UVA 1672不相交的正规表达式
- 单个小写字符 $c$
- 或:($P | Q$). 如果字符串 $s$ 满足 $P$ 或者满足 $Q$,则 $s$ 满足 $(P| Q)$
- 连接:($PQ$). 如果字符串 $s_1$ 满足 $P$,$s_2$ 满足 $Q$,则 $s_1s_2$ 满足 $(PQ)$
- 克莱因闭包:$(P^*)$. 如果字符串 $s$ 可以写成0个或多个字符串 $s_i$ 的连接 $s_1s_2...$,且每个串都满足 $P$,则 $s$ 满足 $(P^*)$。注意,空串也满足 $(P^*)$
先把每种情况都转成自动机,正则表达式也就是这些自动机的组合。都转成 NFA,再使用DFS或BFS寻找一个同时被两个自动机接受的非空串。
码力不够啊(平常的模拟题都是交给队友做的),下面给出 lrj 的代码,%%%。
// UVa1672 Disjoint Regular Expressions // Rujia Liu // // This is Problem 12-2 of <<Beginning Algorithm Contests>> 2nd edition // // This code is neither simplest nor most efficient, but it's easy to understand and fast enough. // Algorithm implemented here: // 1. build epsilon-NFA from the regex // 2. build NFA by removing epsilon from epsilon-NFA. Note that we did NOT optimize the epsilon-NFA as described in the book. // 3. use BFS to find a common string of these two NFAs // Attention: the output should NOT be empty so we used a little trick. // // Alternative algorithm: do BFS directly on epsilon-NFAs. // State is (s1,s2,b) where b=1 iff at least one non-epsilon transition is performed. // However, this graph is now 0-1 weighted so we need to use deque (or two-phase BFS). #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<vector> #include<set> #include<string> #include<queue> #include<cassert> #define REP(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < (n); ++i) using namespace std; // Part I: Expression Parser struct ExprNode { enum {A, STAR, OR, CONCAT}; int type, val; ExprNode *l, *r; ExprNode(int type, ExprNode* l, ExprNode* r, int val = -1):type(type),l(l),r(r),val(val){} ~ExprNode() { if(l) delete l; if(r) delete r; } }; struct Parser { char* s; int p, n; void Skip(char c) { p++; } // for debug purpose // (u)* ExprNode* Item() { ExprNode* u; if(s[p] == '(') { Skip('('); u = Expr(); Skip(')'); } else u = new ExprNode(ExprNode::A, NULL, NULL, s[p++]); while(s[p] == '*') { Skip('*'); u = new ExprNode(ExprNode::STAR, u, NULL); } return u; } // u1u2u3... ExprNode* Concat() { ExprNode* u = Item(); while(s[p] && s[p] != ')' && s[p] != '|') u = new ExprNode(ExprNode::CONCAT, u, Item()); return u; } // u1|u2|u3 ExprNode* Expr() { ExprNode* u = Concat(); while(s[p] == '|') { Skip('|'); u = new ExprNode(ExprNode::OR, u, Concat()); } return u; } ExprNode* parse(char* str) { s = str; n = strlen(s); p = 0; return Expr(); } }; // Part II: NFA construction const int maxs = 100 * 4 + 5; struct NFA { int n; // number of states struct Transition { int ch, next; Transition(int ch = 0, int next = 0):ch(ch),next(next){} bool operator < (const Transition& rhs) const { if(ch != rhs.ch) return ch < rhs.ch; return next < rhs.next; } }; vector<Transition> trans[maxs]; void add(int s, int t, int c) { trans[s].push_back(Transition(c, t)); } void process(ExprNode* u) { int st = n++; // state 'start' if(u->type == ExprNode::A) add(st, n, u->val); else if(u->type == ExprNode::STAR) { process(u->l); add(st, st+1, -1); add(st, n, -1); add(n-1, st, -1); } else if(u->type == ExprNode::OR) { process(u->l); int m = n; process(u->r); add(st, st+1, -1); add(st, m, -1); add(m-1, n, -1); add(n-1, n, -1); } else if(u->type == ExprNode::CONCAT) { add(st, st+1, -1); process(u->l); add(n-1, n, -1); process(u->r); add(n-1, n, -1); } n++; // state 'end' } void init(char* s) { Parser p; ExprNode* root = p.parse(s); n = 0; for(int i = 0; i < maxs; i++) { trans[i].clear(); } process(root); delete root; } vector<int> ss; // starting states void remove_epsilon() { // find epsilon-closure for each state vector<int> reachable[maxs]; int vis[maxs]; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { reachable[i].clear(); reachable[i].push_back(i); queue<int> q; q.push(i); memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis)); vis[i] = 1; while(!q.empty()) { int s = q.front(); q.pop(); for(int j = 0; j < trans[s].size(); j++) if(trans[s][j].ch == -1) { int s2 = trans[s][j].next; if(!vis[s2]) { reachable[i].push_back(s2); vis[s2] = 1; q.push(s2); } } } } ss = reachable[0]; // merge transitions for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { set<Transition> tr; for(int j = 0; j < trans[i].size(); j++) { if(trans[i][j].ch == -1) continue; int s = trans[i][j].next; for(int k = 0; k < reachable[s].size(); k++) tr.insert(Transition(trans[i][j].ch, reachable[s][k])); } trans[i] = vector<Transition>(tr.begin(), tr.end()); } } }; // Part III: BFS to find the answer const int maxn = 100 + 5; const int maxq = 100 * 4 * 100 * 4 * 2 + 5; // case 26 char sa[maxn], sb[maxn]; struct State { int s1, s2, fa, ch; } states[maxq]; int ns; void print_solution(int s) { if(states[s].fa == -1) return; print_solution(states[s].fa); printf("%c", states[s].ch); } void solve(const NFA& A, const NFA& B) { queue<int> q; int vis[maxs][maxs]; memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis)); ns = 0; REP(i, A.ss.size()) REP(j, B.ss.size()) { int s1 = A.ss[i], s2 = B.ss[j]; states[ns].s1 = s1; states[ns].s2 = s2; states[ns].fa = -1; q.push(ns++); } while(!q.empty()) { int s = q.front(); q.pop(); int s1 = states[s].s1; int s2 = states[s].s2; if(s1 == A.n-1 && s2 == B.n-1 && states[s].fa != -1) { printf("Wrong\n"); print_solution(s); printf("\n"); return; } int n1 = A.trans[s1].size(); int n2 = B.trans[s2].size(); REP(i, n1) REP(j, n2) if(A.trans[s1][i].ch == B.trans[s2][j].ch) { int s1b = A.trans[s1][i].next; int s2b = B.trans[s2][j].next; int c = A.trans[s1][i].ch; if(vis[s1b][s2b]) continue; vis[s1b][s2b] = 1; states[ns].s1 = s1b; states[ns].s2 = s2b; states[ns].fa = s; states[ns].ch = c; q.push(ns++); } } printf("Correct\n"); } NFA A, B; int main() { while(scanf("%s%s", sa, sb) == 2) { A.init(sa); B.init(sb); A.remove_epsilon(); B.remove_epsilon(); solve(A, B); } return 0; }