


 convert image -format format -o outfile
                convert image to type format and write the result to outfile.

                As with create, the correct filename extension will be added only if it isn't part of the
                provided name.  Format is one of:

                      UDRW - UDIF read/write image
                      UDRO - UDIF read-only image
                      UDCO - UDIF ADC-compressed image
                      UDZO - UDIF zlib-compressed image
                      UDBZ - UDIF bzip2-compressed image (OS X 10.4+ only)
                      UFBI - UDIF entire image with MD5 checksum
                      UDRo - UDIF read-only (obsolete format)
                      UDCo - UDIF compressed (obsolete format)
                      UDTO - DVD/CD-R master for export
                      UDxx - UDIF stub image
                      UDSP - SPARSE (grows with content)
                      UDSB - SPARSEBUNDLE (grows with content; bundle-backed)
                      RdWr - NDIF read/write image (deprecated)
                      Rdxx - NDIF read-only image (Disk Copy 6.3.3 format)
                      ROCo - NDIF compressed image (deprecated)
                      Rken - NDIF compressed (obsolete format)
                      DC42 - Disk Copy 4.2 image



posted @ 2014-03-24 21:32  李伯波  阅读(884)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报