NetBeans + MinGW 的 C/C++ 开发环境配置

前面的文章《搭建基于 NetBeans 的 OpenGL 开发环境》提到了 NetBeans 和 MinGW 的配置,当时记得好像以前写过步骤,就随手略过了。今天收到网友的提醒才发现是我记错了,在这里补上,同时谢谢你!

1.下载自动 MinGW 安装程序,这对初学者来说是比较方便的方式,缺点就是下载速度慢得不如蜗牛。
2.运行下载的 MinGW-x.y.z.exe,一直点“Next”,接着选择“Current”,直到出现组件选择。
3.至少要选择“MinGW base tools”和“g++ compiler”。其他组件还不受 NetBeans 支持。
5.下载 GNU 源级别调试器(也就是 GDB),安装到 MinGW 目录下。
6.下载并安装 MSYS:最小系统,安装后有些简单的配置向导。
7.安装 NetBeans 5.5.1 和 NetBeans 5.5.1 C/C++ 开发包。
  现在已经能正常编译和运行标准的 C/C++ 程序了。只要对 Makefile、GCC 这些工具有所了解,NetBeans 足以应付大多数开发,虽然有时还是不太方便。目前 NetBeans 6.0 Beta 出来了,不知道 C/C++ 开发组件有什么改进。

Configuring Development Environment of NetBeans + MinGW
    My former article "Building OpenGL Development Environment Based on NetBeans" noticed the configeration of NetBeans and MinGW, and at that time I just skipped it since I remembered the steps had been written before. Today I received a notice from a net friend and realized my memery was wrong, so I supply the missing and meanwhile thank you!
    Below are the steps:

1.Download Automated MinGW Installer, which is a good method to primers, and the shortcoming is the downloading speed is slower than a snail.
2.Run the downloaded MinGW-x.y.z.exe, click "Next" straight forward, select "Current", until the components selection.
3.Choose at least "MinGW base tools" and "g++ compiler". The other components are not supported by NetBeans yet.
4.Then is download and installation, and if you're unluck, the consumed time is enough for watching a film.
5.Download GNU Source-Level Debugger (aka GDB), and install it to MinGW directory.
6.Download and install MSYS: Minimal System, and after that there is a simple configuration wizard.
7.Install NetBeans 5.5.1 and NetBeans 5.5.1 C/C++ development pack.
    Now standard C/C++ applications can be compiled and run correctly. If you have a basic knowledge of these tools like Mafile and GCC, NetBeans can handle most developments, though not very convenient sometimes. NetBeans 6.0 Beta has been out, but I don't know the improvements of C/C++ development components.


posted on 2010-05-14 15:29  胖宝宝  阅读(594)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
