
Photon-Effificient Computational 3-D and Reflflectivity Imaging With Single-Photon Detectors
Dongeek Shin, Student Member, IEEE, Ahmed Kirmani, Student Member, IEEE, Vivek K Goyal, Fellow, IEEE,and Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Life Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—Capturing depth and reflectivity images at low light levels from active illumination of a scene has wide-ranging applications. Conventionally, even with detectors sensitive to individual photons, hundreds of photon detections are needed at each pixel to mitigate Poisson noise. We develop a robust method for estimating depth and reflectivity using fixed dwell time per pixel and on the order of one detected photon per pixel averaged over the scene. Our computational image formation method combines physically accurate single-photon counting statistics with exploitation of the spatial correlations present in real-world reflectivity and 3-D structure. Experiments conducted in the presence of strong background light demonstrate that our method is able to accurately recover scene depth and reflectivity, while traditional imaging methods based on maximum likelihood (ML) estimation or approximations thereof lead to noisier images. For depth, performance compares favorably to signal-independent noise removal algorithms such as median filtering or block-matching and 3-D filtering (BM3D) applied to the pixelwise ML estimate; for reflectivity, performance is similar to signal-dependent noise removal algorithms such as Poisson nonlocal sparse PCA and BM3D with variance-stabilizing transformation. Our framework increases photon efficiency 100-fold over traditional processing and also improves, somewhat, upon first-photon imaging under a total acquisition time constraint in raster-scanned operation. Thus, our new imager will be useful for rapid, low-power, and noise-tolerant active optical imaging, and its fixed dwell time will facilitate parallelization through use of a detector array.
Index Terms—3-D imaging, computational imaging, convex optimization, first-photon imaging, LIDAR, low-light imaging, Poisson noise, single-photon detection, time-of-flight imaging.
ACTIVE optical imaging methods measure properties of a scene using illumination provided by the system itself. Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) [1], also known as laser radar or LADAR, is a well-known example using periodically pulsed laser light. For each illuminated patch or pixel in an imaged scene, a LIDAR system builds a histogram of photon detection times, relative to the most recent pulse emission, over some number of pulses in a period called the dwell time. The time delay of this histogram, relative to the transmitted pulse’s temporal profile, is related through the speed of light to the depth (equivalently, distance, range, or 3D structure) of the scene. The amplitude of this histogram is related to the reflectivity of the scene. For accurate depth and reflectivity estimation, the signal acquisition time must be long enough to collect the100 to 1000photons per pixel (ppp) needed to generate a finely binned histogram for each pixel.
In this paper, we address the problem of achieving high photon efficiency in combined 3D and reflectivity imaging. We expound upon a framework, introduced in [2], that builds upon an approach initiated in [3], [4]. Like the first-photon imaging (FPI) method of [3], our computational imager distinguishes itself from other previous work by avoiding the formation of histograms and instead using probabilistic modeling at the level of individual detected photons. This physically accurate modeling of single-photon detection is combined with exploitation of the spatial correlations present in real-world scenes to achieve accurate 3D and reflectivity imaging from on the order of 1 detected ppp averaged over the scene, despite significant noise from background light and dark counts.
High photon efficiency is important when very little backreflected light reaches the detector, as will be the case with low optical power relative to the imaging range [5]. More generally, increasing photon efficiency improves the trade-offs among optical power,imaging range,detector size,and imaging speed. The method introduced here uses a deterministic dwell time, which is both more convenient for raster scanning and amenable to parallelization through the use of a detector array. This ease of applicability comes with somewhat improved performance over FPI when compared at equal total acquisition times in raster-scanned operation.
A. Prior Work
1) Active Imaging Methods: Active 3D imaging systems differ in how they modulate their transmitted power, leading to a variety of trade-offs in accuracy, modulation frequency, optical power, and photon efficiency; see Fig. 1 for a qualitative summary. Temporal modulation enables absolute (unaliased) distance measurement by the time-of-flight (TOF) principle. Examples of TOF acquisition systems, ordered by increasing modulation bandwidth (decreasing pulse duration), include homodyne TOF cameras [6], pulsed TOF cameras [7], and picosecond laser radar systems [8]. Spatial modulation techniques include structured light [9] and active stereo imaging [10]. These spatial-modulation techniques have low photon efficiencies because they use an always-on optical source, whereas pulsed-TOF systems have higher photon efficiencies because they use sources that are on only for short intervals. Additionally, the systems using temporal modulation have better absolute-distance accuracy than those using spatial modulation. The advantage of spatial modulation tends to be cheaper sensing hardware, since high-speed sampling is not required.



The most photon-efficient TOF imagers—those requiring the fewest photons for accurate imaging—use single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) detectors [11]. Earlier efforts in SPAD-based 3D imaging from on the order of 1 detected ppp are reported in [12]–[14]. The framework presented here improves upon these works in part due to the use of estimated reflectivity. This translates to SPAD-based imagers with lower optical power and lower system bandwidth without sacrificing image quality. There also has been significant recent interest in compressive methods for 3D imaging, with [15]–[17] and without [18] single-photon detection. While compressive methods may reduce some measures of acquisition cost, they do not generally improve photon efficiency
2) Optoelectronic Techniques for Low Light Levels: In lowlight scenarios, a variety of optoelectronic techniques are employed to improve robustness. Active imagers use lasers with narrow spectral bandwidths and spectral filters to suppress background light and minimize the Poisson noise it creates. However, optical filtering alone cannot completely eliminate background light, and it also causes signal attenuation. Range-gated imaging [19] is another common technique, but this method requires a priori knowledge of object location. Furthermore, a SPAD may be replaced with a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) [20], which is much faster,haslowertimingjitter,andhaslowerdark-countratethan a SPAD. However, SNSPDs have much smaller active areas and hence have narrower fields of view than SPAD-based systems with the same optics.
3) Image Denoising: For depth imaging using SPAD data, it is typical to first form an image from a pixel-by-pixel estimate of scene depth using a time-inhomogeneous Poisson process model for photon detection times and then to apply an image denoising method that exploits the scene’s spatial correlations. As discussed inSection IV-B,even for anindividual pixel, maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is considered prohibitively complex and thus is typically replaced by a log-matched filter, which is an approximation to it. In this two-step approach of pixelwise estimation and denoising, one commonly assumes a Gaussian noise model for the output of the first step. This is empirically justified for high light levels [21] and also justified by the asymptotic normality of ML estimates with large numbers of data samples. However, at low light levels with significant background light, performing denoising well is more challenging due to the resulting high-variance uniform noise on the observed photon arrival times. In Section VI, we compare our technique with a state-of-the-art denoising method that uses block matching. The superior performance of our method is due in part to classification of photon detection events as being due to signal (backscattered light) or noise (unwanted background light and dark counts) prior to any depth image formation; classical pixelwise image formation yields an extremely challenging denoising problem. Note that denoising of reflectivity images is a better-developed field than denoising of depth images, but existing methods are not designed for the very low light levels and regularly-textured natural scenes considered in this paper.
4) First-Photon Imaging: First-photon imaging (FPI) [3] is a method that forms 3D and reflectivity images using only the first detected photon at every pixel in a raster-scanned scene. FPI combines accurate first-photon detection statistics with the spatial correlations existing in natural scenes to achieve robust low-light imaging. The use of the first detection time in FPI, however, makes the dwell time at each pixel a random variable. Thus, FPI does not extend naturally from raster-scanned data collection to the use of SPAD arrays—since simultaneous measurement implies equal dwell times—thus precluding the dramatic speedup in image acquisition that such arrays enable。
In this paper, we develop models and methods analogous to FPI that apply when there is a fixed dwell time at each pixel. In the experimental configuration depicted in Fig. 2, we demonstrate that the performance of the new method is similar to or slightly better than FPI when compared for equal total acquisition time in raster-scanned operation. Furthermore, with an M-fold increase in laser power and an M-element SPAD array,our fixed dwell-time framework can provide this same robust imaging M times faster than a single-detector raster-scanned system.




        B Main Contributions
1) Modeling: We introduce a physically accurate model for the signal produced by a SPAD under low-light conditions that incorporates an arbitrary illumination pulse shape, background (ambient) light contribution, dark counts, and the inhomogeneous Poisson process characteristics (shot noise from the quantum nature of light) given a fixed dwell time. The same model for a single illumination pulse was used in [3] (with limited explanation); while [3] used a random number of pulses, the analysis in this paper is for a fixed number of pulses.
2) Algorithmic: We provide a method for computational reconstruction of depth and reflectivity from noisy photondetection data. Our technique combines a shot-noise model for single-photon detection with simple means to exploit the high degree of spatial correlation present in real-world scenes. The modularity of the technique—combining spatial regularization for reflectivity, classification of detections as due to signal or noise, and spatial regularization for depth—makes it amenable to the generation of algorithmic variations to exploit more sophisticated spatial correlation models.
3) Experimental: We experimentally demonstrate that our proposed 3D imager’s photon efficiency is more than 100 times higher than that of the conventional log-matched filter, which is awell-known proxy for pixelwise ML estimation.We also show that our 3D imager achieves sub-pulse-width depth resolution under short acquisition times, in which 54% of the pixels have missing data (no photon detections), and at high background levels, when any given photon detection has approximately probability 0.5 of originating from ambient light.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the LIDAR-like imaging configuration that we consider. The key probabilistic models for the measured data are derived in Section III. These models are related to conventional image formation in Section IV, and they are the basis for the novel image formation method in Section V. Section VI presents experimental results for the novel method, and Section VII provides additional discussion and conclusions. An appendix presents performance bounds for pixelwise estimators based on our modeling.
        C. Outline
The methods detailed in this paper were presented in preliminary, abbreviated form in [2]. The present manuscript provides additional context (Section I-A), details on derivations (Section III), performance bounds (Appendix), and experimental results that do not appear in [2] (Section VI). In particular, comparisons to Poisson non-local sparse PCA (NLSPCA) [22] and block-matching and 3D filtering (BM3D) [23]—with variance-stabilizing transform (VST) for reflectivity [24]— replace the use of less-sophisticated bilateral filtering [25] in the preliminary work.
  C   大纲
本文详细介绍的方法在[2]中以初步的,缩写的形式给出。本手稿提供了附加的上下文(第I-A节)、推导的细节(第III节)、性能边界(附录)和[2]中没有出现的实验结果(第VI节)。特别是,与泊松非局部稀疏PCA (NLSPCA)[22]和块匹配3D滤波(BM3D)[23] -结合方差稳定变换(VST)对反作用[24]进行比较,在前期工作中替代了较为简单的双边滤波[25]。





    B. Detection
A SPAD detector provides time-resolved single-photon detections [11], called clicks. Its quantum efficiency η is the fraction of photons passing through the pre-detection optical filter that are detected. Each detected photon is time stamped within a time bin of duration measuring a few picoseconds. We will assume that this quantization of detection times is much shorter than Tp and thus negligible; i.e., we treat the detection times as continuous-valued variables.
A SPAD detector is not number-resolving, meaning that it reports at most one click in a short period of time. This is because SPAD detectors have a reset time or dead time after each click, during which there is no sensitivity to incident light. Here, we consider low-flux imaging where the probability of multiple clicks within one repetition period of duration Trwould be negligible even without reset time


 C 数据采集 

每个像素(i, j)被N个激光脉冲序列照亮。我们的方法适用于N在10到100的数量级。因此,总停留时间为Ta= NTr。为了检测环境光和暗计数产生的显著噪声,我们还在工作光波长λ处照射光子通量bλ的背景光到检测器上。对于每个像素,我们记录光子探测总数ki,j,以及它们的探测次数{t(?) i,j}ki,j ?=1,其中后者是相对于前一个发射脉冲测量的。
Illuminating pixel (i, j) with the pulse s(t) results in backreflected light with photon flux【 ri,j(t) = αi,js(t − 2zi,j/c) + bλ】 at the detector. The measurement of photon flux is through photon detections, and carefully modeling the relationships between the measured quantities and the reflectivity and depth variables is central to our imaging method.
    III. 概率度量模型
用脉冲s(t)照亮像素(i, j)在探测器处产生光子通量为【ri,j(t) = αi,js(t−2zi,j/c) + bλ】的后反射光。光子通量的测量是通过光子探测来实现的,而仔细地模拟被测量与反射率和深度变量之间的关系是我们成像方法的核心。
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