逐pod,只是将pod.status.phase值更新为Failed,并附上驱逐reason:Evicted以及触发驱逐的详细信息,不会删除pod;而pod.status.phase值被更新为Failed后,replicaset controller会再次创建出新的pod调用到其他节点上,达到驱逐pod的效果;

(20)调用rank(activePods, statsFunc),根据之前获取到的pod排序算法,给pod列表进行排序,再次得到activePods,用于后面驱逐pod;


// pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) synchronize(diskInfoProvider DiskInfoProvider, podFunc ActivePodsFunc) []*v1.Pod {
	// (1)获取驱逐策略配置
	// if we have nothing to do, just return
	thresholds := m.config.Thresholds
	if len(thresholds) == 0 && !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.LocalStorageCapacityIsolation) {
		return nil

	klog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: synchronize housekeeping")
	// build the ranking functions (if not yet known)
	// TODO: have a function in cadvisor that lets us know if global housekeeping has completed
	if m.dedicatedImageFs == nil {
		hasImageFs, ok := diskInfoProvider.HasDedicatedImageFs()
		if ok != nil {
			return nil
		m.dedicatedImageFs = &hasImageFs
		// (2)调用`buildSignalToRankFunc`函数来构建pod的排序函数(buildSignalToRankFunc函数返回软驱逐、硬驱逐中各个驱逐信号所对应的排序函数,排序函数用于计算被驱逐pod的顺序)
		m.signalToRankFunc = buildSignalToRankFunc(hasImageFs)
		m.signalToNodeReclaimFuncs = buildSignalToNodeReclaimFuncs(m.imageGC, m.containerGC, hasImageFs)
    // (3)调用`podFunc`,即调用`kl.GetActivePods`方法,获取会被驱逐的pod列表-activePods
	activePods := podFunc()
	updateStats := true
	// (4)获取各种统计信息,如节点上各个资源的总量以及使用量情况、容器的资源声明及使用量情况等
	summary, err := m.summaryProvider.Get(updateStats)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Errorf("eviction manager: failed to get summary stats: %v", err)
		return nil

    // (5)ThresholdNotifier相关的通知实现,ThresholdNotifier-基于观察者模式实现对特殊资源驱逐管理的支持; 
	if m.clock.Since(m.thresholdsLastUpdated) > notifierRefreshInterval {
		m.thresholdsLastUpdated = m.clock.Now()
		for _, notifier := range m.thresholdNotifiers {
			if err := notifier.UpdateThreshold(summary); err != nil {
				klog.Warningf("eviction manager: failed to update %s: %v", notifier.Description(), err)
    // (6)调用`makeSignalObservations`函数,根据前面获取到的节点资源总量及使用量等各种统计信息,组装返回observations,并返回获取pod资源总量及使用量等统计信息的方法statsFunc,该方法后面会用到
	// make observations and get a function to derive pod usage stats relative to those observations.
	observations, statsFunc := makeSignalObservations(summary)
	debugLogObservations("observations", observations)
    // (7)调用thresholdsMet函数,比较observations中的资源使用量和thresholds中的驱逐策略配置阈值之间的大小,将超过阈值的驱逐信号(即`memory.available`、`nodefs.available`等)组装成`thresholds`返回
	// determine the set of thresholds met independent of grace period
	thresholds = thresholdsMet(thresholds, observations, false)
	debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - ignoring grace period", thresholds, observations)

    // (8)判断`m.thresholdsMet`(`m.thresholdsMet`记录了已经达到驱逐阈值,但还没有满足驱逐策略条件,触发驱逐的`Threshold`切片)长度是否大于0,大于0则调用mergeThresholds函数,将上面得到的`thresholds`与`m.thresholdsMet`合并
	// determine the set of thresholds previously met that have not yet satisfied the associated min-reclaim
	if len(m.thresholdsMet) > 0 {
		thresholdsNotYetResolved := thresholdsMet(m.thresholdsMet, observations, true)
		thresholds = mergeThresholds(thresholds, thresholdsNotYetResolved)
	debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - reclaim not satisfied", thresholds, observations)

    // (9)调用`thresholdsFirstObservedAt`函数,传入`thresholds`与`m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt`(记录各个`Threshold`的第一次发现时间点),记录并更新各个驱逐信号的第一次超过阈值的时间,返回`thresholdsFirstObservedAt`
	// track when a threshold was first observed
	now := m.clock.Now()
	thresholdsFirstObservedAt := thresholdsFirstObservedAt(thresholds, m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt, now)

	// the set of node conditions that are triggered by currently observed thresholds
	nodeConditions := nodeConditions(thresholds)
	if len(nodeConditions) > 0 {
		klog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: node conditions - observed: %v", nodeConditions)

    // (10)调用nodeConditionsObservedSince函数,判断距离上次更新nodeCondition时间是否已经超过了`m.config.PressureTransitionPeriod`(即kubelet启动参数配置`--eviction-pressure-transition-period`),超过则更新nodeConditions并返回(这里还没有把nodeCondition更新到node对象中去)
	// track when a node condition was last observed
	nodeConditionsLastObservedAt := nodeConditionsLastObservedAt(nodeConditions, m.nodeConditionsLastObservedAt, now)

	// node conditions report true if it has been observed within the transition period window
	nodeConditions = nodeConditionsObservedSince(nodeConditionsLastObservedAt, m.config.PressureTransitionPeriod, now)
	if len(nodeConditions) > 0 {
		klog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: node conditions - transition period not met: %v", nodeConditions)
    // (11)调用`thresholdsMetGracePeriod`函数,筛选出驱逐信号达到驱逐阈值并持续了`evictionSoftGracePeriod`时间的(即kubelet启动参数配置`--eviction-soft-grace-period`),组装并返回`thresholds`,此时的`thresholds`是满足驱逐策略即将触发驱逐的thresholds;  
	// determine the set of thresholds we need to drive eviction behavior (i.e. all grace periods are met)
	thresholds = thresholdsMetGracePeriod(thresholdsFirstObservedAt, now)
	debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - grace periods satisfied", thresholds, observations)
    // (12)更新`managerImpl`的部分成员变量的值,如`nodeConditions`、`thresholdsFirstObservedAt`、`nodeConditionsLastObservedAt`、`thresholdsMet`、`lastObservations`
	// update internal state
	m.nodeConditions = nodeConditions
	m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt = thresholdsFirstObservedAt
	m.nodeConditionsLastObservedAt = nodeConditionsLastObservedAt
	m.thresholdsMet = thresholds

	// determine the set of thresholds whose stats have been updated since the last sync
	thresholds = thresholdsUpdatedStats(thresholds, observations, m.lastObservations)
	debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - updated stats", thresholds, observations)

	m.lastObservations = observations
    // (13)判断`LocalStorageCapacityIsolation`即localStorage驱逐的featuregate是否开启,是则先调用`m.localStorageEviction`处理localstorage驱逐,如果返回驱逐的pod列表不为空,则证明是localStorage触发的驱逐,且已经处理完毕,直接return
	// evict pods if there is a resource usage violation from local volume temporary storage
	// If eviction happens in localStorageEviction function, skip the rest of eviction action
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.LocalStorageCapacityIsolation) {
		if evictedPods := m.localStorageEviction(summary, activePods); len(evictedPods) > 0 {
			return evictedPods
    // (14)判断即将触发驱逐的`thresholds`长度是否为0,是则代表没有触发驱逐,不需要执行驱逐逻辑,直接return
	if len(thresholds) == 0 {
		klog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: no resources are starved")
		return nil
    // (15)调用`sort.Sort(byEvictionPriority(thresholds))`,给`thresholds`排序,将内存排在所有其他资源信号之前,并将没有资源可回收的阈值排在最后
	// rank the thresholds by eviction priority
	// (16)根据排序结果,调用`getReclaimableThreshold`,遍历`thresholds`,从中获取第一个可以被回收的`threshold`,返回`thresholdToReclaim`
	thresholdToReclaim, resourceToReclaim, foundAny := getReclaimableThreshold(thresholds)
	if !foundAny {
		return nil
	klog.Warningf("eviction manager: attempting to reclaim %v", resourceToReclaim)

	// record an event about the resources we are now attempting to reclaim via eviction
	m.recorder.Eventf(m.nodeRef, v1.EventTypeWarning, "EvictionThresholdMet", "Attempting to reclaim %s", resourceToReclaim)
    // (17)调用`m.reclaimNodeLevelResources`,回收上面获取到的节点级的资源`thresholdToReclaim`,如果回收的资源足够,则直接return,不需要往下执行驱逐pod的逻辑
	// check if there are node-level resources we can reclaim to reduce pressure before evicting end-user pods.
	if m.reclaimNodeLevelResources(thresholdToReclaim.Signal, resourceToReclaim) {
		klog.Infof("eviction manager: able to reduce %v pressure without evicting pods.", resourceToReclaim)
		return nil

	klog.Infof("eviction manager: must evict pod(s) to reclaim %v", resourceToReclaim)
    // (18)调用`m.signalToRankFunc[thresholdToReclaim.Signal]`,获取对应驱逐信号的pod排序函数
	// rank the pods for eviction
	rank, ok := m.signalToRankFunc[thresholdToReclaim.Signal]
	if !ok {
		klog.Errorf("eviction manager: no ranking function for signal %s", thresholdToReclaim.Signal)
		return nil
    // (19)判断`activePods`长度是否为0,是则直接return,没有可被驱逐的pod,无法执行驱逐逻辑
	// the only candidates viable for eviction are those pods that had anything running.
	if len(activePods) == 0 {
		klog.Errorf("eviction manager: eviction thresholds have been met, but no pods are active to evict")
		return nil
    // (20)调用`rank(activePods, statsFunc)`,根据之前获取到的pod排序算法,给pod列表进行排序,再次得到`activePods`,用于后面驱逐pod
	// rank the running pods for eviction for the specified resource
	rank(activePods, statsFunc)

	klog.Infof("eviction manager: pods ranked for eviction: %s", format.Pods(activePods))

	//record age of metrics for met thresholds that we are using for evictions.
	for _, t := range thresholds {
		timeObserved := observations[t.Signal].time
		if !timeObserved.IsZero() {

    // (21)遍历`activePods`列表,获取pod的`gracePeriod`(硬驱逐为0,软驱逐则根据kubelet启动参数`--eviction-max-pod-grace-period`配置值获得),调用`m.evictPod`,判断pod能否被驱逐,能则开始驱逐pod,但这里要注意的是,每次调用`m.synchronize`方法,最多只驱逐一个pod,驱逐成功一个pod则直接return
	// we kill at most a single pod during each eviction interval
	for i := range activePods {
		pod := activePods[i]
		gracePeriodOverride := int64(0)
		if !isHardEvictionThreshold(thresholdToReclaim) {
			gracePeriodOverride = m.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds
		// 调用`evictionMessage`函数,构造驱逐message,后续更新到pod的event和status中,用于说明为什么发生驱逐
		message, annotations := evictionMessage(resourceToReclaim, pod, statsFunc)
		if m.evictPod(pod, gracePeriodOverride, message, annotations) {
			return []*v1.Pod{pod}
	klog.Infof("eviction manager: unable to evict any pods from the node")
	return nil

2.1.1 m.config.Thresholds


// pkg/kubelet/eviction/types.go
type Config struct {
	Thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
func NewMainKubelet(...) {
    thresholds, err := eviction.ParseThresholdConfig(enforceNodeAllocatable, kubeCfg.EvictionHard, kubeCfg.EvictionSoft, kubeCfg.EvictionSoftGracePeriod, kubeCfg.EvictionMinimumReclaim)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	evictionConfig := eviction.Config{
		PressureTransitionPeriod: kubeCfg.EvictionPressureTransitionPeriod.Duration,
		MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: int64(kubeCfg.EvictionMaxPodGracePeriod),
		Thresholds:               thresholds,
		KernelMemcgNotification:  experimentalKernelMemcgNotification,
		PodCgroupRoot:            kubeDeps.ContainerManager.GetPodCgroupRoot(),


// cmd/kubelet/app/options/options.go
func AddKubeletConfigFlags(mainfs *pflag.FlagSet, c *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration) {
    fs.Var(cliflag.NewLangleSeparatedMapStringString(&c.EvictionHard), "eviction-hard", "A set of eviction thresholds (e.g. memory.available<1Gi) that if met would trigger a pod eviction.")
	fs.Var(cliflag.NewLangleSeparatedMapStringString(&c.EvictionSoft), "eviction-soft", "A set of eviction thresholds (e.g. memory.available<1.5Gi) that if met over a corresponding grace period would trigger a pod eviction.")
	fs.Var(cliflag.NewMapStringString(&c.EvictionSoftGracePeriod), "eviction-soft-grace-period", "A set of eviction grace periods (e.g. memory.available=1m30s) that correspond to how long a soft eviction threshold must hold before triggering a pod eviction.")
	fs.Var(cliflag.NewMapStringString(&c.EvictionMinimumReclaim), "eviction-minimum-reclaim", "A set of minimum reclaims (e.g. imagefs.available=2Gi) that describes the minimum amount of resource the kubelet will reclaim when performing a pod eviction if that resource is under pressure.")



// pkg/kubelet/eviction/helpers.go
func ParseThresholdConfig(allocatableConfig []string, evictionHard, evictionSoft, evictionSoftGracePeriod, evictionMinimumReclaim map[string]string) ([]evictionapi.Threshold, error) {
	results := []evictionapi.Threshold{}
	hardThresholds, err := parseThresholdStatements(evictionHard)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	results = append(results, hardThresholds...)
	softThresholds, err := parseThresholdStatements(evictionSoft)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	gracePeriods, err := parseGracePeriods(evictionSoftGracePeriod)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	minReclaims, err := parseMinimumReclaims(evictionMinimumReclaim)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for i := range softThresholds {
		signal := softThresholds[i].Signal
		period, found := gracePeriods[signal]
		if !found {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("grace period must be specified for the soft eviction threshold %v", signal)
		softThresholds[i].GracePeriod = period
	results = append(results, softThresholds...)
	for i := range results {
		if minReclaim, ok := minReclaims[results[i].Signal]; ok {
			results[i].MinReclaim = &minReclaim
	for _, key := range allocatableConfig {
		if key == kubetypes.NodeAllocatableEnforcementKey {
			results = addAllocatableThresholds(results)
	return results, nil

2.1.2 buildSignalToRankFunc


// pkg/kubelet/eviction/helpers.go
func buildSignalToRankFunc(withImageFs bool) map[evictionapi.Signal]rankFunc {
	signalToRankFunc := map[evictionapi.Signal]rankFunc{
		evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable:            rankMemoryPressure,
		evictionapi.SignalAllocatableMemoryAvailable: rankMemoryPressure,
		evictionapi.SignalPIDAvailable:               rankPIDPressure,
	// usage of an imagefs is optional
	if withImageFs {
		// with an imagefs, nodefs pod rank func for eviction only includes logs and local volumes
		signalToRankFunc[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsAvailable] = rankDiskPressureFunc([]fsStatsType{fsStatsLogs, fsStatsLocalVolumeSource}, v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage)
		signalToRankFunc[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsInodesFree] = rankDiskPressureFunc([]fsStatsType{fsStatsLogs, fsStatsLocalVolumeSource}, resourceInodes)
		// with an imagefs, imagefs pod rank func for eviction only includes rootfs
		signalToRankFunc[evictionapi.SignalImageFsAvailable] = rankDiskPressureFunc([]fsStatsType{fsStatsRoot}, v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage)
		signalToRankFunc[evictionapi.SignalImageFsInodesFree] = rankDiskPressureFunc([]fsStatsType{fsStatsRoot}, resourceInodes)
	} else {
		// without an imagefs, nodefs pod rank func for eviction looks at all fs stats.
		// since imagefs and nodefs share a common device, they share common ranking functions.
		signalToRankFunc[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsAvailable] = rankDiskPressureFunc([]fsStatsType{fsStatsRoot, fsStatsLogs, fsStatsLocalVolumeSource}, v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage)
		signalToRankFunc[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsInodesFree] = rankDiskPressureFunc([]fsStatsType{fsStatsRoot, fsStatsLogs, fsStatsLocalVolumeSource}, resourceInodes)
		signalToRankFunc[evictionapi.SignalImageFsAvailable] = rankDiskPressureFunc([]fsStatsType{fsStatsRoot, fsStatsLogs, fsStatsLocalVolumeSource}, v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage)
		signalToRankFunc[evictionapi.SignalImageFsInodesFree] = rankDiskPressureFunc([]fsStatsType{fsStatsRoot, fsStatsLogs, fsStatsLocalVolumeSource}, resourceInodes)
	return signalToRankFunc




// pkg/kubelet/eviction/helpers.go
func rankMemoryPressure(pods []*v1.Pod, stats statsFunc) {
	orderedBy(exceedMemoryRequests(stats), priority, memory(stats)).Sort(pods)



2.1.3 buildSignalToNodeReclaimFuncs



// pkg/kubelet/eviction/helpers.go
func buildSignalToNodeReclaimFuncs(imageGC ImageGC, containerGC ContainerGC, withImageFs bool) map[evictionapi.Signal]nodeReclaimFuncs {
	signalToReclaimFunc := map[evictionapi.Signal]nodeReclaimFuncs{}
	// usage of an imagefs is optional
	if withImageFs {
		// with an imagefs, nodefs pressure should just delete logs
		signalToReclaimFunc[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsAvailable] = nodeReclaimFuncs{}
		signalToReclaimFunc[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsInodesFree] = nodeReclaimFuncs{}
		// with an imagefs, imagefs pressure should delete unused images
		signalToReclaimFunc[evictionapi.SignalImageFsAvailable] = nodeReclaimFuncs{containerGC.DeleteAllUnusedContainers, imageGC.DeleteUnusedImages}
		signalToReclaimFunc[evictionapi.SignalImageFsInodesFree] = nodeReclaimFuncs{containerGC.DeleteAllUnusedContainers, imageGC.DeleteUnusedImages}
	} else {
		// without an imagefs, nodefs pressure should delete logs, and unused images
		// since imagefs and nodefs share a common device, they share common reclaim functions
		signalToReclaimFunc[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsAvailable] = nodeReclaimFuncs{containerGC.DeleteAllUnusedContainers, imageGC.DeleteUnusedImages}
		signalToReclaimFunc[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsInodesFree] = nodeReclaimFuncs{containerGC.DeleteAllUnusedContainers, imageGC.DeleteUnusedImages}
		signalToReclaimFunc[evictionapi.SignalImageFsAvailable] = nodeReclaimFuncs{containerGC.DeleteAllUnusedContainers, imageGC.DeleteUnusedImages}
		signalToReclaimFunc[evictionapi.SignalImageFsInodesFree] = nodeReclaimFuncs{containerGC.DeleteAllUnusedContainers, imageGC.DeleteUnusedImages}
	return signalToReclaimFunc

2.1.4 kl.GetActivePods


// pkg/kubelet/kubelet_pods.go
func (kl *Kubelet) GetActivePods() []*v1.Pod {
	allPods := kl.podManager.GetPods()
	activePods := kl.filterOutTerminatedPods(allPods)
	return activePods
func (kl *Kubelet) filterOutTerminatedPods(pods []*v1.Pod) []*v1.Pod {
	var filteredPods []*v1.Pod
	for _, p := range pods {
		if kl.podIsTerminated(p) {
		filteredPods = append(filteredPods, p)
	return filteredPods
func (kl *Kubelet) podIsTerminated(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	// Check the cached pod status which was set after the last sync.
	status, ok := kl.statusManager.GetPodStatus(pod.UID)
	if !ok {
		// If there is no cached status, use the status from the
		// apiserver. This is useful if kubelet has recently been
		// restarted.
		status = pod.Status
	return status.Phase == v1.PodFailed || status.Phase == v1.PodSucceeded || (pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil && notRunning(status.ContainerStatuses))
func notRunning(statuses []v1.ContainerStatus) bool {
	for _, status := range statuses {
		if status.State.Terminated == nil && status.State.Waiting == nil {
			return false
	return true

2.1.5 m.summaryProvider.Get

(1)sp.provider.GetNode(),最终是从client-go informer的本地缓存中获取node对象;
(6)sp.provider.ListPodStatsAndUpdateCPUNanoCoreUsage(),更新所有容器的cpu usage信息并获取所有pod的启动时间、容器状态、cpu使用量、内存使用量等统计信息,其有两个实现,一个是criStatsProvider,另一个是cadvisorStatsProvider

// pkg/kubelet/server/stats/summary.go
func (sp *summaryProviderImpl) Get(updateStats bool) (*statsapi.Summary, error) {
	// TODO(timstclair): Consider returning a best-effort response if any of
	// the following errors occur.
	// 从client-go informer的本地缓存中获取node对象
	node, err := sp.provider.GetNode()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get node info: %v", err)
	// 从container_manager中获取NodeConfig结构体
	nodeConfig := sp.provider.GetNodeConfig()
	// 从cadvisor中获取根目录“/”下的cgroup的统计信息
	rootStats, networkStats, err := sp.provider.GetCgroupStats("/", updateStats)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get root cgroup stats: %v", err)
	// 从cadvisor中获取root文件系统的统计信息
	rootFsStats, err := sp.provider.RootFsStats()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get rootFs stats: %v", err)
	// 获取image文件系统的统计信息
	imageFsStats, err := sp.provider.ImageFsStats()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get imageFs stats: %v", err)
	var podStats []statsapi.PodStats
	if updateStats {
	    // 更新所有容器的cpu usage信息并获取所有pod的启动时间、容器状态、cpu使用量、内存使用量等统计信息
		podStats, err = sp.provider.ListPodStatsAndUpdateCPUNanoCoreUsage()
	} else {
	    // 获取所有pod的启动时间、容器状态、cpu使用量、内存使用量等统计信息
		podStats, err = sp.provider.ListPodStats()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list pod stats: %v", err)
    // 获取pid限制信息
	rlimit, err := sp.provider.RlimitStats()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get rlimit stats: %v", err)
    // 组装以上的统计信息并返回
	nodeStats := statsapi.NodeStats{
		NodeName:         node.Name,
		CPU:              rootStats.CPU,
		Memory:           rootStats.Memory,
		Network:          networkStats,
		StartTime:        sp.systemBootTime,
		Fs:               rootFsStats,
		Runtime:          &statsapi.RuntimeStats{ImageFs: imageFsStats},
		Rlimit:           rlimit,
		SystemContainers: sp.GetSystemContainersStats(nodeConfig, podStats, updateStats),
	summary := statsapi.Summary{
		Node: nodeStats,
		Pods: podStats,
	return &summary, nil

2.1.6 byEvictionPriority


// pkg/kubelet/eviction/helpers.go
func (a byEvictionPriority) Less(i, j int) bool {
	_, jSignalHasResource := signalToResource[a[j].Signal]
	return a[i].Signal == evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable || a[i].Signal == evictionapi.SignalAllocatableMemoryAvailable || !jSignalHasResource

2.1.7 getReclaimableThreshold


// pkg/kubelet/eviction/helpers.go
func getReclaimableThreshold(thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold) (evictionapi.Threshold, v1.ResourceName, bool) {
	for _, thresholdToReclaim := range thresholds {
		if resourceToReclaim, ok := signalToResource[thresholdToReclaim.Signal]; ok {
			return thresholdToReclaim, resourceToReclaim, true
		klog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: threshold %s was crossed, but reclaim is not implemented for this threshold.", thresholdToReclaim.Signal)
	return evictionapi.Threshold{}, "", false

func init() {
    signalToResource = map[evictionapi.Signal]v1.ResourceName{}
	signalToResource[evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable] = v1.ResourceMemory
	signalToResource[evictionapi.SignalAllocatableMemoryAvailable] = v1.ResourceMemory
	signalToResource[evictionapi.SignalImageFsAvailable] = v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage
	signalToResource[evictionapi.SignalImageFsInodesFree] = resourceInodes
	signalToResource[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsAvailable] = v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage
	signalToResource[evictionapi.SignalNodeFsInodesFree] = resourceInodes
	signalToResource[evictionapi.SignalPIDAvailable] = resourcePids

2.1.8 m.reclaimNodeLevelResources


(2)如果回收函数为空,直接return false;

// pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) reclaimNodeLevelResources(signalToReclaim evictionapi.Signal, resourceToReclaim v1.ResourceName) bool {
	nodeReclaimFuncs := m.signalToNodeReclaimFuncs[signalToReclaim]
	for _, nodeReclaimFunc := range nodeReclaimFuncs {
		// attempt to reclaim the pressured resource.
		if err := nodeReclaimFunc(); err != nil {
			klog.Warningf("eviction manager: unexpected error when attempting to reduce %v pressure: %v", resourceToReclaim, err)

	if len(nodeReclaimFuncs) > 0 {
		summary, err := m.summaryProvider.Get(true)
		if err != nil {
			klog.Errorf("eviction manager: failed to get summary stats after resource reclaim: %v", err)
			return false

		// make observations and get a function to derive pod usage stats relative to those observations.
		observations, _ := makeSignalObservations(summary)
		debugLogObservations("observations after resource reclaim", observations)

		// determine the set of thresholds met independent of grace period
		thresholds := thresholdsMet(m.config.Thresholds, observations, false)
		debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds after resource reclaim - ignoring grace period", thresholds, observations)

		if len(thresholds) == 0 {
			return true
	return false

2.1.9 m.evictPod

(1)调用kubelettypes.IsCriticalPod,判断是否是critical pod,是则返回false,说明该pod不能是被驱逐的对象;

// pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) evictPod(pod *v1.Pod, gracePeriodOverride int64, evictMsg string, annotations map[string]string) bool {
	// If the pod is marked as critical and static, and support for critical pod annotations is enabled,
	// do not evict such pods. Static pods are not re-admitted after evictions.
	// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/40573 has more details.
	if kubelettypes.IsCriticalPod(pod) {
		klog.Errorf("eviction manager: cannot evict a critical pod %s", format.Pod(pod))
		return false
	status := v1.PodStatus{
		Phase:   v1.PodFailed,
		Message: evictMsg,
		Reason:  Reason,
	// record that we are evicting the pod
	m.recorder.AnnotatedEventf(pod, annotations, v1.EventTypeWarning, Reason, evictMsg)
	// this is a blocking call and should only return when the pod and its containers are killed.
	err := m.killPodFunc(pod, status, &gracePeriodOverride)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Errorf("eviction manager: pod %s failed to evict %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
	} else {
		klog.Infof("eviction manager: pod %s is evicted successfully", format.Pod(pod))
	return true

IsCriticalPod函数判断一个pod是否是critical pod;

是static pod,是mirror pod,pod.Spec.Priority属性不为空且其值大于等于2000000000,三个条件均符合则方法返回true,否则返回false;

// pkg/kubelet/types/pod_update.go
func IsCriticalPod(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	if IsStaticPod(pod) {
		return true
	if IsMirrorPod(pod) {
		return true
	if pod.Spec.Priority != nil && IsCriticalPodBasedOnPriority(*pod.Spec.Priority) {
		return true
	return false

看到IsStaticPod函数,可以知道是否是static pod是根据pod annotation中是否有key:"kubernetes.io/config.source",且其值为"api",满足条件则为static pod;

// pkg/kubelet/types/pod_update.go
const (
	ConfigSourceAnnotationKey    = "kubernetes.io/config.source"
	ApiserverSource = "api"

func IsStaticPod(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	source, err := GetPodSource(pod)
	return err == nil && source != ApiserverSource

func GetPodSource(pod *v1.Pod) (string, error) {
	if pod.Annotations != nil {
		if source, ok := pod.Annotations[ConfigSourceAnnotationKey]; ok {
			return source, nil
	return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot get source of pod %q", pod.UID)
// pkg/kubelet/types/pod_update.go
func IsCriticalPodBasedOnPriority(priority int32) bool {
	return priority >= scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority
// pkg/apis/scheduling/types.go
const (
    HighestUserDefinablePriority = int32(1000000000)
    SystemCriticalPriority = 2 * HighestUserDefinablePriority

2.1.10 m.killPodFunc



killPodNow函数主要逻辑:获取gracePeriod,拼凑UpdatePodOptions,并调用podWorkers.UpdatePod来kill Pod(这里的kill pod最终只是停止了pod中的所有业务容器以及sandbox容器,没有做任何删除操作);

// pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go
func killPodNow(podWorkers PodWorkers, recorder record.EventRecorder) eviction.KillPodFunc {
	return func(pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus, gracePeriodOverride *int64) error {
		// determine the grace period to use when killing the pod
		gracePeriod := int64(0)
		if gracePeriodOverride != nil {
			gracePeriod = *gracePeriodOverride
		} else if pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds != nil {
			gracePeriod = *pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds

		// we timeout and return an error if we don't get a callback within a reasonable time.
		// the default timeout is relative to the grace period (we settle on 10s to wait for kubelet->runtime traffic to complete in sigkill)
		timeout := int64(gracePeriod + (gracePeriod / 2))
		minTimeout := int64(10)
		if timeout < minTimeout {
			timeout = minTimeout
		timeoutDuration := time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second

		// open a channel we block against until we get a result
		type response struct {
			err error
		ch := make(chan response, 1)
			Pod:        pod,
			UpdateType: kubetypes.SyncPodKill,
			OnCompleteFunc: func(err error) {
				ch <- response{err: err}
			KillPodOptions: &KillPodOptions{
				PodStatusFunc: func(p *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus) v1.PodStatus {
					return status
				PodTerminationGracePeriodSecondsOverride: gracePeriodOverride,

		// wait for either a response, or a timeout
		select {
		case r := <-ch:
			return r.err
		case <-time.After(timeoutDuration):
			recorder.Eventf(pod, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.ExceededGracePeriod, "Container runtime did not kill the pod within specified grace period.")
			return fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting to kill pod")


podWorkers.UpdatePod() --> p.managePodLoop() --> kl.syncPod() --> kl.killPod() --> kl.containerRuntime.KillPod() --> kl.containerRuntime.killContainersWithSyncResult()/kl.containerRuntime.runtimeService.StopPodSandbox()

2.2 m.waitForPodsCleanup


// pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) waitForPodsCleanup(podCleanedUpFunc PodCleanedUpFunc, pods []*v1.Pod) {
	timeout := m.clock.NewTimer(podCleanupTimeout)
	defer timeout.Stop()
	ticker := m.clock.NewTicker(podCleanupPollFreq)
	defer ticker.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-timeout.C():
			klog.Warningf("eviction manager: timed out waiting for pods %s to be cleaned up", format.Pods(pods))
		case <-ticker.C():
			for i, pod := range pods {
				if !podCleanedUpFunc(pod) {
				if i == len(pods)-1 {
					klog.Infof("eviction manager: pods %s successfully cleaned up", format.Pods(pods))


// pkg/kubelet/kubelet_pods.go
func (kl *Kubelet) podResourcesAreReclaimed(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	status, ok := kl.statusManager.GetPodStatus(pod.UID)
	if !ok {
		status = pod.Status
	return kl.PodResourcesAreReclaimed(pod, status)

PodResourcesAreReclaimed方法中可以看出,会等待pod的所有业务容器停止运行并被删除,等待pod的volume被清理完成,等待pod的cgroup sandbox被清理完成;

// pkg/kubelet/kubelet_pods.go
func (kl *Kubelet) PodResourcesAreReclaimed(pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus) bool {
	if !notRunning(status.ContainerStatuses) {
		// We shouldn't delete pods that still have running containers
		klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, but some containers are still running", format.Pod(pod))
		return false
	// pod's containers should be deleted
	runtimeStatus, err := kl.podCache.Get(pod.UID)
	if err != nil {
		klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, Error getting runtimeStatus from the podCache: %s", format.Pod(pod), err)
		return false
	if len(runtimeStatus.ContainerStatuses) > 0 {
		var statusStr string
		for _, status := range runtimeStatus.ContainerStatuses {
			statusStr += fmt.Sprintf("%+v ", *status)
		klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, but some containers have not been cleaned up: %s", format.Pod(pod), statusStr)
		return false
	if kl.podVolumesExist(pod.UID) && !kl.keepTerminatedPodVolumes {
		// We shouldn't delete pods whose volumes have not been cleaned up if we are not keeping terminated pod volumes
		klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, but some volumes have not been cleaned up", format.Pod(pod))
		return false
	if kl.kubeletConfiguration.CgroupsPerQOS {
		pcm := kl.containerManager.NewPodContainerManager()
		if pcm.Exists(pod) {
			klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, but pod cgroup sandbox has not been cleaned up", format.Pod(pod))
			return false
	return true



// pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) Start(diskInfoProvider DiskInfoProvider, podFunc ActivePodsFunc, podCleanedUpFunc PodCleanedUpFunc, monitoringInterval time.Duration) {
	thresholdHandler := func(message string) {
		m.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, podFunc)
	// 启动实时驱逐
	if m.config.KernelMemcgNotification {
		for _, threshold := range m.config.Thresholds {
			if threshold.Signal == evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable || threshold.Signal == evictionapi.SignalAllocatableMemoryAvailable {
				notifier, err := NewMemoryThresholdNotifier(threshold, m.config.PodCgroupRoot, &CgroupNotifierFactory{}, thresholdHandler)
				if err != nil {
					klog.Warningf("eviction manager: failed to create memory threshold notifier: %v", err)
				} else {
					go notifier.Start()
					m.thresholdNotifiers = append(m.thresholdNotifiers, notifier)
	// 启动轮询驱逐
	// start the eviction manager monitoring
	go func() {
		for {
			if evictedPods := m.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, podFunc); evictedPods != nil {
				klog.Infof("eviction manager: pods %s evicted, waiting for pod to be cleaned up", format.Pods(evictedPods))
				m.waitForPodsCleanup(podCleanedUpFunc, evictedPods)
			} else {



(3)驱逐pod,只是将pod.status.phase值更新为Failed,并附上驱逐reason:Evicted以及触发驱逐的详细信息,不会删除pod;而pod.status.phase值被更新为Failed后,replicaset controller会再次创建出新的pod调用到其他节点上,达到驱逐pod的效果;

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