
  1. psftp -l root -pw password -P port host-ip
  2. -l 用户名  -pw 密码  
  3. psftp> help
    ! run a local command
    bye finish your SFTP session
    cd change your remote working directory
    chmod change file permissions and modes
    close finish your SFTP session but do not quit PSFTP
    del delete files on the remote server
    dir list remote files
    exit finish your SFTP session
    get download a file from the server to your local machine
    help give help
    lcd change local working directory
    lpwd print local working directory
    ls list remote files
    mget download multiple files at once
    mkdir create directories on the remote server
    mput upload multiple files at once
    mv move or rename file(s) on the remote server
    open connect to a host
    put upload a file from your local machine to the server
    pwd print your remote working directory
    quit finish your SFTP session
    reget continue downloading files
    ren move or rename file(s) on the remote server
    reput continue uploading files
    rm delete files on the remote server
    rmdir remove directories on the remote server

  1. psfp> get filename

  1. psftp> put  filename
posted @ 2015-05-25 19:07  阿刻  阅读(9923)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报