FastAPI 反向代理示例

# ************ CVE Search Proxy ************
@router.route('/cve-search/{path:path}', methods=['OPTIONS', 'HEAD', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])
async def proxy_cve_search_api(req: Request) -> Response:
    """代理CVE Search API接口

    具体CVE Search接口文档可访问docker-compose 启动的cve-search实例,通过对应的接口进行访问

    path = req.path_params.get('path')
    query = str(req.query_params)
    headers = req.headers
    method = req.method

    # Get request body
        body = await req.body()
    except Exception as e:
        return Response(status_code=400, content=f'get request body info error: {e}')

    q = '?' + query if query else ''
    cve_search_url = settings.CVE_SEARCH_API_URL + '/' + path + q
    # print(cve_search_url)

    # Proxy Request
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.request(
                method, cve_search_url, data=body, headers=headers, ssl=settings.CVE_SEARCH_PROXY_SSL_VERIFY
        ) as resp:
            # print('proxy response status:', resp.status, resp.content)
            content = await
            return Response(content=content, status_code=resp.status, headers=dict(resp.headers))
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