分享25个新鲜出炉的 Photoshop 高级教程

  网络上众多优秀的 Photoshop 实例教程是提高 Photoshop 技能的最佳学习途径。今天,我向大家分享25个新鲜出炉的 Photoshop 高级教程,提高你的设计技巧,制作时尚的图片效果。这些教程可以帮助把你的想法变成现实,并创造新的东西。


Create a Futuristic Concept Car in Photoshop


Create an Earth Shattering Disaster Scene in Photoshop


Create a Beautifully Designed 3D Starfish Icon


Create a Retro Sign from Scratch Using Advanced Techniques


Classic Light Effect In Photoshop


The Lost Treasure – Underwater Effect In Photoshop


Creating an Old Alarm Clock From Scratch


Coming Home – Photoshop Manipulation


Create a Snowy Night Landscape Matte Painting


Use Photoshop and Illustrator to Create Guitar String Typography


How to Design an iPhone App Interface With Photoshop


Photo Manipulate an Eerie Sea Cave Scene


Alone – Surreal Manipulation Tutorial


Create a Fantasy Floating Green Planet Scene in Photoshop


Iron Man In Illustrator And Photoshop


Learn How to Create a Vintage Notepad From Scratch


Learn How to Create a Old Photo Film Vector Using Photoshop


Create a Surreal, Scenic Photo Manipulation


Create a Detailed Microphone Illustration


How to Create a Stopwatch Illustration in Photoshop


How to Create an Old TV Illustrated Icon


Create a Magma Hot Text Effect in Photoshop


How to Draw a PlayStation-Inspired Game Controller From Scratch in Photoshop


How to Use Image-Based Lighting in Photoshop CS6 Extended


Create Lathed 3D Objects in Photoshop CS6 Extended




本文链接:分享25个新鲜出炉的 Photoshop 高级教程

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

posted @ 2013-10-27 15:12  梦想天空(山边小溪)  阅读(3039)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报