




 1 package com.mapper;
 3 import com.pojo.ditiepojo;
 4 import com.pojo.huanc;
 5 import com.pojo.zhandian;
 6 import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Insert;
 7 import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
 8 import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
10 import java.util.List;
12 public interface ditieMapper {
13     @Select("select  * from ditie1")
14     List<ditiepojo> selectAll();
15     List<ditiepojo> tiaocha(ditiepojo ditiepojo);
16     List<ditiepojo> selectByPageAndCondition(@Param("begin") int begin, @Param("size") int size, @Param("ditiepojo") ditiepojo ditiepojo);
18     /**
19      * 根据条件查询总记录数
20      * @return
21      */
22     int selectTotalCountByCondition(ditiepojo ditiepojo);
23     //导入地铁信息
24     @Insert("insert into ditie1 values(#{xianlu},#{cid},#{zhandian},#{huanc},null)")
25     void add(ditiepojo ditiepojo);
26     @Select("select *from ceshi1")
27     List<zhandian> select();
28     //导入换成信息
29     @Insert("insert  into xjiao values (#{xianlu1},#{xianlu2},#{gzhandain})")
30     void add1(huanc huanc);
31     @Select("select * from ditie1 where zhandian=#{zhandian}")
32     ditiepojo lix(@Param("zhandian")String zhandian);
33     //查询起始点的信息
34     @Select("select * from ditie1 where zhandian=#{zhandian}")
36     List<ditiepojo> qzcha(@Param("zhandian")String zhandian);
37     @Select("select * from ditie1 where zhandian=#{zhandian} and xianlu=#{xianlu}")
38    ditiepojo qzchass(@Param("zhandian")String zhandian,@Param("xianlu")String xianlu);
39     @Select("select * from ditie1 where xianlu=#{xianlu}")
41     ditiepojo xzcha(@Param("xianlu")String xianlu);
42     @Select("select * from ditie1 where id=#{id}")
43     ditiepojo idcha(@Param("id")int id);
44     //查询换乘
45     @Select("select  * from xjiao where xianlu1=#{xianlu1}")
46     List<huanc> hcha(@Param("xianlu1")String xianlu1);
47     @Select("select  * from xjiao where xianlu1=#{xianlu1} and xianlu2=#{xianlu2}")
48     huanc  licha(@Param("xianlu1")String xianlu1,@Param("xianlu2")String xianlu2);
49     @Select("select * from ditie1 where huanc=#{huanc}")
50     List<ditiepojo>cha0(@Param("huanc")String huanc);
51     @Select("select * from ditie1 where xianlu=#{xianlu}")
52     List<ditiepojo>xianlu(@Param("xianlu")String xianlu);
53 }




 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
 2 <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
 3 <mapper namespace="com.mapper.ditieMapper">
 4     <select id="tiaocha" resultType="com.pojo.ditiepojo">
 5         select * from ditie1
 6         <where>
 7             <if test="xianlu != null and xianlu != '' ">
 8                 and  xianlu like #{xianlu}
 9             </if>
11             <if test="zhandian != null and zhandian != '' ">
12                 and  zhandian like #{zhandian}
13             </if>
14         </where>
15     </select>
16     <select id="selectByPageAndCondition" resultType="com.pojo.ditiepojo">
17         select * from ditie1
18         <where>
19             <if test="ditiepojo.xianlu != null and ditiepojo.xianlu != '' ">
20                 and  xianlu like #{ditiepojo.xianlu}
21             </if>
23             <if test="ditiepojo.zhandian != null and ditiepojo.zhandian != '' ">
24                 and  zhandian like #{ditiepojo.zhandian}
25             </if>
26         </where>
27         limit #{begin} , #{size}
28     </select>
29     <select id="selectTotalCountByCondition" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
30         select count(*) from ditie1
31         <where>
32             <if test="xianlu != null and xianlu != '' ">
33                 and  xianlu like #{xianlu}
34             </if>
36             <if test="zhandian != null and zhandian != '' ">
37                 and  zhandian like #{zhandian}
38             </if>
39         </where>
40     </select>
41 </mapper>


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