js 发布订阅模式实现
/** * 发布订阅模式 */ class PublishSubscribePattern { constructor() { // 消息映射 this.msgMap = {}; } // 发布 publish(name, param) { const msg = this.msgMap[name]; if (msg) { msg.subscribes.forEach(subscribe => { subscribe.callback(param); }); } else { console.log('无人订阅此消息:', name, param); } } // 订阅 subscribe(name, callback) { const msg = this.msgMap[name]; if (msg) { msg.subscribes.push({callback}); } else { this.msgMap[name] = { name, subscribes: [{callback}] } } } }
const event = new PublishSubscribePattern(); event.publish('news', 'this is news 1'); event.subscribe('news', (param) => { console.log('get news:', param); }); event.publish('news', 'this is news 2');
/** * 发布订阅模式 */ class PublishSubscribePattern { constructor() { // 消息映射 this.msgMap = {}; } // 发布 publish({name, param, publisher}) { const msg = this.msgMap[name]; if (msg) { if (!publisher) { throw new Error('未注册发布人:' + name); } else if (publisher === 'all') { msg.subscribes.forEach(e => e.callback(param)); } else { let beAccept = false; msg.subscribes.forEach(e => { if (e.publisher === publisher) { beAccept = true; e.callback(param); } }); if (!beAccept) { console.log('无人订阅你的消息:', name, param); } } } else { console.log('无人订阅此消息:', name, param); } } // 订阅 subscribe({name, publisher}, callback) { const msg = this.msgMap[name]; if (msg) { msg.subscribes.push({ publisher, callback }); } else { this.msgMap[name] = { name, subscribes: [{ publisher, callback }] } } } }
const event = new PublishSubscribePattern(); event.publish({name: 'news', param: 'this is news 1', publisher: 'weather'}); event.subscribe({name: 'news', publisher: 'weather'}, (param) => { console.log(`get news from weather:`, param); }); event.publish({name: 'news', param: 'this is news 2', publisher: 'weather'}); event.publish({name: 'news', param: 'this is news of newspaper', publisher: 'newspaper'}); /* 无人订阅此消息: news this is news 1 get news from weather: this is news 2 无人订阅你的消息: news this is news of newspaper */
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