

--//测试看看应用程序大量软解析导致的相关等待事件,主要原因上午测试library cache bucket的muext值的前4个字节,在软解析时会

SCOTT@book> @ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

drop table t purge ;
create table t as select rownum id ,'test' pad from dual connect by level<=2e5;
create unique index pk_t on t(id);
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, 't', method_opt=>'for all columns size 1');

$ cat m4.txt
alter session set session_cached_cursors=0;
   v_pad   VARCHAR2 (200);
   l_count PLS_INTEGER;
    FOR i IN 1..&&1
       EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'Select count(*) from t where id = :j ' INTO l_count USING i;

 $ zzdate;seq 20 | xargs -P 20 -IQ sqlplus -s -l scott/book @m4.txt 5e5 > /dev/null;zzdate
--//等待测试完成。需要2*60+11-35 = 96秒。

SYS@book> @ ashtop event,p1raw,p1,p3raw 1=1 trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400

    Total                                                                                                                                                     Distinct Distinct    Distinct
  Seconds     AAS %This   EVENT                                      P1RAW                     P1 P3RAW             FIRST_SEEN          LAST_SEEN           Execs Seen  Tstamps Execs Seen1
--------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------
      628     6.5   34% | resmgr:cpu quantum                         0000000000000002           2 0000000000000000  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         21       83          81
      344     3.6   18% |                                                              2803829484                   2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10        150       93         215
      300     3.1   16% | library cache: mutex X                     00000000A71F0AEC  2803829484 0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         20       86          20
      152     1.6    8% | library cache: mutex X                     00000000A71F0AEC  2803829484 000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         20       72          20
      137     1.4    7% |                                                                       2                   2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         56       66          96
       88      .9    5% | library cache: mutex X                     00000000A71F0AEC  2803829484 0000000000000039  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:08          1       60          60
       85      .9    5% | library cache: mutex X                     0000000000010AEC       68332 000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:45 2024-11-16 14:57:07         20       35          20
       46      .5    2% |                                                                   68332                   2024-11-16 14:55:45 2024-11-16 14:57:04         33       27          41
       22      .2    1% | cursor: mutex S                            0000000000000000           0 0000000200000000  2024-11-16 14:55:49 2024-11-16 14:57:02          1        5           5
       19      .2    1% | cursor: pin S                              00000000A71F0AEC  2803829484 0000000900000000  2024-11-16 14:55:40 2024-11-16 14:56:55          1       15          15
       16      .2    1% | cursor: pin S                              00000000A71F0AEC  2803829484 0000000500000000  2024-11-16 14:55:40 2024-11-16 14:57:06          1       12          12
       14      .1    1% | cursor: mutex S                            00000000A71F0AEC  2803829484 0000000100000000  2024-11-16 14:55:43 2024-11-16 14:56:47          1        7           7
       10      .1    1% |                                                                       0                   2024-11-16 14:55:49 2024-11-16 14:57:02          7        6          10
        4      .0    0% | resmgr:cpu quantum                         0000000000000003           3 0000000000000000  2024-11-16 14:55:58 2024-11-16 14:57:08          3        4           3
        1      .0    0% | log file parallel write                    0000000000000001           1 0000000000000001  2024-11-16 14:55:36 2024-11-16 14:55:36          1        1           1
        1      .0    0% | log file sync                              0000000000001486        5254 0000000000000000  2024-11-16 14:55:36 2024-11-16 14:55:36          1        1           1
        1      .0    0% |                                                                     100                   2024-11-16 14:57:05 2024-11-16 14:57:05          1        1           1
17 rows selected.
--//在这样的情况下library cache:mutex X成为主要等待事件,cursor: pin S,cursor: mutex S成为次要等待事件。
--//有点奇怪的地方是看不到21c的library cache: bucket mutex X。
--//如果仔细看下划线就可以发现11g把library cache: bucket mutex X归在library cache: mutex X里面。
--// 2803829484%2^17 = 68332 正好是KGL_BUCKET值。
--//在11g根本没有library cache: bucket mutex X等待事件。
SYS@book> @ ev_name "%bucket%"
no rows selected
--//这让我想起了Tanel Poder的Latch and Mutex Contention Troubleshooting in Oracle一篇文章:
library cache: mutex* wait events
1) library cache hash bucket number (if idn <= 131072)
2) idn = hash value of the library cache object under protection (if idn > 131072)
--//我当时想如果idn<= 131072一定是library cache hash bucket number吗?难道不可能是hash value。
--//看到测试,大家应该明白也可能是hash value,只不多在11g下要自己做判断分析,顺便贴一个hash_value=0的例子:
SCOTT@book> select /*+ 9 */ count(*) from dept where deptno = 93834;

SCOTT@book> @hash
---------- ------------- ------------ ---------- --------------- ---------- ------------------- -----------
3403546624 as3g00v5dw000            0          0      2236899148  cade0000  2024-11-17 15:05:27    16777216

--//另外补充说明软软解析看到主要是cursor: pin S等待事件。

4.分析library cache: mutex X等待事件(P1RAW=0000000000010AEC):
SYS@book> @ ashtop event,p1,p2raw,p3raw "event='library cache: mutex X' and p1=68332"  trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400
    Total                                                                                                                            Distinct Distinct    Distinct
  Seconds     AAS %This   EVENT                     P1 P2RAW             P3RAW             FIRST_SEEN          LAST_SEEN           Execs Seen  Tstamps Execs Seen1
--------- ------- ------- ---------------------- ----- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------
       15      .2   18% | library cache: mutex X 68332 000000C800000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:11 2024-11-16 14:57:04         13        4          13
       12      .1   14% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000001000000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:50 2024-11-16 14:56:50         12        1          12
       12      .1   14% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000004700000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:50 2024-11-16 14:56:37          9        5           9
        8      .1    9% | library cache: mutex X 68332 000000C700000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:26 2024-11-16 14:56:26          8        1           8
        7      .1    8% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000004500000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:13 2024-11-16 14:57:07          5        3           5
        5      .1    6% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000000000000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:52 2024-11-16 14:56:56          5        5           5
        4      .0    5% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000004400000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:45 2024-11-16 14:57:03          3        4           3
        3      .0    4% | library cache: mutex X 68332 000000C500000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:57 2024-11-16 14:56:53          3        3           3
        3      .0    4% | library cache: mutex X 68332 000000C600000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:27 2024-11-16 14:56:43          2        2           2
        2      .0    2% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000000E00000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:34 2024-11-16 14:56:34          2        1           2
        2      .0    2% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000004600000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:52 2024-11-16 14:56:31          2        2           2
        2      .0    2% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000008400000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:00 2024-11-16 14:56:44          2        2           2
        2      .0    2% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000008600000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:54 2024-11-16 14:56:57          2        2           2
        2      .0    2% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000008800000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:31 2024-11-16 14:56:31          2        1           2
        1      .0    1% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000000A00000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:45 2024-11-16 14:56:45          1        1           1
        1      .0    1% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000000C00000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:47 2024-11-16 14:55:47          1        1           1
        1      .0    1% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000000F00000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:57 2024-11-16 14:55:57          1        1           1
        1      .0    1% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000004900000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:55:49 2024-11-16 14:55:49          1        1           1
        1      .0    1% | library cache: mutex X 68332 0000004B00000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:01 2024-11-16 14:56:01          1        1           1
        1      .0    1% | library cache: mutex X 68332 000000C300000000  000000000000003E  2024-11-16 14:56:11 2024-11-16 14:56:11          1        1           1
20 rows selected.
--//0x3e = 62

SYS@book> @ mutexprofx idn,hash,val,loc,maddr "ts>=trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 and ts<=trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400 and idn=68332"
-- MutexProf by Tanel Poder (http://www.tanelpoder.com)
-- Showing profile of top 20 sleeps...
-- column info : id idn hash hash_value=>hash_value ts=>sleep_timestamp
--               req=>requesting_session blk=>blocking_session val=>mutex_value maddr=>mutex_addr
MAX_SLEEPS SLEEPS_DIFF MUTEX_TYPE             IDN       HASH VAL              GET_LOCATION mutex_addr           OBJECT_NAME
---------- ----------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------
      3229             Library Cache        68332            0000004600000000 kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
       554             Library Cache        68332            000000C800000000 kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
       449          38 Library Cache        68332            00               kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
       448          25 Library Cache        68332            0000000F00000000 kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
       438             Library Cache        68332            0000008800000000 kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
       434             Library Cache        68332            0000008700000000 kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
       434             Library Cache        68332            000000C700000000 kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
       411             Library Cache        68332            0000008600000000 kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
       383             Library Cache        68332            0000004900000000 kglhdgn1  62 000000008BF56080     (name not found)
9 rows selected.

--//0x000000008BF56080-0x10 = 0x8bf56070
SYS@book> @ opeek 000000008BF56070 40 0
[08BF56070, 08BF56098) = 874C1040 00000000 874C1040 00000000 00000000 00000000 009896B3 00002200 00010AEC 00000000
--//0x00010AEC = 68332 hash桶号。

SYS@book> @ sharepool/shp4 '' 2803829484
HANDLE_TYPE            KGLHDADR         KGLHDPAR         C40                                        KGLHDLMD   KGLHDPMD   KGLHDIVC KGLOBHD0         KGLOBHD6           KGLOBHS0   KGLOBHS6   KGLOBT16   N0_6_16        N20   KGLNAHSH KGLOBT03        KGLOBT09
---------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------
child handle address   0000000088A57AF8 00000000874C1040 Select count(*) from t where id = :j              0          0          0 0000000085E92C78 0000000089749770       8600       8088       3086     19774      19774 2803829484 ctt2p2qmjy2rc          0
parent handle address  00000000874C1040 00000000874C1040 Select count(*) from t where id = :j              0          0          0 00000000889873C0 00                     4720          0          0      4720       4720 2803829484 ctt2p2qmjy2rc      65535

5.分析library cache: mutex X等待事件(p1raw=00000000A71F0AEC):
SYS@book> @ ashtop event,p1,p2raw,p3raw "event='library cache: mutex X' and p1=2803829484"  trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400
    Total                                                                                                                                 Distinct Distinct    Distinct
  Seconds     AAS %This   EVENT                          P1 P2RAW             P3RAW             FIRST_SEEN          LAST_SEEN           Execs Seen  Tstamps Execs Seen1
--------- ------- ------- ---------------------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------
       93     1.0   17% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000000000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:07         19       58          19
       47      .5    9% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000000000000  0000000000000039  2024-11-16 14:55:38 2024-11-16 14:57:08          1       39          39
       44      .5    8% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000000000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         16       35          16
       20      .2    4% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 000000C700000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:38 2024-11-16 14:56:29         13        8          13
       16      .2    3% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000004B00000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:38 2024-11-16 14:57:05         11        9          11
       15      .2    3% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000008700000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:44 2024-11-16 14:56:18         13        6          13
       14      .1    3% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000004600000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:57 2024-11-16 14:56:56          9        7           9
       13      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000004900000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:43 2024-11-16 14:57:10         10        6          10
       13      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 000000C500000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:41 2024-11-16 14:57:01         11        7          11
       12      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000C00000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:56:03 2024-11-16 14:57:01         10        7          10
       12      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000001000000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:48 2024-11-16 14:57:07         10        8          10
       12      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000004500000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:40 2024-11-16 14:57:07          9        7           9
       11      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000008400000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:09          7        7           7
       11      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 000000C300000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:56:24 2024-11-16 14:56:47         10        3          10
       10      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000C00000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:40 2024-11-16 14:56:53          6        7           6
       10      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000F00000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:08          8        5           8
       10      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000F00000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:08          8        9           8
       10      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000008800000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:45 2024-11-16 14:56:59          8        8           8
        9      .1    2% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000008400000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:47 2024-11-16 14:56:59          8        7           8
        8      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000F00000000  0000000000000039  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:08          1        6           6
        8      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000004500000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:40 2024-11-16 14:57:07          6        6           6
        8      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000004B00000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:38 2024-11-16 14:57:09          7        5           7
        8      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 000000C800000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:39 2024-11-16 14:56:55          6        7           6
        7      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000A00000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:56:03 2024-11-16 14:56:56          7        6           7
        7      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000E00000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:43 2024-11-16 14:57:07          7        6           7
        7      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000004600000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:56:20 2024-11-16 14:56:56          6        3           6
        6      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000004400000000  0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:45 2024-11-16 14:57:07          6        5           6
        6      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000008700000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:44 2024-11-16 14:56:46          6        3           6
        6      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 000000C300000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:47 2024-11-16 14:56:47          5        3           5
        6      .1    1% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 000000C600000000  000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:45 2024-11-16 14:57:05          5        4           5
30 rows selected.
--//后面8位对应mutexprofx GET_LOCATION后面的数字。

SYS@book> @ ashtop event,p1,p3raw "event='library cache: mutex X' and p1=2803829484"  trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400
    Total                                                                                                               Distinct Distinct    Distinct
  Seconds     AAS %This   EVENT                          P1 P3RAW             FIRST_SEEN          LAST_SEEN           Execs Seen  Tstamps Execs Seen1
--------- ------- ------- ---------------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------
      300     3.1   56% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000000000055  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         20       86          20
      152     1.6   28% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 000000000000006A  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         20       72          20
       88      .9   16% | library cache: mutex X 2803829484 0000000000000039  2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:08          1       60          60

SYS@book> @ ashtop to_number(substr(p3raw,9),'xxxxxxxx')  "event='library cache: mutex X' and p1=2803829484"  trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400
    Total                                                                                                 Distinct Distinct    Distinct
  Seconds     AAS %This   TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(P3RAW,9),'XXXXXXXX') FIRST_SEEN          LAST_SEEN           Execs Seen  Tstamps Execs Seen1
--------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------
      300     3.1   56% |                                    85 2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         20       86          20
      152     1.6   28% |                                   106 2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:10         20       72          20
       88      .9   16% |                                    57 2024-11-16 14:55:37 2024-11-16 14:57:08          1       60          60

SYS@book> @ mutexprofx idn,hash,loc,maddr "ts>=trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 and ts<=trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400 "
-- MutexProf by Tanel Poder (http://www.tanelpoder.com)
-- Showing profile of top 20 sleeps...
-- column info : id idn hash hash_value=>hash_value ts=>sleep_timestamp
--               req=>requesting_session blk=>blocking_session val=>mutex_value maddr=>mutex_addr
MAX_SLEEPS SLEEPS_DIFF MUTEX_TYPE             IDN       HASH GET_LOCATION                      mutex_addr           OBJECT_NAME
---------- ----------- --------------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------
      3360         551 Library Cache   2803829484 2803829484 kglhdgn2 106                      00000000874C1180     Select count(*) from t where id = :j
      3229        2846 Library Cache        68332            kglhdgn1  62                      000000008BF56080     (name not found)
      3026         263 Library Cache   2803829484 2803829484 kgllkdl1  85                      00000000874C1180     Select count(*) from t where id = :j
      2904             Library Cache   2803829484 2803829484 kgllkc1   57                      00000000874C1180     Select count(*) from t where id = :j
       684         366 Cursor Pin      2803829484 2803829484 kkslce [KKSCHLPIN2]               00000000897496C8     Select count(*) from t where id = :j
       657         343 Cursor Pin      2803829484 2803829484 kksLockDelete [KKSCHLPIN6]        00000000897496C8     Select count(*) from t where id = :j
       539         440 hash table      2803829484 2803829484 kkshGetNextChild [KKSHBKLOC1]     0000000089749308     Select count(*) from t where id = :j
       476         361 hash table               0            kkscsSearchChildList [KKSHBKLOC2] 0000000089749608     (name not found)

SYS@book> @ mutexprofx maddr,P1raw "ts>=trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 and ts<=trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400 and idn=2803829484"
-- MutexProf by Tanel Poder (http://www.tanelpoder.com)
-- Showing profile of top 20 sleeps...
-- column info : id idn hash hash_value=>hash_value ts=>sleep_timestamp
--               req=>requesting_session blk=>blocking_session val=>mutex_value maddr=>mutex_addr

MAX_SLEEPS SLEEPS_DIFF MUTEX_TYPE      mutex_addr           P1RAW            OBJECT_NAME
---------- ----------- --------------- -------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------
      3360         551 Library Cache   00000000874C1180     00000000874C1040 Select count(*) from t where id = :j
      3026         263 Library Cache   00000000874C1180     0000000088A57AF8 Select count(*) from t where id = :j
       684         370 Cursor Pin      00000000897496C8     00               Select count(*) from t where id = :j
       539         440 hash table      0000000089749308     00               Select count(*) from t where id = :j
--//理论没有P1RAW字段,应该出现3行,实际出现4行,主要原因是tpt的脚本其他字段作为group by。

SYS@book> @ sharepool/shp4 '' 2803829484
HANDLE_TYPE            KGLHDADR         KGLHDPAR         C40                                        KGLHDLMD   KGLHDPMD   KGLHDIVC KGLOBHD0         KGLOBHD6           KGLOBHS0   KGLOBHS6   KGLOBT16   N0_6_16        N20   KGLNAHSH KGLOBT03        KGLOBT09
---------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------
child handle address   0000000088A57AF8 00000000874C1040 Select count(*) from t where id = :j              0          0          0 0000000085E92C78 0000000089749770       8600       8088       3086     19774      19774 2803829484 ctt2p2qmjy2rc          0
parent handle address  00000000874C1040 00000000874C1040 Select count(*) from t where id = :j              0          0          0 00000000889873C0 00                     4720          0          0      4720       4720 2803829484 ctt2p2qmjy2rc      65535

SYS@book> @ fchaz 00000000874C1180

--------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
SGA                               00000000874C1010          1          2 KGLHD                   560 recr             80 00               00000000874C1010 00000000874C1240

SYS@book> @ fchaz 00000000897496C8

--------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
SGA                               0000000089749000          1          3 KGLH0^a71f0aec         4096 recr           4095 00000000889873C0 0000000089749000 000000008974A000

SYS@book> @ fchaz 0000000089749308

--------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
SGA                               0000000089749000          1          3 KGLH0^a71f0aec         4096 recr           4095 00000000889873C0 0000000089749000 000000008974A000

SYS@book> @ sharepool/shp4 '' 2803829484
HANDLE_TYPE            KGLHDADR         KGLHDPAR         C40                                        KGLHDLMD   KGLHDPMD   KGLHDIVC KGLOBHD0         KGLOBHD6           KGLOBHS0   KGLOBHS6   KGLOBT16   N0_6_16        N20   KGLNAHSH KGLOBT03        KGLOBT09
---------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------
child handle address   0000000088A57AF8 00000000874C1040 Select count(*) from t where id = :j              0          0          0 0000000085E92C78 0000000089749770       8600       8088       3086     19774      19774 2803829484 ctt2p2qmjy2rc          0
parent handle address  00000000874C1040 00000000874C1040 Select count(*) from t where id = :j              0          0          0 00000000889873C0 00                     4720          0          0      4720       4720 2803829484 ctt2p2qmjy2rc      65535

--//前者00000000897496C8,对应Cursor Pin,loc=kkslce [KKSCHLPIN2],kksLockDelete [KKSCHLPIN6],如果大量执行软软解析这就是主要等待事件。
--//后者0000000089749308,对应hash table,loc=kkshGetNextChild [KKSHBKLOC1]   kkscsSearchChildList [KKSHBKLOC2]

SYS@book> @ opeek 00000000897496C8 24 0
[0897496C8, 0897496E0) = 00000000 00000000 01312E46 00001A1E A71F0AEC 00000000

SYS@book> @ opeek 0000000089749308 24 0
[089749308, 089749320) = 00000000 00000000 01312D05 00000932 A71F0AEC 00000000
--//0xA71F0AEC = 2803829484

--//对应Library Cache,loc=kglhdgn2 106 ,kgllkdl1  85 ,kgllkc1   57 .

SYS@book> @ opeek 00000000874C1180 24 0
[0874C1180, 0874C1198) = 00000000 00000000 02625CA2 0000E087 A71F0AEC 00000000

--//       476         361 hash table               0            kkscsSearchChildList [KKSHBKLOC2] 0000000089749608     (name not found)
SYS@book> @ fchaz 0000000089749608
--------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
SGA                               0000000089749000          1          3 KGLH0^a71f0aec         4096 recr           4095 00000000889873C0 0000000089749000 000000008974A000

SYS@book> @ opeek 0000000089749608 24 0
[089749608, 089749620) = 00000000 00000000 01312D08 000009C9 00000000 00000000

--//应用程序大量软解析导致的相关等待事件,主要集中在library cache:mutex X,其中21c出现(library cache: bucket mutex X)在11g
--//被归在library cache:mutex X里面成为主要等待事件,cursor: pin S,cursor: mutex S成为次要等待事件。


SYS@book> @ ashtop event,p1raw,p3raw "event='cursor: pin S'" trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400
    Total                                                                                                                                          Distinct Distinct    Distinct
  Seconds     AAS %This   EVENT                                      P1RAW             P3RAW             FIRST_SEEN          LAST_SEEN           Execs Seen  Tstamps Execs Seen1
--------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------
       19      .2   54% | cursor: pin S                              00000000A71F0AEC  0000000900000000  2024-11-16 14:55:40 2024-11-16 14:56:55          1       15          15
       16      .2   46% | cursor: pin S                              00000000A71F0AEC  0000000500000000  2024-11-16 14:55:40 2024-11-16 14:57:06          1       12          12

SYS@book> @ ashtop event,p1raw,p3raw "event='cursor: mutex S'" trunc(sysdate)+14/24+55/1440+35/86400 trunc(sysdate)+14/24+57/1440+11/86400
    Total                                                                                                                                          Distinct Distinct    Distinct
  Seconds     AAS %This   EVENT                                      P1RAW             P3RAW             FIRST_SEEN          LAST_SEEN           Execs Seen  Tstamps Execs Seen1
--------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------
       22      .2   61% | cursor: mutex S                            0000000000000000  0000000200000000  2024-11-16 14:55:49 2024-11-16 14:57:02          1        5           5
       14      .1   39% | cursor: mutex S                            00000000A71F0AEC  0000000100000000  2024-11-16 14:55:43 2024-11-16 14:56:47          1        7           7
--//这里P3raw 与mutexprofx的输出记录不同,不是对应数字。

$ cat tpt/mutexprofx.sql
-- File name:   mutexprof.sql ( Mutex sleep Profiler )
-- Purpose:     Display KGX mutex sleep history from v$mutex_sleep_history
--              along library cache object names protected by these mutexes.
--              Only top 20 rows are shown by default
-- Author:      Tanel Poder
-- Copyright:   (c) http://www.tanelpoder.com
-- Usage:       @mutexprof <grouping columns> <filter condition>
--              The main grouping (and filtering) columns are:
--                  id  - mutex ID (which is the object hash value for library
--                                  cache object mutexes)
--                  ts  - timestamp of mutex sleep beginning
--                  loc - code location where the waiter slept for the mutex
--                  val - mutex value (shows whether mutex was held in exclusive or
--                                     shared mode)
--                  req - requesting session SID
--                  blk - blocking session SID
--              The filter condition allows filtering mutex sleep rows based on certain
--              criteria, such:
--                  1=1      - show all mutex sleeps (which are still in memory)
--                  blk=123  - show only these mutex sleeps where blocking sid was 123
--                  hash=2741853041 - show only these sleeps where mutex ID (KGL object hash value)
--                                    was 2741853041
--                  Its also possible to have multiple "AND" filter conditions, as long as you keep
--                  them in double quotes so that sqlplus would recognize them as one parameter
--                  For example: "name like '%DUAL%' and blk in (115,98)"
-- Examples:
--              @mutexprof loc 1=1
--              @mutexprof id,loc,req,blk "lower(name) like 'select%from dual%'"
--              @mutexprof loc,val blk=98
--              @mutexprof id,loc,req,blk "blk in (select sid from v$session where username = 'SYS')"
-- Other:       When the relevant object is aged out you will see (name not found)
--              as object_name.
--              On the V$mutex_sleep_history does not have mutex_identifier
--              column externalized. In this case use X$mutex_sleep_history instead

col msh_obj_name   head OBJECT_NAME for  a80 word_wrap
col msh_mutex_type head MUTEX_TYPE for a15 truncate
col loc   head GET_LOCATION for a33 truncate

col mutexprof_gets   head GETS for 9999999999999
col mutexprof_sleeps head SLEEPS_DIFF for 999999

col mutexprof_p2 head P2 for a16 wrap
col mutexprof_p3 head P3 for a16 wrap
col mutexprof_p4 head P4 for a16 wrap
col mutexprof_p5 head P5 for a20 wrap

col maddr head mutex_addr for a20 wrap


prompt -- MutexProf by Tanel Poder (http://www.tanelpoder.com)
prompt -- Showing profile of top &MSH_NUMROWS sleeps...
prompt -- column info : id idn hash hash_value=>hash_value ts=>sleep_timestamp
prompt --               req=>requesting_session blk=>blocking_session val=>mutex_value maddr=>mutex_addr

select * from (
    select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(o) */
      -- TODO the sleep/get counting needs fixing!
      MAX(sleeps)               max_sleeps
      --sum(sleeps)               sum_sleeps
      --count(*)                sleeps
      , decode(max(sleeps)-min(sleeps),0,to_number(null),max(sleeps)-min(sleeps)) mutexprof_sleeps -- may not be very accurate but give an idea
      --, decode(max(gets)-min(gets),0,to_number(null),max(gets)-min(gets)) mutexprof_gets -- may not be very accurate but give an idea
      --  avg(sleeps)         sleeps
      --, avg(gets)           gets
      , mutex_type          msh_mutex_type
      , &1
      , replace(nvl(decode(kglnaown, null, kglnaobj, kglnaown||'.'||kglnaobj), '(name not found)'),chr(13),'')   msh_obj_name
      --, nvl(decode(kglnaown, null, kglnaobj, kglnaown||'.'||kglnaobj), '(name not found)')   msh_obj_name
      --, p1raw
      --, CASE WHEN p2 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p2) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p2, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END mutexprof_p2
      --, CASE WHEN p3 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p3) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p3, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END mutexprof_p3
      --, CASE WHEN p4 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p4) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p4, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END mutexprof_p4
      --, p5 mutexprof_p5
            mutex_identifier   id
          , mutex_identifier   idn
          , sleep_timestamp    ts
          , mutex_type
          , gets
          , sleeps
          , requesting_session req
          , blocking_session   blk
          , location           loc
          , mutex_value        val
          , mutex_addr         maddr
          , p1
          , p1raw
          , p2
          , p3
          , p4
          , p5
         from x$mutex_sleep_history) m
      , (select kglnahsh, kglnahsh hash_value, kglnahsh hash,
                kglhdpar, kglhdadr, kglnaown, kglnaobj,
                decode(kglnaown, null, kglnaobj, kglnaown||'.'||kglnaobj) object_name,
                decode(kglnaown, null, kglnaobj, kglnaown||'.'||kglnaobj) name
         from x$kglob) o
        m.id = o.kglnahsh (+)
    and (o.kglhdadr = o.kglhdpar or (o.kglhdpar is null)) -- only parent KGL objects if still in cache
    and &2
    group by
      , &1
      , kglnaown
      , kglnaobj
      , p1raw
      --, p5
    order by
        1 desc
       -- sleeps desc
where rownum <= &MSH_NUMROWS

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