Oracle 10gR2分析函数

Oracle 10gR2分析函数汇总


(Translated By caizhuoyi 2008‐9‐19)


1、 wps27E6.tmp原文中底色为黄的部分翻译存在商榷之处,请大家踊跃提意见; 

2、 原文中淡蓝色字体的文字,不宜翻译,保持原样。 


Analytic functions compute an aggregate value based on a group of rows. They differ from aggregate functions in that they return multiple rows for each group. The group of rows is called a window and is defined by the analytic_clause. For each row, a sliding window of rows is defined. The window determines the range of rows used to perform the calculations for the current row. Window sizes can be based on either a physical number of rows or a logical interval such as time.


Analytic functions are the last set of operations performed in a query except for the final ORDER BY clause. All joins and all WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses are completed before the analytic functions are processed. Therefore, analytic functions can appear only in the select list or ORDER BY clause.

分析函数是查询中除需要在最终处理的order by子句之外最后执行的操作。所有连接和所有wheregroup by,和having子句都要在处理分析函数之前进行计算。因此,分析函数只能用于选择列或order by子句中。 

cumulative, moving, centered, and

Analytic functions are commonly used to compute

reporting aggregates.






analytic_function([ arguments ])

   OVER (analytic_clause)





[ query_partition_clause ]

[ order_by_clause [ windowing_clause ] ]






  { value_expr[, value_expr ]...

  | ( value_expr[, value_expr ]... )






{ expr | position | c_alias }

[ ASC | DESC ]


  [, { expr | position | c_alias }

     [ ASC | DESC ]

     [ NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST ]   ]...  windowing_clause ::=







  | value_expr { PRECEDING | FOLLOWING }





  | value_expr { PRECEDING | FOLLOWING }




  | value_expr PRECEDING

  } }

The semantics of this syntax are discussed in the sections that follow.


1.1 analytic_function

Specify the name of an analytic function (see the listing of analytic functions following this discussion of semantics).


1.2 Arguments

Analytic functions take 0 to 3 arguments. The arguments can be any numeric datatype or

any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. Oracle

est numeric precedence

determines the argument with the high and implicitly converts the

remaining arguments to that datatype. The return type is also that datatype, unless

otherwise noted for an individual function. 分析函数可取0-3个参数。参数可以是任何数字类型或是可以隐式转换为数字类型的数据类型。Oracle根据最高数字优先级别确定函数参数,并且隐式地将需要处理的参数转换为数字类型。函数的返回类型也为数字类型,除非此函数另有说明。 


See Also:

"Numeric Precedence" for information on numeric precedence and Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion 



"Numeric Precedence"可获取数字优先级的相关信息,参阅表2-10—-隐式类型转换矩阵,可获取隐式转换的更多信息。 

1.3 analytic_clause

Use OVER analytic_clause to indicate that the function operates on a query result set. That is, it is computed after the FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses. You can specify analytic functions with this clause in the select list or ORDER BY clause. To filter the results of a query based on an analytic function, nest these functions within the parent query, and then filter the results of the nested subquery.


Over Analytic_clause用以指明函数操作的是一个查询结果集。也就是说分析函数是在 from,where,group by,having子句之后才开始进行计算的。因此在选择列或order by子句中可以使用分析函数。为了过滤分析函数计算的查询结果,可以将它作为子查询嵌套在外部查询中,然后在外部查询中过滤其查询结果。 


Notes on the analytic_clause: The following notes apply to the analytic_clause:



? You cannot specify any analytic function in any part of the analytic_clause. That is, you cannot nest analytic functions. However, you can specify an analytic function in a subquery and compute another analytic function over it.


? You can specify OVER analytic_clause with user-defined analytic functions as well as built-in analytic functions. See CREATE FUNCTION.

用户自定义分析函数和内置函数分析函数都可以使用over analytic_clause。参见create function 

1.4 query_partition_clause

Use the PARTITION BY clause to partition the query result set into groups based on one or more value_expr. If you omit this clause, then the function treats all rows of the query result set as a single group.

Partition by子句根据一个或多个value_expr将查询结果集分成若干组。若不使用该子句,那末函数将查询结果集的所有行当作一个组。 


To use the query_partition_clause in an analytic function, use the upper branch of

the syntax (without parentheses). To use this clause in a model query (in the model_column_clauses) or a partitioned outer join (in the outer_join_clause), use the lower branch of the syntax (with parentheses).


在分析函数中使用query_partition_clause,应该使用语法图中上分支中的语法(不带圆括号).model查询(位于model_column_clauses)或被分隔的外部连接(位于 outer_join_clause)中使用该子句,应该使用语法图中下分支中的语法(带有圆括号) 


You can specify multiple analytic functions in the same query, each with the same or different PARTITION BY keys.


在同一查询中可以使用多个分析函数,它们可以有相同或不同的partition by键值。 


If the objects being queried have the parallel attribute, and if you specify an analytic function with the query_partition_clause, then the function computations are parallelized as well.




Valid values of value_expr are constants, columns, nonanalytic functions, function expressions, or expressions involving any of these.



1.5 order_by_clause 

Use the order_by_clause to specify how data is ordered within a partition. For all analytic functions except PERCENTILE_CONT and PERCENTILE_DISC (which take

only a single key), you can order the values in a partition on multiple keys, each defined by a value_expr and each qualified by an ordering sequence. 




Within each function, you can specify multiple ordering expressions. Doing so is especially useful when using functions that rank values, because the second expression can resolve ties between identical values for the first expression.




Whenever the order_by_clause results in identical values for multiple rows, the function returns the same result for each of those rows. Please refer to the analytic example for SUM for an illustration of this behavior.




Restrictions on the ORDER BY Clause The following restrictions apply to the ORDER BY clause:


Order by子句的限制:下面是使用order by子句的一些限制: 

? When used in an analytic function, the order_by_clause must take an expression (expr). The SIBLINGS keyword is not valid (it is relevant only in hierarchical queries). Position (position) and column aliases (c_alias) are also invalid. Otherwise this order_by_clause is the same as that used to order the overall query or subquery.


? An analytic function that uses the RANGE keyword can use multiple sort keys in its ORDER BY clause if it specifies either of these two windows:

当分析函数使用range关键字限定窗口时,若使用的窗口是下列两个窗口之一,那末可以在分析函数的order by子句中使用多个排序键值。 



简写成 range unbounded preceding


简写成:range unbounded following


Window boundaries other than these two can have only one sort key in the ORDER BY clause of the analytic function. This restriction does not apply to window boundaries specified by the ROW keyword.


若窗口范围由range关键字指定的分析函数中指定的不是这两个窗口范围,那末order by 子句中仅能使用一个排序键值。若分析函数的窗口范围由row关键字指定,order by子句中排序键值的使用没有这个限制。 


ASC | DESC Specify the ordering sequence (ascending or descending). ASC is the default.


asc | desc 指定排序顺序(升序或降序)asc是默认值。 


NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST  Specify whether returned rows containing nulls should appear first or last in the ordering sequence.


nulls first | nulls last 指定若返回行包含空值,该值应该出现在排序序列的开始还是末尾。 


NULLS LAST is the default for ascending order, and NULLS FIRST is the default for descending order.


升序排序的默认值是nulls last,降序排序的默认值是nulls first 


Analytic functions always operate on rows in the order specified in the order_by_clause of the function. However, the order_by_clause of the function does not guarantee the order of the result. Use the order_by_clause of the query to guarantee the final result ordering.



See Also:

order_by_clause of SELECT for more information on this clause


请参阅: select中的order_by_clause获取该子句的更多信息。 

1.6 windowing_clause

Some analytic functions allow the windowing_clause. In the listing of analytic functions at the end of this section, the functions that allow the windowing_clause are followed by an asterisk (*).


有些分析函数允许使用windowing_clause。在此节末尾的分析函数列表中,带有星号(*) 的函数都允许使用windowing_clause 

ROWS | RANGE These keywords define for each row a window (a physical or logical set of rows) used for calculating the function result. The function is then applied to all the rows in the window. The window moves through the query result set or partition from top to bottom.

row | range 这些关键字为每一行定义一个窗口,该窗口用于计算函数结果(物理或逻辑的行的集合).然后对窗口中的每一行应用分析函数。窗口在查询结果集或分组中从上至下移动。 

? ROWS specifies the window in physical units (rows).

rows 指定窗口以物理单位()构成。 

? RANGE specifies the window as a logical offset.

range 指定窗口以逻辑偏移量构成。 


You cannot specify this clause unless you have specified the order_by_clause. Some window boundaries defined by the RANGE clause let you specify only one expression in the order_by_clause. Please refer to "Restrictions on the ORDER BY Clause".


只有指定order_by_clause后才能指定windowing_clause。有些range子句定义的窗口范围只能在order_by_clause中指定一个排序表达式。请参阅Restrictions on order by Clause 


The value returned by an analytic function with a logical offset is always deterministic. However, the value returned by an analytic function with a physical offset may produce nondeterministic results unless the ordering expression results in a unique ordering. You may have to specify multiple columns in the order_by_clause to achieve this unique ordering. 一个带逻辑偏移量的分析函数的返回值总是确定的。然而,除非排序表达式能产生唯一的排序,否则带有物理偏移量的分析函数的返回值可能会产生不确定的结果。为了解决此问题,你可能不得不在order_by_clause中指定多个列以获得唯一的排序。 


BETWEEN ... AND Use the BETWEEN ... AND clause to specify a start point and end point for the window. The first expression (before AND) defines the start point and the second expression (after AND) defines the end point.


between ... and  between … and子句用来指定窗口的起点和终点。第一个表达式(位于and之前)定义起点,第二个表达式(位于and之后)定义终点。 


If you omit BETWEEN and specify only one end point, then Oracle considers it the start point, and the end point defaults to the current row.



UNBOUNDED PRECEDING Specify UNBOUNDED PRECEDING to indicate that the window

starts at the first row of the partition. This is the start point specification and cannot be used as an end point specification.

unbounded preceding 指定unbounded preceding 指明窗口开始于分组的第一行。它只用于指定起点而不能用于指定终点。 



window ends at the last row of the partition. This is the end point specification and cannot be used as a start point specification.

unbounded following 指定unbounded following 指明窗口结束于分组的最后一行。它只用于指定终点而不能用于指定起点。 


CURRENT ROW As a start point, CURRENT ROW specifies that the window begins at the current row or value (depending on whether you have specified ROW or RANGE, respectively). In this case the end point cannot be value_expr PRECEDING.


current row 用作起点,current row 指定窗口开始于当前行或当前值(依赖于是否分别指定row range)。在这种情况下终点不能为value_expr preceding 


As an end point, CURRENT ROW specifies that the window ends at the current row or value (depending on whether you have specified ROW or RANGE, respectively). In this case the start point cannot be value_expr FOLLOWING.


用作终点,current row 指定窗口结束于当前行或当前值(依赖于是否分别指定row range)。在这种情况下起点不能为value_expr following 

 value_expr PRECEDING or value_expr FOLLOWING For RANGE or ROW:


rangerow中的value_expr preceding value_expr following 


? If value_expr FOLLOWING is the start point, then the end point must be value_expr FOLLOWING.

value_expr FOLLOWING是起点,那末终点必须是value_expr FOLLOWING 

? If value_expr PRECEDING is the end point, then the start point must be value_expr PRECEDING.

value_expr PRECEDING是终点,那末起点必须是value_expr PRECEDING 


If you are defining a logical window defined by an interval of time in numeric format, then you may need to use conversion functions.




See Also:

NUMTOYMINTERVAL and NUMTODSINTERVAL for information on converting numeric times into intervals 





If you specified ROWS:



? value_expr is a physical offset. It must be a constant or expression and must evaluate to a positive numeric value.


? If value_expr is part of the start point, then it must evaluate to a row before the end point.



If you specified RANGE:



? value_expr is a logical offset. It must be a constant or expression that evaluates to a positive numeric value or an interval literal. Please refer to "Literals" for information on interval literals.


? You can specify only one expression in the order_by_clause 


? If value_expr evaluates to a numeric value, then the ORDER BY expr must be a numeric or DATE datatype.

value_expr求值为一个数字值,那末order by expr必须为数字或date 类型。 

? If value_expr evaluates to an interval value, then the ORDER BY expr must be a DATE datatype.

value_expr求值为一个间隔值,那末order by expr必须是一个date类型。 


If you omit the windowing_clause entirely, then the default is RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW.


若完全忽略windowing_clause,那末默认值为 range between unbounded preceding and current row  


Analytic functions are commonly used in data warehousing environments. In the list of analytic functions that follows, functions followed by an asterisk (*) allow the full syntax, including the windowing_clause.














wps280D.tmpLAST_VALUE *


wps280E.tmpMAX * MIN *







wps281F.tmpREGR_ (Linear Regression) Functions *






wps2820.tmpVAR_POP *




See Also:

Oracle Data Warehousing Guide for more information on these functions and for

scenarios illustrating their use



Oracle Data Warehousing Guide获取关于这些函数及其方案使用说明的更多信息。 

2. AVG 

2.1 Syntax



AVG([ DISTINCT | ALL ] expr)

  [ OVER(analytic_clause) ]


See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions


2.2 Purpose 

AVG returns average value of expr.


This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


If you specify DISTINCT, then you can specify only the query_partition_clause of the analytic_clause. The order_by_clause and windowing_clause are not allowed.

Distinct关键字仅能在analytic_clausequery_partition_clause中使用。在 order_by_clausewindowing_clause中不允许使用distinct 


See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and "Aggregate Functions" 


2.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example calculates the average salary of all employees in the hr.employees table:



SELECT AVG(salary) "Average" FROM employees; 





2.4 Analytic Example 

The following example calculates, for each employee in the employees table, the average salary of the employees reporting to the same manager who were hired in the range just before through just after the employee:



SELECT manager_id,        last_name,        hire_date,        salary,

       AVG(salary) over(PARTITION BY manager_id ORDER BY hire_date rows 

BETWEEN 1 preceding AND 1 following) AS c_mavg

  FROM employees;



---------- ------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------

       100 Kochhar                   21-SEP-89      17000      17000 

       100 De Haan                   13-JAN-93      17000      15000

       100 Raphaely                  07-DEC-94      11000 11966.6667

       100 Kaufling                  01-MAY-95       7900 10633.3333

       100 Hartstein                 17-FEB-96      13000 9633.33333

       100 Weiss                     18-JUL-96       8000 11666.6667

       100 Russell                   01-OCT-96      14000 11833.3333 . . .

3. CORR 

3.1 Syntax



CORR(expr1, expr2)

   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions


3.2 Purpose 

CORR returns the coefficient of correlation of a set of number pairs. You can use it as an aggregate or analytic function.


This function takes as arguments any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. Oracle determines the argument with the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the remaining arguments to that datatype, and returns that datatype.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion and "Numeric Precedence" for information on numeric precedence


Oracle Database applies the function to the set of (expr1, expr2) after eliminating the pairs for which either expr1 or expr2 is null. Then Oracle makes the following computation:



COVAR_POP(expr1, expr2) / (STDDEV_POP(expr1) * STDDEV_POP(expr2))


The function returns a value of type NUMBER. If the function is applied to an empty set, then it returns null. 函数返回一个number类型的值。若函数应用在一个空集上,那末它将返回null 



The CORR function calculates the Pearson's correlation coefficient, which requires numeric expressions as arguments. Oracle also provides the CORR_S (Spearman's rho coefficient) and CORR_K 

(Kendall's tau-b coefficient) to support nonparametric or rank correlation. 



 供了corr_s(Spearman's rho系数 和) corr_k(Kendall's tau-b系数)来支  持非参数或排名相关性。 


See Also:

"Aggregate Functions", "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr, and CORR_* and CORR_S 


3.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example calculates the coefficient of correlation between the list prices and minimum prices of products by weight class in the sample table oe.product_information:




SELECT weight_class, corr(list_price, min_price)

  FROM product_information

 GROUP BY weight_class;



------------ --------------------------            1                  .99914795            2                 .999022941            3                 .998484472            4                 .999359909            5                 .999536087



SELECT weight_class,

       covar_pop(list_price, min_price) /

       (stddev_pop(list_price) * stddev_pop(min_price))

  FROM product_information

 WHERE list_price IS NOT NULL 

   AND min_price IS NOT NULL  GROUP BY weight_class;

3.4 Analytic Example 

The following example shows the correlation between duration at the company and salary by the employee's position. The result set shows the same correlation for each employee in a given job:



SELECT employee_id,        job_id,

       to_char((SYSDATE - hire_date) YEAR TO MONTH) "Yrs-Mns",        salary,

       corr(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) over(PARTITION BY job_id) AS 


  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (50, 80)

 ORDER BY job_id, employee_id;


EMPLOYEE_ID JOB_ID     Yrs-Mns     SALARY Correlation ----------- ---------- ------- ---------- -----------         145 SA_MAN     +08-07       14000  .912385598         146 SA_MAN     +08-04       13500  .912385598         147 SA_MAN     +08-02       12000  .912385598         148 SA_MAN     +05-07       11000  .912385598         149 SA_MAN     +05-03       10500  .912385598         150 SA_REP     +08-03       10000   .80436755         151 SA_REP     +08-02        9500   .80436755

152 SA_REP     +07-09        9000   .80436755

153 SA_REP     +07-01        8000   .80436755

154 SA_REP     +06-05        7500   .80436755

155 SA_REP     +05-06        7000   .80436755 ...


4.1 Syntax



COVAR_POP(expr1, expr2)

   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


4.2 Purpose 

COVAR_POP returns the population covariance of a set of number pairs. You can use it as an aggregate or analytic function.


This function takes as arguments any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that

highest numeric preced

can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. Oracle determines the argument with the ence, implicitly converts the remaining arguments to that datatype, and returns that datatype.



See A


implici numer


2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on t conversion and "Numeric Precedence" for information on

ic precedence


Oracle Database applies the function to the set of (expr1, expr2) pairs after eliminating all pairs for which either expr1 or expr2 is null. Then Oracle makes the following computation:



(SUM(expr1 * expr2) - SUM(expr2) * SUM(expr1) / n) / n

 where n is the number of (expr1, expr2) pairs where neither expr1 nor expr2 is null.


The function returns a value of type NUMBER. If the function is applied to an empty set, then it returns null.



See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and "Aggregate Functions" 


4.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example calculates the population covariance and sample covariance for time employed (SYSDATE - hire_date) and salary using the sample table hr.employees:



SELECT job_id,

       covar_pop(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) AS covar_pop,        c ar_samp(ovSYSDATE - hire_date, salary) AS covar_samp

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (50, 80)

 GROUP BY job_id;


JOB_ID       COVAR_POP  COVAR_SAMP ---------- ----------- -----------

ST_MAN      436092.000  545115.000 SH_CLERK    782717.500  823913.158 SA_MAN      660700.000  825875.000 SA_REP      579988.466  600702.340

ST_CLERK    176577.250  185870.789

4.4 Analytic Example 

The following example calculates cumulative sample covariance of the list price and minimum price of the products in the sample schema oe:



SELECT product_id,        supplier_id,

       covar_pop(list_price, min_price) over(ORDER BY product_id, supplier_id) AS cum_covp,

       covar_samp(list_price, min_price) over(ORDER BY product_id, supplier_id) AS cum_covs   FROM product_information p

 WHERE category_id = 29 

 ORDER BY product_id, supplier_id;


PRODUCT_ID SUPPLIER_ID   CUM_COVP   CUM_COVS ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------      1774      103088          0

      1775      103087    1473.25     2946.5       1794      103096 1702.77778 2554.16667       1825      103093    1926.25 2568.33333       2004      103086     1591.4    1989.25

      2005      103086     1512.5       1815       2416      103088 1475.97959 1721.97619 . . .


5.1 Syntax



 COVAR_SAMP(expr1, expr2)

   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions


5.2 Purpose 

COVAR_SAMP returns the sample covariance of a set of number pairs. You can use it as an aggregate or analytic function.


This function takes as arguments any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. Oracle determines the argument with the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the remaining arguments to that datatype, and returns that datatype.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion and "Numeric Precedence" for information on numeric precedence


Oracle Database applies the function to the set of (expr1, expr2) pairs after eliminating all pairs for which either expr1 or expr2 is null. Then Oracle makes the following computation:




(SUM(expr1 * expr2) - SUM(expr1) * SUM(expr2) / n) / (n-1)

 where n is the number of (expr1, expr2) pairs where neither expr1 nor expr2 is null.


The function returns a value of type NUMBER. If the function is applied to an empty set, then it returns null.



See A "Abou and "A


t SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr 

ggregate Functions" 


5.3 Aggregate Example 

Please refer to the aggregate example for COVAR_POP.


5.4 Analytic Example 

Please refer to the analytic example for COVAR_POP.



6.1 Syntax



COUNT({ * | [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expr })

   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A


"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions


6.2 Purpose 

COUNT returns the number of rows returned by the query. You can use it as an aggregate or analytic function.


If you specify DISTINCT, then you can specify only the query_partition_clause of the analytic_clause. The order_by_clause and windowing_clause are not allowed.

Distinct关键字仅能在analytic_clausequery_partition_clause中使用。在 order_by_clausewindowing_clause中不允许使用distinct 

If you specify expr, then COUNT returns the number of rows where expr is not null. You can count either all rows, or only distinct values of expr.


If you specify the asterisk (*), then this function returns all rows, including duplicates and nulls. COUNT never returns null.



See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and "Aggregate Functions" 


6.3 Aggregate Examples 

The following examples use COUNT as an aggregate function:



SELECT COUNT(*) "Total" FROM employees;


     Total ----------



SELECT COUNT(*) "Allstars" FROM employees WHERE commission_pct > 0;


Allstars ---------



SELECT COUNT(commission_pct) "Count" FROM employees;


     Count ----------



SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT manager_id) "Managers" FROM employees;


  Managers ----------


6.4 Analytic Example 

The following example calculates, for each employee in the employees table, the moving count of employees earning salaries in the range 50 less than through 150 greater than the employee's salary.



SELECT last_name,        salary,

       COUNT(*) over(ORDER BY salary RANGE BETWEEN 50 preceding AND 150 following) AS mov_count

  FROM employees;


LAST_NAME                     SALARY  MOV_COUNT ------------------------- ---------- ---------- Olson                           2100          3

Markle                          2200          2

Philtanker                      2200          2

Landry                          2400          8

Gee                             2400          8

Colmenares                      2500         10

Patel                           2500         10 . . .


7.1 Aggregate Syntax cume_dist_aggregate::=



CUME_DIST(expr[,expr ]...)


   (ORDER BY expr [ DESC | ASC ]

                  [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] 

             [, expr [ DESC | ASC ]

                     [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]              ]...


7.2 Analytic Syntax cume_dist_analytic::=




   OVER ([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause)



See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions


7.3 Purpose 

CUME_DIST calculates the cumulative distribution of a value in a group of values. The range of values returned by CUME_DIST is >0 to <=1. Tie values always evaluate to the same cumulative distribution value.


This function takes as arguments any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. Oracle Database determines the argument with the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the remaining arguments to that datatype, makes the calculation, and returns NUMBER.

函数参数可取任何数字类型或任何可以隐式转换为数字类型的非数字类型。Oracle根据最高数字优先级确定参数,隐式地将需要处理的参数转换为数字类型,然后进行计算,并返回 number类型的值。 


See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion and "Numeric Precedence" for information on numeric precedence


? As an aggregate function, CUME_DIST calculates, for a hypothetical row r wps2858.tmpidentified by the arguments of the function and a corresponding sort specification, the relative position of row r among the rows in the aggregation group. Oracle makes this calculation as if the hypothetical row r were inserted into the group of rows to be aggregated over. The arguments of the function identify a single hypothetical row within each aggregate group. Therefore, they must all evaluate to constant expressions within each aggregate group. The constant argument expressions and the expressions in the ORDER BY clause of the aggregate match by position. Therefore, the number of arguments must be the same and their types must be compatible.

CUME_DIST用作聚集函数时,对于一个被函数参数和相应排序规则确定的假定行rcume_dist计算此假定行r在聚集分组行中的相对位置。Oracle对此进行计算时,就好像假定行r插入了被聚集的行组中一样。函数参数只确定聚集分组内的一个假定行。因此,它们必须对每个聚集分组中的常量表达式全部求值。常量参数表达式和聚集的order by子句中的表达式按位置进行匹配。因此,两者参数个数必须相同,类型必须兼容。 

As an analytic function, CUME_DIST computes the relative position of a specified value in a group of values. For a row r, assuming ascending ordering, the CUME_DIST of r is the number of rows with values lower than or equal to the value of r, divided by the number of rows being evaluated (the entire query result set or a partition).


7.4 Aggregate Example 

The following example calculates the cumulative distribution of a hypothetical employee with a salary of $15,500 and commission rate of 5% among the employees in the sample table oe.employees:


SELECT cume_dist(15500, .05) within


 ORDER BY salary, commission_pct) "Cume-Dist of 15500"

  FROM employees;


Cume-Dist of 15500

------------------         .972222222

7.5 Analytic Example 

The following example calculates the salary percentile for each employee in the purchasing division. For example, 40% of clerks have salaries less than or equal to Himuro.


SELECT job_id,        last_name,        salary,        cume_dist() over(PARTITION BY job_id ORDER BY salary) AS cume_dist

  FROM employees

 WHERE job_id LIKE 'PU%';


JOB_ID     LAST_NAME                     SALARY  CUME_DIST

---------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------

PU_CLERK   Colmenares                      2500         .2 PU_CLERK   Himuro                          2600         .4

PU_CLERK   Tobias                          2800         .6

PU_CLERK   Baida                           2900         .8

PU_CLERK   Khoo                            3100          1

PU_MAN     Raphaely                       11000          1


8.1 Aggregate Syntax dense_rank_aggregate::=



DENSE_RANK(expr [, expr ]...) WITHIN GROUP   (ORDER BY expr [ DESC | ASC ]

                 [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]

            [,expr [ DESC | ASC ]

                   [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]             ]...


8.2 Analytic Syntax dense_rank_analytic::=




   OVER([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause)



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


8.3 Purpose 

Rank values are not skipped

in the event of t

DENSE_RANK computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows and returns the rank as a NUMBER. The ranks are consecutive integers beginning with 1. The largest rank value is the number of unique values returned by the query. ies. Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank. This function is useful for top-N and bottom-N reporting.


This function accepts as arguments any numeric datatype and returns NUMBER.


? As an aggregate function, DENSE_RANK calculates the dense rank of a

hypothetical row identified by the arguments of the function with respect to a given

sort specification.

The arguments of the function must all evaluate to constant

expressions within each aggregate group, because they identify a single row within each group. The constant argument expressions and the expressions in the order_by_clause of the aggregate match by position. Therefore, the number of arguments must be the same and types must be compatible.

Dense_rank用作聚集函数时,它计算由一个带有排序规则的函数参数确定的假定行的密集排名。函数参数必须对每个聚集分组中的常量表达式全部求值。常量参数表达式和聚集的order by子句中的表达式按位置进行匹配。因此,参数个数必须相同,参数类型必须兼容。 

? As an analytic function, DENSE_RANK computes the rank of each row returned from a query with respect to the other rows, based on the values of the value_exprs in the order_by_clause.

Dense_rank用作分析函数时,它计算按照order_by_clausevalue_exprs 值排序返回的查询结果中,每一行相对于其他行的排名。 

8.4 Aggregate Example

The following example computes the ranking of a hypothetical employee with the salary $15,500 and a commission of 5% in the sample table oe.employees:


SELECT dense_rank(15500, .05) within


 ORDER BY salary DESC, commission_pct) "Dense Rank"

  FROM employees;


         Dense Rank -------------------                   3

8.5 Analytic Example 

The following statement selects the department name, employee name, and salary of all employees who work in the human resources or purchasing department, and then computes a rank for each unique salary in each of the two departments. The salaries that are equal receive the same rank. Compare this example with the example for RANK.


SELECT d.department_name,        e.last_name,


       dense_rank() over(PARTITION BY e.department_id ORDER BY e.salary) AS drank

  FROM employees e, departments d

 WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id

   AND d.department_id IN ('30', '40');


DEPARTMENT_NAME         LAST_NAME              SALARY      DRANK ----------------------- ------------------ ---------- ----------

Purchasing              Colmenares               2500          1

Purchasing              Himuro                  2600          2

Purchasing              Tobias                   2800          3 Purchasing              Baida                    2900          4 Purchasing              Khoo                     3100          5 Purchasing              Raphaely               11000          6

Human Resources         Marvis                   6500  


9.1 Syntax







         [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]

    [, expr [ DESC | ASC ]

            [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]     ]...


   [ OVER query_partition_clause ]



See A


"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions of the ORDER BY clause and OVER clause


9.2 Purpose 

FIRST and LAST are very similar functions. Both are aggregate and analytic functions that operate on a set of values from a set of rows that rank as the FIRST or LAST with respect to a given sorting specification. If only one row ranks as FIRST or LAST, the aggregate operates on the set with only one element.

Firstlast是非常类似的函数。它们都可用作聚集和分析函数,操作按排序规则排名后的行组中排名为firstlast的值。若分组中只有排名为firstlast的行,那末只对这个唯一元素进行聚集操作(意思是说,当分组中只有一行记录时,不论firstlast 都取这一行――译者注) 

This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.


When you need a value from the first or last row of a sorted group, but the needed value is not the sort key, the FIRST and LAST functions eliminate the need for self-joins or views and enable better performance.


? The aggregate_function is any one of the MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, COUNT, VARIANCE, or STDDEV functions. It operates on values from the rows that rank either FIRST or LAST. If only one row ranks as FIRST or LAST, the aggregate operates on a singleton (nonaggregate) set.



? The KEEP keyword is for semantic clarity. It qualifies aggregate_function, indicating that only the FIRST or LAST values of aggregate_function will be returned. 使用Keep关键字是为了保持语义清晰。它限制aggregate_function,表示仅返回aggregate_functionfirstlast值。 

? DENSE_RANK FIRST or DENSE_RANK LAST indicates that Oracle Database will aggregate over only those rows with the minimum (FIRST) or the maximum (LAST) dense rank (also called olympic rank).

Dense_rank_firstdense_rank_last表明Oracle数据库仅将排名为最小 (first)或最大(last)的行聚集在一起。 

You can use the FIRST and LAST functions as analytic functions by specifying the OVER clause. The query_partitioning_clause is the only part of the OVER clause valid with these functions.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion and LAST 


9.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example returns, within each department of the sample table hr.employees, the minimum salary among the employees who make the lowest commission and the maximum salary among the employees who make the highest commission:


SELECT department_id,

       MIN(salary) keep(dense_rank FIRST ORDER BY commission_pct) "Worst",

       MAX(salary) keep(dense_rank LAST ORDER BY commission_pct)


  FROM employees

 GROUP BY department_id;


DEPARTMENT_ID      Worst       Best ------------- ---------- ----------            10       4400       4400            20       6000      13000

           30       2500      11000

           40       6500       6500

           50       2100       8200

           60       4200       9000

           70      10000      10000

           80       6100      14000

           90      17000      24000

          100       6900      12000

          110       8300      12000

                    7000       7000

9.4 Analytic Example 

The next example makes the same calculation as the previous example but returns the result for each employee within the department:


SELECT last_name,        department_id,        salary,

       MIN(salary) keep(dense_rank FIRST ORDER BY commission_pct) over(PARTITION BY department_id) "Worst",

       MAX(salary) keep(dense_rank LAST ORDER BY commission_pct)

over(PARTITION BY department_id) "Best"

  FROM employees

 ORDER BY department_id, salary;


LAST_NAME           DEPARTMENT_ID     SALARY      Worst       Best ------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Whalen                         10       4400       4400       4400 Fay                            20       6000       6000      13000 Hartstein                      20      13000       6000      13000

. . .

Gietz                         110       8300       8300      12000

Higgins                       110      12000       8300      12000

Grant                                   7000       7000       7000



10.1 Syntax



   OVER (analytic_clause)



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions, including valid forms of expr 


10.2 Purpose 

FIRST_VALUE is an analytic function. It returns the first value in an ordered set of values.

If the first value in the set is null, then the function returns NULL unless you specify

r data dens

IGNORE NULLS. This setting is useful fo ification. If you specify IGNORE NULLS, then FIRST_VALUE returns the fist non-null value in the set, or NULL if all values are null. Please refer to "Using Partitioned Outer Joins: Examples" for an example of data


First_value只用作分析函数。它返回已排序集的第一个值。若集合中的第一个值为null,除非指定ignor nulls那末函数返回null。忽略空值的限定对稠化数据很有用处。若指定ignor nulls,那末first_value函数返回集合中第一个不为null的值,或若值全为null则返回null。请参阅Using Partioned Outer Joins:Examples中关于稠化数据的例子。 

You cannot use FIRST_VALUE or any other analytic function for expr. That is, you cannot nest analytic functions, but you can use other built-in function expressions for expr. Please refer to "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr.

不能在expr中使用first_value或其他任何分析函数。也就是说,此处分析函数不能嵌套,但可以在expr中使用内置函数表达式。请参阅About SQL Expressions获取合法 expr的相关信息。 

10.3 Examples 

The following example selects, for each employee in Department 90, the name of the employee with the lowest salary.


SELECT department_id,        last_name,        salary,

       first_value(last_name) over(ORDER BY salary ASC rows unbounded preceding) AS lowest_sal   FROM (SELECT *

          FROM employees

         WHERE department_id = 90 

         ORDER BY employee_id);



------------- ------------- ---------- -------------------------

           90 Kochhar            17000 Kochhar

           90 De Haan            17000 Kochhar

           90 King               24000 Kochhar


The example illustrates the nondeterministic nature of the FIRST_VALUE function. Kochhar and DeHaan have the same salary, so are in adjacent rows. Kochhar appears first because the rows returned by the subquery are ordered by employee_id. However, if the rows returned by the subquery are ordered by employee_id in descending order, as in the next example, then the function returns a different value: 

这个例子表明了first_name函数的不确定性。KochharDe Haan有相同的薪水,因此在行中位置相邻。Kochhar出现在第一行,因为行是通过按employee_id排序的子查询返回的。然而,若行是通过按employee_id降序排序的子查询返回的,正如下面的例子一样,那末函数返回的值不同: 

SELECT department_id,        last_name,        salary,

       first_value(last_name) over(ORDER BY salary ASC rows unbounded preceding) AS fv


          FROM employees

         WHERE department_id = 90 

         ORDER BY employee_id DESC);



------------- ------------- ---------- -------------------------

           90 De Haan            17000 De Haan

           90 Kochhar            17000 De Haan

           90 King               24000 De Haan


The following example shows how to make the FIRST_VALUE function deterministic by ordering on a unique key.


SELECT department_id,        last_name,        salary,        hire_date,

       first_value(last_name) over(ORDER BY salary ASC, hire_date rows unbounded preceding) AS fv   FROM (SELECT *

          FROM employees

         WHERE department_id = 90 

         ORDER BY employee_id DESC);



------------- ------------- ---------- --------- ---------------

           90 Kochhar            17000 21-SEP-89 Kochhar

           90 De Haan            17000 13-JAN-93 Kochhar

           90 King               24000 17-JUN-87 Kochhar

11. LAG 

11.1 Syntax



LAG(value_expr [, offset ] [, default ])

   OVER ([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause)



See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions, including valid forms of value_expr 


11.2 Purpose 

LAG is an analytic function. It provides access to more than one row of a table at the same time without a self join. Given a series of rows returned from a query and a position of the cursor, LAG provides access to a row at a given physical offset prior to that position. 


If you do not specify offset, then its default is 1. The optional default value is returned if the offset goes beyond the scope of the window. If you do not specify default, then its default is null.


You cannot use LAG or any other analytic function for value_expr. That is, you cannot nest analytic functions, but you can use other built-in function expressions for value_expr.




See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and LEAD 


11.3 Examples 

The following example provides, for each salesperson in the employees table, the salary of the employee hired just before: 下面的例子提供employees表中每个雇员正前一个被雇佣的雇员薪水: 

SELECT last_name,        hire_date,        salary,

       lag(salary, 1, 0) over(ORDER BY hire_date) AS prev_sal

  FROM employees

 WHERE job_id = 'PU_CLERK';



------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------

Khoo                      18-MAY-95       3100          0

Tobias                    24-JUL-97       2800       3100

Baida                     24-DEC-97       2900       2800

Himuro                    15-NOV-98       2600       2900

Colmenares                10-AUG-99       2500       2600

12. LAST 

12.1 Syntax




aggregate_function KEEP    (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY     expr [ DESC | ASC ]

         [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]

    [, expr [ DESC | ASC ]

            [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]     ]...


   [ OVER query_partition_clause ]



See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions of the query_partitioning_clause 


12.2 Purpose 

FIRST and LAST are very similar functions. Both are aggregate and analytic functions that operate on a set of values from a set of rows that rank as the FIRST or LAST with respect to a given sorting specification. If only one row ranks as FIRST or LAST, the aggregate operates on the set with only one element.

Firstlast是非常类似的函数。它们都可以用作聚集和分析函数,操作按排序规则排名后行组中排名为firstlast的值。若分组中只有排名为firstlast的行,那末只对这个唯一元素进行聚集操作(意思是说,当分组中只有一行记录时,不论firstlast 都取这一行――译者注) 

This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


Please refer to FIRST for complete information on this function and for examples of its use.



13.1 Syntax




   OVER (analytic_clause)



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions, including valid forms of expr 


13.2 Purpose 

LAST_VALUE is an analytic function. It returns the last value in an ordered set of values. If the last value in the set is null, then the function returns NULL unless you specify IGNORE 



NULLS. This setting is useful for data . If you specify IGNORE NULLS, then LAST_VALUE returns the fist non-null value in the set, or NULL if all values are null. Please refer to "Using Partitioned Outer Joins: Examples" for an example of data n.

Last_value只用作分析函数。它返回已排序集的最后一个值。若集合中最后一个值为空,除非指定为ignore nulls,否则返回null。忽略空值的限定对稠化数据很有用处。若指定ignor nulls,那末last_value返回集合中最后一个不为null的值,或若值全为null则返回null。请参阅Using Partioned Outer Joins:Examples中关于稠化数据的例子。 

You cannot use LAST_VALUE or any other analytic function for expr. That is, you cannot nest analytic functions, but you can use other built-in function expressions for expr. Please refer to "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr.

不能在expr中使用last_value或其他任何分析函数。也就是说,此处分析函数不能嵌套,但可以在expr中使用内置函数表达式。请参阅About SQL Expressions获取合法 expr的相关信息。 

13.3 Examples 

The following example returns, for each row, the hire date of the employee earning the highest salary:


SELECT last_name,        salary,        hire_date,

       last_value(hire_date) over(ORDER BY salary rows BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND unbounded following) AS lv

  FROM (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id = 90 ORDER BY hire_date);


LAST_NAME                     SALARY HIRE_DATE LV

------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------

Kochhar                        17000 21-SEP-89 17-JUN-87

De Haan                        17000 13-JAN-93 17-JUN-87

King                           24000 17-JUN-87 17-JUN-87


This example illustrates the nondeterministic nature of the LAST_VALUE function. Kochhar and De Haan have the same salary, so they are in adjacent rows. Kochhar appears first because the rows in the subquery are ordered by hire_date. However, if the rows are ordered by hire_date in descending order, as in the next example, then the function returns a different value:

这个例子表明了last_name函数的不确定性。KochharDe Haan有相同的薪水,因此在行中位置相邻。Kochhar出现在第一行,因为行是通过按hire_date排序的子查询返回的。然而若行是通过按hire_date降序排序的子查询返回的,正如下面的例子一样,那末函数返回的值不同: 

SELECT last_name,        salary,        hire_date,

       last_value(hire_date) over(ORDER BY salary rows BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND unbounded following) AS lv


          FROM employees

         WHERE department_id = 90          ORDER BY hire_date DESC);


LAST_NAME                     SALARY HIRE_DATE LV

------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------

De Haan                        17000 13-JAN-93 17-JUN-87

Kochhar                        17000 21-SEP-89 17-JUN-87

King                           24000 17-JUN-87 17-JUN-87


The following two examples show how to make the LAST_VALUE function deterministic by ordering on a unique key. By ordering within the function by both salary and hire_date, you can ensure the same result regardless of the ordering in the subquery.


SELECT last_name,        salary,        hire_date,

       last_value(hire_date) over(ORDER BY salary, hire_date rows BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND unbounded following) AS lv   FROM (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id = 90 ORDER BY hire_date);


LAST_NAME                     SALARY HIRE_DATE LV

------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------

Kochhar                        17000 21-SEP-89 17-JUN-87

De Haan                        17000 13-JAN-93 17-JUN-87

King                           24000 17-JUN-87 17-JUN-87


SELECT last_name,        salary,        hire_date,

       last_value(hire_date) over(ORDER BY salary, hire_date rows 

BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND unbounded following) AS lv


          FROM employees

         WHERE department_id = 90 

         ORDER BY hire_date DESC);


LAST_NAME                     SALARY HIRE_DATE LV

------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------

Kochhar                        17000 21-SEP-89 17-JUN-87

De Haan                        17000 13-JAN-93 17-JUN-87

King                           24000 17-JUN-87 17-JUN-87

14. LEAD 

14.1 Syntax



LEAD(value_expr [, offset ] [, default ])

   OVER ([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause)



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions, including valid forms of value_expr 


14.2 Purpose 

series of rows returned from a query and a position

LEAD is an analytic function. It provides access to more than one row of a table at the same time without a self join. Given a

of the cursor,


provides access to a row at a given physical offset beyond that



If you do not specify offset, then its default is 1. The optional default value is returned if the offset goes beyond the scope of the table. If you do not specify default, then its default value is null.


You cannot use LEAD or any other analytic function for value_expr. That is, you cannot nest analytic functions, but you can use other built-in function expressions for value_expr.



See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and LAG 


14.3 Examples 

The following example provides, for each employee in the employees table, the hire date of the employee hired just after:


SELECT last_name,        hire_date,

       lead(hire_date, 1) over(ORDER BY hire_date) AS "NextHired"

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id = 30;


LAST_NAME                 HIRE_DATE NextHired

------------------------- --------- ---------

Raphaely                  07-DEC-94 18-MAY-95

Khoo                      18-MAY-95 24-JUL-97

Tobias                    24-JUL-97 24-DEC-97

Baida                     24-DEC-97 15-NOV-98

Himuro                    15-NOV-98 10-AUG-99

Colmenares                10-AUG-99

15. MAX 

15.1 Syntax



MAX([ DISTINCT | ALL ] expr)

   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


15.2 Purpose 

MAX returns maximum value of expr. You can use it as an aggregate or analytic function.



See A "Abou expr, compa


t SQL Expressions"for information on valid forms of  "Floating-Point Numbers" for information on binary-float rison semantics, and "Aggregate Functions" 


15.3 Aggregate Example

The following example determines the highest salary in the hr.employees table:


SELECT MAX(salary) "Maximum" FROM employees;





15.4 Analytic Example 

The following example calculates, for each employee, the highest salary of the employees reporting to the same manager as the employee.


SELECT manager_id,        last_name,        salary,

       MAX(salary) over(PARTITION BY manager_id) AS mgr_max

  FROM employees;


MANAGER_ID LAST_NAME                     SALARY    MGR_MAX

---------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------

       100 Kochhar                        17000      17000

       100 De Haan                        17000      17000

       100 Raphaely                       11000      17000

       100 Kaufling                        7900      17000

       100 Fripp                           8200      17000

       100 Weiss                           8000      17000

. . .


If you enclose this query in the parent query with a predicate, then you can determine the employee who makes the highest salary in each department:


SELECT manager_id, last_name, salary   FROM (SELECT manager_id,                last_name,                salary,

               MAX(salary) over(PARTITION BY manager_id) AS rmax_sal

          FROM employees)

 WHERE salary = rmax_sal;


MANAGER_ID LAST_NAME                     SALARY

---------- ------------------------- ----------

       100 Kochhar                        17000

100 De Haan                        17000

101 Greenberg                      12000

101 Higgens                        12000

102 Hunold                          9000

103 Ernst                           6000

       108 Faviet                          9000

       114 Khoo                            3100

       120 Nayer                           3200

120 Taylor                          3200

121 Sarchand                        4200

122 Chung                           3800

123 Bell                            4000

124 Rajs                            3500

145 Tucker                         10000

146 King                           10000

147 Vishney                        10500

148 Ozer                           11500

149 Abel                           11000

       201 Goyal                           6000

       205 Gietz                           8300

           King                           24000

16. MIN 

16.1 Syntax



MIN([ DISTINCT | ALL ] expr)

   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


16.2 Purpose 

MIN returns minimum value of expr. You can use it as an aggregate or analytic function.



See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr, "Floating-Point Numbers" for information on binary-float comparison semantics, and "Aggregate Functions" 


16.3 Aggregate Example 

The following statement returns the earliest hire date in the hr.employees table:


SELECT MIN(hire_date) "Earliest" FROM employees;





16.4 Analytic Example 

The following example determines, for each employee, the employees who were hired on or before the same date as the employee. It then determines the subset of employees reporting to the same manager as the employee, and returns the lowest salary in that subset.


SELECT manager_id,        last_name,        hire_date,        salary,

       MIN(salary) over(PARTITION BY manager_id ORDER BY hire_date

RANGE unbounded preceding) AS p_cmin

  FROM employees;



---------- ------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------

       100 Kochhar                   21-SEP-89      17000      17000

       100 De Haan                   13-JAN-93      17000      17000

       100 Raphaely                  07-DEC-94      11000      11000

       100 Kaufling                  01-MAY-95       7900       7900

       100 Hartstein                 17-FEB-96      13000       7900

       100 Weiss                     18-JUL-96       8000       7900

       100 Russell                   01-OCT-96      14000       7900

       100 Partners                  05-JAN-97      13500       7900        100 Errazuriz                 10-MAR-97      12000       7900 . . .

17. NTILE 

17.1 Syntax




   OVER ([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause)



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions, including valid forms of expr 


17.2 Purpose 

NTILE is an analytic function. It divides an ordered data set into a number of buckets indicated by expr and assigns the appropriate bucket number to each row. The buckets are numbered 1 through expr. The expr value must resolve to a positive constant for each partition. Oracle Database expects an integer, and if expr is a noninteger constant, then Oracle truncates the value to an integer. The return value is NUMBER.

Ntile只能用作分析函数。它将一个有序数集分成expr数目的桶,并且对每一行赋值适当的桶数。桶的取值范围为1…expr。对每一行的位置来说expr值必须是一个正常数。 Oracle数据库期望它是一个整数,若expr不是一个整数常量,那末Oracleexpr值截断为一个整数。函数返回值是number类型。 

The number of rows in the buckets can differ by at most 1. The remainder values (the remainder of number of rows divided by buckets) are distributed one for each bucket, starting with bucket 1.


If expr is greater than the number of rows, then a number of buckets equal to the number of rows will be filled, and the remaining buckets will be empty.


You cannot use NTILE or any other analytic function for expr. That is, you cannot nest analytic functions, but you can use other built-in function expressions for expr.



See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


17.3 Examples 

The following example divides into 4 buckets the values in the salary column of the oe.employees table from Department 100. The salary column has 6 values in this department, so the two extra values (the remainder of 6 / 4) are allocated to buckets 1 and 2, which therefore have one more value than buckets 3 or 4.

下面的例子,在oe.employees表中,部门100的薪水值被分成4个桶。此部门的Salary 列有6个值,因此两个额外的值(6/4的余数)被分配给桶1和桶2,因此它们比桶3和桶 4多一个值。 

SELECT last_name, salary, ntile(4) over(ORDER BY salary DESC) AS quartile

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id = 100;


LAST_NAME                     SALARY   QUARTILE

------------------------- ---------- ----------

Greenberg                      12000          1

Faviet                          9000          1

Chen                            8200          2

Urman                           7800          2

Sciarra                         7700          3

Popp                            6900          4


18.1 Aggregate Syntax percent_rank_aggregate::=



PERCENT_RANK(expr [, expr ]...) WITHIN GROUP

   (ORDER BY     expr [ DESC | ASC ]

         [NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]

    [, expr [ DESC | ASC ]

            [NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]     ]...


18.2 Analytic Syntax percent_rank_analytic::=




   OVER ([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause)



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


18.3 Purpose

PERCENT_RANK is similar to the CUME_DIST (cumulative distribution) function. The range of values returned by PERCENT_RANK is 0 to 1, inclusive. The first row in any set has a PERCENT_RANK of 0. The return value is NUMBER.

Percent_rankcume_dist是类似的(累计分布)函数。Percent_rank返回01 的数值。任意集合的第一行percent_rank值都为0。函数返回一个number值。 


See A

Table implici


2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on t conversion


hetical row

? As an aggregate function, PERCENT_RANK calculates, for a hypotr 

identified by the arguments of the function and a corresponding sort specification, the rank of row r minus 1 divided by the number of rows in the aggregate group.

This calculation is made as if the hypothetical row


were inserted into the group

of rows over which Oracle Database is to aggregate.

The arguments of the

function identify a single hypothetical row within each aggregate group. Therefore, they must all evaluate to constant expressions within each aggregate group. The constant argument expressions and the expressions in the ORDER BY clause of the aggregate match by position. Therefore the number of arguments must be the same and their types must be compatible.

percent_rank用作聚集函数时,它计算,对一个由函数参数和相应排序规则确定的假定行r,用行r在聚集分组中的排名减去1,再除以行数。Oracle对此聚集组进行计算时,就像假定行r被插入计算的行组中一样。函数参数确定了各个聚集分组中唯一的假定行。常量参数表达式与聚集分组的order by子句中的表达式根据位置匹配。因此,参数个数必须相同且类型必须兼容。 

? As an analytic function, for a row r, PERCENT_RANK calculates the rank of r minus 1, divided by 1 less than the number of rows being evaluated (the entire query result set or a partition).


18.4 Aggregate Example

The following example calculates the percent rank of a hypothetical employee in the sample table hr.employees with a salary of $15,500 and a commission of 5%:


SELECT percent_rank(15000, .05) within


 ORDER BY salary, commission_pct) "Percent-Rank"

  FROM employees;





18.5 Analytic Example

The following example calculates, for each employee, the percent rank of the employee's salary within the department:


SELECT department_id,        last_name,        salary,

       percent_rank() over(PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary


  FROM employees

 ORDER BY pr, salary;


DEPARTMENT_ID LAST_NAME                     SALARY         PR ------------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------

           10 Whalen                          4400          0

           40 Marvis                          6500          0

. . .

           80 Vishney                        10500 .176470588

           50 Everett                         3900 .181818182            30 Khoo                            3100         .2

. . .

           80 Johnson                         6200 .941176471

           50 Markle                          2200 .954545455

           50 Philtanker                      2200 .954545455

           50 Olson                           2100          1 . . .


19.1 Syntax




   (ORDER BY expr [ DESC | ASC ])

   [ OVER (query_partition_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions of the OVER clause


19.2 Purpose

PERCENTILE_CONT is an inverse distribution function that assumes a continuous distribution model. It takes a percentile value and a sort specification, and returns an interpolated value that would fall into that percentile value with respect to the sort specification. Nulls are ignored in the calculation.


This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


The first expr must evaluate to a numeric value between 0 and 1, because it is a percentile value. This expr must be constant within each aggregation group. The ORDER BY clause takes a single expression that must be a numeric or datetime value, as these are the types over which Oracle can perform interpolation. 

第一个expr的值必须是01的数字,因为它是百分点值。在各聚集分组中expr必须为常数。Order by子句中只能使用一个数字或日期表达式,因为Oracle只支持这些数据类型的内插。 

wps28C5.tmpThe result of PERCENTILE_CONT is computed by linear interpolation between values after ordering them. Using the percentile value (P) and the number of rows (N) in the aggregation group, we compute the row number we are interested in after ordering the rows with respect to the sort specification. This row number (RN) is computed according to the formula RN = (1+ (P*(N-1)). The final result of the aggregate function is computed by linear interpolation between the values from rows at row numbers CRN = CEILING(RN) and FRN = FLOOR(RN).

Percentile_cont结果是由值和排序后的值之间线性内插计算出来的。使用百分点值(P) 与聚集分组的行数(N),计算按照排序规则排序后的行号。行号(RN)根据RN = (1+ (P*(N-1))计算而得。聚集函数最终的结果是通过行号的行值CRN = CEILING(RN)FRN = FLOOR(RN)之间线性内插计算而得。 

The final result will be:


If (CRN = FRN = RN) then the result is

    (value of expression from row at RN)

  Otherwise the result is

    (CRN - RN) * (value of expression for row at FRN) +

    (RN - FRN) * (value of expression for row at CRN)


You can use the PERCENTILE_CONT function as an analytic function. You can specify only the query_partitioning_clause in its OVER clause. It returns, for each row, the value that would fall into the specified percentile among a set of values within each partition. 

Percentile_cont可用作分析函数。可以在over子句中仅指定 query_partitioning_clause。对每一行,它返回属于每个分组中的一组值的指定百分点。 

The MEDIAN function is a specific case of PERCENTILE_CONT where the percentile value defaults to 0.5. For more information, please refer to MEDIAN.


19.3 Aggregate Example

The following example computes the median salary in each department:


SELECT department_id, percentile_cont(0.5) within


 ORDER BY salary DESC) "Median cont", percentile_disc(0.5) within


 ORDER BY salary DESC) "Median disc"

  FROM employees

 GROUP BY department_id;


DEPARTMENT_ID Median-cont Median-disc

------------- ----------- -----------

           10        4400        4400

           20        9500       13000

           30        2850        2900

           40        6500        6500

           50        3100        3100

           60        4800        4800

           70       10000       10000

           80        8800        8800

           90       17000       17000

          100        8000        8200

          110       10150       12000


PERCENTILE_CONT and PERCENTILE_DISC may return different results.

PERCENTILE_CONT returns a computed result after doing linear interpolation. PERCENTILE_DISC simply returns a value from the set of values that are aggregated over. When the percentile value is 0.5, as in this example, PERCENTILE_CONT returns the average of the two middle values for groups with even number of elements, whereas PERCENTILE_DISC returns the value of the first one among the two middle values. For aggregate groups with an odd number of elements, both functions return the value of the middle element. 



19.4 Analytic Example

In the following example, the median for Department 60 is 4800, which has a corresponding percentile (Percent_Rank) of 0.5. None of the salaries in Department 30 have a percentile of 0.5, so the median value must be interpolated between 2900 (percentile 0.4) and 2800 (percentile 0.6), which evaluates to 2850.


SELECT last_name, salary, department_id, percentile_cont(0.5) within


 ORDER BY salary DESC) over(PARTITION BY department_id)

"Percentile_Cont", percent_rank() over(PARTITION BY department_id

 ORDER BY salary DESC) "Percent_Rank"

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (30, 60);


LAST_NAME         SALARY DEPARTMENT_ID Percentile_Cont Percent_Rank

------------- ---------- ------------- --------------- ------------ Raphaely           11000            30            2850            0

Khoo                3100            30            2850           .2

Baida               2900            30            2850           .4

Tobias              2800            30            2850           .6

Himuro              2600            30            2850           .8

Colmenares          2500            30            2850            1

Hunold              9000            60            4800            0

Ernst               6000            60            4800          .25

Austin              4800            60            4800           .5

Pataballa           4800            60            4800           .5

Lorentz             4200            60            4800            1


20.1 Syntax




   (ORDER BY expr [ DESC | ASC ])

   [ OVER (query_partition_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions of the OVER clause


20.2 Purpose 

PERCENTILE_DISC is an inverse distribution function that assumes a discrete distribution model. It takes a percentile value and a sort specification and returns an element from the set. Nulls are ignored in the calculation. 


This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


The first expr must evaluate to a numeric value between 0 and 1, because it is a percentile value. This expression must be constant within each aggregate group. The

ORDER BY clause takes a single expression that can be of any type that can be sorted.

第一个expr的值必须是01的数字,因为它是百分点值。在各聚集分组中expr必须为常数。Order by子句中只能使用一个表达式,该表达式值的类型可以是任何可排序类型。 

For a given percentile value P, PERCENTILE_DISC sorts the values of the expression in the ORDER BY clause and returns the value with the smallest CUME_DIST value (with respect to the same sort specification) that is greater than or equal to P.

对于一个假定的百分点值Ppercentile_dist根据order by子句中的表达式值排序,并返回一个大于等于P的最小的cume_dist(与相同的排序规则相关) 

20.3 Aggregate Example 

See aggregate example for PERCENTILE_CONT.


20.4 Analytic Example 

The following example calculates the median discrete percentile of the salary of each employee in the sample table hr.employees:


SELECT last_name, salary, department_id, percentile_disc(0.5) within


 ORDER BY salary DESC) over(PARTITION BY department_id)

"Percentile_Disc", cume_dist() over(PARTITION BY department_id

 ORDER BY salary DESC) "Cume_Dist"

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (30, 60);


LAST_NAME         SALARY DEPARTMENT_ID Percentile_Disc  Cume_Dist

------------- ---------- ------------- --------------- ----------

Raphaely           11000            30            2900 .166666667

Khoo                3100            30            2900 .333333333

Baida               2900            30            2900         .5

Tobias              2800            30            2900 .666666667

Himuro              2600            30            2900 .833333333

Colmenares          2500            30            2900          1

Hunold              9000            60            4800         .2

Ernst               6000            60            4800         .4

Austin              4800            60            4800         .8

Pataballa           4800            60            4800         .8 Lorentz             4200            60            4800          1 

The median value for Department 30 is 2900, which is the value whose corresponding percentile (Cume_Dist) is the smallest value greater than or equal to 0.5. The median value for Department 60 is 4800, which is the value whose corresponding percentile is the smallest value greater than or equal to 0.5.


21. RANK 

21.1 Aggregate Syntax rank_aggregate::=



RANK(expr [, expr ]...) WITHIN GROUP

   (ORDER BY     expr [ DESC | ASC ]

         [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]

    [, expr [ DESC | ASC ]

            [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]     ]...


21.2 Analytic Syntax rank_analytic::=




   OVER ([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause)



See A


"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions


21.3 Purpose 

RANK calculates the rank of a value in a group of values. The return type is NUMBER.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion and "Numeric Precedence" for information on numeric precedence


Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank. Oracle Database then adds the number of tied rows to the tied rank to calculate the next rank. Therefore, the ranks may not be consecutive numbers. This function is useful for top-N and bottom-N reporting.


? As an aggregate function, RANK calculates the rank of a hypothetical row identified by the arguments of the function with respect to a given sort specification. The arguments of the function must all evaluate to constant expressions within each aggregate group, because they identify a single row within each group. The constant argument expressions and the expressions in the ORDER BY clause of the aggregate match by position. Therefore, the number of arguments must be the same and their types must be compatible.

Rank用作聚集函数时,它计算一个被带有排序规则的函数参数确定的假定行的排名。函数参数必须对每个聚集组中的常量表达式全部求值。常量参数表达式和聚集中的order by子句中的表达式通过位置匹配。因此,参数个数必须相等且类型必须兼容。 

? As an analytic function, RANK computes the rank of each row returned from a query with respect to the other rows returned by the query, based on the values of the value_exprs in the order_by_clause.


21.4 Aggregate Example 

The following example calculates the rank of a hypothetical employee in the sample table hr.employees with a salary of $15,500 and a commission of 5%:


SELECT rank(15500, .05) within


 ORDER BY salary, commission_pct) "Rank"

  FROM employees;






Similarly, the following query returns the rank for a $15,500 salary among the employee salaries:


SELECT rank(15500) within


 ORDER BY salary DESC) "Rank of 15500"

  FROM employees;


Rank of 15500



21.5 Analytic Example 

The following statement ranks the employees in the sample hr schema in department 80 based on their salary and commission. Identical salary values receive the same rank and cause nonconsecutive ranks. Compare this example with the example for DENSE_RANK.


SELECT department_id,        last_name,        salary,        commission_pct,        rank() over(PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary DESC, commission_pct) "Rank"   FROM employees

 WHERE department_id = 80;



------------- ------------------------- ---------- -------------- ----------

           80 Russell                        14000             .4          1

           80 Partners                       13500             .3          2

           80 Errazuriz                      12000             .3          3

           80 Ozer                           11500            .25          4

           80 Cambrault                      11000             .3          5

           80 Abel                           11000             .3          5

           80 Zlotkey                        10500             .2          7

           80 Vishney                        10500            .25          8

           80 Bloom                          10000             .2          9

           80 Tucker                         10000             .3         10

           80 King                           10000            .35         11

           80 Fox                             9600             .2         12

           80 Greene                          9500            .15         13

           80 Bernstein                       9500            .25         14

           80 Sully                           9500            .35         15

           80 Hall                            9000            .25         16

           80 McEwen                          9000            .35         17

           80 Hutton                          8800            .25         18

           80 Taylor                          8600             .2         19

           80 Livingston                      8400             .2         20

           80 Olsen                           8000             .2         21

           80 Smith                           8000             .3         22

           80 Cambrault                       7500             .2         23

           80 Doran                           7500             .3         24

           80 Smith                           7400            .15         25

           80 Bates                           7300            .15         26

           80 Marvins                         7200             .1         27

           80 Tuvault                         7000            .15         28

           80 Sewall                          7000            .25         29

           80 Lee                             6800             .1         30

           80 Ande                            6400             .1         31

           80 Banda                           6200             .1         32

           80 Johnson                         6200             .1         32

           80 Kumar                           6100             .1         34


22.1 Syntax




   OVER ([ query_partition_clause ])



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions, including valid forms of expr 


22.2 Purpose 

RATIO_TO_REPORT is an analytic function. It computes the ratio of a value to the sum of a set of values. If expr evaluates to null, then the ratio-to-report value also evaluates to null.

Ratio_to_report只能用作分析函数。它计算一个值在一组值总和中占的比率。若expr 求值为null,那末ratio_to_report值也为null 

The set of values is determined by the query_partition_clause. If you omit that clause, then the ratio-to-report is computed over all rows returned by the query.


You cannot use RATIO_TO_REPORT or any other analytic function for expr. That is, you cannot nest analytic functions, but you can use other built-in function expressions for expr. Please refer to "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr.

Expr中不能使用ratio_to_report或其他任何分析函数。也就是说,此处分析函数不能嵌套,但是在expr中可以使用内置函数表达式。请参阅About SQL Expressions 获取合法expr的更多信息。 

22.3 Examples 

The following example calculates the ratio-to-report value of each purchasing clerk's salary to the total of all purchasing clerks' salaries:


SELECT last_name, salary, ratio_to_report(salary) over() AS rr

  FROM employees

 WHERE job_id = 'PU_CLERK';


LAST_NAME                     SALARY         RR

------------------------- ---------- ----------

Khoo                            3100 .223021583

Baida                           2900 .208633094

Tobias                          2800 .201438849

Himuro                          2600  .18705036

Colmenares                      2500 .179856115 23. REGR_ (LINEAR REGRESSION) FUNCTIONS 

The linear regression functions are:





? REGR_R2 




? REGR_SXY 23.1 Syntax linear_regr::=






| REGR_R2 







(expr1 , expr2)

[ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


23.2 Purpose 

The linear regression functions fit an ordinary-least-squares regression line to a set of number pairs. You can use them as both aggregate and analytic functions.



See Also:

"Aggregate Functions" and "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr 


These functions take as arguments any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. Oracle determines the argument with the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the remaining arguments to that datatype, and returns that datatype.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion and "Numeric Precedence" for information on numeric precedence


Oracle applies the function to the set of (expr1, expr2) pairs after eliminating all pairs for which either expr1 or expr2 is null. Oracle computes all the regression functions simultaneously during a single pass through the data. 

Oracle使用该函数前先排除(expr1,expr2)expr1expr2不为null数值对。 Oracle在数据单个传递期间计算所有的回归函数。 

expr1 is interpreted as a value of the dependent variable (a y value), and expr2 is interpreted as a value of the independent variable (an x value).


? REGR_SLOPE returns the slope of the line. The return value is a numeric datatype and can be null. After the elimination of null (expr1, expr2) pairs, it makes the following computation:

REGR_SLOPE 返回行的斜率。 返回值是一个数字类型并能为空。 在排除(expr1expr2) 中的null对后,它作如下的计算: 

COVAR_POP(expr1, expr2) / VAR_POP(expr2)


? REGR_INTERCEPT returns the y-intercept of the regression line. The return value is a numeric datatype and can be null. After the elimination of null (expr1, expr2) pairs, it makes the following computation:

REGR_INTERCEPT 返回回归线的y 轴截距。 返回值是一个数字类型并能为空。在排除 (expr1expr2) 中的null对后,它作如下的计算: 

AVG(expr1) - REGR_SLOPE(expr1, expr2) * AVG(expr2) 

? REGR_COUNT returns an integer that is the number of non-null number pairs used to fit the regression line.

REGR_COUNT 返回用于匹配回归线的非空的数字对的个数。 

? REGR_R2 returns the coefficient of determination (also called R-squared or goodness of fit) for the regression. The return value is a numeric datatype and can be null. VAR_POP(expr1) and VAR_POP(expr2) are evaluated after the elimination of null pairs. The return values are:

REGR_R2 返回回归确定系数(也称为R_squared或完全匹配) 。返回值是一个数字类型并能为空。 VAR_POP(expr1) VAR_POP(expr2)null对排除后

进行求值。 返回值是: 

NULL if VAR_POP(expr2)  = 0


VAR_POP(expr2)  = 0,值为null


  1 if VAR_POP(expr1)  = 0 and VAR_POP(expr2) != 0


 VAR_POP(expr1)  = 0VAR_POP(expr2) != 0,值为1 


 POWER(CORR(expr1,expr),2) if VAR_POP(expr1)  > 0 and VAR_POP(expr2)  != 0 


VAR_POP(expr1)  > 0VAR_POP(expr2)  != 0,值为 POWER(CORR(expr1,expr),2)

All of the remaining regression functions return a numeric datatype and can be null:


? REGR_AVGX evaluates the average of the independent variable (expr2) of the regression line. It makes the following computation after the elimination of null (expr1, expr2) pairs:

REGR_AVGX 计算回归直线自变量 (expr2) 的平均值。它排除 (expr1expr2) 中的null对后作如下计算: 


? REGR_AVGY evaluates the average of the dependent variable (expr1) of the regression line. It makes the following computation after the elimination of null (expr1, expr2) pairs:

REGR_AVGY计算回归直线因变量 (expr1) 的平均值。它排除(expr1expr2) 中的null对后作如下计算: 


REGR_SXY, REGR_SXX, REGR_SYY are auxiliary functions that are used to compute various diagnostic statistics.


? REGR_SXX makes the following computation after the elimination of null (expr1, expr2) pairs:

REGR_SXX 在排除(expr1expr2)中的null对后作如下计算: 

REGR_COUNT(expr1, expr2) * VAR_POP(expr2) 

? REGR_SYY makes the following computation after the elimination of null (expr1, expr2) pairs:

REGR_SXY 在排除(expr1expr2)中的null对后作如下计算: 

REGR_COUNT(expr1, expr2) * VAR_POP(expr1) 

? REGR_SXY makes the following computation after the elimination of null (expr1, expr2) pairs:

REGR_SXY 在排除(expr1expr2)中的null对后作如下计算: 

REGR_COUNT(expr1, expr2) * COVAR_POP(expr1, expr2) 

The following examples are based on the sample tables sh.sales and sh.products.

下面的例子基于示例表 sh.sales sh.products 

23.3 General Linear Regression Example 

The following example provides a comparison of the various linear regression functions used in their analytic form. The analytic form of these functions can be useful when you want to use regression statistics for calculations such as finding the salary predicted for each employee by the model. The sections that follow on the individual linear regression functions contain examples of the aggregate form of these functions. 


SELECT job_id,        employee_id id,        salary,

       regr_slope(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) over(PARTITION BY job_id) slope,

       regr_intercept(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) over(PARTITION BY job_id) intcpt,

       regr_r2(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) over(PARTITION BY job_id) rsqr,

       regr_count(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) over(PARTITION BY job_id) COUNT,

       regr_avgx(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) over(PARTITION BY job_id) avgx,

       regr_avgy(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) over(PARTITION BY job_id) avgy

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (50, 80)

 ORDER BY job_id, employee_id;



---------- ----- ---------- ----- --------- ----- ------ ---------- ---------

SA_MAN       145      14000  .355 -1707.035  .832      5  12200.000  2626.589

SA_MAN       146      13500  .355 -1707.035  .832      5  12200.000  2626.589 SA_MAN       147      12000  .355 -1707.035  .832      5  12200.000  2626.589 SA_MAN       148      11000  .355 -1707.035  .832      5  12200.000  2626.589

SA_MAN       149      10500  .355 -1707.035  .832      5  12200.000  2626.589

SA_REP       150      10000  .257   404.763  .647     29   8396.552  2561.244

SA_REP       151       9500  .257   404.763  .647     29   8396.552  2561.244

SA_REP       152       9000  .257   404.763  .647     29   8396.552  2561.244

SA_REP       153       8000  .257   404.763  .647     29   8396.552  2561.244

SA_REP       154       7500  .257   404.763  .647     29   8396.552  2561.244

SA_REP       155       7000  .257   404.763  .647     29   8396.552  2561.244 SA_REP       156      10000  .257   404.763  .647     29   8396.552  2561.244 ...


The following example calculates the slope and regression of the linear regression model for time employed (SYSDATE - hire_date) and salary using the sample table hr.employees. Results are grouped by job_id.

下面的例子计算表 hr.employees中雇佣时间 (SYSDATE-hire_date) 和薪水的斜率和线性回归模型的回归值。 结果按job_id分组。 

SELECT job_id,

       regr_slope(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) slope,        regr_intercept(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) intercept

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (50, 80)

 GROUP BY job_id

 ORDER BY job_id;



---------- ----- ------------

SA_MAN      .355 -1707.030762

SA_REP      .257   404.767151

SH_CLERK    .745   159.015293

ST_CLERK    .904   134.409050

ST_MAN      .479  -570.077291

23.5 REGR_COUNT Examples 

The following example calculates the count of by job_id for time employed (SYSDATE - hire_date) and salary using the sample table hr.employees. Results are grouped by job_id.

下面的例子计算,hr.employees表中,雇佣时间 (SYSDATE-hire_date)和薪水按 job_id计数。 结果按job_id分组。 

SELECT job_id, regr_count(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) COUNT 

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (30, 50)

 GROUP BY job_id;



---------- ------

ST_MAN          5

PU_MAN          1

SH_CLERK       20

PU_CLERK        5

ST_CLERK       20

23.6 REGR_R2 Examples 

The following example calculates the coefficient of determination the linear regression of time employed (SYSDATE - hire_date) and salary using the sample table hr.employees:

下面的例子计算,hr.employees表中,雇佣时间 (SYSDATE-hire_date)和薪水线性


SELECT job_id, regr_r2(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) regr_r2

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (80, 50)

 GROUP BY job_id;


JOB_ID         REGR_R2

---------- -----------

ST_MAN      .694185080

SH_CLERK    .879799698

SA_MAN      .832447480

SA_REP      .647007156

ST_CLERK    .742808493

23.7 REGR_AVGY and REGR_AVGX Examples 

The following example calculates the average values for time employed (SYSDATE - hire_date) and salary using the sample table hr.employees. Results are grouped by job_id:

下面的例子计算,hr.employees表中,雇佣时间 (SYSDATE-hire_date)和薪水的平均值。结果按job_id分组: 

SELECT job_id,

       regr_avgy(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) avgy,        regr_avgx(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) avgx

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (30, 50)

 GROUP BY job_id;


JOB_ID                AVGY   AVGX

---------- --------------- ------

ST_MAN      2899.055555556   7280

PU_MAN      3785.455555556  11000

SH_CLERK    2531.955555556   4925

PU_CLERK    2709.255555556   2780

ST_CLERK    2631.605555556   2785

23.8 REGR_SXY, REGR_SXX, and REGR_SYY Examples

The following example calculates three types of diagnostic statistics for the linear regression of time employed (SYSDATE - hire_date) and salary using the sample table hr.employees:

下面的列子计算,hr.employees表中,雇佣时间 (SYSDATE-hire_date)和薪水的三


SELECT job_id,

       regr_sxy(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) regr_sxy,        regr_sxx(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) regr_sxx,        regr_syy(SYSDATE - hire_date, salary) regr_syy

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id IN (80, 50)

 GROUP BY job_id

 ORDER BY job_id;


JOB_ID       REGR_SXY    REGR_SXX   REGR_SYY ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------SA_MAN        3303500   9300000.0    1409642 SA_REP     16819665.5  65489655.2 6676562.55 SH_CLERK      4248650   5705500.0    3596039 ST_CLERK      3531545   3905500.0 4299084.55

ST_MAN        2180460   4548000.0  1505915.2


24.1 Syntax




   OVER ([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause)



See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions


24.2 Purpose 

ROW_NUMBER is an analytic function. It assigns a unique number to each row to which it is applied (either each row in the partition or each row returned by the query), in the ordered sequence of rows specified in the order_by_clause, beginning with 1.


By nesting a subquery using ROW_NUMBER inside a query that retrieves the ROW_NUMBER values for a specified range, you can find a precise subset of rows from the results of the inner query. This use of the function lets you implement top-N, bottom-N, and inner-N reporting. For consistent results, the query must ensure a deterministic sort order.

在查询内部嵌套包含row_number的子查询,并在外部查询中限定row_number值的范围,可以得到内部查询的精确结果。 此函数可用于实现top-N bottom-N inner-N 报表输出。为了使结果一致,查询必须确保排序后结果唯一。 

You cannot use ROW_NUMBER or any other analytic function for expr. That is, you cannot nest analytic functions, but you can use other built-in function expressions for expr. Please refer to "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr.

expr中不能使用row_number 或其他任何分析函数。也就是此处分析函数不能嵌套。但是可以在expr中使用内置函数表达式。请参阅About SQL Expressions获取合法 expr的更多信息。 

24.3 Examples

For each department in the sample table oe.employees, the following example assigns numbers to each row in order of employee's hire date: 下面的例子在oe.employees表中,各部门按雇员雇佣日期排序后赋予每行一个数: 

SELECT department_id,        last_name,        employee_id,

       row_number() over(PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY employee_id) AS emp_id

  FROM employees;



------------- ------------------------- ----------- ----------

           10 Whalen                            200          1

           20 Hartstein                         201          1

           20 Fay                               202          2

           30 Raphaely                          114          1

           30 Khoo                              115          2

           30 Baida                             116          3

           30 Tobias                            117          4

           30 Himuro                            118          5

           30 Colmenares                        119          6

           40 Mavris                            203          1

. . .

          100 Popp                              113          6

          110 Higgins                           205          1

          110 Gietz                             206          2 

ROW_NUMBER is a nondeterministic function. However, employee_id is a unique key, so the results of this application of the function are deterministic.



See Also:

FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE for examples of nondeterministic behavior


The following inner-N query selects all rows from the employees table but returns only the fifty-first through one-hundredth row:


SELECT last_name

  FROM (SELECT last_name, row_number() over(ORDER BY last_name) r

          FROM employees)



25.1 Syntax




   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


25.2 Purpose 

STDDEV returns the sample standard deviation of expr, a set of numbers. You can use it as both an aggregate and analytic function. It differs from STDDEV_SAMP in that STDDEV returns zero when it has only 1 row of input data, whereas STDDEV_SAMP returns null.


Oracle Database calculates the standard deviation as the square root of the variance defined for the VARIANCE aggregate function.


This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument. 该函数参数可取任何数字类型或是任何能隐式转换成数字类型的非数字类型。函数返回类型与函数参数类型相同,都为数字类型。 


See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


If you specify DISTINCT, then you can specify only the query_partition_clause of the analytic_clause. The order_by_clause and windowing_clause are not allowed.

Distinct关键字仅能在analytic_clausequery_partition_clause中使用。在 order_by_clausewindowing_clause中不允许使用distinct 


See Also:

? "Aggregate Functions", VARIANCE, and STDDEV_SAMP 

? "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr 


25.3 Aggregate Examples 

The following example returns the standard deviation of the salaries in the sample hr.employees table:


SELECT STDDEV(salary) "Deviation" FROM employees;





25.4 Analytic Examples 

The query in the following example returns the cumulative standard deviation of the salaries in Department 30 in the sample table hr.employees, ordered by hire_date:


SELECT last_name, salary, STDDEV(salary) over(ORDER BY hire_date)


  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id = 30;


LAST_NAME                     SALARY     StdDev

------------------------- ---------- ----------

Raphaely                       11000          0

Khoo                            3100 5586.14357

Tobias                          2800  4650.0896

Baida                           2900 4035.26125

Himuro                          2600  3649.2465

Colmenares                      2500 3362.58829


26.1 Syntax




   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


26.2 Purpose 

STDDEV_POP computes the population standard deviation and returns the square root of the population variance. You can use it as both an aggregate and analytic function.


This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


This function is the same as the square root of the VAR_POP function. When VAR_POP returns null, this function returns null.



See Also:

? "Aggregate Functions" and VAR_POP 

? "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr 


26.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example returns the population and sample standard deviations of the amount of sales in the sample table sh.sales:


SELECT stddev_pop(amount_sold) "Pop", stddev_samp(amount_sold)


  FROM sales;


       Pop       Samp

---------- ----------

896.355151 896.355592

26.4 Analytic Example 

The following example returns the population standard deviations of salaries in the sample hr.employees table by department:


SELECT department_id,        last_name,        salary,

       stddev_pop(salary) over(PARTITION BY department_id) AS pop_std   FROM employees;



------------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------

           10 Whalen                          4400          0            20 Hartstein                      13000       3500            20 Goyal                           6000       3500

. . .

          100 Sciarra                         7700 1644.18166

          100 Urman                           7800 1644.18166

          100 Popp                            6900 1644.18166

          110 Higgens                        12000       1850

          110 Gietz                           8300       1850


27.1 Syntax




   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A



tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and



27.2 Purpose 

STDDEV_SAMP computes the cumulative sample standard deviation and returns the square root of the sample variance. You can use it as both an aggregate and analytic function.

Stddev_samp计算累积样本标准偏差并返回样本方差的平方根。 它可以用作聚集和分析函数。 

This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


This function is same as the square root of the VAR_SAMP function. When VAR_SAMP returns null, this function returns null.



See Also:

? "Aggregate Functions" and VAR_SAMP 

? "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr 


27.3 Aggregate Example 

Please refer to the aggregate example for STDDEV_POP.


27.4 Analytic Example 

The following example returns the sample standard deviation of salaries in the employees table by department:


SELECT department_id,        last_name,        hire_date,        salary,

       stddev_samp(salary) over(PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY hire_date rows BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT ROW) AS cum_sdev   FROM employees;



------------- --------------- --------- ---------- ----------

           10 Whalen          17-SEP-87       4400

           20 Hartstein       17-FEB-96      13000

           20 Goyal           17-AUG-97       6000 4949.74747            30 Raphaely        07-DEC-94      11000

           30 Khoo            18-MAY-95       3100 5586.14357

           30 Tobias          24-JUL-97       2800  4650.0896

           30 Baida           24-DEC-97       2900 4035.26125

. . .

          100 Chen            28-SEP-97       8200 2003.33056

          100 Sciarra         30-SEP-97       7700 1925.91969

          100 Urman           07-MAR-98       7800 1785.49713

          100 Popp            07-DEC-99       6900 1801.11077           110 Higgens         07-JUN-94      12000

          110 Gietz           07-JUN-94       8300 2616.29509

28. SUM 

28.1 Syntax



SUM([ DISTINCT | ALL ] expr)

   [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions


28.2 Purpose 

SUM returns the sum of values of expr. You can use it as an aggregate or analytic function.


This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


If you specify DISTINCT, then you can specify only the query_partition_clause of the analytic_clause. The order_by_clause and windowing_clause are not allowed.

Distinct关键字仅能在analytic_clausequery_partition_clause中使用。在 order_by_clausewindowing_clause中不允许使用distinct 


See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and "Aggregate Functions" 


28.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example calculates the sum of all salaries in the sample hr.employees table:


SELECT SUM(salary) "Total" FROM employees;





28.4 Analytic Example 

The following example calculates, for each manager in the sample table hr.employees, a cumulative total of salaries of employees who answer to that manager that are equal to or less than the current salary. You can see that Raphaely and Cambrault have the same cumulative total. This is because Raphaely and Cambrault have the identical salaries, so Oracle Database adds together their salary values and applies the same cumulative total to both rows.


SELECT manager_id,        last_name,        salary,

       SUM(salary) over(PARTITION BY manager_id ORDER BY salary RANGE unbounded preceding) l_csum

  FROM employees;



---------- --------------- ---------- ----------

       100 Mourgos               5800       5800

       100 Vollman               6500      12300

       100 Kaufling              7900      20200

       100 Weiss                 8000      28200

       100 Fripp                 8200      36400

       100 Zlotkey              10500      46900

       100 Raphaely             11000      68900

       100 Cambrault            11000      68900

       100 Errazuriz            12000      80900

. . .

       149 Taylor                8600      30200

       149 Hutton                8800      39000

       149 Abel                 11000      50000

       201 Fay                   6000       6000

       205 Gietz                 8300       8300

           King                 24000      24000

29. VAR_POP 

29.1 Syntax



VAR_POP(expr) [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


29.2 Purpose 

VAR_POP returns the population variance of a set of numbers after discarding the nulls in this set. You can use it as both an aggregate and analytic function.


This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


If the function is applied to an empty set, then it returns null. The function makes the following calculation:


(SUM(expr2) - SUM(expr)2 / COUNT(expr)) / COUNT(expr) 


See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and "Aggregate Functions" 


29.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example returns the population variance of the salaries in the employees table:


SELECT VAR_POP(salary) FROM employees;





29.4 Analytic Example 

The following example calculates the cumulative population and sample variances in the sh.sales table of the monthly sales in 1998:


SELECT t.calendar_month_desc,

       var_pop(SUM(s.amount_sold)) over(ORDER BY t.calendar_month_desc) "Var_Pop",        var_samp(SUM(s.amount_sold)) over(ORDER BY 

t.calendar_month_desc) "Var_Samp"

  FROM sales s, times t

 WHERE s.time_id = t.time_id

   AND t.calendar_year = 1998 

 GROUP BY t.calendar_month_desc;


CALENDAR    Var_Pop   Var_Samp

-------- ---------- ---------- 1998-01           0

1998-02  6.1321E+11 1.2264E+12

1998-03  4.7058E+11 7.0587E+11

1998-04  4.6929E+11 6.2572E+11

1998-05  1.5524E+12 1.9405E+12

1998-06  2.3711E+12 2.8453E+12

1998-07  3.7464E+12 4.3708E+12

1998-08  3.7852E+12 4.3260E+12

1998-09  3.5753E+12 4.0222E+12

1998-10  3.4343E+12 3.8159E+12

1998-11  3.4245E+12 3.7669E+12

1998-12  4.8937E+12 5.3386E+12


30.1 Syntax



VAR_SAMP(expr) [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


30.2 Purpose 

VAR_SAMP returns the sample variance of a set of numbers after discarding the nulls in this set. You can use it as both an aggregate and analytic function.


This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion


If the function is applied to an empty set, then it returns null. The function makes the following calculation:


(SUM(expr2) - SUM(expr)2 / COUNT(expr)) / (COUNT(expr) - 1)


This function is similar to VARIANCE, except that given an input set of one element, VARIANCE returns 0 and VAR_SAMP returns null.

该函数与variance类似,不同的是,若输入集合只有一个元素,variance返回0,而 var_samp返回null 


See Also:

"About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and "Aggregate Functions" 


30.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example returns the sample variance of the salaries in the sample employees table.


SELECT var_samp(salary) FROM employees;





30.4 Analytic Example 

Please refer to the analytic example for VAR_POP.



31.1 Syntax




        [ OVER (analytic_clause) ]



See A "Analy restric


tic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and tions


31.2 Purpose 

VARIANCE returns the variance of expr. You can use it as an aggregate or analytic function.


Oracle Database calculates the variance of expr as follows:


? 0 if the number of rows in expr = 1


? VAR_SAMP if the number of rows in expr > 1


If you specify DISTINCT, then you can specify only the query_partition_clause of the analytic_clause. The order_by_clause and windowing_clause are not allowed.

Distinct关键字仅能在analytic_clausequery_partition_clause中使用。在 order_by_clausewindowing_clause中不允许使用distinct 

This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.



See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion, "About SQL Expressions" for information on valid forms of expr and "Aggregate Functions" 


31.3 Aggregate Example 

The following example calculates the variance of all salaries in the sample employees table:


SELECT VARIANCE(salary) "Variance" FROM employees;





31.4 Analytic Example 

The following example returns the cumulative variance of salary values in Department 30

ordered by hire date.


SELECT last_name,        salary,

       VARIANCE(salary) over(ORDER BY hire_date) "Variance"

  FROM employees

 WHERE department_id = 30;


LAST_NAME           SALARY   Variance

--------------- ---------- ----------

Raphaely             11000          0

Khoo                  3100   31205000

Tobias                2800 21623333.3

Baida                 2900 16283333.3

Himuro                2600   13317000

Colmenares            2500   11307000

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