kubelet之volume manager源码分析

kubernetes ceph-csi分析目录导航

基于tag v1.17.4



volume manager存在于kubelet中,主要是管理存储卷的attach/detach(与AD controller作用相同,通过kubelet启动参数控制哪个组件来做该操作,后续会详细介绍)、mount/umount等操作。




attach/detach操作可以由kube-controller-manager或者kubelet中的volume manager来完成,根据启动参数enable-controller-attach-detach来决定;而mount/umount操作只由kubelet中的volume manager来完成。


(1)运行在kubelet 里让存储Ready的部件,主要是mount/unmount(attach/detach可选);
(2)pod调度到这个node上后才会有卷的相应操作,所以它的触发端是kubelet(严格讲是kubelet里的pod manager),根据Pod Manager里pod spec里申明的存储来触发卷的挂载操作;
(3)Kubelet会监听到调度到该节点上的pod声明,会把pod缓存到Pod Manager中,VolumeManager通过Pod Manager获取PV/PVC的状态,并进行分析出具体的attach/detach、mount/umount, 操作然后调用plugin进行相应的业务处理。

// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/volume_manager.go

// VolumeManager runs a set of asynchronous loops that figure out which volumes
// need to be attached/mounted/unmounted/detached based on the pods scheduled on
// this node and makes it so.
type VolumeManager interface {
	// Starts the volume manager and all the asynchronous loops that it controls
	Run(sourcesReady config.SourcesReady, stopCh <-chan struct{})

	// WaitForAttachAndMount processes the volumes referenced in the specified
	// pod and blocks until they are all attached and mounted (reflected in
	// actual state of the world).
	// An error is returned if all volumes are not attached and mounted within
	// the duration defined in podAttachAndMountTimeout.
	WaitForAttachAndMount(pod *v1.Pod) error

	// GetMountedVolumesForPod returns a VolumeMap containing the volumes
	// referenced by the specified pod that are successfully attached and
	// mounted. The key in the map is the OuterVolumeSpecName (i.e.
	// pod.Spec.Volumes[x].Name). It returns an empty VolumeMap if pod has no
	// volumes.
	GetMountedVolumesForPod(podName types.UniquePodName) container.VolumeMap

	// GetExtraSupplementalGroupsForPod returns a list of the extra
	// supplemental groups for the Pod. These extra supplemental groups come
	// from annotations on persistent volumes that the pod depends on.
	GetExtraSupplementalGroupsForPod(pod *v1.Pod) []int64

	// GetVolumesInUse returns a list of all volumes that implement the volume.Attacher
	// interface and are currently in use according to the actual and desired
	// state of the world caches. A volume is considered "in use" as soon as it
	// is added to the desired state of world, indicating it *should* be
	// attached to this node and remains "in use" until it is removed from both
	// the desired state of the world and the actual state of the world, or it
	// has been unmounted (as indicated in actual state of world).
	GetVolumesInUse() []v1.UniqueVolumeName

	// ReconcilerStatesHasBeenSynced returns true only after the actual states in reconciler
	// has been synced at least once after kubelet starts so that it is safe to update mounted
	// volume list retrieved from actual state.
	ReconcilerStatesHasBeenSynced() bool

	// VolumeIsAttached returns true if the given volume is attached to this
	// node.
	VolumeIsAttached(volumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName) bool

	// Marks the specified volume as having successfully been reported as "in
	// use" in the nodes's volume status.
	MarkVolumesAsReportedInUse(volumesReportedAsInUse []v1.UniqueVolumeName)


(1)desiredStateOfWorld: 集群中期望要达到的数据卷挂载状态,简称DSW。假设集群内新调度了一个Pod,此时要用到volume,Pod被分配到某节点NodeA上。 此时,对于AD controller来说,DSW中节点NodeA应该有被分配的volume在准备被这个Pod挂载。

(2)actualStateOfWorld: 集群中实际存在的数据卷挂载状态,简称ASW。实际状态未必是和期望状态一样,比如实际状态Node上有刚调度过来的Pod,但是还没有相应已经attached状态的volume。




actualStateOfWorld: 实际存储挂载状态,简称ASW。包括了已经成功挂载到node节点的存储,以及已经成功挂载该存储的pod列表。


// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/cache/actual_state_of_world.go
type actualStateOfWorld struct {
	// nodeName is the name of this node. This value is passed to Attach/Detach
	nodeName types.NodeName

	// attachedVolumes is a map containing the set of volumes the kubelet volume
	// manager believes to be successfully attached to this node. Volume types
	// that do not implement an attacher interface are assumed to be in this
	// state by default.
	// The key in this map is the name of the volume and the value is an object
	// containing more information about the attached volume.
	attachedVolumes map[v1.UniqueVolumeName]attachedVolume

	// volumePluginMgr is the volume plugin manager used to create volume
	// plugin objects.
	volumePluginMgr *volume.VolumePluginMgr



// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/cache/actual_state_of_world.go
// attachedVolume represents a volume the kubelet volume manager believes to be
// successfully attached to a node it is managing. Volume types that do not
// implement an attacher are assumed to be in this state.
type attachedVolume struct {
	// volumeName contains the unique identifier for this volume.
	volumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName

	// mountedPods is a map containing the set of pods that this volume has been
	// successfully mounted to. The key in this map is the name of the pod and
	// the value is a mountedPod object containing more information about the
	// pod.
	mountedPods map[volumetypes.UniquePodName]mountedPod

	// spec is the volume spec containing the specification for this volume.
	// Used to generate the volume plugin object, and passed to plugin methods.
	// In particular, the Unmount method uses spec.Name() as the volumeSpecName
	// in the mount path:
	// /var/lib/kubelet/pods/{podUID}/volumes/{escapeQualifiedPluginName}/{volumeSpecName}/
	spec *volume.Spec

	// pluginName is the Unescaped Qualified name of the volume plugin used to
	// attach and mount this volume. It is stored separately in case the full
	// volume spec (everything except the name) can not be reconstructed for a
	// volume that should be unmounted (which would be the case for a mount path
	// read from disk without a full volume spec).
	pluginName string

	// pluginIsAttachable indicates the volume plugin used to attach and mount
	// this volume implements the volume.Attacher interface
	pluginIsAttachable bool

	// globallyMounted indicates that the volume is mounted to the underlying
	// device at a global mount point. This global mount point must be unmounted
	// prior to detach.
	globallyMounted bool

	// devicePath contains the path on the node where the volume is attached for
	// attachable volumes
	devicePath string

	// deviceMountPath contains the path on the node where the device should
	// be mounted after it is attached.
	deviceMountPath string



// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/cache/actual_state_of_world.go
// The mountedPod object represents a pod for which the kubelet volume manager
// believes the underlying volume has been successfully been mounted.
type mountedPod struct {
	// the name of the pod
	podName volumetypes.UniquePodName

	// the UID of the pod
	podUID types.UID

	// mounter used to mount
	mounter volume.Mounter

	// mapper used to block volumes support
	blockVolumeMapper volume.BlockVolumeMapper

	// spec is the volume spec containing the specification for this volume.
	// Used to generate the volume plugin object, and passed to plugin methods.
	// In particular, the Unmount method uses spec.Name() as the volumeSpecName
	// in the mount path:
	// /var/lib/kubelet/pods/{podUID}/volumes/{escapeQualifiedPluginName}/{volumeSpecName}/
	volumeSpec *volume.Spec

	// outerVolumeSpecName is the volume.Spec.Name() of the volume as referenced
	// directly in the pod. If the volume was referenced through a persistent
	// volume claim, this contains the volume.Spec.Name() of the persistent
	// volume claim
	outerVolumeSpecName string

	// remountRequired indicates the underlying volume has been successfully
	// mounted to this pod but it should be remounted to reflect changes in the
	// referencing pod.
	// Atomically updating volumes depend on this to update the contents of the
	// volume. All volume mounting calls should be idempotent so a second mount
	// call for volumes that do not need to update contents should not fail.
	remountRequired bool

	// volumeGidValue contains the value of the GID annotation, if present.
	volumeGidValue string

	// fsResizeRequired indicates the underlying volume has been successfully
	// mounted to this pod but its size has been expanded after that.
	fsResizeRequired bool




desiredStateOfWorld: 期望的存储挂载状态,简称DSW。包括了期望挂载到node节点的存储,以及期望挂载该存储的pod列表。


// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/cache/actual_state_of_world.go
type desiredStateOfWorld struct {
	// volumesToMount is a map containing the set of volumes that should be
	// attached to this node and mounted to the pods referencing it. The key in
	// the map is the name of the volume and the value is a volume object
	// containing more information about the volume.
	volumesToMount map[v1.UniqueVolumeName]volumeToMount
	// volumePluginMgr is the volume plugin manager used to create volume
	// plugin objects.
	volumePluginMgr *volume.VolumePluginMgr
	// podErrors are errors caught by desiredStateOfWorldPopulator about volumes for a given pod.
	podErrors map[types.UniquePodName]sets.String




// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/cache/actual_state_of_world.go
// The volume object represents a volume that should be attached to this node,
// and mounted to podsToMount.
type volumeToMount struct {
	// volumeName contains the unique identifier for this volume.
	volumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName

	// podsToMount is a map containing the set of pods that reference this
	// volume and should mount it once it is attached. The key in the map is
	// the name of the pod and the value is a pod object containing more
	// information about the pod.
	podsToMount map[types.UniquePodName]podToMount

	// pluginIsAttachable indicates that the plugin for this volume implements
	// the volume.Attacher interface
	pluginIsAttachable bool

	// pluginIsDeviceMountable indicates that the plugin for this volume implements
	// the volume.DeviceMounter interface
	pluginIsDeviceMountable bool

	// volumeGidValue contains the value of the GID annotation, if present.
	volumeGidValue string

	// reportedInUse indicates that the volume was successfully added to the
	// VolumesInUse field in the node's status.
	reportedInUse bool

	// desiredSizeLimit indicates the desired upper bound on the size of the volume
	// (if so implemented)
	desiredSizeLimit *resource.Quantity



// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/cache/actual_state_of_world.go
// The pod object represents a pod that references the underlying volume and
// should mount it once it is attached.
type podToMount struct {
	// podName contains the name of this pod.
	podName types.UniquePodName

	// Pod to mount the volume to. Used to create NewMounter.
	pod *v1.Pod

	// volume spec containing the specification for this volume. Used to
	// generate the volume plugin object, and passed to plugin methods.
	// For non-PVC volumes this is the same as defined in the pod object. For
	// PVC volumes it is from the dereferenced PV object.
	volumeSpec *volume.Spec

	// outerVolumeSpecName is the volume.Spec.Name() of the volume as referenced
	// directly in the pod. If the volume was referenced through a persistent
	// volume claim, this contains the volume.Spec.Name() of the persistent
	// volume claim
	outerVolumeSpecName string





// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/volume_manager.go
func (vm *volumeManager) Run(sourcesReady config.SourcesReady, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	defer runtime.HandleCrash()
    // 从apiserver同步pod信息,来更新DesiredStateOfWorld
	go vm.desiredStateOfWorldPopulator.Run(sourcesReady, stopCh)
	klog.V(2).Infof("The desired_state_of_world populator starts")

	klog.Infof("Starting Kubelet Volume Manager")
	// 预期状态和实际状态的协调者,负责调整实际状态至预期状态
	go vm.reconciler.Run(stopCh)

	metrics.Register(vm.actualStateOfWorld, vm.desiredStateOfWorld, vm.volumePluginMgr)

	if vm.kubeClient != nil {
		// start informer for CSIDriver

	klog.Infof("Shutting down Kubelet Volume Manager")

1 vm.desiredStateOfWorldPopulator.Run



// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/populator/desired_state_of_world_populator.go
func (dswp *desiredStateOfWorldPopulator) Run(sourcesReady config.SourcesReady, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	// Wait for the completion of a loop that started after sources are all ready, then set hasAddedPods accordingly
	klog.Infof("Desired state populator starts to run")
	wait.PollUntil(dswp.loopSleepDuration, func() (bool, error) {
		done := sourcesReady.AllReady()
		return done, nil
	}, stopCh)
	dswp.hasAddedPods = true
	wait.Until(dswp.populatorLoop, dswp.loopSleepDuration, stopCh)

1.1 dswp.populatorLoop()


// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/populator/desired_state_of_world_populator.go
func (dswp *desiredStateOfWorldPopulator) populatorLoop() {

	// findAndRemoveDeletedPods() calls out to the container runtime to
	// determine if the containers for a given pod are terminated. This is
	// an expensive operation, therefore we limit the rate that
	// findAndRemoveDeletedPods() is called independently of the main
	// populator loop.
	if time.Since(dswp.timeOfLastGetPodStatus) < dswp.getPodStatusRetryDuration {
			"Skipping findAndRemoveDeletedPods(). Not permitted until %v (getPodStatusRetryDuration %v).",


1.1.1 dswp.findAndAddNewPods()

(1)如果kubelet开启了features.ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes,处理一下map mountedVolumesForPod,用于后续处理标记存储扩容逻辑;

// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/populator/desired_state_of_world_populator.go
// Iterate through all pods and add to desired state of world if they don't
// exist but should
func (dswp *desiredStateOfWorldPopulator) findAndAddNewPods() {
	// Map unique pod name to outer volume name to MountedVolume.
	mountedVolumesForPod := make(map[volumetypes.UniquePodName]map[string]cache.MountedVolume)
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes) {
		for _, mountedVolume := range dswp.actualStateOfWorld.GetMountedVolumes() {
			mountedVolumes, exist := mountedVolumesForPod[mountedVolume.PodName]
			if !exist {
				mountedVolumes = make(map[string]cache.MountedVolume)
				mountedVolumesForPod[mountedVolume.PodName] = mountedVolumes
			mountedVolumes[mountedVolume.OuterVolumeSpecName] = mountedVolume

	processedVolumesForFSResize := sets.NewString()
	for _, pod := range dswp.podManager.GetPods() {
	    // pod如果terminated了,则跳过该pod的volume
		if dswp.isPodTerminated(pod) {
			// Do not (re)add volumes for terminated pods
		// 将pod中的volume添加到 the desired state of the world
		dswp.processPodVolumes(pod, mountedVolumesForPod, processedVolumesForFSResize)

func (dswp *desiredStateOfWorldPopulator) isPodTerminated(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	podStatus, found := dswp.podStatusProvider.GetPodStatus(pod.UID)
	if !found {
		podStatus = pod.Status
	return util.IsPodTerminated(pod, podStatus)


// pkg/volume/util/util.go
// IsPodTerminated checks if pod is terminated
func IsPodTerminated(pod *v1.Pod, podStatus v1.PodStatus) bool {
	return podStatus.Phase == v1.PodFailed || podStatus.Phase == v1.PodSucceeded || (pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil && notRunning(podStatus.ContainerStatuses))

// notRunning returns true if every status is terminated or waiting, or the status list
// is empty.
func notRunning(statuses []v1.ContainerStatus) bool {
	for _, status := range statuses {
		if status.State.Terminated == nil && status.State.Waiting == nil {
			return false
	return true


// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/populator/desired_state_of_world_populator.go
// processPodVolumes processes the volumes in the given pod and adds them to the
// desired state of the world.
func (dswp *desiredStateOfWorldPopulator) processPodVolumes(
	pod *v1.Pod,
	mountedVolumesForPod map[volumetypes.UniquePodName]map[string]cache.MountedVolume,
	processedVolumesForFSResize sets.String) {
	if pod == nil {

	uniquePodName := util.GetUniquePodName(pod)
	if dswp.podPreviouslyProcessed(uniquePodName) {

	allVolumesAdded := true
	mounts, devices := util.GetPodVolumeNames(pod)

	expandInUsePV := utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes)
	// Process volume spec for each volume defined in pod
	for _, podVolume := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
		if !mounts.Has(podVolume.Name) && !devices.Has(podVolume.Name) {
			// Volume is not used in the pod, ignore it.
			klog.V(4).Infof("Skipping unused volume %q for pod %q", podVolume.Name, format.Pod(pod))

		pvc, volumeSpec, volumeGidValue, err :=
			dswp.createVolumeSpec(podVolume, pod.Name, pod.Namespace, mounts, devices)
		if err != nil {
				"Error processing volume %q for pod %q: %v",
			dswp.desiredStateOfWorld.AddErrorToPod(uniquePodName, err.Error())
			allVolumesAdded = false

		// for local volume
		err = dswp.checkLocalVolumePV(pod, volumeSpec)
		if err != nil {
				"Error processing volume %q for pod %q: %v",
			allVolumesAdded = false

		// Add volume to desired state of world
		_, err = dswp.desiredStateOfWorld.AddPodToVolume(
			uniquePodName, pod, volumeSpec, podVolume.Name, volumeGidValue)
		if err != nil {
				"Failed to add volume %s (specName: %s) for pod %q to desiredStateOfWorld: %v",
			dswp.desiredStateOfWorld.AddErrorToPod(uniquePodName, err.Error())
			allVolumesAdded = false
		} else {
				"Added volume %q (volSpec=%q) for pod %q to desired state.",

		if expandInUsePV {
			dswp.checkVolumeFSResize(pod, podVolume, pvc, volumeSpec,
				uniquePodName, mountedVolumesForPod, processedVolumesForFSResize)

	// some of the volume additions may have failed, should not mark this pod as fully processed
	if allVolumesAdded {
		// New pod has been synced. Re-mount all volumes that need it
		// (e.g. DownwardAPI)
		// Remove any stored errors for the pod, everything went well in this processPodVolumes



// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/populator/desired_state_of_world_populator.go
// checkVolumeFSResize checks whether a PVC mounted by the pod requires file
// system resize or not. If so, marks this volume as fsResizeRequired in ASW.
// - mountedVolumesForPod stores all mounted volumes in ASW, because online
//   volume resize only considers mounted volumes.
// - processedVolumesForFSResize stores all volumes we have checked in current loop,
//   because file system resize operation is a global operation for volume, so
//   we only need to check it once if more than one pod use it.
func (dswp *desiredStateOfWorldPopulator) checkVolumeFSResize(
	pod *v1.Pod,
	podVolume v1.Volume,
	pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim,
	volumeSpec *volume.Spec,
	uniquePodName volumetypes.UniquePodName,
	mountedVolumesForPod map[volumetypes.UniquePodName]map[string]cache.MountedVolume,
	processedVolumesForFSResize sets.String) {
	if podVolume.PersistentVolumeClaim == nil {
		// Only PVC supports resize operation.
	uniqueVolumeName, exist := getUniqueVolumeName(uniquePodName, podVolume.Name, mountedVolumesForPod)
	if !exist {
		// Volume not exist in ASW, we assume it hasn't been mounted yet. If it needs resize,
		// it will be handled as offline resize(if it indeed hasn't been mounted yet),
		// or online resize in subsequent loop(after we confirm it has been mounted).
	if processedVolumesForFSResize.Has(string(uniqueVolumeName)) {
		// File system resize operation is a global operation for volume,
		// so we only need to check it once if more than one pod use it.
	// volumeSpec.ReadOnly is the value that determines if volume could be formatted when being mounted.
	// This is the same flag that determines filesystem resizing behaviour for offline resizing and hence
	// we should use it here. This value comes from Pod.spec.volumes.persistentVolumeClaim.readOnly.
	if volumeSpec.ReadOnly {
		// This volume is used as read only by this pod, we don't perform resize for read only volumes.
		klog.V(5).Infof("Skip file system resize check for volume %s in pod %s/%s "+
			"as the volume is mounted as readonly", podVolume.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
	if volumeRequiresFSResize(pvc, volumeSpec.PersistentVolume) {
		dswp.actualStateOfWorld.MarkFSResizeRequired(uniqueVolumeName, uniquePodName)

// pv.Spec.Capacity大小大于pvc.Status.Capacity时返回true
func volumeRequiresFSResize(pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, pv *v1.PersistentVolume) bool {
	capacity := pvc.Status.Capacity[v1.ResourceStorage]
	requested := pv.Spec.Capacity[v1.ResourceStorage]
	return requested.Cmp(capacity) > 0
1.1.2 dswp.findAndRemoveDeletedPods


// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/populator/desired_state_of_world_populator.go
// Iterate through all pods in desired state of world, and remove if they no
// longer exist
func (dswp *desiredStateOfWorldPopulator) findAndRemoveDeletedPods() {
	var runningPods []*kubecontainer.Pod

	runningPodsFetched := false
	for _, volumeToMount := range dswp.desiredStateOfWorld.GetVolumesToMount() {
		pod, podExists := dswp.podManager.GetPodByUID(volumeToMount.Pod.UID)
		if podExists {
			// Skip running pods
			if !dswp.isPodTerminated(pod) {
			if dswp.keepTerminatedPodVolumes {

		// Once a pod has been deleted from kubelet pod manager, do not delete
		// it immediately from volume manager. Instead, check the kubelet
		// containerRuntime to verify that all containers in the pod have been
		// terminated.
		if !runningPodsFetched {
			var getPodsErr error
			runningPods, getPodsErr = dswp.kubeContainerRuntime.GetPods(false)
			if getPodsErr != nil {
					"kubeContainerRuntime.findAndRemoveDeletedPods returned error %v.",

			runningPodsFetched = true
			dswp.timeOfLastGetPodStatus = time.Now()

		runningContainers := false
		for _, runningPod := range runningPods {
			if runningPod.ID == volumeToMount.Pod.UID {
				if len(runningPod.Containers) > 0 {
					runningContainers = true


		if runningContainers {
				"Pod %q still has one or more containers in the non-exited state. Therefore, it will not be removed from desired state.",
		exists, _, _ := dswp.actualStateOfWorld.PodExistsInVolume(volumeToMount.PodName, volumeToMount.VolumeName)
		if !exists && podExists {
				volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed(fmt.Sprintf("Actual state has not yet has this volume mounted information and pod (%q) still exists in pod manager, skip removing volume from desired state",
					format.Pod(volumeToMount.Pod)), ""))
		klog.V(4).Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("Removing volume from desired state", ""))

			volumeToMount.PodName, volumeToMount.VolumeName)

	podsWithError := dswp.desiredStateOfWorld.GetPodsWithErrors()
	for _, podName := range podsWithError {
		if _, podExists := dswp.podManager.GetPodByUID(types.UID(podName)); !podExists {

2 vm.reconciler.Run



// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/reconciler/reconciler.go
func (rc *reconciler) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	wait.Until(rc.reconciliationLoopFunc(), rc.loopSleepDuration, stopCh)

func (rc *reconciler) reconciliationLoopFunc() func() {
	return func() {

		// Sync the state with the reality once after all existing pods are added to the desired state from all sources.
		// Otherwise, the reconstruct process may clean up pods' volumes that are still in use because
		// desired state of world does not contain a complete list of pods.
		if rc.populatorHasAddedPods() && !rc.StatesHasBeenSynced() {
			klog.Infof("Reconciler: start to sync state")

2.1 rc.reconcile

a.当存储未attach到node时:调用方法将存储先attach到node上(此处会判断是不是由kubelet来做attach操作,是则创建VolumeAttachment对象并等待该对象的.status.attached的值为 true,不是则等待AD controller来做attach操作,kubelet将会根据node对象的.Status.VolumesAttached属性来判断该存储是否已attach到node上);
b.当存储attach后,但未mount给pod或者需要remount时:调用方法进行volume mount(最终调用csi.NodeStageVolume与csi.NodePublishVolume);
a.当actualStateOfWorld中表明,某volume没有被任何pod挂载,且desiredStateOfWorld中也不期望该volume被任何pod挂载,且attachedVolume.GloballyMounted属性为true时(device与global mount path的挂载关系还在),会调用到UnmountDevice,主要是调用csi.NodeUnstageVolume解除node上global mount path的存储挂载;
b.当actualStateOfWorld中表明,某volume没有被任何pod挂载,且desiredStateOfWorld中也不存在该volume,且attachedVolume.GloballyMounted属性为false时(已经调用过UnmountDevice,device与global mount path的挂载关系已解除),会调用到UnmountDevice,主要是从etcd中删除VolumeAttachment对象,并等待删除成功。


(1)rc.operationExecutor.UnmountVolume:当actualStateOfWorld中表明,pod已经挂载了某volume,但desiredStateOfWorld中期望挂载某volume的pod列表中不存在该pod时(即表明存储已经挂载给pod,但该pod已经不存在了,需要解除该挂载),会调用到UnmountVolume,主要是调用csi.NodeUnpublishVolume将pod mount path解除挂载;


(3)rc.operationExecutor.MountVolume:当desiredStateOfWorld中期望某volume挂载给某pod,但actualStateOfWorld中表明该volume并没有挂载给该pod,且该volume已经挂载到了node节点上,(或者该pod的volume需要remount),会调用到MountVolume,主要是调用csi.NodeStageVolume将存储挂载到node上的global mount path,调用csi.NodePublishVolume将存储从global mount path挂载到pod mount path;


(5)rc.operationExecutor.UnmountDevice:当actualStateOfWorld中表明,某volume没有被任何pod挂载,且desiredStateOfWorld中也不期望该volume被任何pod挂载,且attachedVolume.GloballyMounted属性为true时(device与global mount path的挂载关系还在),会调用到UnmountDevice,主要是调用csi.NodeUnstageVolume解除node上global mount path的存储挂载;

(6)rc.operationExecutor.DetachVolume:当actualStateOfWorld中表明,某volume没有被任何pod挂载,且desiredStateOfWorld中也不存在该volume,且attachedVolume.GloballyMounted属性为false时(已经调用过UnmountDevice,device与global mount path的挂载关系已解除),会调用到UnmountDevice,主要是从etcd中删除VolumeAttachment对象,并等待删除成功。

pod挂载存储的调用流程:AttachVolume(csi-attacher.Attach) --> MountVolume(csi-attacher.MountDevice --> csi-mounter.SetUp)
解除pod存储挂载的调用流程:UnmountVolume(csi-mounter.TearDown) --> UnmountDevice(csi-attacher.UnmountDevice) --> DetachVolume(csi-attcher.Detach)
该参数的值由kubelet启动参数--enable-controller-attach-detach决定,该启动参数设置为 true 表示启用 Attach/Detach controller进行Attach/Detach 操作,同时禁用 kubelet 执行 Attach/Detach 操作(默认值为 true)。对于csi plugin来说,实际上Attach/Detach 操作只是创建/删除VolumeAttachment对象。
// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/reconciler/reconciler.go

func (rc *reconciler) reconcile() {
	// Unmounts are triggered before mounts so that a volume that was
	// referenced by a pod that was deleted and is now referenced by another
	// pod is unmounted from the first pod before being mounted to the new
	// pod.
    // 对于实际已经挂载了的存储,如果期望挂载信息中无该存储,或期望挂载存储的pod列表中没有该pod,则指定pod的指定存储需要unmount
	// Ensure volumes that should be unmounted are unmounted.
	// 从实际挂载信息结构体中获取存储挂载信息
	for _, mountedVolume := range rc.actualStateOfWorld.GetMountedVolumes() {
	    // 判断期望挂载信息结构体中是否存在指定存储挂载到指定pod的信息,如果不存在,则调用rc.operationExecutor.UnmountVolume 从指定pod中unmount掉指定存储
		if !rc.desiredStateOfWorld.PodExistsInVolume(mountedVolume.PodName, mountedVolume.VolumeName) {
			// Volume is mounted, unmount it
			klog.V(5).Infof(mountedVolume.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.UnmountVolume", ""))
			err := rc.operationExecutor.UnmountVolume(
				mountedVolume.MountedVolume, rc.actualStateOfWorld, rc.kubeletPodsDir)
			if err != nil &&
				!nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists(err) &&
				!exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) {
				// Ignore nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists and exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected.
				// Log all other errors.
				klog.Errorf(mountedVolume.GenerateErrorDetailed(fmt.Sprintf("operationExecutor.UnmountVolume failed (controllerAttachDetachEnabled %v)", rc.controllerAttachDetachEnabled), err).Error())
			if err == nil {
				klog.Infof(mountedVolume.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.UnmountVolume started", ""))
    // 从desiredStateOfWorld中获取需要mount到pod的volome信息列表
	// Ensure volumes that should be attached/mounted are attached/mounted.
	for _, volumeToMount := range rc.desiredStateOfWorld.GetVolumesToMount() {
	    // 调用rc.actualStateOfWorld.PodExistsInVolume查询指定volume是否已mount到指定pod
		volMounted, devicePath, err := rc.actualStateOfWorld.PodExistsInVolume(volumeToMount.PodName, volumeToMount.VolumeName)
		volumeToMount.DevicePath = devicePath
		// 当存储未attach到node时,调用方法将存储先attach到node上
		if cache.IsVolumeNotAttachedError(err) {
		    // 判断是否是controller来进行Attach/Detach操作
			if rc.controllerAttachDetachEnabled || !volumeToMount.PluginIsAttachable {
				// Volume is not attached (or doesn't implement attacher), kubelet attach is disabled, wait
				// for controller to finish attaching volume.
				klog.V(5).Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume", ""))
				// 如果是controller来进行Attach/Detach操作,则调用VerifyControllerAttachedVolume方法来判断controller是否已经执行完Attach/Detach操作
				err := rc.operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume(
				if err != nil &&
					!nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists(err) &&
					!exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) {
					// Ignore nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists and exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected.
					// Log all other errors.
					klog.Errorf(volumeToMount.GenerateErrorDetailed(fmt.Sprintf("operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume failed (controllerAttachDetachEnabled %v)", rc.controllerAttachDetachEnabled), err).Error())
				if err == nil {
					klog.Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume started", ""))
			} else {
				// Volume is not attached to node, kubelet attach is enabled, volume implements an attacher,
				// so attach it
				volumeToAttach := operationexecutor.VolumeToAttach{
					VolumeName: volumeToMount.VolumeName,
					VolumeSpec: volumeToMount.VolumeSpec,
					NodeName:   rc.nodeName,
				klog.V(5).Infof(volumeToAttach.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.AttachVolume", ""))
				err := rc.operationExecutor.AttachVolume(volumeToAttach, rc.actualStateOfWorld)
				if err != nil &&
					!nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists(err) &&
					!exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) {
					// Ignore nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists and exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected.
					// Log all other errors.
					klog.Errorf(volumeToMount.GenerateErrorDetailed(fmt.Sprintf("operationExecutor.AttachVolume failed (controllerAttachDetachEnabled %v)", rc.controllerAttachDetachEnabled), err).Error())
				if err == nil {
					klog.Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.AttachVolume started", ""))
		// 当存储attach后,但未mount给pod或者需要remount时,调用方法进行volume mount
		} else if !volMounted || cache.IsRemountRequiredError(err) {
			// Volume is not mounted, or is already mounted, but requires remounting
			remountingLogStr := ""
			isRemount := cache.IsRemountRequiredError(err)
			if isRemount {
				remountingLogStr = "Volume is already mounted to pod, but remount was requested."
			klog.V(4).Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.MountVolume", remountingLogStr))
			err := rc.operationExecutor.MountVolume(
			if err != nil &&
				!nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists(err) &&
				!exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) {
				// Ignore nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists and exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected.
				// Log all other errors.
				klog.Errorf(volumeToMount.GenerateErrorDetailed(fmt.Sprintf("operationExecutor.MountVolume failed (controllerAttachDetachEnabled %v)", rc.controllerAttachDetachEnabled), err).Error())
			if err == nil {
				if remountingLogStr == "" {
					klog.V(1).Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.MountVolume started", remountingLogStr))
				} else {
					klog.V(5).Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.MountVolume started", remountingLogStr))
		// 当存储需要扩容时,调用方法进行存储扩容
		} else if cache.IsFSResizeRequiredError(err) &&
			utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes) {
			klog.V(4).Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.ExpandInUseVolume", ""))
			err := rc.operationExecutor.ExpandInUseVolume(
			if err != nil &&
				!nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists(err) &&
				!exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) {
				// Ignore nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists and exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected.
				// Log all other errors.
				klog.Errorf(volumeToMount.GenerateErrorDetailed("operationExecutor.ExpandInUseVolume failed", err).Error())
			if err == nil {
				klog.V(4).Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.ExpandInUseVolume started", ""))
    // 对比actualStateOfWorld,从desiredStateOfWorld中获取需要detached的volomes(detached意思为把存储从node上解除挂载)
	// Ensure devices that should be detached/unmounted are detached/unmounted.
	for _, attachedVolume := range rc.actualStateOfWorld.GetUnmountedVolumes() {
		// Check IsOperationPending to avoid marking a volume as detached if it's in the process of mounting.
		if !rc.desiredStateOfWorld.VolumeExists(attachedVolume.VolumeName) &&
			!rc.operationExecutor.IsOperationPending(attachedVolume.VolumeName, nestedpendingoperations.EmptyUniquePodName) {
			// 当volume已经从node上解除挂载后,GloballyMounted的值被赋值为false
			if attachedVolume.GloballyMounted {
				// Volume is globally mounted to device, unmount it
				klog.V(5).Infof(attachedVolume.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.UnmountDevice", ""))
				err := rc.operationExecutor.UnmountDevice(
					attachedVolume.AttachedVolume, rc.actualStateOfWorld, rc.hostutil)
				if err != nil &&
					!nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists(err) &&
					!exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) {
					// Ignore nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists and exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected.
					// Log all other errors.
					klog.Errorf(attachedVolume.GenerateErrorDetailed(fmt.Sprintf("operationExecutor.UnmountDevice failed (controllerAttachDetachEnabled %v)", rc.controllerAttachDetachEnabled), err).Error())
				if err == nil {
					klog.Infof(attachedVolume.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.UnmountDevice started", ""))
			} else {
				// Volume is attached to node, detach it
				// Kubelet not responsible for detaching or this volume has a non-attachable volume plugin.
				if rc.controllerAttachDetachEnabled || !attachedVolume.PluginIsAttachable {
					rc.actualStateOfWorld.MarkVolumeAsDetached(attachedVolume.VolumeName, attachedVolume.NodeName)
					klog.Infof(attachedVolume.GenerateMsgDetailed("Volume detached", fmt.Sprintf("DevicePath %q", attachedVolume.DevicePath)))
				} else {
					// Only detach if kubelet detach is enabled
					klog.V(5).Infof(attachedVolume.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.DetachVolume", ""))
					err := rc.operationExecutor.DetachVolume(
						attachedVolume.AttachedVolume, false /* verifySafeToDetach */, rc.actualStateOfWorld)
					if err != nil &&
						!nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists(err) &&
						!exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) {
						// Ignore nestedpendingoperations.IsAlreadyExists && exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected.
						// Log all other errors.
						klog.Errorf(attachedVolume.GenerateErrorDetailed(fmt.Sprintf("operationExecutor.DetachVolume failed (controllerAttachDetachEnabled %v)", rc.controllerAttachDetachEnabled), err).Error())
					if err == nil {
						klog.Infof(attachedVolume.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.DetachVolume started", ""))
2.1.1 rc.operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume

因为attach/detach操作由AD controller来完成,所以volume manager只能通过node对象来获取指定volume是否已经attach,如已经attach,则更新actualStateOfWorld。


// pkg/volume/util/operationexecutor/operation_executor.go
func (oe *operationExecutor) VerifyControllerAttachedVolume(
	volumeToMount VolumeToMount,
	nodeName types.NodeName,
	actualStateOfWorld ActualStateOfWorldAttacherUpdater) error {
	generatedOperations, err :=
		oe.operationGenerator.GenerateVerifyControllerAttachedVolumeFunc(volumeToMount, nodeName, actualStateOfWorld)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return oe.pendingOperations.Run(
		volumeToMount.VolumeName, "" /* podName */, generatedOperations)

func (og *operationGenerator) GenerateVerifyControllerAttachedVolumeFunc(
	volumeToMount VolumeToMount,
	nodeName types.NodeName,
	actualStateOfWorld ActualStateOfWorldAttacherUpdater) (volumetypes.GeneratedOperations, error) {
	volumePlugin, err :=
	if err != nil || volumePlugin == nil {
		return volumetypes.GeneratedOperations{}, volumeToMount.GenerateErrorDetailed("VerifyControllerAttachedVolume.FindPluginBySpec failed", err)

	verifyControllerAttachedVolumeFunc := func() (error, error) {
		if !volumeToMount.PluginIsAttachable {
			// If the volume does not implement the attacher interface, it is
			// assumed to be attached and the actual state of the world is
			// updated accordingly.

			addVolumeNodeErr := actualStateOfWorld.MarkVolumeAsAttached(
				volumeToMount.VolumeName, volumeToMount.VolumeSpec, nodeName, "" /* devicePath */)
			if addVolumeNodeErr != nil {
				// On failure, return error. Caller will log and retry.
				return volumeToMount.GenerateError("VerifyControllerAttachedVolume.MarkVolumeAsAttachedByUniqueVolumeName failed", addVolumeNodeErr)

			return nil, nil

		if !volumeToMount.ReportedInUse {
			// If the given volume has not yet been added to the list of
			// VolumesInUse in the node's volume status, do not proceed, return
			// error. Caller will log and retry. The node status is updated
			// periodically by kubelet, so it may take as much as 10 seconds
			// before this clears.
			// Issue #28141 to enable on demand status updates.
			return volumeToMount.GenerateError("Volume has not been added to the list of VolumesInUse in the node's volume status", nil)

		// Fetch current node object
		node, fetchErr := og.kubeClient.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(string(nodeName), metav1.GetOptions{})
		if fetchErr != nil {
			// On failure, return error. Caller will log and retry.
			return volumeToMount.GenerateError("VerifyControllerAttachedVolume failed fetching node from API server", fetchErr)

		if node == nil {
			// On failure, return error. Caller will log and retry.
			return volumeToMount.GenerateError(
				"VerifyControllerAttachedVolume failed",
				fmt.Errorf("Node object retrieved from API server is nil"))

		for _, attachedVolume := range node.Status.VolumesAttached {
			if attachedVolume.Name == volumeToMount.VolumeName {
				addVolumeNodeErr := actualStateOfWorld.MarkVolumeAsAttached(
					v1.UniqueVolumeName(""), volumeToMount.VolumeSpec, nodeName, attachedVolume.DevicePath)
				klog.Infof(volumeToMount.GenerateMsgDetailed("Controller attach succeeded", fmt.Sprintf("device path: %q", attachedVolume.DevicePath)))
				if addVolumeNodeErr != nil {
					// On failure, return error. Caller will log and retry.
					return volumeToMount.GenerateError("VerifyControllerAttachedVolume.MarkVolumeAsAttached failed", addVolumeNodeErr)
				return nil, nil

		// Volume not attached, return error. Caller will log and retry.
		return volumeToMount.GenerateError("Volume not attached according to node status", nil)

	return volumetypes.GeneratedOperations{
		OperationName:     "verify_controller_attached_volume",
		OperationFunc:     verifyControllerAttachedVolumeFunc,
		CompleteFunc:      util.OperationCompleteHook(util.GetFullQualifiedPluginNameForVolume(volumePlugin.GetPluginName(), volumeToMount.VolumeSpec), "verify_controller_attached_volume"),
		EventRecorderFunc: nil, // nil because we do not want to generate event on error
	}, nil


2.2 rc.sync()



// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/reconciler/reconciler.go
func (rc *reconciler) reconciliationLoopFunc() func() {
	return func() {

		// Sync the state with the reality once after all existing pods are added to the desired state from all sources.
		// Otherwise, the reconstruct process may clean up pods' volumes that are still in use because
		// desired state of world does not contain a complete list of pods.
		if rc.populatorHasAddedPods() && !rc.StatesHasBeenSynced() {
			klog.Infof("Reconciler: start to sync state")
// pkg/kubelet/volumemanager/reconciler/reconciler.go

// sync process tries to observe the real world by scanning all pods' volume directories from the disk.
// If the actual and desired state of worlds are not consistent with the observed world, it means that some
// mounted volumes are left out probably during kubelet restart. This process will reconstruct
// the volumes and update the actual and desired states. For the volumes that cannot support reconstruction,
// it will try to clean up the mount paths with operation executor.
func (rc *reconciler) sync() {
	defer rc.updateLastSyncTime()

// syncStates scans the volume directories under the given pod directory.
// If the volume is not in desired state of world, this function will reconstruct
// the volume related information and put it in both the actual and desired state of worlds.
// For some volume plugins that cannot support reconstruction, it will clean up the existing
// mount points since the volume is no long needed (removed from desired state)
func (rc *reconciler) syncStates() {
	// Get volumes information by reading the pod's directory
	podVolumes, err := getVolumesFromPodDir(rc.kubeletPodsDir)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Errorf("Cannot get volumes from disk %v", err)
	volumesNeedUpdate := make(map[v1.UniqueVolumeName]*reconstructedVolume)
	volumeNeedReport := []v1.UniqueVolumeName{}
	for _, volume := range podVolumes {
		if rc.actualStateOfWorld.VolumeExistsWithSpecName(volume.podName, volume.volumeSpecName) {
			klog.V(4).Infof("Volume exists in actual state (volume.SpecName %s, pod.UID %s), skip cleaning up mounts", volume.volumeSpecName, volume.podName)
			// There is nothing to reconstruct
		volumeInDSW := rc.desiredStateOfWorld.VolumeExistsWithSpecName(volume.podName, volume.volumeSpecName)

		reconstructedVolume, err := rc.reconstructVolume(volume)
		if err != nil {
			if volumeInDSW {
				// Some pod needs the volume, don't clean it up and hope that
				// reconcile() calls SetUp and reconstructs the volume in ASW.
				klog.V(4).Infof("Volume exists in desired state (volume.SpecName %s, pod.UID %s), skip cleaning up mounts", volume.volumeSpecName, volume.podName)
			// No pod needs the volume.
			klog.Warningf("Could not construct volume information, cleanup the mounts. (pod.UID %s, volume.SpecName %s): %v", volume.podName, volume.volumeSpecName, err)
		if volumeInDSW {
			// Some pod needs the volume. And it exists on disk. Some previous
			// kubelet must have created the directory, therefore it must have
			// reported the volume as in use. Mark the volume as in use also in
			// this new kubelet so reconcile() calls SetUp and re-mounts the
			// volume if it's necessary.
			volumeNeedReport = append(volumeNeedReport, reconstructedVolume.volumeName)
			klog.V(4).Infof("Volume exists in desired state (volume.SpecName %s, pod.UID %s), marking as InUse", volume.volumeSpecName, volume.podName)
		// There is no pod that uses the volume.
		if rc.operationExecutor.IsOperationPending(reconstructedVolume.volumeName, nestedpendingoperations.EmptyUniquePodName) {
			klog.Warning("Volume is in pending operation, skip cleaning up mounts")
			"Reconciler sync states: could not find pod information in desired state, update it in actual state: %+v",
		volumesNeedUpdate[reconstructedVolume.volumeName] = reconstructedVolume

	if len(volumesNeedUpdate) > 0 {
		if err = rc.updateStates(volumesNeedUpdate); err != nil {
			klog.Errorf("Error occurred during reconstruct volume from disk: %v", err)
	if len(volumeNeedReport) > 0 {


volume manager作用

volume manager存在于kubelet中,主要是管理卷的attach/detach(与AD controller作用相同,通过kubelet启动参数控制哪个组件来做该操作,后续会详细介绍)、mount/umount等操作。

volume manager中pod挂载存储的调用流程

AttachVolume(csi-attacher.Attach) --> MountVolume(csi-attacher.MountDevice --> csi-mounter.SetUp)

volume manager中解除pod存储挂载的调用流程

UnmountVolume(csi-mounter.TearDown) --> UnmountDevice(csi-attacher.UnmountDevice) --> DetachVolume(csi-attcher.Detach)

volume manager的vm.reconciler.Run中各个方法的调用链


Volume is not attached to node, kubelet attach is enabled

vm.reconciler.Run --> rc.operationExecutor.AttachVolume --> oe.operationGenerator.GenerateAttachVolumeFunc --> csi-attacher.Attach(pkg/volume/csi/csi_attacher.go)--> create VolumeAttachment


Volume is not mounted, or is already mounted, but requires remounting

vm.reconciler.Run --> rc.operationExecutor.MountVolume --> oe.operationGenerator.GenerateMountVolumeFunc --> 1.csi-attacer.WaitForAttach(等待VolumeAttachment的.status.attached属性值更新为true) 2.csi-attacer.MountDevice(--

csi.NodeStageVolume) 3.csi-mounter.SetUp(-->csi.NodePublishVolume)


Volume is mounted, but it needs to resize

vm.reconciler.Run --> rc.operationExecutor.ExpandInUseVolume --> oe.operationGenerator.GenerateExpandInUseVolumeFunc --> og.doOnlineExpansion --> og.nodeExpandVolume --> expander.NodeExpand (pkg/volume/csi/expander.go) --> csi.NodeExpandVolume


Volume is mounted, unmount it

vm.reconciler.Run --> rc.operationExecutor.UnmountVolume --> oe.operationGenerator.GenerateUnmountVolumeFunc --> csi-mounter.TearDown(pkg/volume/csi/csi_mounter.go)--> csi.NodeUnpublishVolume


Volume is globally mounted to device, unmount it

vm.reconciler.Run --> rc.operationExecutor.UnmountDevice --> oe.operationGenerator.GenerateUnmountVolumeFunc --> csi-attacher.UnmountDevice --> csi.NodeUnstageVolume


Volume is attached to node, detach it

vm.reconciler.Run --> rc.operationExecutor.DetachVolume --> oe.operationGenerator.GenerateDetachVolumeFunc --> csi-attacher.Detach --> delete VolumeAttachment

posted @ 2021-06-12 10:50  良凯尔  阅读(2059)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报