1. Run following command to install required packages: Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer 2. For database first approach, need to 阅读全文
Creating a Custom Controller Factory Create a custom controller factory by implementing IControllerFacotry interface and register it in Application_St 阅读全文
Filters are .NET attributes that add extra steps to the request processing pipeline. The MVC Framework supports five different types of filters. Each 阅读全文
1. Transaction In all versions of Entity Framework, whenever you execute SaveChanges() to insert, update or delete on the database the framework will 阅读全文
Creating a Controller with IController All controller classes must implemet IController interface. Creating a Controller by Deriving from the Controll 阅读全文
Convention-based Routing Creating and Registering a Simple Route App_Start/RouteConfig.cs Global.asax.cs Using Static URL Segments Defining Variable-L 阅读全文
Explicitly Validating a Model Displaying Validation Errors to the User The helpers add a CSS class called "input-validation-error" to the input elemen 阅读全文
Default Model Binder The Order in Which the DefaultModelBinder Class Looks for Parameter Data: Bind to simple type: The DefaultModelBinder tries to co 阅读全文
C# version 1.0 delegate C# version 2.0 introduced anonymous method, creating anonymous methods is essentially a way to pass a code block as a delegate 阅读全文
Event declaration and implementation: Usage: .NET framework has provided EventHandler delegate and EventArgs class, they are replace the OnRequestRais 阅读全文