
Castle 学习,练习到开发

2008-04-02 22:37  土星的狗狗  阅读(762)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
Castle is an open source project for .net that aspires to simplify the development of enterprise and web applications. Offering a set of tools (working together or independently) and integration with others open source projects, Castle helps you get more done with less code and in less time.
这就是Castle,一个让我为之着迷的ORM,IOC,WEB MVC,AOP统一体~一个可以让我们快速开发出企业级的应用程序和网站的开源项目.

一,Castle.ActiveRecord 学与练

    Castle ActiveRecord做为本系列第一部分,是为了让大家对一套框架先从哪里入手有一定的了解,官方文档里对ActiveRecord写道:"The enterprise data mapping pattern implemented using NHibernate. ",很明显,ActiveRecord是基于NHibernate的,使用Attribute来代替.hbm.xml文件,从而更加清晰的呈现出了实体类跟数据库表之间的关系,使持久化的数据操作更加简单,易用.下面就让我们来一步一步深入了解Castle ActiveRecord吧
    1,Castle.ActiveRecord 学与练[1]

    2,Castle.ActiveRecord 学与练[2]

    3,Castle.ActiveRecord 学与练[3]
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