1. 大陆前不加the,海洋前加the
- Asia, Europe
- the Pacific / the Pacific Ocean
2. 河海前加the,湖泊前不加the
- the Nile / the Nile River
- the Caspian Sea
- the Mediterranean / the Mediterranean Sea
- I live by Lake Ontario. I swam in Lake Superior.
3. 山脉前加the,山峰前不加the,以s结尾的山名前加the
- the Rockies / the Rocky Mountains
- the Himalayas / the Himalayan Mountains
- He can see Mount Fuji.
- She can see Mount Rushmore.
4. 岛屿前不加the,群岛前加the
- Hawaii
- The Maldives
5. 沙漠前加the
- the Mojave
6. 对合众国,联盟,共和国(States, Unions, Republics)等国家名称前加the,对以s结尾的国家名称前加the,其他国家前不加the
- the Republic of Ireland, the United States, etc.
- the Philippines, the Netherlands, etc.
- China, Austrilia, England, Sweden, etc.
7. 省州,城镇,村庄,街道前不加the
- Oxfordshire, Catalunya, California
- London, Paris
8. 建筑物前面加the,机场街道台站前面不加the
- the Emperor's Palace
- the Tower of Pisa
- the Pentagon
- Pearson Airport
- Main Street
- 5th Avenue
- Broadway Station
9. 含有of的复合名词前加the
- the Island of Lesbos
- the University of Toronto
- the Republic of Congo
- the Gulf of Mexico
- __ Prague is the capital of __ Czech Republic.
- When I was in __ England, I visited __ Tower of London.
- __ Rhine is a river that goes through __ Netherlands.
- On my trip in __ Asia, I had a chance to visit __ Mount Aso and __ Yangtze River in __ China.
- I left __ Hong Kong via __ Hong Kong International Airport.
- __ Mohave Desert is located in __ United States.
- __ Appalachian Mountains are in __ North America.
- When I was in __ New York, I visited __ Empire State Building and __ Seneca Lake.
- __ Sea of Japan is located between __ Japan and __ South Korea. It is part of __ Pacific Ocean.
- __ MET Museum is located on __ Fifth Avenue.
- I met a man from __ New Zealand when I was skiing in __ Swiss Alps.
- On my trip around the world, I visited __ Jamaica, __ Bahamas, __ Australia, and __ Republic of Congo.
- John lives on __ Fraser Street in __ Sydney.
- __ Poland is part of __ European Union.
- The tourist arrived at __ Manaus Airport and then took a tour of __ Amazon River.
- Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.
- When I was in England, I visited the Tower of London.
- The Rhine is a river that goes through the Netherlands.
- On my trip in Asia, I had a chance to visit Mount Aso and the Yangtze River in China.
- I left Hong Kong via Hong Kong International Airport.
- The Mohave Desert is located in the United States.
- The Appalachian Mountains are in North America.
- When I was in New York, I visited the Empire State Building and Seneca Lake.
- The Sea of Japan is located between Japan and South Korea. It is part of the Pacific Ocean.
- The MET Museum is located on Fifth Avenue.
- I met a man from New Zealand when I was skiing in the Swiss Alps.
- On my trip around the world, I visited Jamaica, the Bahamas, Australia, and the Republic of Congo.
- John lives on Fraser Street in Sydney.
- Poland is part of the European Union.
- The tourist arrived at Manaus Airport and then took a tour of Amazon River.