Tim's Blog



CAML Value Type

AllDayEvent The all day event flag is used in calendar lists.
Attachments The URL of an attachment.
Boolean A boolean indicator with Yes/No.
Calculated Indicates that the column is a calculated column based on a expression.
Choice Indicates that the column is choice from a list of items
Computed Indicates the field's value is dependant on another field's value.
ContentTypeId A Content Type ID value.
Counter An internal unique ID's / counter for each item.
Currency A currency value (its format depends on the locale).
DateTime A Date and Time field.
File A file object when used in document libraries.
GridChoice A rating scale as used in surveys
Guid A globally unique identifier.
Integer An integer number field.
Lookup The field is a lookup which is a choice, however the choice is from another list.
LookupMulti A lookup field, however multiple selections are allowed.
ModStat An approval status.
MultiChoice A choice field, however multiple selections are allowed
Note Multiple lines of text which can be plain or formatted.
Number A numerical field which allows decimal places.
PageSeparator A page separator field, for surveys.
Recurrence An indicator that identifies the field as a reoccurring calendar event.
Text A single line of text
ThreadIndex The ID of a discussion thread.
Threading Indicates the field supports threading (in discussions).
URL A Unified Resource Locator (URL) is stored.
User A person or group.
UserMulti A person or group, however multiple people or groups can be selected.
WorkflowEventType Contains the type of workflow history event (used in workflow history list).
WorkflowStatus The status of a workflow is stored.

posted on 2009-12-16 18:08  Tim_li  阅读(399)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报