在PCL中基于外存(out of core)的数据处理方法,借助于八叉树理论在完成大规模点云的前提处理,并使用一种八叉树领域的搜索方法构建出散乱数据的拓扑结构。在可视化与计算机图形学领域,基于外核的算法是涉及用来处理大数据量模型运行在有限内存中的方法,简单来说,通过限制访问到一个小的,处于高速缓存中的模型的字块实现的。
首先我们看一下PCL 的Outofcore的模块介绍,该模块介绍是就是通过内存映射的方法以及八叉树的数据结构实现大规模点云的存储,数据位于某些辅助存储介质上基于目录的八叉树层次结构中,并且PCL——outofcore提供了构造和遍历outofcore八叉树的框架,其他的辅助函数在后面将会具体讲解。
PCL中的outofcore模块是由Urban Robotic整合起来,并且在PCL中实现了相关的例程,本文是在查阅了大量的相关资料的基础上总结而成,其中难免会有一些理解错误,
Out-of-core octree(核外八叉树)其实就是运行内存不足以载入大量的数据情况下,采用内存映射的方法,并且将数据存储为八叉树的形式保存在硬盘上。
{ ”version”:3 , ”bb_min”:[xxx,yyy,zzz], ”bb_max”:[xxx,yyy,zzz], ”bin”:”pathtodata.pcd ” }
可以使用OutofcoreOctreeNodeMetadata类直接访问此JSON数据。 此类将接口抽象到磁盘上的JSON数据,因此从理论上讲,该格式可以轻松更改为XML,YAML或其他所需格式。
{ ”name”:”test, ”version”:3, ”pointtype”:”urp”, #(needs to be changed ∗) ”lod”:3, #depth of the tree ”numpts”:[X0,X1,X2, ... ,XD] , #total number of points at each LOD ”coordsystem”:”ECEF” #the tree is not affected by this value }
(2)addPointCloud and genLOD
深度级别(LOD level of Depth):多分辨率的核外八叉树
构建LOD的方法: buildLOD, addPointCloud and genLOD
buildLOD:buildLOD使用多分辨率方法重新构建outofcore八叉树的LOD。每个分支节点是其叶子的子采样的并集。子采样的百分比由setSamplePercent确定,默认为0.125^depth-maxdepth LOD算法的细节请查看【5】
#include <pcl/common/time.h> #include <pcl/point_cloud.h> #include <pcl/point_types.h> #include <pcl/PCLPointCloud2.h> //建议在使用outofcore点云的形式使用该形式的点云头文件 #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h> #include <pcl/pcl_macros.h> #include <pcl/console/print.h> #include <pcl/console/parse.h> //添加outofcore的相关头文件 #include <pcl/outofcore/outofcore.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/outofcore_impl.h> typedef pcl::PointXYZ PointT; using namespace pcl; using namespace pcl::outofcore; using pcl::console::parse_argument; using pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument; using pcl::console::find_switch; using pcl::console::print_error; using pcl::console::print_warn; using pcl::console::print_info; #include <boost/foreach.hpp> typedef OutofcoreOctreeBase<> octree_disk; const int OCTREE_DEPTH (0); const int OCTREE_RESOLUTION (1); /* 实现读取点云文件 */ PCLPointCloud2::Ptr getCloudFromFile (boost::filesystem::path pcd_path) { PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud(new PCLPointCloud2); if (io::loadPCDFile (pcd_path.string (), *cloud) == -1) { PCL_ERROR ("Couldn't read file\n"); } print_info ("(%d)\n", (cloud->width * cloud->height)); return cloud; } int outofcoreProcess (std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> pcd_paths, boost::filesystem::path root_dir, int depth, double resolution, int build_octree_with, bool gen_lod, bool overwrite, bool multiresolution) { // Bounding box min/max pts PointT min_pt, max_pt; // Iterate over all pcd files resizing min/max for (size_t i = 0; i < pcd_paths.size (); i++) { // Get cloud PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud = getCloudFromFile (pcd_paths[i]); PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudXYZ (new PointCloud<PointXYZ>); fromPCLPointCloud2 (*cloud, *cloudXYZ); PointT tmp_min_pt, tmp_max_pt; if (i == 0) { getMinMax3D (*cloudXYZ, min_pt, max_pt); //获取点云数据在XYZ轴上的最大最小值 } else { getMinMax3D (*cloudXYZ, tmp_min_pt, tmp_max_pt); // Resize new min if (tmp_min_pt.x < min_pt.x) min_pt.x = tmp_min_pt.x; if (tmp_min_pt.y < min_pt.y) min_pt.y = tmp_min_pt.y; if (tmp_min_pt.z < min_pt.z) min_pt.z = tmp_min_pt.z; // Resize new max if (tmp_max_pt.x > max_pt.x) max_pt.x = tmp_max_pt.x; if (tmp_max_pt.y > max_pt.y) max_pt.y = tmp_max_pt.y; if (tmp_max_pt.z > max_pt.z) max_pt.z = tmp_max_pt.z; } } std::cout << "Bounds: " << min_pt << " - " << max_pt << std::endl; // The bounding box of the root node of the out-of-core octree must be specified const Eigen::Vector3d bounding_box_min (min_pt.x, min_pt.y, min_pt.z); const Eigen::Vector3d bounding_box_max (max_pt.x, max_pt.y, max_pt.z); //specify the directory and the root node's meta data file with a //".oct_idx" extension (currently it must be this extension) boost::filesystem::path octree_path_on_disk (root_dir / "tree.oct_idx"); print_info ("Writing: %s\n", octree_path_on_disk.c_str ()); //make sure there isn't an octree there already if (boost::filesystem::exists (octree_path_on_disk)) { if (overwrite) { boost::filesystem::remove_all (root_dir); } else { PCL_ERROR ("There's already an octree in the default location. Check the tree directory\n"); return (-1); } } octree_disk *outofcore_octree; //create the out-of-core data structure (typedef'd above) if (build_octree_with == OCTREE_DEPTH) { outofcore_octree = new octree_disk (depth, bounding_box_min, bounding_box_max, octree_path_on_disk, "ECEF"); } else { outofcore_octree = new octree_disk (bounding_box_min, bounding_box_max, resolution, octree_path_on_disk, "ECEF"); } uint64_t total_pts = 0; // Iterate over all pcd files adding points to the octree for (size_t i = 0; i < pcd_paths.size (); i++) { PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud = getCloudFromFile (pcd_paths[i]); boost::uint64_t pts = 0; if (gen_lod && !multiresolution) { print_info (" Generating LODs\n"); pts = outofcore_octree->addPointCloud_and_genLOD (cloud); } else { pts = outofcore_octree->addPointCloud (cloud, false); } print_info ("Successfully added %lu points\n", pts); print_info ("%lu Points were dropped (probably NaN)\n", cloud->width*cloud->height - pts); // assert ( pts == cloud->width * cloud->height ); total_pts += pts; } print_info ("Added a total of %lu from %d clouds\n",total_pts, pcd_paths.size ()); double x, y; outofcore_octree->getBinDimension (x, y); print_info (" Depth: %i\n", outofcore_octree->getDepth ()); print_info (" Resolution: [%f, %f]\n", x, y); if(multiresolution) { print_info ("Generating LOD...\n"); outofcore_octree->setSamplePercent (0.25); outofcore_octree->buildLOD (); } //free outofcore data structure; the destructor forces buffer flush to disk delete outofcore_octree; return 0; } void printHelp (int, char **argv) { print_info ("This program is used to process pcd fiels into an outofcore data structure viewable by the"); print_info ("pcl_outofcore_viewer\n\n"); print_info ("%s <options> <input>.pcd <output_tree_dir>\n", argv[0]); print_info ("\n"); print_info ("Options:\n"); print_info ("\t -depth <resolution> \t Octree depth\n"); print_info ("\t -resolution <resolution> \t Octree resolution\n"); print_info ("\t -gen_lod \t Generate octree LODs\n"); print_info ("\t -overwrite \t Overwrite existing octree\n"); print_info ("\t -multiresolution \t Generate multiresolutoin LOD\n"); print_info ("\t -h \t Display help\n"); print_info ("\n"); } int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Check for help (-h) flag if (argc > 1) { if (find_switch (argc, argv, "-h")) { printHelp (argc, argv); return (-1); } } // If no arguments specified if (argc - 1 < 1) { printHelp (argc, argv); return (-1); } if (find_switch (argc, argv, "-debug")) { pcl::console::setVerbosityLevel ( pcl::console::L_DEBUG ); } // Defaults int depth = 4; double resolution = .1; bool gen_lod = false; bool multiresolution = false; bool overwrite = false; int build_octree_with = OCTREE_DEPTH; // If both depth and resolution specified if (find_switch (argc, argv, "-depth") && find_switch (argc, argv, "-resolution")) { PCL_ERROR ("Both -depth and -resolution specified, please specify one (Mutually exclusive)\n"); } // Just resolution specified (Update how we build the tree) else if (find_switch (argc, argv, "-resolution")) { build_octree_with = OCTREE_RESOLUTION; } // Parse options parse_argument (argc, argv, "-depth", depth); parse_argument (argc, argv, "-resolution", resolution); gen_lod = find_switch (argc, argv, "-gen_lod"); overwrite = find_switch (argc, argv, "-overwrite"); if (gen_lod && find_switch (argc, argv, "-multiresolution")) { multiresolution = true; } // Parse non-option arguments for pcd files std::vector<int> file_arg_indices = parse_file_extension_argument (argc, argv, ".pcd"); std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> pcd_paths; for (size_t i = 0; i < file_arg_indices.size (); i++) { boost::filesystem::path pcd_path (argv[file_arg_indices[i]]); if (!boost::filesystem::exists (pcd_path)) { PCL_WARN ("File %s doesn't exist", pcd_path.string ().c_str ()); continue; } pcd_paths.push_back (pcd_path); } // Check if we should process any files if (pcd_paths.size () < 1) { PCL_ERROR ("No .pcd files specified\n"); return -1; } // Get root directory boost::filesystem::path root_dir (argv[argc - 1]); // Check if a root directory was specified, use directory of pcd file if (root_dir.extension () == ".pcd") root_dir = root_dir.parent_path () / (root_dir.stem().string() + "_tree").c_str(); return outofcoreProcess (pcd_paths, root_dir, depth, resolution, build_octree_with, gen_lod, overwrite, multiresolution); }
// C++ #include <iostream> #include <string> // PCL #include <pcl/common/time.h> #include <pcl/point_cloud.h> #include <pcl/point_types.h> #include <pcl/PCLPointCloud2.h> #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h> #include <pcl/io/vtk_lib_io.h> #include <pcl/pcl_macros.h> #include <pcl/console/print.h> #include <pcl/console/parse.h> // PCL - visualziation //#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h> #include <pcl/visualization/common/common.h> #include <pcl/visualization/vtk/vtkVertexBufferObjectMapper.h> //#include "vtkVBOPolyDataMapper.h" // PCL - outofcore #include <pcl/outofcore/outofcore.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/outofcore_impl.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/visualization/axes.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/visualization/camera.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/visualization/grid.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/visualization/object.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/visualization/outofcore_cloud.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/visualization/scene.h> #include <pcl/outofcore/visualization/viewport.h> using namespace pcl; using namespace pcl::outofcore; using pcl::console::parse_argument; using pcl::console::find_switch; using pcl::console::print_error; using pcl::console::print_warn; using pcl::console::print_info; //typedef PCLPointCloud2 PointT; typedef PointXYZ PointT; typedef OutofcoreOctreeBase<OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer<PointT>, PointT> octree_disk; typedef OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode<OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer<PointT>, PointT> octree_disk_node; //typedef octree_base<OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer<PointT> , PointT> octree_disk; typedef boost::shared_ptr<octree_disk> OctreeDiskPtr; //typedef octree_base_node<octree_disk_container<PointT> , PointT> octree_disk_node; typedef Eigen::aligned_allocator<PointT> AlignedPointT; // VTK #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkActorCollection.h> #include <vtkActor2DCollection.h> #include <vtkAppendPolyData.h> #include <vtkAppendFilter.h> #include <vtkCamera.h> #include <vtkCameraActor.h> #include <vtkCellArray.h> #include <vtkCellData.h> #include <vtkCommand.h> #include <vtkConeSource.h> #include <vtkCubeSource.h> #include <vtkDataSetMapper.h> #include <vtkHull.h> #include <vtkInformation.h> #include <vtkInformationStringKey.h> #include <vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera.h> #include <vtkLODActor.h> #include <vtkMath.h> #include <vtkMatrix4x4.h> #include <vtkMutexLock.h> #include <vtkObjectFactory.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkTextActor.h> #include <vtkRectilinearGrid.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkUnsignedCharArray.h> #include <vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand3D.h> #include <vtkParallelCoordinatesInteractorStyle.h> // Boost #include <boost/date_time.hpp> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> // Globals vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow> window; class KeyboardCallback : public vtkCommand { public: vtkTypeMacro(KeyboardCallback, vtkCommand) ; static KeyboardCallback * New () { return new KeyboardCallback; } void Execute (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long vtkNotUsed(eventId), void* vtkNotUsed(callData)) { vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::SafeDownCast (caller); vtkRenderer *renderer = interactor->FindPokedRenderer (interactor->GetEventPosition ()[0], interactor->GetEventPosition ()[1]); std::string key (interactor->GetKeySym ()); bool shift_down = interactor->GetShiftKey(); cout << "Key Pressed: " << key << endl; Scene *scene = Scene::instance (); OutofcoreCloud *cloud = static_cast<OutofcoreCloud*> (scene->getObjectByName ("my_octree")); if (key == "Up" || key == "Down") { if (key == "Up" && cloud) { if (shift_down) { cloud->increaseLodPixelThreshold(); } else { cloud->setDisplayDepth (cloud->getDisplayDepth () + 1); } } else if (key == "Down" && cloud) { if (shift_down) { cloud->decreaseLodPixelThreshold(); } else { cloud->setDisplayDepth (cloud->getDisplayDepth () - 1); } } } if (key == "o") { cloud->setDisplayVoxels(1-static_cast<int> (cloud->getDisplayVoxels())); } if (key == "Escape") { Eigen::Vector3d min (cloud->getBoundingBoxMin ()); Eigen::Vector3d max (cloud->getBoundingBoxMax ()); renderer->ResetCamera (min.x (), max.x (), min.y (), max.y (), min.z (), max.z ()); } } }; void renderTimerCallback(vtkObject* caller, unsigned long int vtkNotUsed(eventId), void* vtkNotUsed(clientData), void* vtkNotUsed(callData)) { vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::SafeDownCast (caller); interactor->Render (); } void renderStartCallback(vtkObject* vtkNotUsed(caller), unsigned long int vtkNotUsed(eventId), void* vtkNotUsed(clientData), void* vtkNotUsed(callData)) { //std::cout << "Start..."; } void renderEndCallback(vtkObject* vtkNotUsed(caller), unsigned long int vtkNotUsed(eventId), void* vtkNotUsed(clientData), void* vtkNotUsed(callData)) { //std::cout << "End" << std::endl; } int outofcoreViewer (boost::filesystem::path tree_root, int depth, bool display_octree=true, unsigned int gpu_cache_size=512) { cout << boost::filesystem::absolute (tree_root) << endl; // Create top level scene Scene *scene = Scene::instance (); // Clouds OutofcoreCloud *cloud = new OutofcoreCloud ("my_octree", tree_root); cloud->setDisplayDepth (depth); cloud->setDisplayVoxels (display_octree); OutofcoreCloud::cloud_data_cache.setCapacity(gpu_cache_size*1024); scene->addObject (cloud); // OutofcoreCloud *cloud2 = new OutofcoreCloud ("my_octree2", tree_root); // cloud2->setDisplayDepth (depth); // cloud2->setDisplayVoxels (display_octree); // scene->addObject (cloud2); // Add Scene Renderables Grid *grid = new Grid ("origin_grid"); Axes *axes = new Axes ("origin_axes"); scene->addObject (grid); scene->addObject (axes); // Create smart pointer with arguments // Grid *grid_raw = new Grid("origin_grid"); // vtkSmartPointer<Grid> grid; // grid.Take(grid_raw); // Create window and interactor vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> interactor = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor>::New (); window = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New (); window->SetSize (1000, 500); interactor->SetRenderWindow (window); interactor->Initialize (); interactor->CreateRepeatingTimer (100); // Viewports Viewport octree_viewport (window, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0); Viewport persp_viewport (window, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); // Cameras Camera *persp_camera = new Camera ("persp", persp_viewport.getRenderer ()->GetActiveCamera ()); Camera *octree_camera = new Camera ("octree", octree_viewport.getRenderer ()->GetActiveCamera ()); scene->addCamera (persp_camera); scene->addCamera (octree_camera); octree_camera->setDisplay(true); // Set viewport cameras persp_viewport.setCamera (persp_camera); octree_viewport.setCamera (octree_camera); // Render once window->Render (); // Frame cameras Eigen::Vector3d min (cloud->getBoundingBoxMin ()); Eigen::Vector3d max (cloud->getBoundingBoxMax ()); octree_viewport.getRenderer ()->ResetCamera (min.x (), max.x (), min.y (), max.y (), min.z (), max.z ()); persp_viewport.getRenderer ()->ResetCamera (min.x (), max.x (), min.y (), max.y (), min.z (), max.z ()); cloud->setRenderCamera(octree_camera); // Interactor // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkSmartPointer<vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera> style = vtkSmartPointer<vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera>::New (); style->SetAutoAdjustCameraClippingRange(false); interactor->SetInteractorStyle (style); // Callbacks // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand> render_start_callback = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand>::New(); render_start_callback->SetCallback(renderStartCallback); window->AddObserver(vtkCommand::StartEvent, render_start_callback); vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand> render_end_callback = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand>::New(); render_end_callback->SetCallback(renderEndCallback); window->AddObserver(vtkCommand::EndEvent, render_end_callback); vtkSmartPointer<KeyboardCallback> keyboard_callback = vtkSmartPointer<KeyboardCallback>::New (); interactor->AddObserver (vtkCommand::KeyPressEvent, keyboard_callback); interactor->CreateRepeatingTimer(1000); vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand> render_timer_callback = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand>::New(); render_timer_callback->SetCallback(renderTimerCallback); interactor->AddObserver(vtkCommand::TimerEvent, render_timer_callback); interactor->Start (); return 0; } void print_help (int, char **argv) { print_info ("This program is used to visualize outofcore data structure"); print_info ("%s <options> <input_tree_dir> \n", argv[0]); print_info ("\n"); print_info ("Options:\n"); print_info ("\t -depth <depth> \t Octree depth\n"); print_info ("\t -display_octree \t Toggles octree display\n"); // print_info ("\t -mem_cache_size <size> \t Size of pointcloud memory cache in MB (Defaults to 1024MB)\n"); print_info ("\t -gpu_cache_size <size> \t Size of pointcloud gpu cache in MB (512MB)\n"); print_info ("\t -lod_threshold <pixels> \t Bounding box screen projection threshold (10000)\n"); print_info ("\t -v \t Print more verbosity\n"); print_info ("\t -h \t Display help\n"); print_info ("\n"); exit (1); } int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Check for help (-h) flag if (argc > 1) { if (find_switch (argc, argv, "-h")) { print_help (argc, argv); return (-1); } } // If no arguments specified if (argc - 1 < 1) { print_help (argc, argv); return (-1); } if (find_switch (argc, argv, "-v")) console::setVerbosityLevel (console::L_DEBUG); // Defaults int depth = 4; // unsigned int mem_cache_size = 1024; unsigned int gpu_cache_size = 512; unsigned int lod_threshold = 10000; bool display_octree = find_switch (argc, argv, "-display_octree"); // Parse options parse_argument (argc, argv, "-depth", depth); // parse_argument (argc, argv, "-mem_cache_size", mem_cache_size); parse_argument (argc, argv, "-gpu_cache_size", gpu_cache_size); parse_argument (argc, argv, "-lod_threshold", lod_threshold); // Parse non-option arguments boost::filesystem::path tree_root (argv[argc - 1]); // Check if a root directory was specified, use directory of pcd file if (boost::filesystem::is_directory (tree_root)) { boost::filesystem::directory_iterator diterend; for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator diter (tree_root); diter != diterend; ++diter) { const boost::filesystem::path& file = *diter; if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory (file)) { if (boost::filesystem::extension (file) == octree_disk_node::node_index_extension) { tree_root = file; } } } } return outofcoreViewer (tree_root, depth, display_octree, gpu_cache_size); }
pcl_outofcore_process −depth 4 −gen_lod data01.pcd data02.pcd myoutofcoretree
要创建叶节点体素大小不超过50 cm的多分辨率outofcore八叉树,使用如下:
pcl _outofcoreprocess −resolution 0. 50 −genlod data01.pcd data02.pcd myotheroutofcoretree
在PCL中使用OutCore算法可以使用自带的工具里的可执行文件 构造过程可以通过深度或分辨率参数化。如果指定了分辨率(即最大叶尺寸),则自动计算深度。如果设置的树太深:LOD的构建可能需要很长时间
pcl_outofcore_viewer 使用不同的深度可视化的结果
[1] PCL Urban Robotics Code Sprint Blog. http://www.pointclouds.org/blog/urcs.
[2] Point Cloud Library Documentation: Module outofcore. https://docs.pointclouds.org/trunk/
[3] Urban Robotics. http://www.urbanrobotics.net.
[4] Adam Stambler. osgpcl: OpenSceneGraph Point Cloud Library Cloud Viewer. https://github.com/
adasta/osgpcl, 2012.
[5] Claus Scheiblauer and Michael Wimmer. Out-of-core selection and editing of huge point clouds. Computers & Graphics, 35(2):342–351, April 2011.