It is an error to use a section registered allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. 错误


 Q:   We   have   a   fully   patched   IIS   5   server   and   are   receiving   the   following   error   “Parser   Error   Message:   It   is   an   error   to   use   a   section   registered   allowDefinition='MachineToApplication'   beyond   application   level.   This   error   can   be   caused   by   a   virtual   directory   not   being   configured   as   an   application   in   IIS.”   Can   you   explain   what   this   means?  

  A:   I   love   these   verbose   error   messages!   They   often   direct   you   to   the   solution   as   well   as   describe   the   problem.   You’ll   see   this   error   when   your   application   is   configured   such   that   it   uses   a   feature   like   <authentication   mode../>   or   <sessionState..>   that   requires   an   “Application”   be   defined   in   the   metabase,   and   that   definition   is   missing.   You   can   correct   this   by   either   removing   such   settings   from   your   web.config   files,   or   by   clicking   “Create”   on   the   Home   Directory,   Virtual   Directory,   or   Directory   properties   tab   of   a   web   site,   virtual   directory,   or   directory,   respectively.   This   location   will   require   at   least   the   Scripts   Only   permission   and   Read   permissions   as   well.


说 像<authentication   mode../>   or   <sessionState..>  这样的东东需要一个Application元数据。 但是你却没有定义。解决方案是:要不你就把你web.config中的这样的东西去掉,要不你就在  Home   Directory,   Virtual   Directory,   or   Directory   properties   那里创建一个对应的web site,虚拟目录和目录。那些东西至少要有Script访问级和Read的权限。

posted @ 2009-04-02 21:09  空紫竹  阅读(1142)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报