SparkStreaming “Could not read data from write ahead log record” 报错分析解决

# if open wal
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Could not read data from write ahead log record FileBasedWriteAheadLogSegment


SparkStreaming开启了checkpoint wal后有时会出现如上报错,但不会影响整体程序,只会丢失报错的那个job的数据。其根本原因是wal文件被删了,被sparkstreaming自己的清除机制删掉了。通常意味着一定程度流式程序上存在速率不匹配或堆积问题。


2017-03-23 13:55:00 INFO  [Logging.scala:58] Attempting to clear 0 old log files in hdfs://alps-cluster/tmp/banyan/checkpoint/RhinoWechatConsumer/receivedBlockMetadata older than 1490248380000:
2017-03-23 13:55:05 INFO  [Logging.scala:58] Attempting to clear 1 old log files in hdfs://alps-cluster/tmp/banyan/checkpoint/RhinoWechatConsumer/receivedBlockMetadata older than 1490248470000: hdfs://alps-cluster/tmp/banyan/checkpoint/RhinoWechatConsumer/receivedBlockMetadata/log-1490248404471-1490248464471
2017-03-23 13:55:05 INFO  [Logging.scala:58] Cleared log files in hdfs://alps-cluster/tmp/banyan/checkpoint/RhinoWechatConsumer/receivedBlockMetadata older than 1490248470000
2017-03-23 13:55:05 ERROR [Logging.scala:74] Task 41 in stage 35.0 failed 4 times; aborting job
2017-03-23 13:55:05 ERROR [Logging.scala:95] Error running job streaming job 1490248470000 ms.0
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 41 in stage 35.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 41.3 in stage 35.0 (TID 4273, alps60): org.apache.spark.SparkException: Could not read data from write ahead log record FileBasedWriteAheadLogSegment(hdfs://alps-cluster/tmp/banyan/checkpoint/RhinoWechatConsumer/receivedData/0/log-1490248403649-1490248463649,44333482,118014)

可以发现 1490248403649 的日志被删除程序删除了(cleared log older than 1490248470000),然后这个wal就报错了。



1.FileBasedWriteAheadLogSegment 类中根据日志搜索发现了clean方法(后面的逻辑就是具体删除逻辑,暂不关心),核心就是如何调整这个threshTime了。

   * Delete the log files that are older than the threshold time.
   * Its important to note that the threshold time is based on the time stamps used in the log
   * files, which is usually based on the local system time. So if there is coordination necessary
   * between the node calculating the threshTime (say, driver node), and the local system time
   * (say, worker node), the caller has to take account of possible time skew.
   * If waitForCompletion is set to true, this method will return only after old logs have been
   * deleted. This should be set to true only for testing. Else the files will be deleted
   * asynchronously.
  def clean(threshTime: Long, waitForCompletion: Boolean): Unit = {
    val oldLogFiles = synchronized {
      val expiredLogs = pastLogs.filter { _.endTime < threshTime }
      pastLogs --= expiredLogs
    logInfo(s"Attempting to clear ${oldLogFiles.size} old log files in $logDirectory " +
      s"older than $threshTime: ${ { _.path }.mkString("\n")}")


2.一步步看调用追踪出去,ReceivedBlockHandler -> ReceiverSupervisorImpl -> CleanUpOldBlocks 。这里有个和ReceiverTracker通信的rpc,因此直接搜索CleanUpOldBlocks -> ReceiverTracker -> JobGenerator 

在JobGenerator.clearCheckpointData 中有这么一段逻辑

 /** Clear DStream checkpoint data for the given `time`. */
  private def clearCheckpointData(time: Time) {

    // All the checkpoint information about which batches have been processed, etc have
    // been saved to checkpoints, so its safe to delete block metadata and data WAL files
    val maxRememberDuration = graph.getMaxInputStreamRememberDuration()
    jobScheduler.receiverTracker.cleanupOldBlocksAndBatches(time - maxRememberDuration)
    jobScheduler.inputInfoTracker.cleanup(time - maxRememberDuration)

发现了 ssc.graph有个 maxRememberDuration 的成员属性!这就意味着有机会通过ssc去修改它。


jssc.remember(new Duration(2 * 3600 * 1000));



从之前的日志我们发现默认的清除间隔是几十秒左右,但是在代码中我们可以发现这个参数只能被设置一次(每次设置都会检查当前为null才生效,初始值为null)。所以问题来了,这几十秒在哪里设置的?代码一时没找到,于是项目直接搜索 remember,发现了在DStream里的初始化代码(其中slideDuration初始化来自InputDStream)。根据计算,我们的batchInterval为15s,其他两个没有设置,则checkpointDuration 为15s,rememberDuration为30s。

override def slideDuration: Duration = {
    if (ssc == null) throw new Exception("ssc is null")
    if (ssc.graph.batchDuration == null) throw new Exception("batchDuration is null")

   * Initialize the DStream by setting the "zero" time, based on which
   * the validity of future times is calculated. This method also recursively initializes
   * its parent DStreams.
  private[streaming] def initialize(time: Time) {
    if (zeroTime != null && zeroTime != time) {
      throw new SparkException("ZeroTime is already initialized to " + zeroTime
        + ", cannot initialize it again to " + time)
    zeroTime = time

    // Set the checkpoint interval to be slideDuration or 10 seconds, which ever is larger
    if (mustCheckpoint && checkpointDuration == null) {
      checkpointDuration = slideDuration * math.ceil(Seconds(10) / slideDuration).toInt
      logInfo("Checkpoint interval automatically set to " + checkpointDuration)

    // Set the minimum value of the rememberDuration if not already set
    var minRememberDuration = slideDuration
    if (checkpointDuration != null && minRememberDuration <= checkpointDuration) {
      // times 2 just to be sure that the latest checkpoint is not forgotten (#paranoia)
      minRememberDuration = checkpointDuration * 2
    if (rememberDuration == null || rememberDuration < minRememberDuration) {
      rememberDuration = minRememberDuration

    // Initialize the dependencies


posted @ 2017-03-23 15:02  Lhfcws  阅读(1082)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报