
yum update

sudo yum -y install ncurses-devel flex bison openssl openssl-devel elfutils elfutils-libelf-devel gmp-devel dwarves zstd dejagnu texinfo patch gcc g++ git autoconf gettext-devel automake ctags cscope



sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install -y vim git gcc g++ make auditd cmake flex autoconf automake libtool dh-autoreconf pkg-config bison libelf-dev libncurses-dev libssl-dev libcap-dev libbfd-dev libgmp-dev texinfo iperf arping dejagnu ctags cscope


find   $(pwd) -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.S"  -o -name "*.s" -o -name "*.cpp"  -o -name "*.cc" >cscope.files
#find  -L $(pwd) -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.S" -o -name "*.s" | xargs realpath > cscope.files
#find  -L $(pwd) -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.S" -o -name "*.s" | xargs readlink -f > cscope.files
#find   $(pwd) -name "*.[cpp|h|c|S]"  >cscope.files
cscope -Rbq -i cscope.files
ctags -R *




fedora@bogon:~$ cat .vimrc
" All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/debian.vim and sourced by
" the call to :runtime you can find below.  If you wish to change any of those
" settings, you should do it in this file (/etc/vim/vimrc), since debian.vim
" will be overwritten everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed.
" It is recommended to make changes after sourcing debian.vim since it alters
" the value of the 'compatible' option.

" This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
" properly set to work with the Vim-related packages available in Debian.
runtime! debian.vim

" Vim will load $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim if the user does not have a vimrc.
" This happens after /etc/vim/vimrc(.local) are loaded, so it will override
" any settings in these files.
" If you don't want that to happen, uncomment the below line to prevent
" defaults.vim from being loaded.
" let g:skip_defaults_vim = 1

" Uncomment the next line to make Vim more Vi-compatible
" NOTE: debian.vim sets 'nocompatible'.  Setting 'compatible' changes numerous
" options, so any other options should be set AFTER setting 'compatible'.
"set compatible

" Vim5 and later versions support syntax highlighting. Uncommenting the next
" line enables syntax highlighting by default.
"syntax on

" If using a dark background within the editing area and syntax highlighting
" turn on this option as well
"set background=dark

" Uncomment the following to have Vim jump to the last position when
" reopening a file
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif

" Uncomment the following to have Vim load indentation rules and plugins
" according to the detected filetype.
"filetype plugin indent on

" The following are commented out as they cause vim to behave a lot
" differently from regular Vi. They are highly recommended though.
"set showcmd		" Show (partial) command in status line.
"set showmatch		" Show matching brackets.
"set ignorecase		" Do case insensitive matching
"set smartcase		" Do smart case matching
"set incsearch		" Incremental search
"set autowrite		" Automatically save before commands like :next and :make
"set hidden		" Hide buffers when they are abandoned
"set mouse=a		" Enable mouse usage (all modes)

" Source a global configuration file if available
if filereadable("/etc/vim/vimrc.local")
  source /etc/vim/vimrc.local

"   and

syntax enable

syntax on

set nocompatible 

set number

set backspace=2

"set tabstop=4

set shiftwidth=4

set autowrite

set ruler                       " show the current row and column "

set number                      " show line numbers "

set nowrap   
set showcmd                     " display incomplete commands " 
set showmode                    " display current modes "

set showmatch                   " jump to matches when entering parentheses "

set matchtime=2                 " tenths of a second to show the matching parenthesis "

set laststatus=2

set hlsearch                    " highlight searches "
set incsearch                   " do incremental searching, search as you type "

"set ignorecase                  " ignore case when searching "
"set smartcase                   " no ignorecase if Uppercase char present "

set encoding=utf8
set fileencodings=utf8,ucs-bom,gbk,cp936,gb2312,gb18030

set cursorcolumn
set cursorline

"set paste
 set mouse=a  "打开鼠标模式
"set mouse=v  "可是模式下是用鼠标,使用鼠标复制内容到剪切板,可在vim命令行中使用set mouse=a/v进行切换
"set selection=exclusive
"set selectmode=mouse,key

map <F3> :set nonu  mouse=v<CR>
map <F4> :set nu mouse=a<CR>

map <F5> :set paste<CR>
map <F6> :set nopaste<CR>

"--ctags setting--
" 按下F5重新生成tag文件,并更新taglist
"map <F5> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR><CR> :TlistUpdate<CR>
"imap <F5> <ESC>:!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR><CR> :TlistUpdate<CR>

set tags=tags;
set autochdir 
"set tags+=./tags "add current directory's generated tags file
"set tags+=.
"set tags+=/home/lhcc/work/tools/kexec.git

"--taglist setting--

let Tlist_Show_One_File=1
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1
nnoremap <F8> :TlistToggle<CR>

"--NERDTree setting--

let NERDTreeWinPos='right'   
noremap <F9> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>  

"--cscope setting--

       if has("cscope")

              set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope

         "    set csto=0

         "    set cst
              set nocst

              set nocsverb

              " add any database in current directory

              if filereadable("cscope.out")

                  cs add cscope.out

              " else add database pointed to by environment

              elseif $CSCOPE_DB != ""

                  cs add $CSCOPE_DB


              set csverb


"set cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-

"另外追加如下两行可以使用Ctrl-n / Ctrl-P 跳转到后一项和前一项纪录。
nmap <C-n> :cnext<CR>
nmap <C-p> :cprev<CR>

nmap <C-\>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>	
nmap <C-\>g :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>	
nmap <C-\>c :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>	
nmap <C-\>t :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>	
nmap <C-\>e :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>	
nmap <C-\>f :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>	
nmap <C-\>i :cs find i ^<C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR>$<CR>
nmap <C-\>d :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>

nmap <C-_>s :vert scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-_>g :vert scs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-_>c :vert scs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-_>t :vert scs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-_>e :vert scs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-_>f :vert scs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-_>i :vert scs find i <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-_>d :vert scs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>


posted on 2024-01-03 17:45  lh03061238  阅读(37)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
