0x00 选择器介绍 选择器:查找页面元素的一种方式方法 :规定了选择器查找到的元素(标签)实现统一的样式规定 样式规则里面放置的是属性和属性值 需要注意的是:属性和属性值需要使用冒号:连接 每一组属性和属性值结束后需要使用分号结尾 如果是最后一组,则不用写分号 示例: <!DOCTYPE html 阅读全文
00 笔记-网站的组成三个内容 Html结构 - 了解清楚 Css样式 - 对结构的修饰 js的行为交互 - 一系列的动态的效果 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title></title> </head> <body> 阅读全文
宝宝点击下面的链接喔 (最好带着耳机) 点我点我! 阅读全文
题目 In this term, Alice took nn courses. Now, she has finished all final exams, and she will get her grades in the following nn days. On the i-th day, 阅读全文
题目 a 题意 给出n个不同的数,如果这n个数有四个异或起来等于0,就是YES,如果一组都没有就是NO。 思路 考虑 a ^ b = c , 每次把两两异或后的值记录为1,如果有一个数记录了2次,即有两组数异或起来相等,由于这n个数都是不同的数,所以不可能存在ab=c && ad=c 的情况,所以必 阅读全文
2020 is a special integer, it's formed of two same integers (20 and 20). We call a number is a good number, if and only if it can be formed of two sam 阅读全文
题目 As a world-famous traveler, Prof. Pang's research interest is to travel as many places as possible in his life. We have a segment {[0, n]}[0,n]. Th 阅读全文
题目 Your git project (you don't need to be familiar with git to solve this problem) has some files that should be ignored from synchronizing. You need 阅读全文
题目 A mine-sweeper map X can be expressed as an n\times mn×m grid. Each cell of the grid is either a mine cell or a non-mine cell. A mine cell has no n 阅读全文
题目 In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers, commonly denoted as f_nf n , is a sequence such that each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, 阅读全文