1 BLOG文档结构图
2 前言部分
2.1 导读和注意事项
① Enqueue队列等待
② Enq数据字典
③ enq: AE - lock
④ enq: MR锁
⑤ enq: DX - contention
⑥ enq: SQ - contention 序列等待
2.2 相关参考文章链接
http://blog.itpub.net/26736162/viewspace-2124435/ | ||
http://blog.itpub.net/26736162/viewspace-2124417/ | ||
2016-09-23 | 【等待事件】日志类 等待事件(4.7)--LGWR wait for redo copy、switch logfile 等 | |
2016-09-22 | ||
2016-09-21 | ||
2016-09-20 | ||
2016-09-19 | ||
2016-09-18 | ||
2016-09-17 | ||
2016-09-07 | ||
2016-09-06 | ||
2016-09-04 | ||
2016-09-03 | ||
2016-09-01 | ||
2016-08-31 | ||
2016-08-30 | ||
2016-08-29 | ||
2016-08-27 | ||
2016-08-26 | ||
2016-08-20 | ||
2016-08-16 | ||
2016-08-15 | ||
2016-08-14 | ||
2016-08-13 |
3 Enqueue(队列等待)
3.1 简介
Enqueue这个词其实是LOCK的另一种描述语。当我们在AWR报告中发现长时间的Enqueue等待事件时,说明数据库中出现了阻塞和等待,可以关联AWR报告中的Enqueue Activity部分来确定是哪一种锁定出现了长时间等待。
所有以“enq:”打头的等待事件都表示这个会话正在等待另一个会话持有的内部锁释放,它的名称格式是enq:enqueue_type - related_details。数据库动态性能视图v$event_name提供所有以“enq:”开头的等待事件的列表。
Name: enqueue 的名称和类型。
Mode: enqueue的模式。
SELECT CHR (TO_CHAR (BITAND (P1, -16777216)) / 16777215)
|| CHR (TO_CHAR (BITAND (P1, 16711680)) / 65535)
TO_CHAR (BITAND (P1, 65535)) "MODE"
Oracle 的enqueue 包含以下模式:
模式代码 | 解释 |
1 | Null mode |
2 | Sub-Share |
3 | Sub-Exclusive |
4 | Share |
5 | Share/Sub-Exclusive |
6 | Exclusive |
Enqueue 缩写 | 缩写解释 |
BL | Buffer Cache management |
BR | Backup/Restore |
CF | Controlfile transaction |
CI | Cross-instance Call Invocation |
CU | Bind Enqueue |
DF | Datafile |
DL | Direct Loader Index Creation |
DM | Database Mount |
DR | Distributed Recovery Process |
DX | Dirstributed Transaction |
FP | File Object |
FS | File Set |
HW | High-water Lock |
IN | Instance Number |
IR | Instance Recovery |
IS | Instance State |
IV | Library Cache Invalidation |
JI | Enqueue used during AJV snapshot refresh |
JQ | Job Queue |
KK | Redo Log “Kick” |
KO | Multiple Object Checkpoint |
L[A-p] | Library Cache Lock |
LS | Log start or switch |
MM | Mount Definition |
MR | Media recovery |
N[A-Z] | Library Cache bin |
PE | Alter system set parameter =value |
PF | Password file |
PI | Parallel slaves |
PR | Process startup |
PS | Parallel slave synchronization |
Q[A-Z] | Row Cache |
RO | Object Reuse |
RT | Redo Thread |
RW | Row Wait |
SC | System Commit Number |
SN | Sequence Number |
SQ | Sequence Number Enqueue |
SR | Synchronized replication |
SS | Sort segment |
ST | Space management transaction |
SV | Sequence number Value |
TA | Transaction recovery |
TC | Thread Checkpoint |
TE | Extend Table |
TM | DML enqueue |
TO | Temporary Table Object Enqueue |
TS | Temporary Segement(also TableSpace) |
TT | Temporary Table |
TX | Transaction |
UL | User-defined Locks |
UN | User name |
US | Undo segment, Serialization |
WL | Being Written Redo Log |
XA | Instance Attribute Log |
XI | Instance Registration Lock |
Enqueue Type | Description |
enq: AD - allocate AU | Synchronizes accesses to a specific OSM disk AU |
enq: AD - deallocate AU | Synchronizes accesses to a specific OSM disk AU |
enq: AF - task serialization | This enqueue is used to serialize access to an advisor task |
enq: AG - contention | Synchronizes generation use of a particular workspace |
enq: AO - contention | Synchronizes access to objects and scalar variables |
enq: AS - contention | Synchronizes new service activation |
enq: AT - contention | Serializes 'alter tablespace' operations |
enq: AW - AW$ table lock | Global access synchronization to the AW$ table |
enq: AW - AW generation lock | In-use generation state for a particular workspace |
enq: AW - user access for AW | Synchronizes user accesses to a particular workspace |
enq: AW - AW state lock | Row lock synchronization for the AW$ table |
enq: BR - file shrink | Lock held to prevent file from decreasing in physical size during RMAN backup |
enq: BR - proxy-copy | Lock held to allow cleanup from backup mode during an RMAN proxy-copy backup |
enq: CF - contention | Synchronizes accesses to the controlfile |
enq: CI - contention | Coordinates cross-instance function invocations |
enq: CL - drop label | Synchronizes accesses to label cache when dropping a label |
enq: CL - compare labels | Synchronizes accesses to label cache for label comparison |
enq: CM - gate | Serialize access to instance enqueue |
enq: CM - instance | Indicate OSM disk group is mounted |
enq: CT - global space management | Lock held during change tracking space management operations that affect the entire change tracking file |
enq: CT - state | Lock held while enabling or disabling change tracking, to ensure that it is only enabled or disabled by one user at a time |
enq: CT - state change gate 2 | Lock held while enabling or disabling change tracking in RAC |
enq: CT - reading | Lock held to ensure that change tracking data remains in existence until a reader is done with it |
enq: CT - CTWR process start/stop | Lock held to ensure that only one CTWR process is started in a single instance |
enq: CT - state change gate 1 | Lock held while enabling or disabling change tracking in RAC |
enq: CT - change stream ownership | Lock held by one instance while change tracking is enabled, to guarantee access to thread-specific resources |
enq: CT - local space management | Lock held during change tracking space management operations that affect just the data for one thread |
enq: CU - contention | Recovers cursors in case of death while compiling |
enq: DB - contention | Synchronizes modification of database wide supplemental logging attributes |
enq: DD - contention | Synchronizes local accesses to ASM disk groups |
enq: DF - contention | Enqueue held by foreground or DBWR when a datafile is brought online in RAC |
enq: DG - contention | Synchronizes accesses to ASM disk groups |
enq: DL - contention | Lock to prevent index DDL during direct load |
enq: DM - contention | Enqueue held by foreground or DBWR to synchronize database mount/open with other operations |
enq: DN - contention | Serializes group number generations |
enq: DP - contention | Synchronizes access to LDAP parameters |
enq: DR - contention | Serializes the active distributed recovery operation |
enq: DS - contention | Prevents a database suspend during LMON reconfiguration |
enq: DT - contention | Serializes changing the default temporary table space and user creation |
enq: DV - contention | Synchronizes access to lower-version Diana (PL/SQL intermediate representation) |
enq: DX - contention | Serializes tightly coupled distributed transaction branches |
enq: FA - access file | Synchronizes accesses to open ASM files |
enq: FB - contention | Ensures that only one process can format data blocks in auto segment space managed tablespaces |
enq: FC - open an ACD thread | LGWR opens an ACD thread |
enq: FC - recover an ACD thread | SMON recovers an ACD thread |
enq: FD - Marker generation | Synchronization |
enq: FD - Flashback coordinator | Synchronization |
enq: FD - Tablespace flashback on/off | Synchronization |
enq: FD - Flashback on/off | Synchronization |
enq: FG - serialize ACD relocate | Only 1 process in the cluster may do ACD relocation in a disk group |
enq: FG - LGWR redo generation enq race | Resolve race condition to acquire Disk Group Redo Generation Enqueue |
enq: FG - FG redo generation enq race | Resolve race condition to acquire Disk Group Redo Generation Enqueue |
enq: FL - Flashback database log | Synchronization |
enq: FL - Flashback db command | Enqueue used to synchronize Flashback Database and deletion of flashback logs. |
enq: FM - contention | Synchronizes access to global file mapping state |
enq: FR - contention | Begin recovery of disk group |
enq: FS - contention | Enqueue used to synchronize recovery and file operations or synchronize dictionary check |
enq: FT - allow LGWR writes | Allow LGWR to generate redo in this thread |
enq: FT - disable LGWR writes | Prevent LGWR from generating redo in this thread |
enq: FU - contention | This enqueue is used to serialize the capture of the DB Feature, Usage and High Water Mark Statistics |
enq: HD - contention | Serializes accesses to ASM SGA data structures |
enq: HP - contention | Synchronizes accesses to queue pages |
enq: HQ - contention | Synchronizes the creation of new queue IDs |
enq: HV - contention | Lock used to broker the high water mark during parallel inserts |
enq: HW - contention | Lock used to broker the high water mark during parallel inserts |
enq: IA - contention |
enq: ID - contention | Lock held to prevent other processes from performing controlfile transaction while NID is running |
enq: IL - contention | Synchronizes accesses to internal label data structures |
enq: IM - contention for blr | Serializes block recovery for IMU txn |
enq: IR - contention | Synchronizes instance recovery |
enq: IR - contention2 | Synchronizes parallel instance recovery and shutdown immediate |
enq: IS - contention | Enqueue used to synchronize instance state changes |
enq: IT - contention | Synchronizes accesses to a temp object's metadata |
enq: JD - contention | Synchronizes dates between job queue coordinator and slave processes |
enq: JI - contention | Lock held during materialized view operations (like refresh, alter) to prevent concurrent operations on the same materialized view |
enq: JQ - contention | Lock to prevent multiple instances from running a single job |
enq: JS - contention | Synchronizes accesses to the job cache |
enq: JS - coord post lock | Lock for coordinator posting |
enq: JS - global wdw lock | Lock acquired when doing wdw ddl |
enq: JS - job chain evaluate lock | Lock when job chain evaluated for steps to create |
enq: JS - q mem clnup lck | Lock obtained when cleaning up q memory |
enq: JS - slave enq get lock2 | Get run info locks before slv objget |
enq: JS - slave enq get lock1 | Slave locks exec pre to sess strt |
enq: JS - running job cnt lock3 | Lock to set running job count epost |
enq: JS - running job cnt lock2 | Lock to set running job count epre |
enq: JS - running job cnt lock | Lock to get running job count |
enq: JS - coord rcv lock | Lock when coord receives msg |
enq: JS - queue lock | Lock on internal scheduler queue |
enq: JS - job run lock - synchronize | Lock to prevent job from running elsewhere |
enq: JS - job recov lock | Lock to recover jobs running on crashed RAC inst |
enq: KK - context | Lock held by open redo thread, used by other instances to force a log switch |
enq: KM - contention | Synchronizes various Resource Manager operations |
enq: KP - contention | Synchronizes kupp process startup |
enq: KT - contention | Synchronizes accesses to the current Resource Manager plan |
enq: MD - contention | Lock held during materialized view log DDL statements |
enq: MH - contention | Lock used for recovery when setting Mail Host for AQ e-mail notifications |
enq: ML - contention | Lock used for recovery when setting Mail Port for AQ e-mail notifications |
enq: MN - contention | Synchronizes updates to the LogMiner dictionary and prevents multiple instances from preparing the same LogMiner session |
enq: MR - contention | Lock used to coordinate media recovery with other uses of datafiles |
enq: MS - contention | Lock held during materialized view refresh to setup MV log |
enq: MW - contention | This enqueue is used to serialize the calibration of the manageability schedules with the Maintenance Window |
enq: OC - contention | Synchronizes write accesses to the outline cache |
enq: OL - contention | Synchronizes accesses to a particular outline name |
enq: OQ - xsoqhiAlloc | Synchronizes access to olapi history allocation |
enq: OQ - xsoqhiClose | Synchronizes access to olapi history closing |
enq: OQ - xsoqhistrecb | Synchronizes access to olapi history globals |
enq: OQ - xsoqhiFlush | Synchronizes access to olapi history flushing |
enq: OQ - xsoq*histrecb | Synchronizes access to olapi history parameter CB |
enq: PD - contention | Prevents others from updating the same property |
enq: PE - contention | Synchronizes system parameter updates |
enq: PF - contention | Synchronizes accesses to the password file |
enq: PG - contention | Synchronizes global system parameter updates |
enq: PH - contention | Lock used for recovery when setting Proxy for AQ HTTP notifications |
enq: PI - contention | Communicates remote Parallel Execution Server Process creation status |
enq: PL - contention | Coordinates plug-in operation of transportable tablespaces |
enq: PR - contention | Synchronizes process startup |
enq: PS - contention | Parallel Execution Server Process reservation and synchronization |
enq: PT - contention | Synchronizes access to ASM PST metadata |
enq: PV - syncstart | Synchronizes slave start shutdown |
enq: PV - syncshut | Synchronizes instance shutdown_slvstart |
enq: PW - perwarm status in dbw0 | DBWR 0 holds enqueue indicating prewarmed buffers present in cache |
enq: PW - flush prewarm buffers | Direct Load needs to flush pre-warmed buffers if DBWR 0 holds enqueue |
enq: RB - contention | Serializes OSM rollback recovery operations |
enq: RF - synch: per-SGA Broker metadata | Ensures r/w atomicity of DG configuration metadata per unique SGA |
enq: RF - synchronization: critical ai | Synchronizes critical apply instance among primary instances |
enq: RF - new AI | Synchronizes selection of the new apply instance |
enq: RF - synchronization: chief | Anoints 1 instance's DMON as chief to other instances' DMONs |
enq: RF - synchronization: HC master | Anoints 1 instance's DMON as health check master |
enq: RF - synchronization: aifo master | Synchronizes apply instance failure detection and fail over operation |
enq: RF - atomicity | Ensures atomicity of log transport setup |
enq: RN - contention | Coordinates nab computations of online logs during recovery |
enq: RO - contention | Coordinates flushing of multiple objects |
enq: RO - fast object reuse | Coordinates fast object reuse |
enq: RP - contention | Enqueue held when resilvering is needed or when data block is repaired from mirror |
enq: RS - file delete | Lock held to prevent file from accessing during space reclamation |
enq: RS - persist alert level | Lock held to make alert level persistent |
enq: RS - write alert level | Lock held to write alert level |
enq: RS - read alert level | Lock held to read alert level |
enq: RS - prevent aging list update | Lock held to prevent aging list update |
enq: RS - record reuse | Lock held to prevent file from accessing while reusing circular record |
enq: RS - prevent file delete | Lock held to prevent deleting file to reclaim space |
enq: RT - contention | Thread locks held by LGWR, DBW0, and RVWR to indicate mounted or open status |
enq: SB - contention | Synchronizes Logical Standby metadata operations |
enq: SF - contention | Lock used for recovery when setting Sender for AQ e-mail notifications |
enq: SH - contention | Should seldom see this contention as this Enqueue is always acquired in no-wait mode |
enq: SI - contention | Prevents multiple streams table instantiations |
enq: SK - contention | Serialize shrink of a segment |
enq: SQ - contention | Lock to ensure that only one process can replenish the sequence cache |
enq: SR - contention | Coordinates replication / streams operations |
enq: SS - contention | Ensures that sort segments created during parallel DML operations aren't prematurely cleaned up |
enq: ST - contention | Synchronizes space management activities in dictionary-managed tablespaces |
enq: SU - contention | Serializes access to SaveUndo Segment |
enq: SW - contention | Coordinates the 'alter system suspend' operation |
enq: TA - contention | Serializes operations on undo segments and undo tablespaces |
enq: TB - SQL Tuning Base Cache Update | Synchronizes writes to the SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache |
enq: TB - SQL Tuning Base Cache Load | Synchronizes writes to the SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache |
enq: TC - contention | Lock held to guarantee uniqueness of a tablespace checkpoint |
enq: TC - contention2 | Lock of setup of a unique tablespace checkpoint in null mode |
enq: TD - KTF dump entries | KTF dumping time/scn mappings in SMON_SCN_TIME table |
enq: TE - KTF broadcast | KTF broadcasting |
enq: TF - contention | Serializes dropping of a temporary file |
enq: TL - contention | Serializes threshold log table read and update |
enq: TM - contention | Synchronizes accesses to an object |
enq: TO - contention | Synchronizes DDL and DML operations on a temp object |
enq: TQ - TM contention | TM access to the queue table |
enq: TQ - DDL contention | TM access to the queue table |
enq: TQ - INI contention | TM access to the queue table |
enq: TS - contention | Serializes accesses to temp segments |
enq: TT - contention | Serializes DDL operations on tablespaces |
enq: TW - contention | Lock held by one instance to wait for transactions on all instances to finish |
enq: TX - contention | Lock held by a transaction to allow other transactions to wait for it |
enq: TX - row lock contention | Lock held on a particular row by a transaction to prevent other transactions from modifying it |
enq: TX - allocate ITL entry | Allocating an ITL entry in order to begin a transaction |
enq: TX - index contention | Lock held on an index during a split to prevent other operations on it |
enq: UL - contention | Lock used by user applications |
enq: US - contention | Lock held to perform DDL on the undo segment |
enq: WA - contention | Lock used for recovery when setting Watermark for memory usage in AQ notifications |
enq: WF - contention | This enqueue is used to serialize the flushing of snapshots |
enq: WL - contention | Coordinates access to redo log files and archive logs |
enq: WP - contention | This enqueue handles concurrency between purging and baselines |
enq: XH - contention | Lock used for recovery when setting No Proxy Domains for AQ HTTP notifications |
enq: XR - quiesce database | Lock held during database quiesce |
enq: XR - database force logging | Lock held during database force logging mode |
enq: XY - contention | Lock used for internal testing |
3.1.1 Enq数据字典
SELECT * FROM x$ksqrs;
WHERE S.RESOURCE_NAME IN ('enqueue_resources',
SELECT s.sid,
chr(bitand(s.p1, -16777216) / 16777215) ||
chr(bitand(s.p1, 16711680) / 65535) AS "TYPE",
MOD(s.p1, 16) AS "MODE"
FROM v$session_wait s
WHERE s.event = 'enqueue';
V$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS displays statistics on the number of enqueue (lock) requests for each type of lock. V$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS encompasses V$ENQUEUE_STATand gives more detailed information (several rows for same enqueues with different reasons).
Column | Datatype | Description |
EQ_NAME | VARCHAR2(64) | Name of the enqueue request |
EQ_TYPE | VARCHAR2(2) | Type of enqueue requested |
REQ_REASON | VARCHAR2(64) | Reason for the enqueue request |
TOTAL_REQ# | NUMBER | Total number of enqueue requests or enqueue conversions for this type of enqueue |
TOTAL_WAIT# | NUMBER | Total number of times an enqueue request or conversion resulted in a wait |
SUCC_REQ# | NUMBER | Number of times an enqueue request or conversion was granted |
FAILED_REQ# | NUMBER | Number of times an enqueue request or conversion failed |
CUM_WAIT_TIME | NUMBER | Total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for the enqueue or enqueue conversion |
REQ_DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR2(4000) | Description of the enqueue request |
EVENT# | NUMBER | Event number |
SELECT st.inst_id, eqt.NAME, st.ksqsttyp, st.ksqstrsn, st.ksqstreq,
st.ksqstwat, st.ksqstsgt, st.ksqstfgt, st.ksqstwtm, st.ksqstexpl,
FROM xksqeqtyp eqt
WHERE (st.inst_id = eqt.inst_id)
AND (st.ksqsttyp = eqt.resname)
AND (st.indx > 0);
3.2 enq: AE - lock
从Oracle Database 11g开始,除了每个文件要获得MR锁之外,每个登录数据库的会话现在都会缺省获得一个AE锁:
SQL> set line 9999 SQL> select * from v$lock where type='AE' and rownum <5;
ADDR KADDR SID TY ID1 ID2 LMODE REQUEST CTIME BLOCK ---------------- ---------------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 00000000774D8978 00000000774D89D0 132 AE 100 0 4 0 1308736 0 00000000774D9C08 00000000774D9C60 141 AE 100 0 4 0 179 0 00000000774DA308 00000000774DA360 152 AE 100 0 4 0 11 0 00000000774DA3E8 00000000774DA440 153 AE 100 0 4 0 150 0 |
3.3 enq: MR锁
可能很多朋友都注意过,在V$LOCK视图中,最常见的其实是MR锁,也就是介质恢复锁(Media Recovery):
SQL> col name format a100 SQL> select file#,name from v$datafile; FILE# NAME ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/system01.dbf 2 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/sysaux01.dbf 3 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/undotbs01.dbf 4 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/users01.dbf 5 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/example01.dbf 6 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/users02.dbf 7 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/ts_ogg01.dbf 8 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/users03.dbf 8 rows selected.
SQL> select FILE#,NAME from v$tempfile; FILE# NAME ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/oratest/temp01.dbf
SQL> select * from v$lock where type='MR' order by id1;
ADDR KADDR SID TY ID1 ID2 LMODE REQUEST CTIME BLOCK ---------------- ---------------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 00000000774D8C18 00000000774D8C70 5 MR 1 0 4 0 1309241 0 00000000774D86D8 00000000774D8730 5 MR 2 0 4 0 1309241 0 00000000774D8278 00000000774D82D0 5 MR 3 0 4 0 1309241 0 00000000774D8FB0 00000000774D9008 5 MR 4 0 4 0 1309241 0 00000000774D8B38 00000000774D8B90 5 MR 5 0 4 0 1309241 0 00000000774D87B8 00000000774D8810 5 MR 6 0 4 0 1309241 0 00000000774D8CF8 00000000774D8D50 5 MR 7 0 4 0 1309241 0 00000000774D8DF0 00000000774D8E48 5 MR 8 0 4 0 1309241 0 00000000774D8ED0 00000000774D8F28 5 MR 201 0 4 0 1309241 0 9 rows selected. |
3.4 enq: DX - contention
SELECT * FROM V$EVENT_NAME WHERE NAME = 'enq: DX - contention';
DX:Distributed transaction entry
enq: DX - contention是一个分布式事务锁。
enq: DX - contention 和inactive transaction branch这两个事件是相伴的。这两个等待事件是和DBLINK相关的,metalink上有相关的文章:High CPU by Sessions Holding DX Enqueue; Others Waiting 'enq: DX - contention' [ID 1275884.1]
在Oracle中enq: DX 队列锁一般用意保护分布式事务(used to protect distributed transactions),对应的就存在 enq: DX – contention等待事件。
Id1 / Id2 含义
id2总是0。id1 代表其希望锁定的记录,所以总是distributed transaction elements队列中的一个条记录数(一个整数),由实例参数”distributed_transactions”决定。
3.4.1 案例
3.5 enq: SQ - contention 序列等待
enq: SQ - contention/row cache lock/DFS lock handle这三个等待事件都与Oracle 的Sequence 有关。
('row cache lock', 'enq: SQ - contention', 'DFS lock handle');
select chr(bitand(p1,-16777216)/16777215)||
chr(bitand(p1, 16711680)/65535) "Lock",
bitand(p1, 65535) "Mode"
from v$session_wait
where event = 'DFS enqueue lock acquisition';
Table C-1 Lock Mode Values
Mode Value | Description |
1 | Null mode |
2 | Sub-Share |
3 | Sub-Exclusive |
4 | Share |
5 | Share/Sub-Exclusive |
6 | Exclusive |
Oracle 为了管理Sequence 使用了以下三种锁。
① row cache lock:在调用SEQUNECE.NEXTVAL过程中,将数据字典信息进行物理修改时获取。赋予了NOCACHE属性的SEQUENCE上发生,等待事件为row cache lock。
② SQ锁:在内存上缓存(CACHE)的范围内,调用SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL 期间拥有此锁。赋予了CACHE 属性的SEQUENCE 上发生。赋予了CACHE 属性的SEQUENCE 调用NEXTVAL 期间,应该以SSX 模式获得SQ 锁。许多会话同时为了获取SQ 锁而发生争用过程中,若发生争用,则等待enq: SQ - contention事件。enq: SQ - contention 事件的P2 值是Sequence 的OBJECT ID。因此,若利用P2 值与DBA_OBJECTS 的结合,就可以知道对哪个SEQUENCE 发生了等待现象。
③ SV锁:RAC上节点之间顺序得到保障的情况下,调用SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL期间拥有。赋予CACHE + ORDER属性的SEQUENCE 上发生,等待事件为DFS lock handle,解决办法为:尽量设置为NOORDER并增大其CACHE值。
v NOCACHE: row cache lock
v CACHE + NOORDER: enq: SQ - contention
v CACHE + ORDER(RAC): DFS lock handle
创建SEQUENCE赋予的CACHE 值较小时,有enq: SQ - contention等待增加的趋势。CACHE值较小时,内存上事先CACHE的值很快被耗尽,这时需要将数据字典信息物理修改后,再次执行CACHE的工作。在此期间,因为一直拥有SQ 锁,相应的enq: SQ - contention 事件的等待时间也会延长。很不幸的是,在创建SEQUENCE 时,将CACHE 值的缺省值设定为较小的20。因此创建使用量多的SEQUENCE 时,CACHE 值应该取1000 以上的较大值。
另外,偶尔一次性同时创建许多会话时,有时会发生enq: SQ - contention 等待事件。其理由是V$SESSION.AUDSID(auditing session id)列值是利用Sequence创建的。Oracle 在创建新的会话后,利用名为SYS.AUDSES$的Sequence 的nextval,创建AUDSID 值。SYS.AUDSES$ Sequence 的CACHE 大小的缺省值设定为20。许多会话同时连接时,可以将SYS.AUDSES$ Sequence 的CACHE大小扩大至1000,以此可以解决enq: SQ - contention 等待问题。 10g下默认20,11g下默认为10000,通过如下的SQL可以查询:
SELECT * FROM dba_sequences d WHERE d.sequence_name ='AUDSES$';
RAC 上创建SEQUENCE 时,在赋予了CACHE属性的状态下,若没有赋予ORDER 属性,则各节点将会把不同范围的SEQUENCE 值CACHE 到内存上。比如,拥有两个节点的RAC 环境下,创建CACHE 值为100 的SEQUENCE 时,1号节点使用1~100,2 号节点使用101~200。若两个节点之间都通过递增方式使用SEQUENCE,必须赋予如下ORDER 属性。
如果是已赋予了CACHE+ORDER 属性的SEQUENCE,Oracle 使用SV 锁进行行同步。即,对赋予了ORDER 属性的Sequence 调用nextval 时,应该以SSX模式拥有SV 锁。在获取SV 锁过程中,如果发生争用时,不是等待row cache lock 事件或enq: SQ - contention 事件,而是等待名为DFS lock handle 事件。正因如此,V$EVENT_NAME 视图上不存在类似"enq:SV-contention"的事件。DFS lock handle 事件是在OPS 或RAC 环境下,除了高速缓冲区同步之外,还有行高速缓冲区或库高速缓冲区的为了同步获取锁的过程中等待的事件。若要保障多个节点之间Sequence顺序,应该在全局范围内获得锁,在此过程中会发生DFS lock handle等待。在获取SV 锁的过程中发生的DFS lock handle等待事件的P1、P2值与enq: SQ - contention等待事件相同(P1=mode+namespace、P2=object#)。因此从P1值能确认是否是SV 锁,通过P2值可以确认对哪些Sequence发生过等待。SV锁争用问题发生时的解决方法与SQ 锁的情况相同,就是将CACHE 值进行适当调整,这也是唯一的方法。
在RAC 等多节点环境下,Sequence 的CACHE 值给性能带来的影响比单节点环境更严重。因此,尽量赋予CACHE+NOORDER 属性,并要给予足够大的CACHE值。如果需要保障顺序,必须赋予CACHE+ORDER 属性。但这时为了保障顺序,实例之间不断发生数据的交换。因此,与赋予了NOORODER属性的时候相比性能稍差。
有一点必须要注意,没有赋予CACHE属性时,不管ORDER 属性使用与否或RAC 环境与否,一直等待row cache lock 事件。row cache lock是可以在全局范围内使用的锁,单实例环境或多实例环境同样可以发生。
没有赋予CACHE属性时,不管ORDER属性是否或RAC环境是否,一直等待ROW CACHE事件,ROW CACHE LOCK是否可以在全局范围内使用的锁,单实例环境或多实例环境同时可以发生。
Oracle Sequence默认是NOORDER,如果设置为ORDER;在单实例环境没有影响,在RAC环境此时,多实例实际缓存相同的序列,此时在多个实例并发取该序列的时候,会有短暂的资源竞争来在多实例之间进行同步。因次性能相比noorder要差,所以RAC环境非必须的情况下不要使用ORDER,尤其要避免NOCACHE ORDER组合。
但是如果使用了Cache,如果此时DB 崩溃了,那么sequence会从cache之后重新开始,在cache中没有使用的sequence会被跳过。即sequence不连续。所以只有在多节点高峰并发量很大的情况且对连续性要求不高的情况下,才使用:noorder + cache。
在下面的链接中讲到了RAC 之间序列同步:
How does RAC synchronize sequences?
In Oracle 10g RAC, if you specify the “ordered” clause for a sequence, then a global lock is allocated by the node when you access the sequence.
This lock acquisition happens only at the first sequence access for the node (A), and subsequent uses of the sequence do not wait on this lock. If another node (B) selects from that sequence, it requests the same global lock and once acquired it returns the sequence's next value.
The wait event associated with this activity is recorded as “events in waitclass Other” when looked in gv$system_event. So much for event groups, it couldn't be more obscure. That view shows overall statistics for the session.
However if you look in the gv$session_wait_history it shows as “DFS lock handle” with the “p1″ parameter been the object_id of the sequence. This second view has a sample of the last 10 wait events for a session.
In a SQL_TRACE with waitevents (10046 trace) it will be a “DFS lock handle” but in AWR or statspack reports it will be “events in wait class Other”. So much for consistency.
3.5.1 DFS lock handle
The session waits for the lock handle of a global lock request. The lock handle identifies a global lock. With this lock handle, other operations can be performed on this global lock (to identify the global lock in future operations such as conversions or release). The global lock is maintained by the DLM.
Wait Time: The session waits in a loop until it has obtained the lock handle from the DLM. Inside the loop there is a wait of 0.5 seconds.
Parameter | Description |
name | See "name and type" |
mode | See "mode" |
id1 | See "id1" |
id2 | See "id2" |
The session needs to get the lock handle.
DFS lock handle"这一event是在RAC环境中,会话等待获取一个全局锁的句柄时产生的。在RAC中,全局锁的句柄是由DLM(Distributed Lock Manager 分布式锁管理器)所管理和分配的。大量发生这一event说明全局锁句柄资源不够分配了。决定DLM锁数量的参数是_lm_locks,9i以后,它是一个隐含参数,默认值是12000。没有特殊情况,这一值对于一个OLTP系统来说是足够的。我们不能盲目地直接增加资源,而是需要找到导致资源紧张的根本原因。锁资源紧张,说明存在大量事务获取了锁,但是事务没有提交、回滚。那么,又是什么导致了这些事务不结束呢?应用程序代码不完善,没有提交事务?或者那些事务还在等待别的资源?
3.5.2 我碰到的案例
【故障处理】序列cache值过小导致CPU利用率过高 :http://blog.itpub.net/26736162/viewspace-2123996/
2016-08-24 |
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