
.NET 4.0离我们已经越来越近了

2008-11-09 14:33  土星的狗狗  阅读(708)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报

     一个新的环境让我不得不去学习WPF,曾经学的ASP.NET MVC停下了好久,忙过了这一阵,第一期的工作我的团队很成功的完成,等待下周的反馈,准备对应式样变更.


    零星的看了几篇美文,"As you know, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) were first released in .NET 3.0. WF enables data-driven programming, or “code as data” in Don’s words. WCF provides a service-oriented programming model which enables easy, secure, and reliable communications for distributed applications. In .NET 3.5, WF and WCF were first integrated together through WorkflowServiceHost and message activities. .NET 4.0 will contain major improvements in both WF and WCF. The two will be integrated seamlessly together from the programming model to the runtime. Workflows and services are tightly coupled and both can be declaratively modeled by XAML. With the significant performance improvements in the runtime, the new workflow framework will enable a broad spectrum of model-driven programming scenarios.",正如我们所看到的,WF和WCF在4.0有着显著的加强,虽然我还没有用到只是看了有关的一些资料,但我可以想到,这次的变化会非常大,在这个计算机科技飞速发展的世界,我也只能去不断的赶路,不然会.....................我还真不知道会发生什么.


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