

第5章 实时同步

5.1 实时同步的概念

5.1.1 实时同步什么时候使用


5.1.2 实时同步和定时同步的相同和不同之处

  • 实时同步实现的是只要存储服务器的数据发生变化,就会立马同步,保证了客户的数据不会出现丢失的情况,实时同步一般针对的是外面人传来的数据
  • 定时同步最短的同步时间是一分钟,定时同步主要在一些内部人员的数据,配置文件,数据库等等一些不需要一直备份的数据,定时同步一般针对的是内部的人传来的数据

5.2 实时同步的原理

5.2.1 文字详述

  • 客户将数据发到存储服务器
  • 监视存储服务器发现数据发生变化(inotity)
  • 将数据传送到备份服务器(rsync)

5.2.2 画图解释


5.3 实时同步的常用参数

5.3.1 参数介绍

  • --exclude <pattern>                数据监控的时候,排除那些数据信息不进行监控
  • --excludei <pattern>                 数据进行监控的时候,以忽略大小写的方法进行数                                据的排除的进行监控
  • -m|--monitor                        一直对指定的目录进行监控
  • -r|--recursive                        递归的监控目录里面数据的变化
  • --format <fmt>                    定义监控数据输出的信息格式
  • --timefmt <fmt>                    定义监控数据输出的时间信息
  • -q|--quiet                            将某些信息不进行显示输出
  • -e|--event                            指定监控的时间信息

5.3.2 监控事件介绍

  • access                file or directory contents were read(文件或者目录被读取)
  • modify                file or directory contents were written(文件或者目录被写入)
  • attrib                file or directory attributes changed(文件或者目录的属性信息发生                    改变)
  • close_write            file or directory closed, after being opened in writeable mode(文                    件或目录被关闭,在文件打开写入新的东西以后关闭的)
  • close_nowrite            file or directory closed, after being opened in read-only mode(文                    件或目录被关闭,在文件打开没有写入新的东西以后关闭的)
  • close                file or directory closed, regardless of read/write mode(文件或者目                    录关闭,不考虑现在是查看内容还是写入内容)
  • move from                file or directory opened moved_to file or directory moved                         to watched directory(文件或者目录被移动到监控目录中)
  • moved_from            file or directory moved from watched directory(文件或者目录从监                    控目录中移出来)
  • move                file or directory moved to or from watched directory(文件或者目录,                    有数据移动的操作)
  • create                file or directory created within watched directory(在监控目录中,有                    文件创建的信息产生)
  • delete                file or directory deleted within watched directory(在监控目录中,有                    文件删除的信息产生)
  • open                    file or directory opened(文件或者目录打开)

5.4 实时同步的操作

5.4.1 实时同步软件的安装(在存储服务器上面安装)

[root@nfs01 ~] # yum -y reinstall inotify-tools

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

* base: mirrors.aliyun.com

* extras: mirrors.aliyun.com

* updates: mirrors.aliyun.com


Dependencies Resolved

Installing : inotify-tools-3.14-9.el7.x86_64 1/1

Verifying : inotify-tools-3.14-9.el7.x86_64 1/1



inotify-tools.x86_64 0:3.14-9.el7



5.4.2 查看安装包对应的文件

[root@nfs01 ~] # rpm -ql inotify-tools

/usr/bin/inotifywait                            监控数据信息的变化(重要)

/usr/bin/inotifywatch                            统计监控的次数(了解即可)





/usr/share/doc/inotify-tools-3.14/COPYING                    其他的相关文件,目前不需要关注






5.4.3 开始进行操作 不加任何参数的时候

[root@nfs01 ~] # inotifywait /data01

Setting up watches.

Watches established.                    控连接成功

/data01/ OPEN,ISDIR                 查看了监控目录下面的数据,产生了open打开事件的发生

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

[root@nfs01 ~] #




[root@nfs01 ~] # cd /data01

[root@nfs01 data01] # ll                执行查看操作

total 0

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 25 21:53 aa.txt

drwxr-xr-x 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody 6 Oct 26 12:21 r

drwxr-xr-x 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody 6 Oct 26 12:21 w

[root@nfs01 data01] # -m进行一直监控

[root@nfs01 ~] # inotifywait -m /data01            -m会一直进行监控

Setting up watches.

Watches established.

/data01/ OPEN,ISDIR


/data01/ CREATE aa.ttx

/data01/ OPEN aa.ttx

/data01/ ATTRIB aa.ttx

/data01/ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE aa.ttx

/data01/ DELETE aa.txt

/data01/ CREATE,ISDIR aa




[root@nfs01 data01] # ll

total 0

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 25 21:53 aa.txt

drwxr-xr-x 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody 6 Oct 26 12:21 r

drwxr-xr-x 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody 6 Oct 26 12:21 w

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

[root@nfs01 data01] # touch aa.ttx

[root@nfs01 data01] # rm -rf aa.txt

[root@nfs01 data01] # mkdir -p aa

[root@nfs01 data01] # mkdir -p aa/aa.txt            发现创建aa目录下面的子文件监控不成功

[root@nfs01 data01] # -r进行递归监控

[root@nfs01 ~] # inotifywait -mr /data01                递归进行监控

Setting up watches. Beware: since -r was given, this may take a while!

Watches established.

/data01/aa/ ATTRIB,ISDIR aa.txt

/data01/aa/aa.txt/ ATTRIB,ISDIR



[root@nfs01 data01] # touch aa/aa.txt                    监控成功

[root@nfs01 data01] # 加- -format和- -timefmt来进行输出信息格式的调整

[root@nfs01 ~] # inotifywait -mr /data01 --format "%T %w%f %e" --timefmt "%F %T"        配置输出监控信息的格式

Setting up watches. Beware: since -r was given, this may take a while!

Watches established.

2019-10-27 17:41:02 /data01/bb.ttx OPEN

2019-10-27 17:41:02 /data01/bb.ttx ATTRIB

2019-10-27 17:41:02 /data01/bb.ttx CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE



[root@nfs01 data01] # touch bb.ttx                    在监控目录创建bb.ttx

[root@nfs01 data01] # 指定哪些事件进行显示发生(-e)

[root@nfs01 ~] # inotifywait -mr /data01 --format "%T %w%f %e" --timefmt "%F %T" -e "close_write,move,delete,create"                    指定哪些事件可以显示出来

Setting up watches. Beware: since -r was given, this may take a while!

Watches established.

2019-10-27 17:46:08 /data01/cc.txt CREATE

2019-10-27 17:46:08 /data01/cc.txt CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE



[root@nfs01 data01] # touch cc.txt                创建一个cc.txt

[root@nfs01 data01] # 将监控信息调节到最优

[root@nfs01 ~] # inotifywait -mrq /data01 --format "%w%f" -e "create,delete,move,close_write"        最优






[root@nfs01 data01] # mkdir -p aa/bb

[root@nfs01 data01] # touch aa/cc.txt

[root@nfs01 data01] #

5.5 脚本实现实时同步

5.5.1 脚本实现修改,创建,移动,删除的操作

[root@nfs01 ~] # vim /server/scripts/inotity_backup.sh




##things:Real time synchronization


inotifywait -mrq /data01 --format "%w%f" -e create,delete,move,close_write |\    监控/data01目录下的数据

while read line                获取变化的数据


rsync -azL $data/ --delete rsync_backup@ --password-file=/etc/rsync.password     进行增量无差异传输


5.5.2 怎么进行服务的后台持续监控,在终端关闭的情况下

使用nohup sh /server/scripts/inotity_backup.sh &

5.5.3 利用脚本数据同步完毕后, 脚本会依旧持续运行?





5.6 软件实现实时同步

5.6.1 下载serync软件包


5.6.2 二进制安装软件 开始解压软件

[root@nfs01 tools] # unzip sersync_installdir_64bit                

Archive: sersync_installdir_64bit.zip

creating: sersync_installdir_64bit/sersync/

creating: sersync_installdir_64bit/sersync/bin/

inflating: sersync_installdir_64bit/sersync/bin/sersync

creating: sersync_installdir_64bit/sersync/conf/

inflating: sersync_installdir_64bit/sersync/conf/confxml.xml

creating: sersync_installdir_64bit/sersync/logs/

[root@nfs01 tools] # ll 将软件移动到/usr/local/目录下

[root@nfs01 tools] # cd /server/tools/sersync_installdir_64bit/

[root@nfs01 sersync_installdir_64bit] # ll

total 0

drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 41 Dec 23 2012 sersync

[root@nfs01 sersync_installdir_64bit] # mv sersync /usr/local/

[root@nfs01 tools] # 开始进行文件的配置

[root@nfs01 conf] # vim confxml.xml

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

2 <head version="2.5">

3 <host hostip="localhost" port="8008"></host>

4 <debug start="true"/>                    开启了调试模式,在有问题的时候,可以使用

5 <fileSystem xfs="false"/>

6 <filter start="false">                过滤不进行监控的数据

7 <exclude expression="(.*)\.svn"></exclude>

8 <exclude expression="(.*)\.gz"></exclude>

9 <exclude expression="^info/*"></exclude>

10 <exclude expression="^static/*"></exclude>

11 </filter>

12 <inotify>                        指定一些监控事件

13 <delete start="true"/>

14 <createFolder start="true"/>

15 <createFile start="false"/>

16 <closeWrite start="true"/>

17 <moveFrom start="true"/>

18 <moveTo start="true"/>

19 <attrib start="false"/>

20 <modify start="false"/>

21 </inotify>


23 <sersync>

24 <localpath watch="/data01">                    指定监控的目录是哪个

25 <remote ip="" name="backup"/>    远程连接IP 模块信息

26 <!--<remote ip="" name="tongbu"/>-->

27 <!--<remote ip="" name="tongbu"/>-->

28 </localpath>

29 <rsync>

30 <commonParams params="-az"/>            rsync参数使用

31 <auth start="true" users="rsync_backup" passwordfile="/etc/rsync.password"/>    认证用户                                                                        认证密码 运行sersync服务 将启动程序加入系统环境变量中

exportPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/sersync/bin/:/usr/local/sersync/bin/ 运行

[root@nfs01 conf] # sersync -h                            查找sersync服务的帮助手册

set the system param

executeecho 50000000 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

executeecho 327679 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_queued_events

parse the command param




c参数-n: 指定开启守护线程的数量,默认为10


参数-m:单独启用其他模块,使用 -m refreshCDN 开启刷新CDN模块

参数-m:单独启用其他模块,使用 -m socket 开启socket模块

参数-m:单独启用其他模块,使用 -m http 开启http模块



[root@nfs01 conf] # sersync -dro /usr/local/sersync/conf/confxml.xml         使用dro参数来进行开启服务

set the system param

executeecho 50000000 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

executeecho 327679 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_queued_events

parse the command param

option: -d     run as a daemon

option: -r     rsync all the local files to the remote servers before the sersync work

option: -o     config xml name /usr/local/sersync/conf/confxml.xml

daemon thread num: 10

parse xml config file

host ip : localhost    host port: 8008

Open debug, you will see debug infomation

daemon startsersync run behind the console

use rsync password-file :

user is    rsync_backup

passwordfile is     /etc/rsync.password

config xml parse success

please set /etc/rsyncd.conf max connections=0 Manually

sersync working thread 12 = 1(primary thread) + 1(fail retry thread) + 10(daemon sub threads)

Max threads numbers is: 22 = 12(Thread pool nums) + 10(Sub threads)

please according your cpu use -n param to adjust the cpu rate


rsync the directory recursivly to the remote servers once

working please wait...

execute command: cd /data01 && rsync -az -R --delete ./ rsync_backup@ --password-file=/etc/rsync.password

crontab command:cd /data01 && rsync -az -R --delete ./ rsync_backup@ --password-file=/etc/rsync.password

rsync: delete_file: unlink(true_finger/finger_2019-10-28.txt) failed: Permission denied (13)

cannot delete non-empty directory: true_finger

rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1178) [sender=3.1.2]

run the sersync:

watch path is: /data01

add watch: /data01 return wd is: 1

[root@nfs01 conf] # 测试是否备份成功 在备份服务器监视的目录上面创建文件

[root@nfs01 data01] # touch oldboy02.txt                    创建oldboy02.txt文件

inotify wd:1    name:oldboy02.txt    mask:256

inotify wd:1    name:oldboy02.txt    mask:8

[root@nfs01 data01] # ll

total 0

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 28 11:38 oldboy01.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 28 20:24 oldboy02.txt

[root@nfs01 data01] # 在备份服务器上面查看发现是否有这个备份文件

[root@backup ~] # ll /backup

total 0

-rw-r--r-- 1 rsync rsync 0 Oct 28 11:38 oldboy01.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 rsync rsync 0 Oct 28 20:24 oldboy02.txt            备份目录是有这个文件的

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 35 Oct 28 20:00 true_finger

[root@backup ~] # 关闭sersync服务

[root@nfs01 ~] # vim /usr/local/sersync/bin/shutdown_sersync.sh



pkill -9 sersync

if [ $? -eq 0 ]


echo "sersync server kill success"


echo "sersync server kill faild,The server not start"



posted @ 2019-11-30 16:13  HXX-LYX  阅读(400)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报