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[转]How to identify the template used to create a site..

Posted on 2010-06-25 16:44  挥辉  阅读(345)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

如果你看到类似这样的错误: FatalError: Could not find WebTemplate #75801 with LCID 1033.

这个时候下面这个文章就有用了, 这个作者列举了所有的template ID, Cool!

I use to wonder in case solution (WSP files) when deployed on the server globally
If the solution are available the sites are also made using those solution . Now I had a Question in my mind that how could I find which templates are bening applied on the site .In case site are moved i.e server is backup is restored over a new server , Creation on new configuration database , Solution are removed etc
At last we end up in getting message
"Page not found' or "Internet Explorer could complete this request " or " Unkown Error"
I created a Aspx file usign the code snipet given below
Code Snippet [ before every tag, '--' is added, you need to remove the hyphens]
<--script type="text/javascript" <--%@ Assembly Name="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>
<--%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/_layouts/application.master" Inherits="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.LayoutsPageBase" %>
<--%@ Import Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint" %>

<--script runat="server">
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e){
using (SPWeb thisWeb = this.Web)
lblWebTempalte.Text = thisWeb.WebTemplate;
lblWebTemplateID.Text = thisWeb.WebTemplateId.ToString();
<--asp:Content ID="Main" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="PlaceHolderMain" >

Web Template: <--asp:Label ID="lblWebTempalte" runat="server" />

Web Template ID: <--asp:Label ID="lblWebTemplateID" runat="server" />

<--asp:Content ID="PageTitle" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="PlaceHolderPageTitle" >
Site Template Information

<--asp:Content ID="PageTitleInTitleArea" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea" >
Site Template Information



Web Template: ----->Web Template ID:
============= ================
ABSENCE ----> Absencevacationschedule ----> 75811
PROJMULTI ---->Budgetingtrackingmultipleprojects ----> 75819
BT ----> Bugdatabase ----> 75801
CALLCENTER ---->Callcenter ---->75812
PROJCHANGE ---->Changerequest ----> 75818
COMPROC ---->Complianceprocesssupport ---->75813
DR ---->Documentlibraryreview ---->75803
EVENTPLAN ----> Eventplanning ---->75814
EXREPORTS ---->expensereimbursementapproval ----> 75815
HELPDESK ---->HELPDESK ---->75816
IT ---->InventoryTracking ---->75804
ITTEAM ---->ITTeamWorkspace ---->75817
JRIM ---->JobRequisition ---->75805
KB ---->KnowledgeBase ---->75806
LL ---->LendingLibrary ---->75807
PATM ---->PhysicalAssetTracking ---->75808
PROJSING ---->ProjectTrackingWorkspace ----> 75820
RER ---->RoomEquipmentReservations ---->75809
ST --->SalesLeadPipeline ---->75810
List of Out of the box MOSS 2007 Template ID Information
NAme ---->Web Template: ----> Web Template ID:
============= ================

GLOBAL ---->Global template" ----> 0
STS ---->Team Site,Blank Site,Document Workspace ----> 1
MPS ---->Basic Meeting Workspace ----> 2
MPS ---->Blank Meeting Workspace ---->2
MPS ---->Decision Meeting Workspace ---->2
MPS ---->Social Meeting Workspace 2
MPS ---->Multipage Meeting Workspace 2
CENTRALADMIN ---->Central Admin Site ----> 3
WIKI ---->Wiki Site ---->4
BDR ---->Document Center ----> 7
BLOG ---->Blog ---->9
SPS ---->SharePoint Portal Server Site ---->20
SPSPERS ---->SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space ---->21
SPSMSITE ---->Personalization Site ---->22
SPSTOC ---->Contents area Template ----> 30
SPSTOPIC ---->Topic area template ---->31
SPSNEWS ---->News area template ---->32
SPSNHOME ---->News Home template ---->33
SPSSITES ---->Site Directory area template ----> 34
SPSCOMMU ---->Community area template ---->36
SPSREPORTCENTER ----> Report Center Site" ---->38
CMSPUBLISHING ---->Publishing and Team Collaboration Site ----> 39
OSRV ----> Shared Services Administration Site ----> 40
SPSPORTAL ---->Corporate Intranet Site ---->47
SRCHCEN ---->Search Center ---->50
PROFILES ---->Profiles ----> 51
BLANKINTERNETCONTAINER ---->Internet Presence Web Site ---->52
BLANKINTERNET ---->Publishing Site ---->53
BLANKINTERNET ---->Press Releases Site ---->53
BLANKINTERNET ---->Publishing Site ---->53
SPSMSITEHOST ----> My Site Host ---->54
SRCHCENTERLITE ----> Search Center Lite ---->90
PWA ---->Project Web Access Site ----> 6221
PWS ----> Project Workspace ---->6215
OFFILE ----> Records Repository ----> 1483
OFFILE---->Records Repository ---->14483

To find out how many Solutions are deployed on the server we can achieve by
Central administration > operation> solution management
We would be finding the List of WSP file or Cab files installed

To find the solution from the Configuration database to you configuration database (Eg Wss_config)

Go to the databases open the table Dbo.objects .you would be finding the List of Solution in inside the tables
Note:- Above Steps would be senario Specfic .before doing any step Its advisable to take a full farm back and Sql back up to be on safe side