[20190416]exclusive latch测试脚本.txt
[20190416]exclusive latch测试脚本.txt
--//昨天做了shared latch的测试脚本,今天完善exclusive latch测试脚本,上个星期的测试我是手工执行的.
http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2641414/ => [20190415]关于shared latch(共享栓锁).txt
http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2641497/ => [20190416]完善shared latch测试脚本2.txt
SYS@book> @ ver1
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
$ cat peek.sh
#! /bib/bash
# 参数如下:latch_name Monitoring_duration
sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<EOF
col laddr new_value laddr
SELECT sysdate,addr laddr FROM v\$latch_parent WHERE NAME='$1';
oradebug setmypid
$(seq $2|xargs -I{} echo -e 'oradebug peek 0x&laddr 8\nhost sleep 1' )
$ cat exclusive_latch.txt
/* 参数如下: @ latch.txt latch_name willing why where sleep_num */
connect / as sysdba
col laddr new_value laddr
SELECT addr laddr FROM v$latch_parent WHERE NAME='&&1';
oradebug setmypid
oradebug call kslgetl 0x&laddr &&2 &&3 &&4
host sleep &&5
oradebug call kslfre 0x&laddr
$ cat latch_free.sql
This file is part of demos for "Contemporary Latch Internals" seminar v.18.09.2010
Andrey S. Nikolaev (Andrey.Nikolaev@rdtex.ru)
This query shows trees of processes currently holding and waiting for latches
Tree output enumerates these processes and latches as following:
Process <PID1>
<latch1 holding by PID1>
<processes waiting for latch1>
<latch2 holding by PID1>
<processes waiting for latch2>
Process <PID2>
set head off
set feedback off
set linesize 120
select sysdate from dual;
select LPAD(' ', (LEVEL - 1) )
||case when latch_holding is null then 'Process '||pid
else 'holding: '||latch_holding||' "'||name||'" lvl='||level#||' whr='||whr||' why='||why ||', SID='||sid
|| case when latch_waiting is not null then ', waiting for: '||latch_waiting||' whr='||whr||' why='||why
end latchtree
from (
/* Latch holders */
select ksuprpid pid,ksuprlat latch_holding, null latch_waiting, to_char(ksuprpid) parent_id, rawtohex(ksuprlat) id,
ksuprsid sid,ksuprllv level#,ksuprlnm name,ksuprlmd mode_,ksulawhy why,ksulawhr whr from x$ksuprlat
union all
/* Latch waiters */
select indx pid,null latch_holding, ksllawat latch_waiting,rawtohex(ksllawat) parent_id,to_char(indx) id,
null,null,null,null,ksllawhy why,ksllawer whr from x$ksupr where ksllawat !='00'
union all
/* The roots of latch trees: processes holding latch but not waiting for latch */
select pid, null, null, null, to_char(pid),null,null,null,null,null,null from (
select distinct ksuprpid pid from x$ksuprlat
select indx pid from x$ksupr where ksllawat !='00')
) latch_op
connect by prior id=parent_id
start with parent_id is null;
--//上个星期测试的是'test excl. parent2 l0',继续拿它测试.
$ cat x1.sh
#! /bin/bash
zdate=$(date '+%H%M%S')
echo $zdate
source peek.sh 'test excl. parent2 l0' 20 | timestamp.pl >| /tmp/peekx_${zdate}.txt &
seq 20 | xargs -I{} echo -e 'sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<< @latch_free\nsleep 1' | bash >| /tmp/latch_freeo_${zdate}.txt &
# 参数如下: @ exclusive_latch.txt latch_name willing why where sleep_num
sqlplus /nolog @ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 1 2 3 6 > /dev/null &
sleep 2
sqlplus /nolog @ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 1 4 5 6 > /dev/null &
sleep 2
sqlplus /nolog @ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 1 6 7 6 > /dev/null &
$ grep -v '^.*: $' /tmp/peekx_111121.txt | cut -c10- | uniq -c
1 ------------------- ----------------
1 2019-04-16 11:11:21 0000000060009978
1 Statement processed.
6 [060009978, 060009980) = 00000023 00000000
6 [060009978, 060009980) = 00000024 00000000
6 [060009978, 060009980) = 00000025 00000000
2 [060009978, 060009980) = 00000000 00000000
--//exclusive latch 是排他的,必须等其释放,其它进程才可以持有.
$ cat x2.sh
#! /bin/bash
zdate=$(date '+%H%M%S')
echo $zdate
source peek.sh 'test excl. parent2 l0' 320 | timestamp.pl >| /tmp/peekx_${zdate}.txt &
seq 320 | xargs -I{} echo -e 'sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<< @latch_free\nsleep 1' | bash >| /tmp/latch_free_${zdate}.txt &
# 参数如下: @ exclusive_latch.txt latch_name willing why where sleep_num
sqlplus /nolog @ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 1 2 3 300 > /dev/null &
sleep 2
sqlplus /nolog @ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 1 4 5 6 > /dev/null &
sleep 2
sqlplus /nolog @ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 1 6 7 6 > /dev/null &
$ . x2.sh
$ pstree -ap
| | |-sqlplus,5545 \040\040\040\040\040\040 @ exclusive_latch.txt test\040excl.\040parent2\040l0 1 2 3 300
| | | |-oracle,5595 (DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)))
| | | `-sleep,5726 300
$ kill -9 5595 5545
$ grep -v '^.*: $' /tmp/peekx_112841.txt | cut -c10- | uniq -c
1 ------------------- ----------------
1 2019-04-16 11:28:42 0000000060009978
1 Statement processed.
107 [060009978, 060009980) = 0000001B 00000000
6 [060009978, 060009980) = 0000001C 00000000
6 [060009978, 060009980) = 0000001E 00000000
201 [060009978, 060009980) = 00000000 00000000
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