
CPPUnit is a unit testing framework that is a port of the popular JUnitframework. Work on it has stalled and there has been no release since 2008. Work has continued on a fork called CPPUnit2.

The last released version of CPPUnit is 1.21.1. I needed it for a project, but compiling it with Visual C++ 2010 ended in lots of errors. I got it compiling after making some changes. This version can be downloaded from here.

The changes are:

  • The DSPlugIn project was removed.
  • The version was changed to 10.0 in the MSDevCallerListCtrl.cpp.//#import "libid:80cc9f66-e7d8-4ddd-85b6-d9e6cd0e93e2" version("10.0") lcid("0") raw_interfaces_only named_guids
  • Changes made to the naming of .exe, .lib and .dll files produced by the projects in the CPPUnit solution.



0 : 编译环境 windows7, vs2010

1 :下载源码包 最新的版本是1.21.1(2008年最后一次更新)

地址 :http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppunit/ 或者直接点击 http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppunit/files/cppunit/1.12.1/cppunit-1.12.1.tar.gz/download

2 : 复制cppunt-1.12.1到c:\解压得到目录C:\cppunit-1.12.1

3 : 进入C:\cppunit-1.12.1\src 用VS2010打开CppUnitLibraries.dsw提示转换,转换之

4 : 在项目列表看见一堆项目,默认是以Debug的方式编译,如以该方式编译需要修改目标文件名

cppunit                $(ProjectName)   ->   $(ProjectName)d
cppunit_dll           $(ProjectName)   ->   cppunitd_dll
DllPlugInTester     $(ProjectName)   ->   $(ProjectName)d_dll
TestPlugInRunner $(ProjectName)   ->   $(ProjectName)d
TestRunner          $(ProjectName)  ->   $(ProjectName)d


5 : 修改DSPlugIn入口
属性,配置属性,链接器,高级,无入口点 设置是

6 : 修改无法加载类型库(编译TestPlugInRunner,TestRunner)会报错其中7.0修改为8.0
#import "libid:80cc9f66-e7d8-4ddd-85b6-d9e6cd0e93e2" version("7.0") lcid("0") raw_interfaces_only named_guids


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