XAF 如何从Excel复制多个单元格内容到GridView(收藏)

how to paste some excel content to xtragrid?




System; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions; using DevExpress.Persistent.Base; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Editors; using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid; namespace XafExpandExtendTest.Module { public partial class CopyPasteListViewController : ViewController { public CopyPasteListViewController() { InitializeComponent(); RegisterActions(components); TargetViewType = ViewType.ListView; } private void simpleAction1_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) { ListView lv = View as ListView; GridView gv = (lv.Editor as GridListEditor).GridView; XtraGridHelper.GridViewClipboardPaste(gv); } } } 3.實現代碼: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid; using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository; using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls; namespace XafExpandExtendTest.Module { public class XtraGridHelper { private static string ClipboardText { get { string value = string.Empty; IDataObject iData = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); if (iData != null) { if (iData.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text)) { value = iData.GetData(DataFormats.Text) as string; } } return value; } set { Clipboard.SetDataObject(value); } } //private static string[] ClipboardTextLines //{ // get // { // return XtraGridHelper.ClipboardText.Split(' '); // } //} public static void PasteTable(GridView gridView) { gridView.ClearSorting(); int originalFocusedVisibleColIndex = gridView.FocusedColumn.VisibleIndex; string[] clipboardTextLines = XtraGridHelper.ClipboardTextLines; // paste data from clipboard into row cells foreach (string line in clipboardTextLines) { if (line != string.Empty) { string[] lineFragments = line.Split('\t'); foreach (string lineFragment in lineFragments) { // 'paste' in new value gridView.ShowEditor(); if (gridView.ActiveEditor != null) { gridView.ActiveEditor.Text = lineFragment.Trim(); gridView.CloseEditor(); } // move to next visible column if next visible column exists if (gridView.FocusedColumn.VisibleIndex < gridView.VisibleColumns.Count - 1) { gridView.FocusedColumn = gridView.VisibleColumns[gridView.FocusedColumn.VisibleIndex + 1]; } else { break; //stop 'pasting' in focused row } } // move to next row if (gridView.FocusedRowHandle < gridView.RowCount - 1) { gridView.MoveNext(); gridView.FocusedColumn = gridView.VisibleColumns[originalFocusedVisibleColIndex]; } else { break; //stop 'pasting' in the grid } } } } /*You might consider pointing to kb articles that have the same paste functionality; * the article refrenced by Brendon adds rows when a paste action is invoked. * The solution presented in this thread pastes values into existing cells, relative to the focused cell. * And man do I hate when I see questions posted with no answers, like the one that started this thread. * Here is an update to my solution above, it only accomidates the column and edit types in my grid... */ public static void GridViewClipboardPaste(GridView gridView) { gridView.ClearSorting(); int originalFocusedVisibleColIndex = gridView.FocusedColumn.VisibleIndex; string[] clipboardTextLines = XtraGridHelper.ClipboardTextLines; gridView.BeginUpdate(); //lock grid for update // paste data from clipboard into row cells foreach (string line in clipboardTextLines) { if (line != string.Empty) { string[] lineFragments = line.Split('\t'); foreach (string lineFragment in lineFragments) { string clipboardString = lineFragment.Trim(); // 'paste' in new value try { RepositoryItem edit = gridView.FocusedColumn.ColumnEdit; if (edit != null) { switch (edit.EditorTypeName) { case "ImageComboBoxEdit": RepositoryItemImageComboBox imageComboBoxEdit = (RepositoryItemImageComboBox)edit; foreach (ImageComboBoxItem item in imageComboBoxEdit.Items) { if (item.Description.Equals(clipboardString)) { gridView.SetRowCellValue(gridView.FocusedRowHandle, gridView.FocusedColumn, item.Value); break; } } break; case "CheckEdit": bool checkValue; if (Boolean.TryParse(clipboardString, out checkValue)) { gridView.SetRowCellValue(gridView.FocusedRowHandle, gridView.FocusedColumn, checkValue); } break; } } else { object newValue = null; switch (gridView.FocusedColumn.ColumnType.Name) { case "String": newValue = clipboardString; break; case "Boolean": newValue = Boolean.Parse(clipboardString); break; case "Int32": newValue = Int32.Parse(clipboardString); break; } gridView.SetRowCellValue(gridView.FocusedRowHandle, gridView.FocusedColumn, newValue); } } catch (Exception ex) { //do nothing } // move to next visible column if next visible column exists if (gridView.FocusedColumn.VisibleIndex < gridView.VisibleColumns.Count - 1) { gridView.FocusedColumn = gridView.VisibleColumns[gridView.FocusedColumn.VisibleIndex + 1]; } else { break; //stop 'pasting' in focused row } } // move to next row if (gridView.FocusedRowHandle < gridView.RowCount - 1) { gridView.MoveNext(); gridView.FocusedColumn = gridView.VisibleColumns[originalFocusedVisibleColIndex]; } else { break; //stop 'pasting' in the grid } } } gridView.EndUpdate(); //lock grid for update } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static string[] ClipboardTextLines { get { var clipboardText = ClipboardText; if (clipboardText.Contains(Environment.NewLine)) { return clipboardText.Trim().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\n") .Split('\n'); // Replace CRLF with just CR then Split. } return clipboardText.Split(' '); } } // And this is what I did to speed it up: public static void PasteTable2(GridView gridView) { gridView.ClearSorting(); var clipboardTextLines = new List<string>(ClipboardTextLines); // If we have too many rows trim the list. if (gridView.RowCount < clipboardTextLines.Count) clipboardTextLines = new List<string>(clipboardTextLines.GetRange(0, gridView.RowCount)); var currentCol = gridView.FocusedColumn; var numberOfColumnsThatCanBePastedTo = gridView.VisibleColumns.Count - currentCol.VisibleIndex; var pasteList = new List<List<string>>(); foreach (var line in clipboardTextLines) { var rowValues = new List<string>(line.Split('\t')); // Make sure we don't overshoot the columns if(rowValues.Count > numberOfColumnsThatCanBePastedTo) rowValues = new List<string>(rowValues.GetRange(0, numberOfColumnsThatCanBePastedTo)); pasteList.Add(rowValues); } var currentRow = gridView.FocusedRowHandle; for (int i = 0; i < pasteList.Count; i++) { var pasteRow = currentRow + i; for (int j = 0; j < pasteList[i].Count; j++) { var pasteCol = currentCol.VisibleIndex + j; gridView.SetRowCellValue(pasteRow, gridView.VisibleColumns[pasteCol], pasteList[i][j]); } } } } }


posted on 2017-09-20 15:05  _ali  阅读(265)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
