Angular SEO方案

1、如果是java web项目,可以直接使用AngularSEO Filter。

               官网地址 :



	<description>AngularSEO Filter</description>
	<!-- The path to the PhantomJS binary -->
	<!-- The time waiting the JS page to finish the dynamic loading, unit is second.
	<!-- Filter already embed google, bing, baidu UserAgent keywords,
	     If you want to support more, add them and split with |
	<!-- The interval that SEOFilter update the static page snapshot -->
	<!-- The path to save the static version pages -->
	<!-- crawlDepth is used to limited the crawl depth -->
	<!-- The default page encoding of this site -->







<div style="display:none">

<div ng-app="XXApp" ng-controller="XXController">




posted on 2016-03-01 10:13  袜子破了  阅读(1426)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报