注意:由于是oracle 数据库,批量新增的时候和其他数据不一样,批量新增的时候必须遍历查询通过 UNION ALL 连接成临时表再进行批量添加,我这里入参是List<Map<String,Object>>
<insert id="insertBatch" parameterType="java.util.List" useGeneratedKeys="false"> insert into phf_budget(pk_id,fk_report_record_id,subject_id,budget_number,unit_price,money_total,creator_user_id) select * from( <foreach collection="list" item="map" index="index" separator="UNION ALL"> SELECT SYS_GUID() as pk_id, <choose> <when test="fkReportRecordId != null"> #{fkReportRecordId} </when> <otherwise> '' </otherwise> </choose> as fk_report_record_id, <choose> <when test="map.subjectId != null"> #{map.subjectId} </when> <otherwise> '' </otherwise> </choose> as subject_id, <choose> <when test="map.budgetNumber != null and map.budgetNumber != ''"> #{map.budgetNumber} </when> <otherwise> '0' </otherwise> </choose> as budget_number, <choose> <when test="map.unitPrice != null and map.unitPrice != null"> #{map.unitPrice} </when> <otherwise> '0' </otherwise> </choose> as unit_price, <choose> <when test="map.moneyTotal != null and map.moneyTotal != null"> #{map.moneyTotal} </when> <otherwise> '0' </otherwise> </choose> as money_total, <choose> <when test="userId != null"> #{userId} </when> <otherwise> '' </otherwise> </choose> as creator_user_id from dual </foreach> ) </insert>
orcale 批量更新的时候在<foreach>标签未必须加 begin --- end
<update id="updateBatch" parameterType="java.util.List"> <if test="list!=null"> begin <foreach collection="list" item="item" index= "index" open="" close="" separator =";"> update phf_budget <set> <if test="item.budgetNumber != null">budget_number = #{item.budgetNumber},</if> <if test="item.unitPrice != null">unit_price = #{item.unitPrice},</if> <if test="item.moneyTotal != null">money_total = #{item.moneyTotal},</if> last_modification_time = SYSDATE, <if test="userId != null">last_modifier_user_id = #{userId},</if> </set> <where> pk_id=#{item.pkId} </where> </foreach> ;end; </if> </update>