git 自动补全

参考自 Quick Tip: Autocomplete Git Commands and Branch Names in Bash

In bash in Mac OS X, you can use [TAB] to autocomplete file paths. Wouldn’t if be nice if you could do the same with git commands and branch names?

You can. Here’s how.

First get the git-completion.bash script (view it here) and put it in your home directory:

curl -o ~/.git-completion.bash

Next, add the following lines to your .bash_profile. This tells bash to execute the git autocomplete script if it exists.

if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
  . ~/.git-completion.bash

Now open a new shell, cd into a git repo, and start typing a git command. You should find that [TAB] now autocompletes git commands and git branch names.

For example, if you type git then add a space and hit [TAB], you’ll get a readout like this, which lists all available git commands:

add                 filter-branch       reflog
am                  format-patch        relink
annotate            fsck                remote
apply               gc                  repack
archive             get-tar-commit-id   replace
bisect              grep                request-pull
blame               gui                 reset
branch              help                revert
bundle              imap-send           rm
checkout            init                send-email
cherry              instaweb            shortlog
cherry-pick         log                 show
citool              merge               show-branch
clean               mergetool           stage
clone               mv                  stash
commit              name-rev            status
config              notes               submodule
describe            p4                  svn
diff                pull                tag
difftool            push                whatchanged
posted @ 2015-12-12 14:12  li12242  阅读(236)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报